Surveillance Report


Case #3433BR

Subjects: Brandt, William and MacAllister, Taylor

Investigator: Schwierskott


November 15, 2013 (Friday)


7:00 a.m.:

Investigator arrives at the residence of William Brandt, Sr. located at 76011 Mellinger Road, Mist Bend, OR 97064. Investigator observes the blue 2010 Toyota Land Cruiser currently registered to William Brandt in the driveway. Investigator establishes stationary vehicle surveillance with a view of the driveway of the residence.


8:00 a.m.:



9:00 a.m.:



10:00 a.m.:



11:00 a.m.:

Investigator observes the blue 2010 Toyota Land Cruiser exit the drive of the residence and depart the area. Mr. Brandt is driving the vehicle. Mr. MacAllister is a passenger in the vehicle. Investigator initiates mobile surveillance of the vehicle.


11:45 a.m.:

Investigator observes the blue 2010 Toyota Land Cruiser park on Main Street in Mist Bend, OR. Investigator observes Mr. Brandt and Mr. MacAllister walk up the street and into Tucker’s Tavern. Subjects are engaged in conversation and appear cordial. Mr. MacAllister appears to have sustained facial bruising consistent with a physical assault.


1:28 p.m.:

Investigator observes Mr. Brandt and Mr. MacAllister exit Tucker’s Tavern. Investigator observes Mr. Brandt and Mr. MacAllister enter the blue 2010 Toyota Land Cruiser and proceed to the Black Bear Inn on Silver Pines Road in Mist Bend. Investigator observes Mr. MacAllister enter the lobby and return nine minutes later. Investigator observes Mr. Brandt pull behind the building. Investigator initiates on foot surveillance of the vehicle.


1:45 p.m.:

Investigator observes Mr. Brandt open the door of Room 26 to an unidentified male (Caucasian, mid-forties, blond beard, balding). Investigator observes Mr. Brandt, Mr. MacAllister, and unidentified male leaving rendezvous site, driving away at a speed estimated in excess of 70 miles per hour and proceed to the residence of William Brandt, Sr. on Mellinger Road.


2:35 p.m.:



3:00 p.m.:



4:00 p.m.:



5:00 p.m.:



6:00 p.m.:



7:00 p.m.:



7:30 p.m.:

Investigator observes the blue 2010 Toyota Land Cruiser exit the driveway of the residence and depart the area. Investigator observes Mr. MacAllister is driving the vehicle. An unknown male (Caucasian, mid-twenties, shaven, brown hair) is a passenger in the vehicle. Subjects appear tense and unspeaking. Investigator initiates mobile surveillance of the vehicle.


7:38 p.m.:

Due to extremely poor visibility and dangerous driving conditions, Investigator was forced to suspend mobile surveillance.