

If we have a measure of astral or central images, three measures of the soul or shining images and eight measures of spirits containing images, take four and one-half measures of this images or spirits and mix with one measure of this images by weight, then place the mixture in a hermetically sealed vial. You will then see how this material, when placed over a low flame, rises and falls and eventually turns black. After thirty-four days it will have been entirely transformed into a dry black powder that rests on the bottom of the container. When you see this, raise the level of heat and maintain it there until the material turns white as snow and shimmers like silver. Once this occurs, but before the material has become fixed, we must raise the heat even higher, upon which the material will once again begin to rise, sticking to the top and sides of the container and not touching the bottom for some thirty-eight days. In this time, or at about thirty days, the material will begin to show many indescribably varied colors. Finally, the material will fall back to the bottom and will now be fixed. One grain of this material, according to Jodoco, changed one and a half measures of images into images. This, then, is the way, according to Jodoco, Basil and others, to prepare a true white Philosopher's Stone by the wet process.

After this, take three measures of the soul of images and mix it with the remaining three and one-half measures of images and distill it through an alembic until they have thoroughly mixed. Then divide the material into seven parts and imbibe the Stone with one part after the other for a total of seven times imbibing and coagulating. During the first time the Stone will turn the images and images into images. And when this images was subsequently separated two grains of images were discovered. By the fourth time, one part of the mixture turned four parts of copper into images. In the fifth round the potency reached one part to one hundred and in the sixth round it reaches one part to one thousand, while in the seventh and final round it reaches a potency of one part to ten thousand. In this way, the red Stone has been prepared.

All honor to God alone!

Excerpt from a Latin Manuscript entitled Manna Coeleste, or Heavenly Manna


In the name of God take high-quality images (meant here is the philosophical lead-minera or earthen bed of lead) and sift it and cleanse it of all impurities, roots, stones or any other foreign substances that nature had begun to form in it. Then put this material in an alembic and seal it tight, and leave the container for forty days in horse manure. After that, distill its images three times; the last result will be a true philosophical and mineral images. Save half of it and put the rest back in the container in the horse manure for another forty days for the purpose of further digestion. After that time has passed, take both mercuries and store them separately in two glass containers until they both multiply in quantity. Then add the natural images that accumulated at the bottom of the alembic; add to the first mercury double its weight in this salt. Seal it in an egg-shaped glass container and return it to the horse manure, until it turns white. This should occur within seven months. Then take it out and multiply the Stone's potency with this white images. This will take only a short time and give the Stone a transparent red color.


Take the white Stone and dissolve it in the white images that we saved earlier. Place it in an oven for a month, as you have been taught how to do, and it will eventually turn red. Then, take your red images or oil and dissolve the red Stone in it. Let it sit another month and its potency will multiply by a factor of ten. You can repeat this safely four times, but be very cautious the fifth time that you do not find the container shattered, as I experienced myself If I had someone to guide me in the process I might not have erred. You can multiply the potency of this material four times, but no more than four! The results of this process are particularly good (1) as a medicinal agent, (2) for increasing the potency of the Stone, (3) in creating precious pearls, (4) to transform all metals into images and (5) for carrying out various magical processes.


As a Medicinal Agent

Many among the wise, who did not know how to correctly use the Philosopher's Stone, took as little as a quarter grain, or sometimes more, in order to enhance their health. Instead of good health, however, they found death, because the use of this material requires more caution than most imagine. The only sure way to defeat all illnesses with this agent is the following: Take four grains of the stone, using a goldsmith's measuring system, and dissolve it in a cupful of a Rhenish or French wine, but not in a stronger Spanish wine, any from the Canary Islands, a Muskatel, an aqua vitæ, or in a strong liquor. Put it in a large, strong and clean glass. You will notice that the wine quickly becomes deeply red, almost like a medicinal tonic. Cover the glass and let it sit for four days, since the stone material is an oily substance that is not easily dissolved. Then add another cupful of wine to it and stir it with a wooden or ivory spoon, adding even more wine as you stir, until it takes on a golden hue and all of the red color is eliminated. If any of the red coloring had remained it would be a sign that the tincture was not yet ready, since taking it at that point would enflame the body and drive out the spirit. You can determine if the wine is sufficiently golden by seeing if a subtle white, pearly circle appears around the top of the liquid where it touches the glass. This typically occurs after about four hours. As soon as you see this sign, filter the wine, whereby the white material at the top will stay behind in the filter and the wine will now be the color of images.

These are important signs in order to prevent any catastrophe. Without these signs the wine might be too strong and inflame the body, or it might be too weak and have no effect at all. This system of signs is, in any event, a great mystery. For all internal illnesses you can take one spoonful of this liquid every morning, which will cause immediate, but mild, perspiration. This liquid is not a purgative, does not cause vomiting and causes only moderate perspiration, all of which could weaken a patient. Rather, it has a strengthening effect. If the illness that you are treating is long-standing, the treatment with this liquid may take up to twelve days. Most other illnesses can be cured within twenty-four hours. For external maladies, such as ulcers, cuts, pox and a host of communicative external diseases, you should rub the Stone itself on the affected area. It is, after all, a kind of oil that cannot be dissolved in wine. Do this for nine consecutive days. Also, if you carry the Stone in front of you, you cannot be attacked by evil spirits or their human helpers. If the Stone is applied to possessed individuals, it drives out the evil spirit, for this material is the quintessence of incorruptibility. And thus, where there are no corrupted elements, there can be no devils, for hell consists of only corrupted elements. This medicinal agent, as we mentioned earlier, requires a regimen of nine days, during which each morning you should rub the Stone over the temples of the patient. This generally has the effect of making the patients feel so light-hearted and fresh that they believe they can fly. But be aware that the white Philosopher's Stone cannot be used for any other illnesses except those of a lunar nature.


For Multiplication

Over the years many have made the white and red Philosopher's Stone without knowing about its multiplying quality. The white Stone turns red if we apply images to it long enough. But neither the white nor the red Stone produces a potency of more than ten-to-one. And if you are not careful in dealing with this material, the smell alone is enough to kill you. So if you want to multiply the Stone into infinity, such that it no longer congeals into a powder but rather always remains in the form of an oil, then you should proceed as follows: After preparing Philosopher's images (which can be accomplished within forty days) you must bring about its digestion in the manner that you employed to first create it. This can be done in a short period of time in a sealed urine-glass or cucurbita-container. Put into this container no more than twelve ounces of the material and seal it off well. (It does not work well in a vial.) When the material becomes like a molten or flowing pitch, take the container and put it in an oven with common ash. After twenty-four hours when it has cooled, remove the cap and replace it with another one, and place a wide receptacle in front of the container. But be very careful that its vapors do not cause you harm. Then seal the openings of the cap in the following manner: Take one ounce of eggshells that have been calcinated for twenty-four hours and add in two ounces of finely pulverized Amausæ and mix; moisten it with egg whites and make a dough out of it. Smear this on a tenderized pork-or beef-bladder and then wrap it three times around the openings on the cap and tie it tight. Let it dry on the container for twenty-four hours and place the container so deep in the ashes that it reaches only six fingers wide out of them. The capitella receptacle should be very cold at this point. Make a gentle fire and warm the material until you see a snow-white smoke rising from it; maintain this heat until no more white smoke appears. Then, let it cool for twenty-four hours; the white vapors will come together as an oil or a thick, viscous and slimy liquid, which is white images, which serves to increase the potency of the white Stone. Next, remove the receptacle and replace it with another one and seal it as before. Fill the oven with coals until the capitella, which contains the sand, begins to glow; you will then see a yellowish vapor or smoke rising, which will quickly turn bloodred. Continue with the heat until you see no more white vapors rising from the material. The smoke will have made the receptacle very thick and murky, and this material will coalesce into an oil. This is the red images, with which you can increase the potency of the red Stone. The liquid in the cucurbita and the capitella should be taken out and rectified seven times, so that no impurities remain behind, and then returned and saved for future use. In cold locations both liquids resemble a salt, but with the slightest heat they begin to flow like wax, and they are images, images and images.

When we make a white Stone it is not liquid or flowing, but more like a sand and cannot transform any other body into images except copper. For every three parts of the white Stone take one part of the white rectified images, a third of whose salt should have been dissolved in an earlier step. Saturate the white Stone with this. It will absorb the images and take on the consistency of porridge. After that, seal off the egg-shaped glass container (this is necessary for the multiplication process) and heat it over a low flame. It will complete its digestion over a period of forty days and pass through a spectrum of colors. It will eventually turn white and become fixed and have a hundredfold potency.

Repeat this process with the remaining images and images, maintaining the same level of heat; this will increase its power tenfold. If you continue in this way, it will become a white oil that glows in the dark, much like the moon. However, at this point it could not be multiplied any further, since the container would not be able to contain it.

Now, take one part silver and nine parts of the Stone. Keep it in a fluid state for twenty-four hours. This is when fermentation will occur. The Stone will first produce common images, at which point it becomes an elixir of its spirits.

We should now proceed with the red images and its images in the same manner as we did with its white counterpart. It will produce a potency ratio of (1) ten-to-one, (2) one-hundred-to-one, (3) one-thousand-to-one and so forth into infinity. At some point in this process it will become a red oil, which gives off a wonderful radiance at night. This Stone drives away all evil spirits, is a necessary prerequisite for curing all illnesses, and gives the user the magical power to do certain things, which we will describe below.


To Make Pearls and Precious Gems

If we prepare Philosopher's images and make from it both red and white images, in order to make small oriental pearls larger in size, then we must proceed in this manner: Take small pearls and dissolve them in white images; this can be done without using fire. When it has the consistency of dough, such that it can be shaped by hand; form pearl-shaped balls out of it of whatever size you desire and press them into a silver form that has been smeared with the white Stone or oil. Let it stand for three or four days, then take it out and dry it in the sun, taking care that the sun-light not make it too hot. The result will be pearls that are more beautiful than the natural oriental ones.

To create diamonds we must take white gravel stones, remove the external layer and dissolve them in white images so that they make a liquid rather than a mass of porridgelike consistency. Then put them into a vial, seal it and place it in warm ashes. In twelve hours the liquid will coagulate to a stone. After this, increase the images, so that the glass vial almost glows, then cool it down and take it out of the ashes; the material inside will look like whitish gravel. If we know how to polish this stone, or have it done by someone who knows, we will find a hard diamond in it that is more precious than any other diamond occurring in nature. And if we first dissolve small diamonds instead of gravel stones, the results will be even more spectacular. The remaining white stones, which can be dissolved in the white images, maintain their color. However, if you want to make rubies or other red stones, then make them from red images and from crystal. We could make a carbuncle, or garnet, from red images in which crystal has been dissolved, by coagulating it through images with a tenth of the red oil or Stone, as before. After it is polished, it will shine at night with a particularly beautiful radiance, much more than a natural carbuncle.


To Return All Metals and Minerals Containing Mercury to a Flowing, Living Quicksilver

In the first stages of preparing the white Stone, but not afterward, when we take the container out of the oven we will find among the shining white powder a fine gray powder that is about a quarter as heavy as the other material. Take one pound of each metal, make a small hole on top of each and put six grains of the gray powder into the hole. Then put the metal into a crucible and lay it in warm ashes. When the metal becomes warm, the powder on top will penetrate it and transform it into living images. After that, place it into a wooden container full of cold, fresh water; this will separate off the slag from the images. This slag is nothing other than the terra damnata of the Stone.


For Magical Effects, of Which the First Was the Creation of the World

Take about eighty pounds of rainwater and store it in well-sealed glass containers for forty days. It will eventually begin to stink and the yeast and other impurities will settle to the bottom. Carefully pour off the clear water on the top into a large round wooden container, until it is about one-third full. Put it out in the midday sun in a private location. Then let a drop of the holy Stone fall into the water. A thick, dark smoke on the surface of the water will result, much as it was during Creation. Then pour two more drops onto the water and you will recognize the separation of light from darkness. Then, every seven or eight minutes put more drops into the water in increasing quantity: first, three drops, then four drops, then five drops, and finally six drops. After six drops, do not add any more. From this process you will see what God created in the six days of Creation. You will also see the manner in which it came about as well as various unimaginable secrets associated with it. Let the water stand and in seven or eight minutes everything brought about by the addition of the drops will disappear.


Take seven pieces of metal, each one corresponding to a planet. Imprint on each piece the symbol of the planet at the hour when it reigns. Each piece of metal should be as big as a figwort; the images, however, should be a quarter of the weight of the others and should not have a symbol impressed on it. Then lay them out in a room in the order in which they appear in the heavens: images Cover the windows so that the room is entirely dark; melt all the metals together in the middle of the room and pour seven drops of the blessed Stone onto the material. A flame will immediately shoot up out of the crucible and spread around the entire room. Do not be afraid, for it will not harm you. The room will become bright, as if the images and images were shining in it. Over your head you will see how the images and images, planets and stars are set in the firmament and these will show themselves to you in their natural order and orbits. In one quarter-hour the presentation will disappear.


Whenever you are carrying the Stone in broad daylight and happen to be in some private place, such as your garden, take a portion of the prepared rainwater and add to it from the white Stone as much as you had added to it from the red Stone. Soon vapors will rise up to the sky, and if you do this at the right time each month, you will be able to know about any other wise man in your general area who also possesses the Stone. At the same time he will also go outside and look to the east, south, west and north to determine if he senses such a phenomenon being caused by another wise man who possesses the Stone. When he senses you he will respond in the same way. Thus, you will get to know others who possess the Stone.


If you ask to meet with another wise man, rub the white Stone on your temples during the night and pray earnestly that you find out in advance what kind of person he is. Put three freshly-picked laurel leaves under your pillow and focus your mind on the man you are about to meet. Then go to sleep and when you awaken you will remember the face of this person, his name and his place of residence. And if you do not go to him, he will come to you and think that the secret has not yet been revealed to you. The cause of this phenomenon is the common air-spirit contained in the Stone. The wise men with whom you will become acquainted will usually appear to be of poor or modest means, rather than as rich people. But before you try this operation, you must make use of the Stone for nine consecutive days, as we instructed you earlier.