The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.
“1798 Commemoration Committee” 413
Abbey Theatre Company 351
Abbey Theatre, Dublin (National Theatre of Ireland) 75, 85, 107, 123, 155, 158, 167, 190, 304, 346, 352, 355, 401
Abercrombie, Professor Patrick 194
Aberdeen, Lord and Lady 194
abortion 291, 292, 335, 336, 364–6
Abyssinia 169
Access and Opportunity (White Paper) 345–6
Action Plan for Irish, 1983–1986, The (Bord na Gaeilge) 341–2
Adams, Gerry 329, 334, 361, 389
Adams, Michael 283, 284
Administration periodical 319
Advisory Committee on Cultural Relations 221
Africa, Irish missionaries in 28
Agricultural Credit Corporation 7
prices 4, 6
employment in 9
size of farms 9
familism 13–14, 15, 16
cooring 15
traditional tools 75
harvest 75–6
hiring fair 76
reduced farm labourers through redundancy 80
tillage 140, 164
change from primary rural society to industrial, urban society 245
Common Agricultural Policy 249–50
Farm Modernization Scheme 251
Ahern, Bertie 370, 373–4, 382, 390, 412
Aidan, St 2
AIDS crisis 367
Airey, Josie 358
alcohol 32–3, 385
Algeria 386
Allied Irish Banks 376
Allt, Peter 215
Amateur Drama Council of Ireland 167
Analecta Hibernica periodical 136
Angel (film) 347
Angela’s Ashes (memoir and film) 404
powerful in Northern Ireland only 8
anxious for security 35
deprived of political and national opportunities 111
and the Catholic Bulletin 52, 53
Russell on Anglo-Irish literature 112
Yeats defends 118–19, 120
collapse seen by Yeats as tragic 121–2
marooned during the Second World War 162
cultural vitality 272
Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985) 333, 334, 359, 361, 388, 391
Anglo-Irish Ascendancy 46, 54, 57, 61, 97, 103, 105, 107, 108–9, 122, 295
Anglo-Irish Free Trade Agreement (1965) 202
Anglo-Irish Treaty (December 6, 1921) xi, 4, 8, 30, 35, 99, 103, 109, 131, 139, 399
Ann Devlin (film) 347
Ansbacher (Cayman) Ltd 375, 377
Antigone (Sophocles) 350
Aosdána 346
Aran Islands 81, 84, 171
Aras an Uachtaráin (The President’s House) 362
Ardagh Chalice 88
Arensberg, C.M. 12, 13, 15, 310
Argentina 29, 328
“Arms Trial, The” 268
Armstrong, Dr John 336
Army Comrades Association (later renamed the National Guard) 150
Arnold, Bruce 86, 87
Arnold, Matthew: On the Study of Celtic Literature 11
art 24, 86–7, 88–9, 125, 135, 147, 195–6, 220–22, 305–7, 427–9
Artane, Dublin 207
Arts Club 105
Arts Council 221, 300, 305, 345, 346, 347, 423
Arts Council of Northern Ireland 300–301, 423
Asia, Irish missionaries in 28
Association of Teachers of English 285
asylum-seekers 386
ATE periodical 285
Athlone 78, 141
broadcasting station 26
Auden, W.H. 215
Irish emigration to 10
attendance at Eucharistic Congress (Dublin, 1932) 29
fertility 75
Ballaghadereen 32
Ballsbridge, Dublin 103, 307
Ballyhaunis 32–3
Banville, John 427
Barber Institute of Fine Arts, University of Birmingham 220
Barry, Sebastian: The Steward of Christendom 403–4
Barton, Ruth 409
Bataille, George 364
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 205
Beckett, Samuel 156, 215, 217, 426
Waiting for Godot 217
beef trade 131, 374–5
Beere, Thekla 248
Behan, Brendan
An Giall (The Hostage) 219
The Quare Fellow 217
Behan, Brian 225
the island’s only real industrial centre 94
Misneach hunger strike 257
Mary Robinson visits 361
Fr Smyth affair 368, 369
loyalist murder gangs in 388
college of art 428
Bell periodical 164, 166, 184, 187–93, 195, 196, 198, 199, 204, 214, 215, 216, 245, 272, 274, 285
Belvedere College, Dublin 283
Benjamin, Walter 155
Bergin, Osborn 43
Berkeley, George 111
Big Houses 99–102, 104, 107–8, 108, 121
Birr, County Offaly 167
birth control 58, 65
see also contraception
Black, Cathal 403
Blackrock College 28
Blair, Tony 390, 411
Blaney, Neil 268
Blasket Islands 81
Blood Transfusion Service Board (BTSB) 379–80
“Bloody Sunday” (Derry, 1972) 268, 326
Blueshirt movement 149, 151–2
Blythe, Ernest 107
Bodkin, Thomas 86
The Report on The Arts in Ireland 220–21
Boland, Eavan 308
“Anna Liffey” 422
Object Lessons – the Life of the Woman and the Poet in Our Time 421
Bolger, Dermot: The Jounrey Home 354
Bolsheviks 93
Book of Durrow 88
Book of Kells 88, 89
Books Ireland periodical 301
Bord na Gaeilge 256
Action Plan for Irish, 1983–1986, The 341
The Irish Language in a Changing Society: Shaping the Future 343–5
Bord na Mona (semi-state enterprises) 164
Borges, Jorge Luis 427
Bothy Band 263
Boundary Commission Report 36
Bowen, Elizabeth 190
The Last September 100–102
Bowen, Kurt 295–6
Bowen’s Court, Co. Cork 100
Boyd, Ernest 69
Brase, Colonel Fritz 198
Breathnach, Brendan 263
Brecht, Bertolt 94
Brighton bombing (1984) 332
imperialism 25
Second World War 159–60
secret contacts with Sinn Féin 387–8
British Army 268, 333
British embassy, Dublin 326
British Empire 25, 399
British-Irish council 391–2, 393
Brody, Hugh: Inishkillane: Change and Decline in the West of Ireland 171, 174
Brooke, Peter 387, 389
Browne, Michael, bishop of Galway 137, 154
Browne, Noel 210–211
Bruton, John 369, 375, 390
Buckingham Palace, London 362
Buntus Cainte television programmes 258
Burke, Edmund 111, 119
Burke, Ray 377
Butcher Boy (film) 402
Byrne, Professor F.J. 279
Cabra, Dublin 207
Campbell, George 222
Campbell, Patrick 165
Irish emigration to 10
attendance at Eucharistic Congress (Dublin, 1932) 29
fertility 74
Canary Wharf bombing, London 490
Cantwell, Eamon ix
Capitol Theatre, Dublin 197
Carleton, William 20–21
Carnegie Libraries’ Trust 63–4, 66
Carr, Marina: The Mai 403
Carroll, Paul Vincent: Shadow and Substance 155
Casey, Most Reverend Eamonn, Bishop of Galway 341, 367
Catholic Action associations 115
Catholic Bulletin ix, 52–3, 61–2
Catholic church see Irish Catholic church
Catholic Revival 24
Catholic Truth Society 59, 63, 115–16, 137
struggle between centralizing party and local forms 17
precisely adapted to Irish social reality 18
and nationalism 18–20, 25
internationalism 25, 28, 29
belief in Ireland’s Christian destiny 25, 26
de Valera and 139
belief and practice dominate daily life 208
modernising influences abroad 232
adaptation to its new environment 286
“Survey of Religious Practice, Attitudes and Belief” 289–90
Roman Catholic social policy and the law 334–5
Constitution amendment campaign 335–9
new social awareness 340–41
and abortion issue 364–5
and science 426
Cavan 97
Cayman Islands 375
celibacy oath 288
Celtic Movement 70
“Celtic Tiger” 381, 419
censorship 184–7, 222–4, 283–4
Censorship Board of Publications 64, 65–6, 85, 120, 136, 184, 185, 186, 222–3, 298
Censorship of Films Act (1923) 30
Censorship of Publications Act (1929) 30, 57–61, 63–7, 117, 119, 120, 137, 222
census (1926) 6, 9, 20, 50, 73, 80, 96
census (1961) 383
census (1971) 246–7
census (2002) 383
Central Bank 230
Central Statistics Office 244
Charles Haughey’s Ireland (film) 358
Charlestown, County Mayo 32, 173
Chekhov, Anton, “Sakhalin Ilsand” 215
Chieftains, The 263
child abuse scandals 367–8, 370–71
Christus Rex periodical (later Social Studies) 244–5, 281, 286, 298
Chubb, Basil 249
general synod 98, 117
cinema 29, 30, 123, 135, 141, 214, 219, 346–7, 402–3, 407–9, 415
City Hall, Belfast 333
Civil Guards 150
civil service 92, 291
Clann na Poblachta 210, 212
Clarke, Austin 70, 112, 114, 125, 301, 303
Night and Morning 216
Pilgrimage 70–71
Clarke, Harry 89
CLÉ (Irish Publishers’ Association) 301
Cleary, Joseph 402–3, 416
Clinton, Bill 387, 390
Club Leabhar, An (a book club) 182
Coffey, Brian 156
Coinage Act (1926) 86
Coiscéim publishing house 342
Cold War 223
Coleman, James 427
Collins, Michael
and dominion status 36
patriot and freedom fighter 71
assurance to the Protestant minority 98
the film Michael Collins 407–9
Collinstown airport 222
Colum, Pádraic 105
Columba, St 23
Columbanus, St 27
Columcille, St 27
Comhairle na Gaeilge 256
Comhaltas Ceoltoírí Eireann 262–3
Comhaltas Uladh 44
Comhar (journal) 182
Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaelige (National Gaelic Congress) 182
Commission on Emigration 199
Commission on the Restoration of the Irish Language 259
Commission on the Status of Women 248, 290
Commitments, The (film) 415
Committee of Enquiry on Evil Literature 58, 60, 64
Committee on Irish Language Attitudes 260–62
Common Agricultural Policy 249–50
Common Market 267, 286–7
Commonwealth 36, 212, 213
Comoradh ’98 414
Congested Districts Board 77
Congo, Democratic Republic of 386
Congress of the International Association of Art Critics (Dublin, 1980) 307
Connacht 97, 199
Connell, K.H. 11
Connolly, Cyril 168
Connolly, James 117
Connolly, Linda 360
Connolly, Fr Peter 283, 4
Connolly, Thurloe 222
Conor, William 86
Conrad, Joseph 34
and the economy 6
social 7, 8, 37
cultural 7, 8
religious 30
political 35
Catholic nationalist 91
lacks any great positive passion 124
deepened in the 1930s 139
Conservative Party 35–6
Constitution (1922) 5
Constitution (1937) 153, 154, 266, 290–91, 294, 327, 359, 365, 366, 372, 388, 397, 398
amendment campaign 335–9
new articles 395–6
consumerism 248, 249
contraception 139, 247, 290, 291, 367
see also birth control
Coogan, Tim Pat 202
Coole Park, Gort, Co. Galway 121
Cooper, Bryan 107
cooring 15
Corcoran, Mary 383, 384–5
Corcoran, Father T., SJ 40–42, 52, 61
Cork 123, 146, 194, 225
college of art 428
Cork Examiner 35
Corkery, Daniel 53–6, 144, 156
influence of his writings 47
narrow exclusivity of mind 48
humanism 53, 54, 55
supports Gaelic revival 53
affected by War of Independence and MacSwiney’s death 53–4
writings become polemical and dogmatic 54
on the Celtic Revival 54
and Irish identity 56
The Hidden Ireland 48, 62, 343
Synge and Anglo-Irish Literature 48, 54, 56
The Threshold of Quiet 53
Corkery, Donald S. 232
Cosgrave, Liam T. 269
Cosgrave, W.T. 64, 107, 109, 130, 132, 134, 138, 151, 154, 165
Costello, J.A. 213, 223
Council for the Status of Women 360
Council of Action 185–6
Council of Europe 212, 269
Council of Ireland 269
Counterpoint (Ulster Television programme) 368
County Cavan 368
County Clare 12–13, 66, 300
Irish speakers 50
Protestant landed families leave 105
during the Second World War 171
County Cork 50
County Donegal 29, 74, 172
County Dublin 200
County Galway 50, 74
County Kerry 29, 50, 74, 77, 167, 251–2, 299, 358
County Kildare 245, 384
County Leitrim 174
County Limerick 300
County Mayo 50, 74, 138, 173, 357
County Meath 245, 384
County Monaghan 13, 347
County Sligo 74
County Waterford 50
County Wexford 413, 414
County Wicklow 245, 384
Crane Bag journal 348–50, 361
Cranmer, Thomas 117
Crawford Municipal Art Gallery, Cork 428
Criminal Assets Bureau 385
Croke Park, Dublin 386
Cromwell, Oliver 82
Cronin, Anthony 215, 346
Dead as Doornails 225
Cross of Cong 88
Cross, Eric: The Tailor and Ansty 184, 185
Cruise O’Brien, Conor 191, 270–76, 278
States of Ireland 270, 273
Crumlin, Dublin 194, 207
Cuchulain 70, 71, 72, 145
Cullen, Louis
An Economic History of Ireland Since 1660 279
Life in Ireland 279
Cullen, Cardinal Paul 17
cultural history xi, xii
cultural protectionism 58, 59, 60, 122, 139
Cumann le Béaloideas Eireann, An 136
Cumann na nGaedheal
state intervention 7
supported by the press and the church 34
attitude of 35–6, 129
dissolved 149
and Fine Gael 149, 150
and O’Duffy 151
as the Commonwealth party 213
Currie, Austin 359
Cusack, Cyril 217
Dáil Eireann 106, 107
first meeting 38
and the censorship bill 64, 65
adopts the Democratic Programme 92
Fianna Fáil’s entry (1927) 92
debates Mayo Library Committee incident 138
and neutrality policy 160
de Valera and Cosgrave shake hands 165
censorship debate 284
Dalkey, Dublin 296
Daly, Bishop Cahal 337
Danes 45, 46
Dante Alighieri: Divine Comedy 114
Davie, Donald 215
Davis, Thomas 109
Davitt, Michael 342
de Fréine, Seán: The Great Silence 264
de Paor, Liam 203, 264, 278
de Valera, Eamon 142, 143, 183, 357, 407
founds Fianna Fáil (1926) 36
accepts opposition role for Fianna Fáil (1927) 36
espouses rural civilization 85
founds the Irish Press 129–30
and the Mayo Library Committee incident 138
comes to power (1932) 130, 149
president of the League of Nations Council 169
economic nationalism 130–34, 147
snap election (1933) 132, 149–50
speech refers to Ireland’s Christian destiny 26–7
and Catholic morality 139
Gaelic Eden 146
naive, direct idealism 147
urges an Irish self-sufficiency 148
refuses to initiate a spoils system 150
attitude to the Spanish Civil War 169
past association with militant republicanism 151
Constitution of 1937 153, 154
‘deep, spiritual certainty’ 159
during the Second World War 160, 165
retires from parliamentary politics 202
stern premiership 253
appointed president 202
Lemass succeeds 229
Deane, Seamus 147, 309–310, 311, 350–51, 406
The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing (ed.) 417, 420
Reading in the Dark 404
Delanty, Greg 362
Democratic Left 369
Democratic Programme 92
Democratic Unionist Party 390
Denmark 74, 110
Department of Agriculture 164
Department of Education 43, 178, 236, 237, 241, 242, 280, 292
Department of Foreign Affairs 332
Department of Industry and Commerce enquiry (2002) 377
Department of the Taoiseach 413
Derrig, Thomas 134, 135
Derry 78, 268, 343, 349
Devane, Father R.D., SJ 59–60, 61
Devlin, Denis 156
Dickinson, P.L. 105–6
The Dublin of Yesterday 105
Dillon, Gerard 220
Dillon, James 161
Directory of Writers, 1978/9 301
division of labour 13–14
divorce 30, 117, 337, 338, 372
Doctrine and Life periodical 244–5, 281, 286
Dodds, Luke 410–411
Doherty, Seán 363
Dolmen Press 301
domestic servants 79–80
Dominican Order 59
dominion status 36
Donegal 97
Donne, John 166
Donoghue, Denis 215, 216
“The Future of Irish Music” 216
Dorgan, Theo 343
Dowden, Edward 118
Dowling, John A. 286
Downey, James 252–3
dowry 16
Doyle, Roddy: The Commitments 354, 415
Drimnagh 194
drug abuse 385
Druid Theatre, Galway 347, 352
Drumcondra, Dublin 6
Dublin 123, 400
poor housing 6, 7, 194
overcrowding 6
infant mortality 6
Dublin Civic Week (1929) 24
centenary of Catholic
Emancipation (1929) 28, 117
Eucharistic Congress (1932) 24, 28–9, 150
slums 49, 113
revolutionary working-class consciousness 93
Nicolson visits 159
Second World War 164–5
population 200, 207, 245, 383–4
social life 206
transformation of 206–7
emigration from 225
protest march of PAYE workers (1979) 252
Elizabethan in atmosphere and expectation 253
Misneach hunger strike 257
crime rate 317
drug abuse 317–18
college of art 428
Dublin, Archbishop of 223
Dublin Castle 124, 325
St Patrick’s Hall 28
Dublin City University 244
Dublin County 50
Dublin County Borough 50
Dublin International Theatre Festival 217, 224
Dublin Magazine 155, 214
Dublin Opinion 130, 192, 202
Dublin Philharmonic Society 198
Dublin Project Arts Centre 304
Dublin Theatre Festival 304
Dublin Town Plan 194
Dudley Edwards, Ruth 408
Dukes, Alan 353–4
Dun Emer Guild 88
Dún Laoghaire 102, 200
Dundalk, County Louth 78, 167
Dunne, Ben 375
Dunne, Tom 414–15
Dunnes Stores chain 375
Durcan, Paul: Going Home to Russia 350
Düsseldorf 223
Easter Rising (1916) 3, 4, 38, 72, 113, 124, 256, 274–7, 406, 407, 409, 410
Eastern Europe: collapse of communism 387
Eat the Peach (film) 347
Economic Development (White Paper) 229
Economic and Social Research Institute 244
Economic and Social Review 244
stagnation in first years of the Free State 4–5, 30
decline in exports (1930s) 129, 131–2, 164
economic nationalism 130–34, 139, 147, 154, 209
economic growth 200, 202, 206, 230
balance of payments crises 200
economic revival 229–53, 255
black economy 379
economic resurrection x, xii, 381–6, 399
consumption statistics 383
euro adopted (1999) 386
of the workers 3, 4
for the professions 16
at ecclesiastical colleges 20–23
lack of bookshops in Ireland 32
gaelization of 13–15, 38, 39–43, 123, 124–5, 176–9
hedge schools 41
in the 1960s and 1970s 236–44
demand for multidenominational primary education 296
Investment in Education report (1966) 237–9
Edwards, Hilton 155
EEC (European Economic Community) 176, 235, 251, 270
Ireland’s first application 202
Ireland enters (1973) 249, 268
and Argentina 328
Electricity Supply Board 7
Elizabeth II, Queen 362
Emergency Powers Order 164–5
emigration 31, 33, 74
a massive haemorrhage 9
statistics 10
and the Famine 12
into the towns or cities 15, 16
of craftspeople 15
and Irish language 51, 218
in the 1930s 140
during the Second World War 173
major decline in rural population 174
postwar 199–200, 205
internal 205
of the young 353, 362
reduction in (1990s) 383
Emmet, Robert 119, 326
Employment Equality Act (1977) 291
England, Irish emigration to 10
England and Wales, fertility in 75
Enlightenment 57
Ennis, County Clare 66, 191
Ennis, Seamus 261
Enniscorthy 33
Enniskillen Remembrance Day massacre (November 1987) 333, 334
Envoy 214, 215, 221–2, 285, 306
“epochalism” 169, 170
Eucharist Congress (Dublin, 1932) 24, 28–9, 150
euro, the 386
European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg 269, 358, 372
European Cup 386
European Recovery Fund 212
European Regional Fund 347
European Single Market 382
European Union 358, 382, 399
Eurovision Song contest 400
External Relations Act (1948) 212
Fáinne an Lae (The Dawning of the Day) 52
Falklands/Malvinas war 327–8
Fallon, Peter 301
familism 13–14, 15
family, the 247–8, 373
Family Solidarity 338
“Faminism” 411
Fanon, Frantz 416
Farm Modernization Scheme 251
farming see agriculture
Farrell, Michael 166–7
fascism 150
Feasta 182
feminism 359, 360, 420
Fennell, Desmond 223
The State of the Nation: Ireland Since the Sixties 318–19
Ferenka mechanical engineering plant, Limerick 317
Ferguson, Samuel: Congal 70
fertility 74–5, 247
Fianna Fáil
founded by de Valera (1926) 36
opposition role 36
entry to the Dáil (1927) 92
in competition with Labour 94
Irish Press its journalistic organ 129–30
support from small farmers 133
not keen for fundamental changes 140
and the IRA 150
surrenders power to coalition governments 209
aims of 266
and the EEC 268–9
and contraception 291, 292
comes to power (1977) 315
bipartisan approach 324–5
New Ireland Forum 329, 330
and the Anglo-Irish Agreement 334
and the amendment debate 336
and FitzGerald 338
returned to power (1987) 353
and the presidency of Ireland 359
Field Day Theatre Company 349, 350, 351, 361, 405, 417, 419, 420–21
Fiji islands 29
Finance Act (1984) 347
Fine Gael 353
origin of 149
O’Duffy becomes president 150
Dillon resigns 161
and the Irish language 256
in power in coalition with the Labour Party 256, 276, 315
and the EEC 269
New Ireland Forum 329
and the amendment debate 336
coalition with Labour and Democratic Left 369
First Programme for Economic Expansion 229, 230
First World War 4, 25, 96, 105, 107
FitzGerald, Desmond 222
FitzGerald, Garret 294, 326, 327, 332, 336, 338, 373
Towards a New Ireland 294
Fleadh Ceoil 263
Flood, Mr. Justice Feargus 377
Flood Tribunal 377–8
Fogarty, Anne 422
Foley, Dermot 66–7, 191
Folklore Society 136
Foster, John Wilson 81, 426
Foster, John Wilson, ed.: Nature in Ireland: A Scientific and Cultural History 425, 426
Foster, Roy 405, 411
Modern Ireland 405
“We Are All Revisionists Now” 405
fall of 160
clergy 287
France, Anatole 32
free trade 6, 131, 134
Free Trade Agreement 267
Freemasonry 61
French Revolution 10
Friel, Brian 305, 308, 350, 402
Dancing at Lughnasa 355–6, 403
Translations 343, 348, 349, 355
Furrow periodical 244–5, 281, 282, 286, 370
Fussell, Paul: The Great War and Modern Memory 70
Gael-Linn 182, 219
Gaelic Athletic Association 386
Gaelic League 50, 143, 264
founded (1893) 38, 81
a nursery for active members of Sinn Féin and the Irish Volunteers 38
decline in membership (1920s) 43–4
propaganda 46
and humanism 49
ideology flies in the face of social reality 51
protests about non-Irish speaking academics 177
INTO attacked 179
annual festivals 262
transformed by Pearse 275
Gaelic Revival 189, 191
enthusiasm for 19
Corkery espouses 53
proponents lack a social programme 57
an expression of a conservatism of mind 57
and the Protestant minority 95
Yeats and revival policy 120
espoused in a modern urban manner 180
see also Irish language
Gaeltacht Commission 51, 81, 171
Gaeltacht (Irish-speaking areas) 39, 43, 51, 177, 260, 261, 423
fior-Gaeltacht 50–51
breac-Gaeltacht 51
a main locus of Irish cultural aspiration 81
literary studies 82–4
enters a period of almost fatal decline 183
in crisis 164, 255, 256
civil rights demands 257
diminishing 262
Gaeltarra Éireann 256
Gaiety Theatre, Dublin 217
Gallagher, Patrick 172
Gallery Press 301
Galvin, Patrick 214
Galway 78, 123, 125, 246, 347, 384
public library board 63
Gate Theatre, Dublin 125, 155, 166, 304
Geddes, Patrick 194
Geertz, Clifford 170
“After the Revolution: The Fate of Nationalism in the New States” 169
Geldof, Bob 341
General Post Office, Dublin 72
Geoghegan-Quinn, Máire 357
Georgian Society 105
Hitler’s reconstruction of 160
Second World War 159
reunification 358
Gibbons, Luke 403
Gill, Richard 121–2
Gill paperback History of Ireland series 279
Gogarty, James 377
Gogarty, Oliver St John 61, 64
Goldsmith, Oliver 111
Good Friday Agreement (1998) 387, 390–94, 412, 419
Goodman International 374
Government of Ireland Act 103
Graduates’ Association of the National University of Ireland 284
Graham, Colin 417
Grattan, Henry 119
Greacen, Robert 214
Great Depression 129, 140
Great Famine (1845–8) 9–12, 19, 31, 99, 100, 171, 175, 216, 410–411, 412, 415
Greene, David 264
Gregory, Lady Augusta 64, 70, 112, 121
Journal 273
Grene, Nicholas 404
The Politics of Irish Drama 352
Greystones 97
Guerin, Veronica 385
Gúm, An 85
Guthrie, Sir Tyrone 347
Gwynn, Dr E.J. 104
Gwynn, Stephen 32
H-block hunger strike, Long Kesh (the Maze Prison) 326, 328
Hall, Radclyffe: Well of Loneliness 65
Hamilton, Hugo: Bad Bastard 424
Hamilton, Mr. Justice Liam 374, 375
Hamilton, Sir William Rowan 111
Hammond, David 349
Hanafin, Patrick 397
Hanlon, Jack 220
Harmon, Maurice 304
Hartnett, Michael 423
A Farewell to English 265–6
Haughey, Charles 328, 374, 382
dismissed from Lynch’s cabinet 268
and the Arts Council
first becomes Taoiseach 324
and partition issue 325–6
and FitzGerald 327, 332
returned as Taoiseach 327
opposes Anglo-Irish Agreement 334, 359
amendment debate 336
and the arts 346, 347
cuts in public expenditure 353, 356–7
and Dublin as an international finance centre 354
alliance with PDs 357, 362
personality 357–8
resigns over a wiretapping scandal (1992) 362–3
his financial affairs 375–7
and the unions 382
Reynolds succeeds 387
The Spirit of the Nation 378
Hayden, Mary and Moonan, George A.: A Short History of the Irish People 280
Healy, Dermot: The Bend for Home 404
Healy, John 166, 234
The Death of an Irish Town 173
Healy, Michael 89
Heaney, Seamus 273, 349, 386, 394–5
The Government of the Tongue 350
Hederman, Mark Patrick 340, 349
Heffernan, Margaret 375
Hempel, Dr Edouard 160
Henry, Paul 86, 87
“Errigal Co. Denogal” 87
hepatitis C virus 379, 380
Heritage of Ireland, The (RTE television series) 280
Hermathena 104
Heron, Hilary 222
Hewitt, John 191
Hibernia 215, 223
Hiberno-Romanesque period 88
Higgins, F.R. 112, 114
High Court 365
Higher Education Authority 425
Hillery, Patrick 359
Hillsborough Castle, near Belfast 333
historiographical revolution 278–80
Hitler, Adolf 160
HIV 380
Hogan, Professor James 151
Holocaust 370
homosexuality 339, 358, 372
Honan Hostel Chapel, Cork 24
Hone, Evie 89, 195, 220
Hopkins, Gerard Manley 6
Horgan, J.J. 65
Horizon 168
housing 123–4
slum tenements in Dublin 6
overcrowding 6, 73–4
Congested Districts Board 77
expansion and conversion of houses 77
house-building 132, 140, 384
functionalist private housing 222
detached 248
rocketing house prices 384
Housing Act (1932) 132
Howe, Stephen 418
Hugh Lane Municipal Gallery of Modern Art, Dublin 306, 428
Human Life is Sacred pastoral letter 292
Humanae Vitae papal encyclical 247, 290
humanism 49, 53, 54, 57, 197
Hume, John 329, 330, 334, 389, 391, 411
Humphreys, A.J. 247
New Dubliners: Urbanization and the Irish Family 207–8
Hutchinson, Pearse 214
Huxley, Aldous: Point Counter Point 65
Hyde, Douglas 47, 112, 265, 359
speech at the Mansion House (1926) 81–2
speech on ‘The Necessity for De-Anglicizing Ireland’ 44–6
immigration 385–6, 423, 424
Inchicore, Dublin 207
indenture 15, 16
Irish immigrants 10
attendance at Eucharistic Congress (Dublin, 1932) 29
Industrial Development Authority 381–2
industrialization 247, 248
industry 93–4, 132–3
Inglis, Brian: West Briton 102–3
Inglis, Tom 372
Moral Monopoly: The Rise and Fall of the Catholic Church in Modern Ireland 371
Inniu (Today) periodical 182
Innti (poetry periodical) 342
Institute of Public Administration: Unequal Achievement: The Irish Experience 319
International Monetary Fund 353
Investment in Education report (1966) 237–9
Iona Technologies 386
neutrality in Second World War 159, 160, 161, 163–4, 167, 203, 204, 212
Irish volunteers in British armed forces 161
compulsory tillage policy 164
de Valera and Cosgrave bury the Civil War hatchet (1939) 165
atavistic conviction 170–71
enters the EEC (1973) 176–7
admitted to the United Nations (1955)212
population increase 245–6
Pope’s visit (1979) 293, 335
referendum (1972) 294
net foreign debt 316–17
national debt 353
cuts in expenditure 353–4
presidency of the European Union 358
tax amnesty 378
black economy 379
booming economy 381–5
becomes a commuter society 383–4
immigration 385–6, 423, 424
Ireland Today 157
Iremonger, Valentin 214
Irish Academy of Letters 120
Irish Association of Civil Liberties 223
Irish Catholic church
Jansenistic puritanism 10, 16
political conflict 17
devotional revolution 17–18, 19
lack of interest in artistic and cultural activity 23–4
Irish attachment to 24–5, 29
preaches a restrictive sexual morality 29
attitude to media 29, 30
manpower problems 287–9, 372
and products of mixed marriages 295
crises x, 364–73, 374, 381
church attendance 372
Irish Civil War (June 1922-April 1923) 4, 18, 30, 36, 66, 70, 71, 85, 105, 108, 151, 168, 194, 233, 360, 403, 407
Irish Coinage Committee 86
Irish Congress of Trade Unions 93
Irish cooperative movement 22
Irish Family League 291
Irish Family Planning Association 291
Irish Film Board 346, 407
Irish Financial Services Centre 354
Irish Folklore Commission 136
Irish Folklore Institute 136
Irish Free State
inherits stagnant economic conditions 4
lack of ambition 4, 8
mediocre dullness of 72
joins the League of Nations (1923) 169
domination of Catholic nationalist conservatism 91
Protestant minority in 96–7
election of 1932 129
Irish Free State Act (1922) 5
Irish Free State Official Handbook 87
Irish Government
and the Boundary Commission Report 36
signatory to Tripartite Agreement (1925) 36–7
power-base 37
commitment to language revival 37, 38–9, 44, 85
contains members of the Gaelic League 38
prosecutes the Irish Press 129–30
Irish Historical Studies periodical 136, 278
Irish Home Rule 95, 96, 412
Irish identity 69, 142, 281, 398, 400
Irish Independent 24, 28, 35, 184–5, 248
Irish Ireland movement 44, 48, 272
ideology flies in face of social reality 51
lack of a real social programme 57
Irish language revival attempt 57
and Ireland’s European uniqueness 57–8
cultural protectionism 58, 59
and censorship 58, 63
and ideological warfare 61
cultural exclusivism 63
and the term Anglo-Irish 95
propagandist outspokenness 96
vision of an unbroken Irish tradition 143–4
Irish Labour Party 359
chooses not to contest elections of 1918 and 1921 92
on sidelines of Irish politics 92
policies and approaches (1920s) 93
precarious hold on Irish life in the Free State 93
in competition with Fianna Fáil 94
and de Valera’s narrow majority 130, 149
in power in coalition with Fine Gael 256, 276, 315
New Ireland Forum 329
resurgence 363
coalition with Fine Gael and Democratic Left 369
Irish language 399
protracted decline 19, 94, 218
efforts made on its behalf 20, 197
government commitment to language revival 37, 38–9, 44, 85
gaelicization of education 13–15, 38, 39–43, 123, 124–5, 176–9
MacNeill’s involvement 40
Corcoran’s influence 40–41
decline in Gaelic League membership 43–4
encouraged by Comhaltas Uladh in Ulster 44
dialects 49
statistics 50–51
a new orthodoxy 96
Russell on 110
ambivalent attitude to 171
growth of urban-based language organizations 180
O’Nolan a gifted apologist 182
Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Use of Irish as a Teaching Medium 178
new activism 182, 219
watershed in its fortunes 182
changing attitude to its revival 182–3
crisis of the 1940s 183–4
lowering standards among pupils 244
government commission 255–6
White Paper (1965) 255, 259, 260, 300
removal of a necessary pass in Leaving Certificate Irish 256–7
and television 258–9
Committee on Irish Language Attitudes 260–62
Bord na Gaelige’s aim 341–2
Irish Language in a Changing Society, The: Shaping the Future 343–5
report of 2003 423
see also Gaelic Revival
Irish Literary Theatre 155
Irish Manuscript Commission 136
Irish Medical Association 211
Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin 347, 427
Irish National Teachers’ Organization (INTO) 41, 134, 135, 177–9, 243
Irish Press 129–30, 270, 301–2
Irish Rebellion (1798) 271
Irish Republican Army (IRA) 218, 276, 408
threat to the new institutions of the state 36
and Fianna Fáil 150
and de Valera 151
recurrent violence 154
relations with Germany during “the Emergency” 160, 166
campaign against Northern Ireland (1950s) 213
Brighton bombing (1984) 332
imports armaments from Libya 334
attacks on economic targets in London (1990s) 388
assaults on the centres of “Protestant” towns 388
“complete cessation” of military campaign (1994) 390, 394–5
Canary Wharf bombing (1996) 390
Good Friday Agreement (1998) 392
decommissioning issue 392, 393
Irish Republican Brotherhood 412
Irish Review 405
Irish Rosary, The (Dominican magazine) 60
Irish society
self-questioning phase x
sense of national identity xi
a post-colonial society xi
social composition 7–8
predominantly rural 8, 9
strictly hierarchical 14
sociological studies of 245
Irish Statesman 24, 31, 40, 62, 64–5, 84, 108, 109, 111, 117–18, 189, 215, 272, 285, 425
Irish Times 35, 137, 184, 190, 198, 234, 246, 247, 252, 270, 349, 378, 425
Irish Unionist Alliance 106
Irish University Review 285
Irish Vigilance Association 59, 60, 63
Irish Volunteers 38
Irish Women’s Liberation Movement 248
Irish Writing 214, 215
Island Golf Club 102
Italy 150, 169
Jameson, Andrew 106, 107
Jansenists 10, 16
Jeffares, Professor A.N. 284
Jellett, Mainie 195, 220
Jervis Street Hospital, Dublin 317–18
Johnson, Thomas 93, 94
Johnston, Denis: The Old Lady Says “No!” 113
Joint Declaration (1993) 389–90
Jordan, Neil 402, 407
Joyce, C.J. 137
Joyce, James 61, 113, 147, 215, 216, 283, 306, 422
Bloomsday (dramatic realization of Ulysses) 217
Dubliners 207
Finnegans Wake 114, 156
Ulysses 207, 426
Kavanagh, Patrick 157, 181, 196, 197, 201, 216–17, 225, 303
The Green Fool 13
“Lough Derg” 162
Kavanagh, Peter 165
Kavanagh’s Weekly 201
Keane, Senator Sir John 185
Kearney, Richard 348–9, 350
Kelleher, John V. 229
Kelly, Reverend John C., SJ 284
“The Modern Novels and Christian Values” 283
Kelvin, Baron 111
Kennedy, Mary 291
Kennelly, Brendan
Cromwell 351, 352
“Westland Row” 225–6
Kenner, Hugh 215
Kenny, Mary 370–72
Keogh, Dáire and Furlong, Nicholas, eds: The Mighty Wave: the 1798 Rebellion in County Wexford 413
Keohane, Patrick 61
Kevin, Neil (Don Boyne) 78–9
Kiberd, Declan 397–8
Inventing Ireland 416
Kiely, Benedict 214
Kildare Street Club 107
Killarney 167
Kilmore, bishop of 137
Kilroy, Thomas 308, 350
Kimball, S.T. 12, 13, 15, 310
King James Bible 117
Kingstown see Dún Laoghaire
Kinsella, Thomas 214, 301, 303
Dunaire, An, Poems of the Dispossessed 343
Nightwalker 308
Kirby, Peadar: Is Irish Catholicism Dying? 340
Knight, Susan: Where the Grass is Greener: Voices of Immigrant Women in Ireland 424
Knights of Columbanus 143, 338
Korea (film) 403
subdivision 11–12
reform 11
church investment in 18
Land League 157
Land War (1879–82) 9, 11, 19
Lane, Hugh 428
Larkin, Celia 374
Larkin, James 92
Latin America 340
Lavin, Mary 146
le Brocquy, Louis 195, 222
Leader newspaper 46, 52, 162, 165, 166, 173, 177
League of Nations 58
Lee, Joseph 234–5, 319, 353
Leinster 13, 199
Leinster House, Dublin 102
Lemass, Seán 154, 202, 209, 229, 230–31, 234–5, 266, 267, 268, 318
Lenihan, Brian 284, 359, 360
Leo XII, Pope: Rerum Novarum 148
Leonard, Hugh 235, 304
Leonardo da Vinci 114
Libya 334, 386
“Liffey sound” 352
Limerick 78, 194, 317, 404
college of art 428
Lindsay Tribunal report 380
Listowel Writers Week, County Kerry 302
Literary Revival 87, 115, 123, 284, 302
Corkery and 54
literary and cultural activity 69
image of Ireland as a rural nation 72
Russell and 111, 112, 113
literature 32, 125
heroic vision 70–72
realism 70, 113
a vision of rustic dignity and virtue 72–3
literary studies of the western island and the Gaeltacht 82–5
novels using the Big House as a metaphor 99–102
Russell and 111, 112, 113
banned books 136–8
O’Faoláin 142–7
Irish writers escape to Paris 155–6
during the Second World War 161–3
evokes Irish lack of vitality 201
new literary periodicals 214–16
iconoclasm 215–16
improvements in the 1960s and ’70s 300–311
profuse creativity of poetry 342–3
Dublin realism 354
post-modern 401
works of recollection (1990s) 404
post-colonialism 415–18
literary experimentalism 426–7
Little, Paddy 197
Live Aid concert, London 341
Living Art Exhibition 195, 220, 305
Loan Exhibition of Modern Continental Painting 195–6
London blitz 161
Long Kesh (The Maze Prison) 326
Longford 166
“Lord of the Dance” 400
Loughrea Cathedral 24
Lucan, Dublin 384
Lucey, Dr Cornelius 211
Lugh Lamh Fada (Lugh of the Long Hand) 71
Lynch, Jack 268, 315, 324, 325
Lyons, F.S.L. 132
Ireland Since the Famine 279
Maastricht Treaty 366
Mac Reamoinn, Seán 263
McAleese, Mary 380
McBride, Ian 412
MacBride, Seán 212–13
McCabe, Patrick: The Butcher Boy 401, 402
McCarthy, Charles 236–7
McClelland, Professor David C. 235
McCole, Brigid 380
McCormack, Count John 29
McCourt, Frank: Angela’s Ashes 404
McCracken, Mr. Justice 376
McCracken Tribunal 375, 376
McCreevy, Charlie 382
McDermott, Philip 301
McDonagh, Father Enda 370
McDonagh, Martin: The Leenane Trilogy 401–2
MacDonagh, Oliver 5, 8, 230, 233
MacEntee, Seán 131
McGahern, John 402
McGee, Mary 358
MacGonigal, Maurice 86, 87
MacGreevy, Thomas 114, 156
McGuinness, Frank 403
Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme 351–2
McGuinness, Martin 393
McGuinness, Norah 195
McHugh, Professor Roger 284
MacInerny, Reverend M.H., OP 60
McKenna, Siobhán 352
MacLiammóir, Micheál 123, 125, 155
MacNeice, Louis 161–2
MacNeill, Professor Eoin 38, 40, 47–8, 56, 104
McQuaid, Archbishop John Charles 209, 217–18
Macra na Feirme 250
MacSharry, Ray 353, 381
MacSwiney, Terence 53–4
Magee, Mary 291, 292
Magennis, Senator Professor William 185, 186
Mahaffy, John Pentland 103, 105
Mahon, Derek 401
Major, John 387
Malahide 102
Malta 29
Mandelstam, Osip 350
Manning, Maurice 151
Mansion House, Dublin 81, 197, 223
Marcus, David 214, 219, 301
Markievicz, Constance 142
Marley Grange Dublin 296
high average age 9, 74
premarital chastity 9
large numbers of unmarried persons 9–10, 74, 140
reasons for marital abstemiousness 10–11, 17
and land 11
early 11, 247–8
matchmaker 14
marriage rate 247, 318
sex before marriage issue 289–90
contraception in 291
marital breakdown 292, 373–4
products of mixed marriages 295
Martin, Professor F.X. 279
Martyn, Edward 89, 155
Maunsel and Roberts Ltd. 112, 301
Maynooth College, County Kildare (St Patrick’s College and Seminary) 20–22, 25–6
Synod decree 287–8
Mayo Library Committee 138
Meehan, Father Denis 231 “An Essay in Self-Criticism” 281
Mercier, Professor Vivian 191, 215, 284
Merriman, Brian: The Midnight Court 120
Merriman Summer School, County Clare 302
Metcalfe, Percy 86
Mhac an tSaoi, Máire 342
Michael Collins (film) 407–9
Michael Scott and Partners 222
Microbe, The – a Rural Tragedy 173
Middleton, Colin 220, 222
Midleton, Lord 106, 107
Milan 333
Miller, Liam 301
Milligan, Alice: “The Return of Lugh Lamh Fada” 71
Milton, John 119
Ministry for Irish 38
Mise Eire (I am Ireland) column 192
Mise Eire (I am Ireland) (film) 219
Misneach (Courage) 257
missionaries 27, 28
Mitchel, John 109
Mitchell, George 390
Modernism 195, 222, 426–7
modernization xii, 203, 245, 249, 251
Mohill 33
Monaghan 97
Montague, John 214, 215–16, 301, 308, 423
The Rough Field 308
“The Sheltered Edge” 201
Moody, Professor T.W. 279, 351
Moonan, George A. 280
Moore, Chris 368
Moran, D.P.
editor of the Leader 46, 52, 62, 63
and cultural revival 47
and Irish identity 56
The Philosophy of Irish Ireland 46, 55
Morash, Christopher 402
Morning Post 99
Morrison, Danny 328
Muintir na Tire (People of the Land) 148–9
Muldoon, Paul 423
Mulhern, Francis 417
multi-culturalism 423–4
Munster 13, 55, 97, 156, 199
Murphy, Annie 367
Murphy, John A. 273, 277
Murphy, Thomas 305
Bailegangaire 352
Murphy, Tom 403
Murray, Christopher 305
Murray, Peter 428
music 123, 135, 196–7, 216, 262–3
Mussolini, Benito 151
mythology 11, 112
Nabokov, Vladimir 427
National Board of Education 41
National College of Art and Design 347
National Conference of Priests of Ireland (1983) 340
National Development, 1977–1980 (White Paper) 315
National Farmers’ Association 250
National Gallery, Dublin 135, 220
National Guard 149, 150
National Institute of Higher Education, Limerick 244
National Museum of Ireland 88, 89, 307
National Schools 236–43, 256, 258, 274, 289
gaelicized 38, 40, 41, 42, 49, 177–8, 218
religious curriculum 292
National Theatre Company see Abbey Theatre
National Theatre of Ireland see Abbey Theatre, Dublin
National University of Ireland 16, 177
National Women’s Council 360
and Catholicism 18–20, 25, 122
de Valera on 27
gains momentum 81
Protestant reactions to 95
republican strand in 98
and music 123
defined by a respect for democratic rights for all 395
anti-British 407
and science 426
NATO 212, 269, 387
Neeson, Liam 408
New Age Celticism 40
New Dubliners 208
New Expressionism 427
New Ireland Forum 330, 337, 338
New Ireland Forum Report 330–34
New Ross 414
New Zealand
Irish emigration to 10
attendance at Eucharistic Congress (Dublin, 1932) 29
Newman, Monsignor Jeremiah, Bishop of Limerick 286–7, 290
Ní Dhomhaill, Nuala 423
Nice Treaty 393–4
Nicolson, Harold 159, 162
Nigeria 386
Nobel Prize for Literature 61–2, 386, 426
Norbertine Order 368
Normans 45, 46
Norris, Senator David 339, 358, 372
North Tipperary 300
North-South ministerial council 391, 393
Northern Ireland 347–8
Episcopalian Anglo-Ireland 8
fertility 74
Second World War 159
IRA’s violent campaign of the 1950s 213
upsurge of violence (1970s) 267–8
duration of Northern Ireland Assembly 392–3
returns to direct rule from Westminster 393
Northern Ireland Assembly 330, 391, 392–3
Northern Irish Arts Council 347
Norway 10
O Cadhain, Máirtín 219
Cré na Cille (The Graveyard Earth) 219–20
O Conaire, Pádraic 83
O Conluain, Proinsias 263
O Criomhthain, Tomás: An tOileánach (The Islandman) 84–5
O Direáin, Máirtin 219
O Gadhra, Nollaig 257
O hÉigeartaigh, Seán 219
O Riada, Seán 219, 263
O Riordáin, Seán 219
O Tuairisc, Máirtín 257
O Tuama, Seán 220, 264, 343
O Tuathaigh, Gearóid 257
O’Briain, Colm 346
O’Brien, Edna
The Country Girls 206
The Lonely Girl 206
O’Brien, Flann (Brian O’Nolan) 180–82
At Swim-Two-Birds 180
An Béal Bocht (The Poor Mouth) (as Myles na gCopaleen) 180–81
see also O’Nolan, Brian
O’Brien, Kate: The Land of Spices 184–5
O’Casey, Sean 32, 94, 95, 113
The Bishop’s Bonfire 217
The Drums of Father Ned 217
The Plough and the Stars 114
O’Connell, Daniel 46, 144–5, 188, 272
O’Connell, Michael 373
O’Connor, Frank 113, 142, 146, 157
O’Connor, Kevin 253
O’Doherty, E.F. 254
O’Donnell, Donat see O’Brien, Conor Cruise
O’Donnell, Peadar 216
Adrigoole 83
Islanders 83, 172
O’Donovan, Gerald 23
Father Ralph 21–2
Vocations 22
O’Duffy, General Eoin 150, 151
O’Faolain, Nuala: Are You Somebody?: The Life and Times of Nuala O’Faolain 404
O’Faoláin, Seán 157, 199, 272, 273, 274, 299
birth and early life 143
on his introduction to the western island 82–3
Gaelic League 143
Tierney’s comments 145–6
and the Bell 187–91, 193
Bird Alone 184
An Irish Journey 163
King of the Beggars 144–5, 188
Vive Moi! 143
Official State Handbook 88–9
O’Flaherty, Liam 112, 113–14, 142
The Informer 113
The Puritan 120
Thy Neighbour’s Wife 83
O’Grady, Standish, Viscount Guillamore 70, 72, 112
O’Hagan, John and Duffy, Christopher: The Performing Arts and the Public Purse 346
O’Hegarty, P.S. 71
O’Higgins, Kevin 33, 36, 59–60
O’Higgins, Supreme Court Justice T.F. 339
oil crisis (1974–75) 251
Oireachtas (Parliament) 372, 385
Seanad Eireann (Senate) 98, 106, 119, 153, 185, 186, 358
O’Kelly, Seumas 83
O’Leary, Michael 386
Omagh bombing (1998) 395
O’Malley, Desmond 374
O’Malley, Donough 240
O’Neill, Daniel 220, 222
O’Neill, Joseph 197
O’Neill, Seorsamh 62–3
O’Neill, Terence 267
O’Nolan, Brian 225
“Cruiskeen Lawn” column (Irish Times) 192
see also O’Brien, Flann
Opus Dei 338
O’Rahilly, Professor Alfred 149
Orange Order 97
O’Reilly, Emily 365
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 237, 381
O’Sullivan, Sean 86, 87
O’Sullivan, Seumas 155
O’Toole, Fintan 378, 400
The Ex-Isle of Erin: Images of a Global Ireland 399
Paisley, Reverend Ian 273, 392
de Valera speaks in 131, 133–4
freedom in 155, 156
Irish artists and writers escape to 155
Parker, Alan 404
Parnell, Charles Stewart 119
partition issue 8, 96, 325–6, 328
Patrick, St. 139
Paulin, Tom 349
Payne, Basil 214
PDs see Progressive Democrats
Pearse, Patrick 48, 124, 274–5, 326
ambitions for a free Ireland 3–4, 30
and education 41, 243
writings 70
political passion 70
death in the Eastern Rising 3, 30
Peillon, Michel 363–4
Performing Arts and the Public Purse, The: An Economic Analysis (O’Hagen and Duffy) 346
Phoenix Park, Dublin 28–9, 362
Pike Theatre Club, Dublin 217
Pius IX, Pope 151
Quadragesimo Anno 148
P.J. Carroll Ltd. 306
Planxty 263
Plowden Report (1967) 242
Plunkett, Sir Horace 20, 22, 109
Ireland in the New Century 31
Plunkett, James 214
pluralism 194, 293, 295, 423
Poetry Ireland 214
Police Service of Northern Ireland 394
overcrowding 6
predominantly rural 9
Catholic 20, 105
towns 78, 140
during the 1930s 140, 197
of Dublin 200
in 1960s and 1970s 245–6
lowest recorded level 383
pornography 58, 59
Post Office 141
post-colonialism 415–19
Poyntz, Bishop Samuel 338–9
Praeger, R. Lloyd 84
Preliminary Report 246
Premio Demila award 428
Prendergast, Kathy 427–8
Presbyterians 8, 413
education 20–23
Irish origins 20, 24–5
social ambition 21, 22, 23
missionaries 27, 28
see also under Irish Catholic church
Priests’ Social Guild 60
Primary School Curriculum (1971) 242, 243–4, 258
Pro-Life Amendment Campaign (PLAC) 335
Programme of National Renewal 354
Progressive Democrats (PDs) 357, 362, 363, 373, 374, 382, 390
protectionism 5–6
Protestant churches, and the amendment debate 336
Protestant minority
unable to oppose the dominant consensus 91–2
becomes defeatist and powerless 95
reactions to Irish nationalism 95
and the Protestant minority 95
and the Irish Ireland movement 95–6
landed gentry 96–7
professional and businessmen 97
end of political power in the South of Ireland 98
Collins’ assurance 98
Big Houses burned (1921–3) 99, 107–8
novels using the Big House as a metaphor 99–102
Trinity College, Dublin 103–4
departure of many Anglo-Irish 104–5
losses in the Great War 105, 107
social isolation of Proestants giving way 296
Provisional IRA 267, 273, 324, 408
Public Safety Acts 36
Public Safety Bill (1931) 129
Question of Identity, A (RTE television lecture series) 280
radio 139, 141, 234, 257, 280
Radio Eireann orchestra 197
Raheny, Dublin 207
Raidió na Gaeltachta 256
railways 5, 13
“Rainbow coalition” 369
Rathgar 97
Rathmines 97
Ratoath, County Meath 384
Rea, Stephen 349, 403
Read, Herbert 195
Reagan, Ronald 341
Red Branch 72
Redmond, George 377
Reid, Nano 222
religious protectionism 139
religious secret/semi-secret societies 118, 142–3
Renaissance 57
Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Use of Irish as a Teaching Medium 178
republican nationalism 154
Revising the Rising 406
revisionism 405, 406, 417
Reynolds, Albert 362–3, 369, 373, 374–5, 387, 389
Reynolds, Professor Lorna 284
“Riverdance” phenomenon 400
roads 13
The Big House 107–9, 118
‘The Madonna of Slieve Dun’ 64
Robinson, Mary (neé Bourke) 358–64, 380
background and education 358
legal career 358
champions women’s rights 359
presidential election 359–60
personality 361
meets the Queen 361–2
achievements of 363–4
Rodgers, W.R. 191
Roman Empire 27
Rome 57
Rosc 427
exhibitions, Dublin 306–7
Ross family of County Donegal 172
Round Table 29, 65
Royal Commission (1920) 103
Royal Dublin Society 102, 103, 307
Royal Hibernian Academy exhibition 195
Royal Hospital, Kilmainham 427
Royal Irish Academy 136, 264, 279
Royal Irish Constabulary 37, 105
RTE 234, 249, 280, 400
RTE/Channel Four 358
RUC (Royal Ulster Constabulary) 333, 368, 394
rural life
traditional life 75–6
adaptation and modernization 76–7, 80
Russell, Bertrand: Marriage and Morals 65
Russell, George William 24, 61, 102, 105, 121, 142, 190, 272, 273, 294, 295, 332
editorials in the Irish Statesman 31–2, 109, 111, 117–18
and an Irish rural world without cultural hope or energy 31–2
on public houses 32–3
Carnegie Trust Advisory Committee 64
on the declining power of heroic vision in Irish life 71–2
and the Irish language 110
preaches a doctrine of national synthesis 110–111, 115, 118
and the Literary Revival 111, 112, 113
and Joyce 114
and the Catholic intelligentsia 116
compared with Yeats 120
and scientific knowledge 425
“National Culture” 109–110
Russia, Second World War 159
Ryan, John 165, 214, 225
Ryan, Liam 340
Ryan, W.P.: The Pope’s Green Island 31
Ryanair 386
“safe period” 185
St Anne’s Parish, Dublin 105
St Patrick’s College, Maynooth 10, 46, 281, 370
Sáirséal agus Dill 219
Sands, Bobby 326
Saoirse? (Freedom?) (film) 219
Sartre, Jean-Paul 215
science 424–6
Science Foundation Ireland 425
Science, Technology and Innovation White Paper 424–5
Scotland 10
Scott, Michael 307
Scott, Patrick 220
SDLP (Social Democratic and Labour Party) 329, 333, 334, 388, 391
Second Programme for Economic Expansion 229, 239–40
Second Vatican Council 232, 277, 292
Second World War
Irish neutrality 159, 160, 161, 163–4
de Valera’s diplomacy 160
Irish volunteers in British armed forces 161
London blitz 161
Secondary School Curriculum in History 280
self-sufficiency 142, 148, 209
Shakespear, Olivia 119
Shannon 250–51
Shannon electrical scheme 132, 250
Shannon river 7
Share, Bernard: The Emergency 163
Shaw, Reverend Professor Francis 274, 275, 276, 279
“The Canon of Irish History – A Challenge” 274
Shaw, George Bernard 62, 63, 111, 120, 124–5
Sheed and Ward 185
Sheehan, Canon 22–3
Sheppard, Oliver 72
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 111
Simpson, Alan 217, 218
Sinn Féin 165, 233
protectionism 5–6
and the Gaelic League 38
major electoral successes (1918) 38
and as part of the party in power 35
and the Irish Ireland movement 58
as the mouthpiece for the IRA 326
and Enniskillen 334
secret contacts with British government 387–8
Good Friday Agreement 390, 391, 392, 393
and Nice Treaty ratification 393–4
democratic politics 394
Sligo 78, 167
Smith, Michael 301
Smith, Terence 214
Smyth, Father Brendan 368–9, 370, 375
Social Studies (previously Christus Rex) 286
Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child (SPUC) 335
Solomons, Estella 155
Somalia 386
Somerville, Edith: The Big House of Inver 99–100
South Africa, Irish emigration to 10
South America
Irish missionaries in 28
attendance at Eucharistic Congress (Dublin, 1932) 29
Soviet Union 93
blocks Irish entry to the UN 212
collapse of communism 387
Spain 157
Spanish Civil War 169
Spectator 230
sports 77, 386
Spring, Dick 359, 363, 369
Standard newspaper 149
States of Fear (RTE documentary) 370
Statistical Abstract of Ireland 246
Stendhal 143
Stephen’s Green Club 107
Stephens, James 112
Stopes, Dr Maria 65
Stormont Castle, Belfast 267
strikes, port workers (1923) 5
Strokestown 33
Stuart, Francis 64, 125
A Hole in the Head 308
Memorial 308
Studies (Jesuit periodical) 60, 145, 149, 216, 242, 254, 274, 279
Subjective Art Exhibition (Dublin, 1944) 195
Sunningdale Agreement (1973) 269
Supreme Court 291, 292, 339, 358, 365, 366
“Survey of Religious Practice, Attitudes and Belief” 289–90
Sweden 10, 110
Swift, Carolyn 217
Swift, Jonathan 111, 119
Synge, John Millington 54, 72–3, 112, 401
The Aran Islands 82
The Playboy of the Western World 62, 402
Taibhdhearc, An, Galway 85, 123
Tailteann Games, Dublin 71, 224
Táin Bó Cuailnge (The Cattle-Raid of Cooley) 70
Tallaght, Dublin 354
“Tallaght Strategy” 354
Tarantino, Quentin 402
taxation 79, 315, 347, 376–9, 382, 383
teachers’ training colleges, and Irish 38, 39
Teilifís na Gaeilge 423
television 249, 250, 257, 258–9, 280
Templemore, County Tipperary 78–9
TG4 (Irish-language television channel) 423
Thatcher, Margaret, Baroness 325, 327, 332, 333, 387
theatre 217–18, 304–5, 348–52, 355–6, 401–2, 403–4
Thérèse, St., of Lisieux 371
Thomas Davis Lecture 234, 280
Thornley, David 286, 287
“Ireland: The End of an Era?” 231–2, 233
Tierney, Professor Michael 43, 44, 145–6, 151, 153, 158, 161
Titley, Alan 342–3
Toíbín, Colm 418
To-Morrow 64
Tone, Wolfe 109, 326
Tostal, An 224–5
tourism 224, 255, 270
Tourist Board 224
Town Planning Exhibition, Dublin 194
development of 78
recent buildings 78
anglicized and modernized 78–9
commerce 79
trade unions
split by inter-union struggles 92
and the Dublin International Theatre Festival 217–18
“Tallaght Strategy” 354
social partnership with 382
Tralee, County Kerry 78, 167
Traynor, Desmond 375–6
Trimble, David 393
Trinity College, Dublin 103–4, 118, 138, 156, 215, 216, 223, 295, 305, 358
Douglas Hyde Gallery 427
Tripartite Agreement (1925) 36–7
Trócaire 340
Trom agus Eadrom (television programme) 258
Tur Gloine, An (The Tower of Glass) 89
Tynan, Katherine 105
Tyndall, John 111
U2 352
Ua Ceallaigh, Seán 61
Irish language in 44
‘planted with aliens’ 45
famine in 411
Ulster Television 368
UN Charter 212
unemployment 140, 200, 257, 316, 317, 340, 353, 381
Unionist Party of Northern Ireland 392
Unionists 272, 333, 334, 393, 411
United Ireland periodical 149
United Irish Rebellion (1798) 410, 411–15
United Irishmen 271, 415
United Kingdom
Ireland’s proximity to 5
pace of economic and educational change quickens 235
United Kingdom Unionist Party 277, 390
United Nations Security Council 386
United States
Irish emigration to 10, 25, 31
attendance at Eucharistic Congress (Dublin, 1932) 29
immigrants taught in English 41–2
fertility 75
applies stringent immigration quotas 140
Second World War 159, 160
women’s role in society 248
influence of American Irish on Irish politics 362
protracted boom (1990s) 382
University College, Cork 149, 342
University College, Dublin 38, 40, 43, 104, 116, 145, 156, 177, 216, 254, 274, 348
University of Limerick 244
University of London 194
University Review periodical 284
urbanization 205–6, 245–8, 286, 287
Ure, Peter 215
Ussher, Arland 66, 120
Venice Biennale 427, 428
Viceregal Lodge, Dublin 124
Victoria, Queen 102
Wagner, Richard 33
Wales, Irish emigration to 10
Walker, Dorothy 427
Wall, Mervyn 157
Walsh, Brendan 247
Walsh, J.J. 52
War of Independence (1920–21) 19, 53, 66, 113, 143, 407, 408
Waterford 78
West Belfast 329
West Limerick 299
western islands 81–5
Westmeath 166
Whelan, Kevin 413, 414
The Tree of Liberty: Radicalism, Catholicism and the Construction of Irish Identity 412–13
Whelehan, Harry 365, 369, 370, 375, 390
Whitaker, T.K. 201–2, 209, 229, 230
White, James 89, 220, 221
White, Padraic 381–2
White, Seán J. 214
Whitehall, Dublin 207
Whyte, J.H. 30, 233
Whyte, Nicholas: Science, Colonialism and Ireland 425–6
Wilde, Lady 88
Wilde, Sir William: Irish Popular Superstitions 31
Williams, Tennessee
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 223
The Rose Tattoo 218
Williams, W.J. 177
role in society 248
rights 359
writers and artists 421–2
Work of Justice, The pastoral letter 340
Workers’ Party (later Democratic Left) 359, 369
Workers’ Union of Ireland 93
World Cup 386
Wynne, Michael 89
Yeats, Jack 125
Yeats, William Butler 32, 70, 71, 96, 105, 111, 112, 125, 215, 273, 306
Nobel Prize for Literature 61, 426
and the Irish Coinage Committee 86
defends O’Casey 114
defends Protestant Anglo-Ireland 118–19, 120
opposes the Censorship Bill 119–20
compared with 120
fights against philistinism and religious intolerance 120–21
sees the Anglo-Irish collapse as tragic 121
leaves Ireland for the last time 155
“Coole Park and Ballylee” 122
“Leda and the Swan” 64
Purgatory 155
“The Statues” 72
Yeats International Summer School, Sligo 302
Young, Filson: Ireland at the Cross Roads 31
Young Irelanders 19
Yugoslavia, the former 386