


We read in Job 28, verse 3, “The end, which God has set for the darkness and all perfection, will become known.” In light of the previous chapter Job's words must be closely considered. Since this material was covered in some detail in volume 1 on images we will not need to go into great detail in this chapter. In volume 2 on images we discussed the description of the Last Judgment from Revelation 20, verses 11 to 15, which is also described in Isaiah 66, verse 24 in this way, “Their worm shall not die nor their fire be quenched, and they shall be abhorred by all mankind.” In Mark 9, verse 48 we read about “hell, where the devouring worm never dies and the fire is not quenched.” And Isaiah 34, verses 9 and 10 note, “Edam's streams shall be turned into pitch and its soil into brimstone, and the land shall become blazing pitch, which night and day shall never be quenched, and its smoke shall rise up forever.” In Revelation 14, verses 10 and 11 we read, “He shall be tormented in sulfurous flames before the holy angels and before the Lamb. The smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever, and there will be no respite day or night for those who worship the beast and its image or receive the mark of its name.” Revelation 19, verse 3 then says, “For their smoke rises for ever and ever.” These passages appear to say that hell and damnation will last as long as God is God, that is, forever. However, as we showed previously, the words “eternal” and “eternity” are not always used with this meaning. The reader can find more about this in volume 1 where we spoke about the time and duration of hell. Any pain can make even the shortest time seem to us quite long. Thus, because of the horrible torture suffered by the damned, it will be perceived as a terribly long time, and in this sense we can use the word eternal. And this term can certainly be applied to certain other long durations, or very long periods of time.


Time is a concept that only has meaning with respect to our world, and it means something different in the presence of God, as any true philosopher will agree. Since God is without beginning or end and is not subject to measures of time, our concepts of time and eternity are as nothing to him, as noted in Psalm 90, verse 4, “For in thy sight a thousand years are as yesterday, like a night-watch.” Thus, although we think of the torture of the damned and the devils as lasting an eternity, this length of time is not long when compared with the timeless nature of God, but rather like a speck of sunlight compared to the expanse of the entire universe.


Anyone familiar with the use of images knows that elemental images can destroy all things and turn them into glass. However, the images of the sun can do this much more quickly, powerfully and completely; and the divine images can accomplish this even more quickly and powerfully. After the dark hellfire has gradually consumed all sinfulness because its sinful, stinking sulfur has run out (it cannot last any longer than the unclean Satanic sulfur that is its fuel, and whose symbol can be found in figure 2 of volume 2 of this book) and everything there has been transformed into a shapeless slag pile, the divine, pure images -fire, Æsch Majim, will penetrate and moisten this slag, and all those imprisoned in it by the hell-images, one circle at a time. The Æsch Majim will transfigure them into their original light-essence and clarity so that they can be raised up by their faith in Christ, cross the upper circles and find eternal peace and happiness. This process of purification will continue until all the circles, even the middle point and origin of all damnation and ruin, namely Lucifer, will stand naked and alone and cry out for eternal salvation. Then even he, the last enemy of God, will be raised up and transformed into his original magnificent light-shape, and all of Creation will once again appear in its original form.


In Revelation 22 Saint John reports, “Then he showed me a river with the waters of life, sparkling like crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the city's street.” This passage points to the indescribably refreshing and joyful sweetness that flows out from God's divine majesty to all the blessed. Verse 2 continues, “On either side of the river stood a tree of life which yields twelve crops of fruit, one for each month of the year; and the leaves of the trees serve for the healing of the nations.” The twelve crops of fruit refer here to the twelve degrees of happiness or pleasure of the blessed. The reference to the leaves that serve for the healing of all nations clearly means that the damned (represented by the term “nations” in the passage) should also enjoy some part of the tree of life for their salvation and happiness, namely the leaves. This indicates that the firstborn will share in the most magnificent glory of God, represented by the fruits of the tree, which draw their sweetness from the crystal clear river of the living images, that is, from the perfect purity and light of the divine emanation of love. And just as the twelve months represent the passing of the years, as long as the heavens and the earth continue to exist, so too, the firstborn of God who shared in the first resurrection will also share in twelve eternal cycles of divine pleasure for as long as God is God. These firstborn will also have a special advantage before those who only achieve general happiness after the Last Judgment. But even these latecomers will have an advantage before those who must first be purified by the hellfire, namely those who could enjoy only the leaves from the Tree of Life (see above).


All elemental corporeal material, when it is burned by earthly fire, will either be burned to ashes or transformed into a slaglike material. Ash and slag can then be converted to a glasslike material with the help of earthly images and heavenly images, the ashes entirely converting to a crystal clear glass, insofar as one knows how to convert the so-called terram damnatum into that which is concealed in the ashes. However, one must have a greater knowledge of nature than a typical glassmaker; that is, he must know at least one stream of the river flowing from the great sea of the eternally profound knowledge of nature; otherwise, it will not reveal its secrets. But to turn slag into glass requires a truly high level of skill and technique if the effort is not to be in vain. Unless the general solvent is applied properly, so that not a speck of darkness remains behind from the slag, it will be impossible to convert it into a clear, transparent body or a clear, flawless glass. With the divine moistening sulfurous saline mercurial images this can be accomplished most quickly. Everything that was subject to decay and ruination will be made perfect again through this water and through the Fiat at the end of the final period of time; all darkness will be lifted and returned to its original light-form. Job understood this quite well, as his words made clear at the beginning of this chapter.