Promise and Leslie were guests in Wu’s home that day, and the next. Promise had trouble allowing herself to enjoy the amenities. Leslie, with her absolute focus, swam and played and read with endless energy.
On the afternoon of the second day, Wu returned to Promise, his face neutral. “I have news for you,” he said. He sat next to her on the bed, and took her hand as if she were a fond daughter. “Do you know what an Alpha team is?”
“First team?”
“Yes. In military parlance, the Alpha and Beta are the first and second teams. Very good. But the terms in and of themselves have little meaning. Now. What I have discovered about Aubry is disturbing. He is considered both Alpha and ‘bird dog.’ In other words, Aubry is being backed up. But the backups consider him to be a distraction. Something to draw fire. And he is considered vulnerable to sacrifice.”
Promise felt her emotions boiling just beneath the surface. “But … after the pardon? After the service to President Harris? How could they?”
“The president doesn’t plan such operations. The man in charge is named Koskotas. General Koskotas. A venomous racist, a Swarnaphobe. A man capable of hating Aubry Knight for his skin color alone. Aubry used his connection with Harris to force his way into the operation. Koskotas would hate that. Therefore … Aubry is expendable.”
He clapped his hands, and a map appeared in the air before them. “It seems that Aubry will be brought to this point, where he will be substituted for an athlete performing at the dedication of Swarnaville Spaceport. There may be a chance to make contact.”
“Why? What is happening there?”
Wu’s eyes narrowed. “I do not know. To tell you the truth, I now have more information than it is safe to possess. I am unsure of the game.”
“When is he due there?”
“In five days, on the fourteenth.”
Promise looked at the map, and nodded. “Do you have any word on the second matter?”
“Kanagawa? Yes. As Swarna’s minister of public works, he not only handles contract bids from organizations such as your Scavengers, he also pockets a huge amount of bribe money. Two years ago, your bid was rejected for insufficient side profit.”
“I have had dealings with this man. I believe that if … say, the Scavengers and Wu Industrial were to propose a joint venture, Kanagawa would be receptive. Would you be interested in such a proposal?”
Promise had to laugh. “Can you even sneeze without making a profit, Mr. Wu?”
He coughed modestly. “It is quite unlikely.”
She extended her hand. “We’ll work out the details later.”
“Beware, Mrs. Knight—my lawyers know no mercy.”
“A happy coincidence,” she said. “How nice to know that we two can remain civil, while our minions go to war.”
“It has ever been thus, Mrs. Knight.” Wu’s green eyes sparkled. He clapped his hands sharply. “Tea?”