Paleo Is Like M




Paleo is quite like the letter M because it has some great meatloaf on the plate.

The only problem is... well, to be honest, with gravy it's good, so on this I'll have to be brave and rave.

Another thing you have to engrave.

Meat is ingredient number one because as you know Paleo is absolutely great for muscle gain and it also soothes your pain.

If you need to regain make sure to integrate lots of Paleo ingredients like salads and romaine.

Paleo is also a very good thing for athletes.

Eat a lot of Paleo fruits if you are dealing with some kind of active sport and if you use your feet for heavy transport.


Let me tell you this. If you stick to it, you will never get sick!


Marc Aurelius can really speek to this because he has the experience:


"The wise man sees in the misfortune of others what he should avoid." -Marcus Aurelius