Paleo Is Like E



Paleo is much like E because it is a lifestyle that is great for eggnog any time of the year.

The only thing that troubles me is that People may not tolerate eggs and folks might pass out from an egg allergy.

That's the time when you have to change your strategy.

Here is thankfully some Paleo fantasy to keep your sanity.

Here comes the frugality reality of living a life in harmony with veggy and meat diversity:

"Paleo Enchiladas And Garlicky Personality"

That's what I call remarkably and incredibly biodiversity!


If you think biodiversity is not worth it, let me tell you, stick to alkaline earth food and you will never get sick!


Here is what Elizabeth Harrison has to say to this:


"Those who are lifting the world upward and onward are those who encourage more than criticize." -Elizabeth Harrison


Always be uplifting, cheerful and be eating wonderful Paleo minerals and you can say goodbye to your own funeral!