
I have a lot of fun experimenting with these juicing recipes and I hope that these same recipes are getting you started with your own vitality and energy juicing goals, too.


There's a lot of satisfaction when you stumble on a healthy juicing recipe that tastes fantastic, too. It's even more gratifying if the recipe is 5 minute quick and simple to make at the same time.


Don't be afraid to add or remove ingredients to make the recipe your own and as Ann Wigmore, one of the front-runners of today's raw food movement, declared, "Be creative; you just need to understand approximately what to do."


When you do make changes, jot them down! There is little worse than playing around and making a great recipe only to realise you can't remember precisely what you probably did. By making juices that you adore, you'll find yourself anticipating your juice breakfast or juice break.


Since they're so high in nourishment, you will begin to feel more fit.


If you're like me, you may also find that the more that you drink juices, the more that you will begin to enjoy healthier food options like salads and fresh items. Convenience foods like potato chips will begin to taste tasteless.


The additional energy you get from the fruit, vegetable and plant based juices will also assist you in working out more.


All this will assist you in making your juicing efforts a big success!


I attempted to make this Juicing For Vitality & Energy system as easy, fascinating, inspiring, easy to use and as practical to consume as possible for you because a system like this has to be compatible with today's fast paced and mobile world.


Just keep the book on your portable gadget next to your working table and go through one recipe at a time and as you progress with your own juicing goals for health, vitality and energy.


Make it a fun and exciting challenge and stick to it. Remember changing your eating and drinking habits is becoming easier and easier as time goes by and as you get used to your new juicing habits. This is a marathon and not a sprint. It is important to take your time in order to change your habits, improve, and adapt to this new juicing lifestyle!


The book is intended to be used in an interactive and stimulating fashion and to empower you to take action at the same time.


Remember the juices are 5 minute quick to prepare so this even works for the busiest person in the world.


Ultimately, the goal of this book is to lead you to a healthy lifestyle that includes healthy and nutritious juices and food choices.


Including these healthy juicing drinks into your daily meal plans and including them into your lifestyle is what you should be aiming for as your ultimate goal.


Once you are at the level of including healthy juices into your daily lifestyle, you have achieved a big success towards a healthy lifestyle because your body uses the natural healing power of these plant based foods and superfoods that are contained in these juices.


Your body will be able to provide protection and fight infections and viruses. It will be able to heal itself, boost your vitality and energy and utlimately safe you from lots of pain, diseases and expensive doctor bills.


This is a goal that you will never be able to achieve with some common food alternatives or fancy meal plans. Following the latest food trends that are popular is a plan for error and disaster and you do not want to be a victim of these chemically, sick making, and industrially fabricated food design products..


The plan of this Juicing for vitality and energy lifestyle, however, is very kind and intelligent because it follows the rules and the creativity of the nature and the body. It nurishes and energizes the body throughout the day with all the beneficial ingredients and nutrients that are beneficial for the body and mind and it keeps your body and mind productive all the time.


I hope you will use and consume the content whenever you need some inspiration and motivation for making some healthy juice drinks that are helping you live the healthy lifestyle.


Remember, all you have to do is open the book and start with the first juice drink preparation.


Go through all of them and apply them on a daily basis as you see fit and depending on the health goal that you are looking to achieve.


Remember to get started every morning with the Secret Morning Elixir first before drinking your first juice in order to accelerate the health benefits that come with juicing.


You will soon see for yourself that making these juices is a lot of fun plus a lifestyle with juices is going to make you very happy, satisfied, balanced, fit, and energized!


Double your vitality, energy, and life today by the power of juicing!


To your success,



Juliana Baldec