It was raining by the time the security skimmer passed the Citadel’s gates, running the codes through its computer. It landed, and scanners showed that Ni, San, and Roku were aboard. They disembarked, still wearing shock armor and faceplates, and seemed as tall and strong as the mountains from which they had just returned.
The courtyard below the Citadel was of concrete, with high, stark walls, and the raindrops hit and spattered, steaming against the asphalt.
Tanaka met them at the lock, with his own group of Divine Blossom guards. “And?”
San’s face shield depolarized. “No sign of Go, or the rebels. It was a false sighting.”
Tanaka cursed. “And you let him go into that prison alone. Alone!”
“He was the strongest,” San said coolly. “If he had succeeded in extracting the assassin, he would have gained much honor. You, more than anyone, should understand this.”
In their armor and helmets Ni, San, and Roku were a half head taller than Tanaka. He glared at them, then nodded curtly and turned away.
He returned to the electronic-scan station and watched as they filed in. One at a time, the computer scanned their retinas and palm prints. One at a time, they entered the Citadel.
Tanaka watched, suspicion narrowing his eyes.
Inside Ni’s armor, Aubry Knight sweltered as they walked the halls of the Citadel. There was no cover here, no place to hide.
They marched, down the graven stone hallways beneath the Citadel, until they came to the bank of elevators.
Then San and Roku turned to him, and raised their hands, touching palms to his palm.
“One dies, we all die. One lives, we all live,” she whispered, and armed her rifle. She turned abruptly, and ran down the hall.
The elevator opened. Aubry and Roku entered.
The door closed.