December 1862

Let us keep Chrismas merry.
Charles Dickens

Chapter Nine


In an unspoken agreement, everyone seemed determined to follow Dickens’ suggestion to celebrate Christmas. In spite of the war, in spite of shortages, in spite of worry and deprivation, all bent every effort to appear cheerful and optimistic.

Harvel was due home for a leave, so Holly Grove was again going to host the holiday dinner. It was the largest home in the family circle and thus could easily accommodate everyone in the family, as well as the few extras who were always welcome. Besides, it would be the right place for Harvel to spend his homecoming—among his young children. Each family group could bring some special dish, cake, or pie. Nowadays no single larder had the abundance of the past, so every contribution would add to the feast.

A few days before Christmas, JoBeth went over to help Marilee decorate the house. She was on a stepladder, arranging festoons of evergreen boughs on the mantelpiece, when Alzada Spencer stopped by. Not noticing JoBeth at first, she announced that the twins also had obtained leave and were coming home, bringing one of their fellow officers with them. “It will be just like the old days—all of us together!” she declared happily. Marilee cast a quick glance at JoBeth, and Alzada, suddenly aware of her, gave a little gasp and flushed. Still she did not mention Wes, and she soon left.

Even as JoBeth continued at her task as casually as she could manage, her thoughts were bitter. She bit her lip to hold back the quick tears at the dismal thought of where Wes might be spending Christmas. Would he even receive a Christmas box, other than the small one she had been able to smuggle out of the house and post to him? It seemed such a heartless thing for the Spencers to ignore the boy who had spent every Christmas of his growing-up years in their house as part of their family. She had heard of families disowning their sons. How could Wayne Spencer—or especially, tenderhearted Alzada—so coldly cut Wes out of their lives?

JoBeth knew there were many others in Hillsboro who held deep feelings about a North Carolinian who would desert the Southern cause, join the ranks of the “enemy.” Only a few weeks before, she had been over at her great-aunt Honey’s, helping her put together a quilt. JoBeth’s job was simple, consisting of basting the top onto the cotton batting, then whipstitching the flannel-back top to its underside. While she was there, a longtime family friend, Patsy Faye Wrightman, dropped by for an impromptu visit. JoBeth had gone on stitching while Aunt Honey, always the gracious hostess, urged Mrs. Wrightman to stay for a cup of tea.

JoBeth, concentrating on keeping her stitches straight, had paid little attention to the murmur of conversation behind her in the room. That is, until she heard Mrs. Wrightman say furiously, “I simply can’t abide him. A hometown Yankee sympathizer.” Aunt Honey gave a small warning cough, which was followed by a moment’s silence. Without turning around, JoBeth felt sure her auntie was sending some kind of signal to her guest. Evidently it didn’t matter to the lady, nor did it diminish the “righteous indignation” she was expressing. Instead, Mrs. Wrightman wiggled her plump body like a ruffled hen puffing up her feathers, shot JoBeth a scathing glance, and said sharply, “Oh, I pretty near forgot. Wesley Rutherford is one of them Unionists! I’m sorry, Honey, but maybe if you had three nephews and goodness knows how many dear friends’ sons fighting for our safety and well-being, you’d feel the same way I do! I can’t abide any of them turn-coats.” Without an apology to JoBeth, Mrs. Wrightman picked up her shawl, gloves, and purse and stood up, saying haughtily, “Well, I’d best be on my way. I’m rolling bandages this afternoon for our poor wounded boys….”

The echo of the remark hung in the air in the hollow quiet after the front door closed behind Mrs. Wrightman. There was no sound other than the ticking of the mantel clock, the rustle of Aunt Honey’s skirts as she came back into the parlor, the clicking of the cups as she began gathering up the tea tray. At last she cleared her throat and said, “Don’t pay her any mind, JoBeth. Patsy Wrightman never thinks before she speaks. I’m sorry if she hurt you, dear—”

“It’s not your fault, Auntie. I know that plenty of people feel the same way. It does hurt. Especially when I know how hard it was for Wes to make the decision he did, knowing no one would understand.” She added sadly, “But that’s the way it is. It happens even at home.”

She heard Aunt Honey sigh, then the rattle of teacups as she carried the tray back to the kitchen.

She continued working on the quilt, wishing she could share with Aunt Honey the letter she had received from Wes just a few days before.

Received your letter of the 25th. It arrived somewhat the worse for wear, having passed through who knows how many hands to reach me. I read it hungrily. Seeing your handwriting brought tears to my eyes. I had taken it aside to read it so that none would be witness to whatever unconcealable emotion it might evoke within me. Not that my fellow soldiers are so hard of heart that they would not understandall here long for loved ones as deeply as Ibut there are some things a man wants to keep private and precious, as I do my feelings for you.

Until recently we had not had a regular chaplain and consequently no religious services. About three weeks ago one was assigned to this regiment, at least on a temporary basis, and conducted a meeting. The Scripture from which he drew his sermon was very much on the same order as you described.

Second Chronicles 20:15-17: “Thus saith the Lord to you: ‘Do not be afraid nor dismayed of this great multitude, because the battle is not yours but God’s. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you.'”

The men seemed to take great heart from that. Although I cannot say there is great religious fervor among soldiers, without this kind of preaching we would all grow lax and weary with the dreary routine of daily life in the army. I must not, however. Since we have had the chaplain, there is a stirring within the troops, and small groups are meeting for prayer. We all need the Almighty so as not to lose sight of the real purpose of this fight, to free men from bodily bondage, as we have been freed from spiritual bondage.

Our unit got its orders to pack and be ready to move out in the morning. It has been raining for days, and we all live in mud, sleep in mud, and almost eat in mud. I have no idea where we are headed or to what battlefield we may be called upon to do what we have come to do. I don’t think they want to kill me anymore than I want to kill them! More and more, I understand my grandmother’s abhorrence of war. It is madness.

The very next Sunday, JoBeth was seated in church. She was not being too attentive to the sermon. That summer, their old minister retired, one who had been an inspiration to and was so fond of Shelby. In fact, he had encouraged Shelby to go to seminary. His replacement was as fiery a Confederate as the most militant general would ask for. Suddenly his forceful words brought JoBeth to quivering attention.

“Listen, church, to what the Scripture is saying to all of you. Recently we have heard with awe the number of men and weapons the enemy is gathering to come against us. So I say to you, search for your answer, your strength in our cause, in the book of Nehemiah, chapter four, verse fourteen. It is as true today as it was then: ‘So I arose and said to the noble, to the leaders, to the rest of the people, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord great and awesome, and fight for your bretheren, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your homes.“’ Amen?”

There was an enthusiastic round of “Amens” from the congregation, which was usually known for its quiet and decorum. In fact, some of the gentlemen rose out of their seats and applauded. If they had not been restrained, JoBeth would not have been surprised if the famous “rebel yell” had been shouted to the rafters. Instead of feeling enthusiastic and aroused by this, JoBeth’s heart sank. As Wes had said, “We all pray to the same God, the Creator of us all.” So whom was God listening to?


Christmas afternoon, JoBeth dressed to go to the family party at Holly Grove, wishing Wes could see her in the new dress her mother had made for her. It was red poplin, and it had a molded bodice with a froth of white lace at the throat, and wrists banded with black velvet ribbon. She gathered her hair into a crocheted black silk snood tied at the top of her head in a wide black velvet bow. As she slipped in her small freshwater pearl earrings, she tried not to think about where Wes might be spending this Christmas. She just prayed it wasn’t somewhere cold, miserable, and that he wasn’t in any danger. He had sent her a small picture of himself in uniform. He looked wonderful, manly and brave. She had spent hours studying it, but of course she could not show it to anyone. The blue uniform was hated by everyone she knew.

The Cadys left for Holly Grove earlier than the three Davisons. Their carriage had been so crowded with goodies and gifts for Harvel and his large family that there had hardly been room for Aunt Josie’s skirt, let alone Johanna, JoBeth, and Shelby. The Cadys then sent their driver, Jonas, and carriage back for the trio.

It was always a nostalgic trip for Johanna to visit her childhood home. As the carriage rounded the bend of the road and started up the holly-tree-lined driveway, dusk was just falling. They could see the candlelight from the windows of the house, glinting on the snow.

“Oh, look, children! My, it looks lovely! Just like old times!” Johanna exclaimed, clutching JoBeth’s arm.

JoBeth tried to put aside any melancholy thoughts and strived to join into the spirit of the day when she entered Holly Grove. The sound of laughter, children’s voices, and general merriment almost drowned out the greetings of Marilee, Harvel’s pretty wife, as she met them at the door. She looked like a happy bride instead of a wife of sixteen years with a half dozen children. Her radiance was due, JoBeth was sure, to the happiness she felt at her soldier husband’s homecoming. All her anxiety for his safety was put aside for one glorious evening. Harvel, looking fit and ruddy in his tailored gray uniform and sporting newly acquired gold captain’s bars, came out to welcome his cousins.

“Happy Christmas!” he said heartily, kissing the cheek Johanna turned to him and pumping Shelby’s hand vigorously. Turning to JoBeth, he winked. “Just what we needed—a pretty girl to liven up the party for some of my bachelor officers. Come in, have some eggnog, and meet our guests.”

The parlor was gaily decorated, the windows festooned with red bows and swags of evergreens. Red candles shone from candlesticks on the mantelpiece, between garlands of galax leaves and gilded pine cones. The Cady children and assorted cousins were running in and out, dodging and playing among the booted legs of the men and the billowing skirts of the ladies as people clustered in congenial chatting groups.

The merry scene before her dismayed JoBeth instead of pleasing her. The parlor seemed to be filled with gray uniforms!

She took a deep breath, willing herself to smile just as Blakely Spencer, hardly recognizable with a just-grown, curly beard, came up to her, gave her a hug and kiss, then grinned mischievously, “Rank has its privileges, and I’m doing the honors for our—dear departed one.”

Startled by his words, JoBeth stared at him in confusion. Then, realizing what Blakely meant, she smiled. Blakely was always a cutup, never took anything seriously. Remembering this, she felt both relief and a new warmth for him. At least he did not harbor any animosity for Wes, no matter how the rest of the family felt. She knew Wes considered his twin cousins “almost brothers.”

Blakely leaned closer and whispered, “How is the old scalawag?”

She made a small grimace. “It’s a long time between letters,” she told him in a low voice. “I hope and pray he is all right.”

“Probably having a jolly old Christmas for himself in Yankee land.” Blakely gave her a wink and squeezed her hand. “Now come along, JoBeth, I want you to meet someone.” Taking her by the arm, he led her toward the piano, where Dorinda, Munroe’s wife, was playing familiar carols that could hardly be heard above the din in the room. A gray-uniformed man, his back to them, was leaning on the piano. Blakely tapped him on the shoulder and announced, “Here she is!”

The soldier turned around. A direct gaze from intensely blue eyes momentarily stunned her. Blakely introduced them.

“JoBeth, may I present my brother-in-arms, Lieutenant Curtis Channing. Miss Johanna Elizabeth Davison.”

The man introduced bowed slightly. “A pleasure, Miss Davison.” She acknowledged his greeting and murmured something she hoped was appropriate, thinking that surely this was the most handsome man she had ever seen.

He might have stepped out of the pages of the romantic novels she used to ridicule. Tall and slim in his superbly tailored gray, he had coal black hair that fell in a wave across a high forehead. His features might have been considered too perfectly molded face too handsome, if it had not been for a tiny scar on his cheekbone. When he smiled, he revealed teeth that were very straight and white.

“What did I tell you?” Blakely demanded, gleefully nudging Curtis Channing with his elbow. Then he said to JoBeth, “I kept telling Curtis that Hillsboro has the prettiest girls in North Carolina—for that matter, in the entire Confederate states.”

Never taking his gaze off JoBeth, Curtis replied gallantly, “Indeed you did, sir, you most certainly did. But you understated the matter.”

“Curtis is from Georgia, JoBeth, and had too short a leave to make it home, so I brought him along so he could see for himself. Now I guess you believe me!”

“I certainly do,” Curtis smiled.

Almost immediately the evening she had dreaded JoBeth began to enjoy. It had been such a long time since she had been with people her own age, exchanging light conversation, being flirted with, and even flirting a little herself. She almost felt guilty that she was having such a good time. Every once in a while during the evening, that thought would flash into her mind. In those fleeting moments, JoBeth hoped desperately that Wes had been fortunate enough to get leave and had perhaps gone to his grandmother’s home in Philadelphia.

Actually, JoBeth hardly had time but to be in the present. Curtis Channing scarcely left her side for the rest of the evening. He was so attractive and charming, was such an amusing raconteur, that she was completely dazzled and entertained.

He seemed eager to tell her about himself, as if to make up for their short acquaintance and the brevity of his time in Hillsboro. When she attempted asking about his army life, he dismissed it as unimportant.

“It will all be over by summer,” he said loftily. “The Yankees are no contest. Not for men like us, born in the saddle and knowing how to hunt! Most of them are clerks, farmers, shopkeepers, schoolteachers,” he scoffed. “Most never held a gun or rode a horse.”

He was much more eager to tell her about his family, his home, the life he loved and was anxious to get back to, a life of riding, hunting, socializing. He told her he had two younger sisters, Melissa and Anadell, whom he adored, a mother and father he loved and respected, two sets of grandparents, and an assortment of cousins, aunts, and uncles.

“Sounds like us!” JoBeth laughed, gesturing to the room full of Shelbys, Cadys, Hayeses, and Breckenridges.

“That’s what makes Southerners strong,” Curtis nodded, not arrogantly but with complete assurance. “We have unbreakable bonds of loyalty. We stick together, have pride in our land.”

He talked about his horses, two fine thoroughbreds he’d brought with him into the brigade that he’d volunteered to join, and he added in a nonchalant aside, “I also brought Jericho, my groom.”

His casual reference to his manservant after his horses jarred her. Later when she recalled her reaction, she wasn’t sure why that had bothered her so much. Then she decided it was because she could imagine Wes’s reaction. Putting a human being behind a pair of prized animals. At the time, she didn’t have a chance to analyze it or question Curtis about the reference, because there was a general stir around them. Harvel called for everyone’s attention. They were going to play “the farmer in the dell” for the sake of the smaller children, who would soon have to be put to bed.

The ensuing chaos chased away any serious talk for the rest of the evening. When the children were shepherded off to their rooms upstairs, the grown-ups went into the magnificent dining room, where a bountiful buffet was spread out. After that, the evening quieted down. People sipped coffee and ate fruitcake while Dorinda played softer melodies on the piano for all to listen and enjoy.

Gradually some of the guests began to depart, among them Uncle Madison and Aunt Josie. At this, Blakely and Will, with Curtis adding his pleas, begged Johanna to let JoBeth stay longer. They were going to roll up the rugs, declared another cousin, Ted Hamlett, and dance. They all promised her mother that they would escort JoBeth safely home later. Smiling, Johanna gave in to the chorus. Shelby decided to accompany his mother home and went to get her cape. JoBeth helped her mother on with it, and Johanna patted her daughter’s cheek, saying, “I’m glad to see you having a good time, darling.”

One by one the Munroe Cady children got droopy-eyed and cross, and reluctantly Dorinda and Munroe declared they had better take their children home, as they were dropping like flies and getting into little squabbles. Dorinda stood up regretfully to close the piano lid. Surprisingly, Curtis offered to replace her. At that the dancing gradually turned into a songfest, with the lingering guests gathered around the piano. JoBeth discovered that Curtis had a rich, true tenor voice and knew all the words to most of the popular songs.

Finally, at a little after midnight, everyone agreed it was time to depart and leave the household in peace and quiet. The last remaining quintet of Will, Blakely, Ted, Curtis, and JoBeth bade their hosts thanks and good night and went out into the starry December night. Outside, they linked arms as they walked, singing merrily some of the marching songs the young men had learned since enlisting. It was a short distance back to the Willows, and the crisp air and lively company made the trek seem short.

In the Cadys’ wide front yard, Blakely, Will, and Ted succumbed to the temptation of an impromptu snowball fight, and Curtis walked with JoBeth up onto the porch.

“I can’t tell you, Miss Davison, how glad I am that I accepted Blakely and Will’s invitation to spend my leave here in Hillsboro. I cannot remember a recent evening when I have enjoyed myself so much.”

The light from the porch lantern that was left burning for her return illuminated his expression as he spoke, and it was flatteringly sincere. Instinctively JoBeth stepped back from it so that he couldn’t see the sudden blush that warmed her cheeks. She felt inordinately pleased and then immediately guilty. Why should she care that any other man besides Wes enjoyed her company?

“May I see you again? My leave only lasts three more days, and they will go very fast. I find myself not wanting to miss any possible time with you.”

JoBeth hesitated. This evening had been enormous fun. Was it wrong to feel lighthearted and happy for a change? Was it a disloyalty to Wes? But then, she was sure he would be the last one to mind if she had a good time.

Curtis asked, “Is there something wrong?”

“No, it’s just that I don’t know whether it’s such a good idea.”

“Why not? Blakely tells me there are several other events planned for our time here—a ball tomorrow night, I understand, and if the temperature continues to drop, he says, the ice on Bedlow Pond may be solid enough for a skating party. Surely you’re not going to miss those? Come now, Miss Davison, isn’t it your duty to provide a brave soldier some respite from the war?” There was a teasing challenge in his question. “Besides, I want it very much, so please don’t refuse.”

How could she hold out against such persuasion? And what harm could it do to spend a few hours in such delightful company? Surely it would all be innocent enough. Besides, it would be hard to explain to Blakely and Will why she wouldn’t accommodate their house guest. It would also be difficult to explain to her aunt and uncle, who, she could tell, had taken quite a liking to Curtis Channing.

“Yes? You will, won’t you?”

She laughed. “Well, yes then. If it freezes tomorrow, I’d be happy to go skating.”

“And even if it doesn’t, may I call?” Curtis persisted.

She laughed again. “Yes, you may. And now I must go in, or else those fellows will wake the whole house!” She pointed to the other three, who were still scuffling and throwing snowballs at each other on the lawn.

She turned to open the front door, but Curtis caught her hand.

They both now stood shadowed by the porch columns, hidden from the frolickers in the front yard.

“Good night, Curtis,” she said softly and gently tugged her hand, which he pressed and then very slowly released. Her heart gave a little warning flutter, as if alert to some unexpected danger. Quickly she went inside. After closing it, she peered through the glass panels on either side and saw Curtis leap buoyantly down the porch steps, join his comrades. Then the three of them, arms around each other’s shoulders, went down the path, out the gate, whistling “Dixie” and singing at the top of their voices.


To her surprise, a light was shining out from the small parlor. Who might still be awake and up? Tiptoeing toward the stairway, she glanced in through the half-open door and saw her brother sitting by the fireplace, his sandy head bent over a book.

“Shelby? What on earth? Do you know what time it is?”

“Couldn’t sleep,” he explained with a smile as she came over to join him.

JoBeth tucked her skirt under and sat down on the low hassock opposite Shelby, asking, “Problems?”

“I suppose you might say that. Mostly what I’ve already written you about.”


“I’m torn between what’s my duty and my calling,” he sighed.

JoBeth put out her hand and covered his to convey her understanding. “I know. It’s the same here. Bugles blowing, flags flying. Anyone who isn’t in uniform gets a scorching glare or a questioning look or even worse! It’s almost as if those people who don’t go, no matter if they have good reason or whatever, are supposed to walk around with a placard tied around their neck telling why in bold letters.”

Her mockery brought a slight smile to Shelby’s lips.

“There’re only ten left in our class of thirty-five. Of the ones who all started out together”

“But you’re so close to being finished,” JoBeth reminded him.

“I know, but it all seems so pointless with fellows my age out there on the battlefield. Wouldn’t it make more sense for me to be out there, ministering in some way—not carrying a gun, necessarily, but taking God’s message?” He halted, then gave an ironic shake of his head. “That is, if God goes out on the battlefield—any battlefield.”

“You sound like Wes,” JoBeth told him.

“I thought Wes was convinced he had chosen the right thing to do.”

“Oh, yes, I’m sure he believes he has. But he doesn’t think war is right, no matter what. The longer he’s in it, the more bitter, the more disillusioned, he sounds.”

“You’ve seen him? He’s been here?”

“Oh, no! He couldn’t come.” She gave a harsh laugh. “He’d be shot as a spy! Uncle Madison would probably meet him with a shotgun himself!”

It was Shelby’s turn to comfort. “I’m sorry, JoBeth. It must be doubly hard for you. A divided heart.”

She nodded. “Oh, Shelby, you always put it so right. Yes, that’s what I have, a divided heart, and sometimes I feel as if I’m bleeding to death.”

The two siblings turned to the fire and were lost momentarily in their own dark thoughts. Then Shelby said firmly, “Don’t worry about me anymore, JoBeth. I’ll go back. I’ll finish out this term, at least. Then we’ll see what next summer brings. Maybe the war will be over by then—”

“Please, God!” she said fervently. “I think you’ve made the right decision. At least for now. Mama would be so disappointed if you left. She’s so proud of you, Shelby.”

“I know. And I realize how hard she’s worked, making quilts, selling them to pay for my tuition, room, board, books. I know that. Above all, I do want to do the right thing.”

“You will, Shelby. I trust your judgment.” She got to her feet, leaned down, and tousled his hair softly, “You’re a wise old owl for seventeen!”

“Sometimes I feel more like Methuselah!”

“Well, I’d better get to bed, get some sleep,” JoBeth said.

“Good night, then. Thanks for listening.” Her brother raised his hand in a saluting gesture. “See you in the morning.”

“Yes, I’ll be up bright and early. I’ve promised to go skating if the pond is still frozen. Will and Blakely’s house guest has unlimited energy!”

“Good! You deserve to have some fun.”

“Want to go with us?”

Shelby shook his head. “As Proverbs says, ‘Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.'”

“Spoken like a true seminary student!”

“Or ‘Out of the mouths of babes …,’ right?” Shelby said, laughing.

“I’d better get out of here before you shame me any more with your Scripture quotes,” she said. “Good night, Shelby.” She waved her hand as she went out the door.

“Good night, Sis.”