1 For the problems of studying the history of Italy through the middle ages and early modern period, and for a sense of ‘Italian’ identity: Larner 1980, ch. 1; Hay and Law 1989, chs 1–2; Hay 1977a, ch. 3; Sestan 1950; AA.VV. 1972–, I, 949–1022. On languages and dialects: Maiden 1995; Maiden and Parry 1997. General history of this period: Hay and Law 1989; Cochrane 1988b; Sella 1997; Carpanetto and Ricuperati 1987. Space precludes fuller referencing for this chapter, but these works will lead to much.

2 Astarita 1999, valuably confronts the problems of scribal records and languages, esp. xxi– xxiii.

3 D. Laven 1995, an historian’s short, balanced, introduction to the Machiavellian issue.

4 Croce 1970; Nicolini 1934; Villari 1993.

5 Braudel 1991; Black and others 1993.

6 See textbooks mentioned in note 1 for framework. AA.VV. 1972–, I–III.

7 Strocchia 1992, 79–82.

8 Ferraro 1993, 14 (map).

9 Abulafia 1995; Black and others 1993, 77 (map of invasion route and Italian Wars).

10 Arrizabalaga and others 1997; Henderson 1998; Wills 1997.

11 Chubb 1967; Labalme 1982; Cairns 1985.

12 Dandelet 1997.

13 Chittolini 1989 and esp. 1995; Lanaro 1999.

14 Clark 1985; D’Amico 2000.

15 Hibbert 1975, 307–11.

16 Venturi 1969–90, I, II, V: 1/2; Venturi 1972; Robertson 1992, 1997.


1 D. S. Walker 1967 (my main geographical reference); B. King 1985; Braudel 1972, I; Cohn 1999a, esp. ch.1 on mountain communications; Larner 1990; Maczak 1995. AA.VV. 1972– has much, esp. vol. 1 I Caratteri originali 1972, Haussmann, ‘Il suolo d’Italia nella storia’, Sereni, ‘Agricoltura rurale’; vol. 5* I Documenti 1973: Day, ‘Strade e vie di communicazione’, Tucci, ‘Credenze geografiche e cartografia’; Annali 8 1985, Pratesi, ‘Gli ambienti naturale e l’equilibrio ecologico’.

2 Maczak 1995.

3 Black and others 1993, 77 (colour map showing invasion route and some passes).

4 Cohn 1996a, 1999a, esp. 8, 24–8 on Braudelian thesis.

5 Ginzburg 1980, 1983; cf. Ruggiero 1993, Del Col 1996 for Menocchio, 1998 for other Friuli cases.

6 Vaussard 1962, 32.

7 Ruffo 1916.

8 Kennet and Young 1990, 33–4.

9 Guiton 1977, 4.

10 Cited D. S. Walker 1967, 36; cf. Chard 1999, 92–3, 105.

11 Bellettini 1978; Beloch 1937–1961; Black 1989, Appendix 1; Cipolla 1974, 1992a; Del Panta 1996; Livi Bacci 1976, 1990.

12 A. L. Martin 1996 and Wills 1997 raise the major queries, and I am indebted to my colleague Sam Cohn, currently analysing the Black Death interpretations with due scepticism. Corradi 1973 charts a huge range of reported epidemics through the centuries, with indexes in vol. V. See also: Calvi 1989; Carmichael 1991; Cipolla 1976, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1992a; Pastore 1991.

13 Galasso 1982, I, 46–7; Black 1989, 151–3 with sources; Piva 1991; Preto 1984.

14 Wills 1997, 133–5.

15 Black 1989, 153–4.

16 Braudel 1984, I esp.; D’Ambrosio and Spedicato 1998; Basini 1970; Cognasso 1965, II, part 5; La Roncière 1983; Livi Bacci 1990; Montanari 1994; Musgrave 1992; Revel 1975; Sereni 1961, 1997.

17 Braudel 1972, esp. 594–606.

18 Chorley 1965.

19 R. C. Davis 1997, 85 (quote).

20 Crispolti 1648, 1974.

21 Pagano de Divitiis 1997, 157–66.

22 D’Ambrosio and Spedicato 1998; Arch. Patr. Ven., Curia Patriarcale – Sezione Antica, Atti patriarcale riguardanti le monache, vols. for 1591–9 and 1620–30.

23 Arch. di San Pietro, Perugia Mazzo xxxvi.

24 Camporesi 1980, 1993; Black 1989, 136, 158; Rouch 1982, with selection of Croce’s poems.


1 Koenigsberger 1960. See above Chapter 1, esp. notes 1 and 6. On European scene, and some major theories: Braudel 1972, 1984, 1991/1994; Wallerstein 1974, 1980. Goldthwaite 1993, esp. 11–67 is a valuable overview. On recent views and evidence for the 17th century: Sella 1997; Pagano De Divitiis 1997; D’Amico 2000. Also: Cattola 1988; Belfanti 1993; Van der Wee 1988; Ciriacono 1988; Malanima 1996; Mazzei 1979.

2 Braudel 1994, 223; and his chapter ‘Is Italian decadence a discernible process? ’.

3 Montaigne 1955, 1983.

4 Epstein 1993; Fasano Guarini 1986; R. K. Marshall 1999.

5 Ciriacono in AA.VV. 1992–7, V, 548–9, 565–7.

6 Epstein 1994; Sakellariou 1995.

7 Rapp 1976, 505–11; Pagano de Divitiis 1997, 172–4; McCray 1999.

8 Sella 1979; Faccini 1988; Pagano de Divitiis 1997; against e.g. Cipolla 1968. On Milan’s crises 1570–1610, and some gains elsewhere: D’Amico 2000.

9 Belfanti 1993, 261.

10 Pagano de Divitiis 1997.

11 Pagano de Divitiis 1997, 136–8.

12 Fairchilds 1993; Stearns 1997; Ciriacono 1988.

13 Palumbo-Fossati 1984; Pavanini 1981.

14 ASB Tribunale del Torrone 5758 1629–30; Tribunale della Plebe Mazzo I 1579–1692.

15 Pullan 1999a.

16 Camporesi 1992; Sereni 1997, with some illustrations of the changing agriculture scene as perceived in paintings and prints of period. See also AA.VV. Storia d’Italia Einaudi: Vol. 6 Atlante, F. Zeri ‘La percezione visive dell’Italia e degli Italiani nella storia della pittura’, and, by various authors, ‘La campagna, gli uomini, la terra e le sue rappresentazioni visive’, all with illustrations or maps; Annali 5 1982, De Seta, ‘L’Italia nello specchio del Grand Tour’.

17 Ago 1980.

18 Gazzini 1997.

19 Ginzburg 1983.

20 P. A. Allerston has kindly given me access to her notes on Archivio di Stato, Florence, Archivio delle Arti, Università del linaioli, n.1, with Statuto de’linaioli con approvazioni 1549– 52, fols. xvir-xviiiv.

21 Malanima 1990.

22 Fontaine 1996; Viazzo 1989; Niccoli 1990, esp. 12–19 on cantastorie.

23 Gentilcore 1995b, 299 (quote); cf. Garzoni, 1996, 1188–1197.

24 Gentilcore 1998, 98.


1 Jones 1966, Sereni 1997 on Italy, and Abel 1980, Slicher van Bath 1963 for the European context. See also Hay and Law 1989, esp. ch. 4; Carpanetto and Ricuperati 1987, esp. ch. 2; Sella 1979, esp. ch. VI. Regional studies in English worth highlighting: Cosgrove 1993; Herlihy and Klapisch-Zuber 1985, esp. 115–22; McArdle 1978; Marino 1988; Musgrave 1992. In Italian in general: Sereni 1961; Jones 1964, a version of Jones 1966; De Maddalena 1964. There is much in the many volumes of AA.VV. Storia d’Italia 1972–, esp. Vol. 1 I Caratteri originali: Sereni, ‘Agricoltura e mondo rurale’, 136–252, Vol. 5/1 I Documenti: Klapisch-Zuber ‘Villaggi abandonati ed emigrazione interne’, 311–64; Giorgetti, ‘Contratti agrari a rapporti sociali nelle campagne’, 701–58; vol. 6 Atlante: part 4: ‘La campagna: gli uomini, la terra e le sue rappresentazioni visive’, 425–664; vol.1 of Annali Dal feudalismo al capitalismo, esp.: Ugolini, ‘Tecnologia ed economia agrarie dal feudalismo al capitalismo’, 375–452, and idem ‘Il podere nell’economia rurale italiana’, 713–807; Aymard, ‘La transizione dal feudalismo al capitalismo’, 1131–92; vol. 8 of Annali: Insediamenti e territorio: Delille, ‘L’ordine dei villaggi e l’ordine dei campi. Per uno studio antropologico del paesaggio agrario nel Regno di Napoli secoli xv–xviii’, 502–60, linking geography, types of agriculture, villages and families. Berengo 1965, ch. v; Beltrami 1955, 1962, Ventura 1964.

2 Grohmann 1981, I, 72–4, II, 785, and 769–78.

3 ASP, Fondo Notarile, Notary 129, Pietro Paulo di Giovanni, vol. 676, f.42v, 10 Sept. 1527; Grohmann 1981, II921.

4 See note 1; Jones 1968; Brown 1982; Malanima 1979; Conti 1965.

5 Balestracci 1999.

6 ASPerugia, Fondo Notarile, Notary 141, Pietro Paulo di Ludovico, vol. 825, ff.22r–3r, 20 Jan. 1525. ‘Ser’ in Umbria usually indicates a notary. Grohmann 1981 II esp. 893–913, 1099–1147; Petrocchi 1972; Chiacchella 1974, esp. 134–46.

7 Balestracci 1999, esp. 52–61.

8 Sereni 1997, 232–5; Carpanetto and Ricuperati 1987, 213–15.

9 Finzi 1979; cf. Musgrave 1992, 132–4.

10 McArdle 1978; Dué 1994, Table 24.

11 McArdle 1978, 26, Fig. 10.

12 Mazzei 1977, esp. 61, 117–24, 134, 144; Dué 1994, Tables 23, 24.

13 Astarita 1992; Gross 1990, ch. 6; Giorgetti 1973.

14 Delille, 1990, 79–126.

15 Astarita 1992; Delille 1990.

16 Gentilcore 1992, 23; Visceglia 1988b, esp. 21–32, 115–141.

17 Astarita 1992, 111; Astarita 1999 for an excellent study of a feudal community at Pentidattilo, and jurisdictional roles.

18 Astarita 1992.

19 Marino 1988. See also Delille 1990; Gross 1990, 168–71.

20 Marino 1988, 90; AA.VV. 1972–, VI, 615, pl. 83, reproduces an interesting 1687 map of sheep locations, Poste, around Foggia.

21 Marino 1988, 41 and 316, note 3.

22 Luise 1983, 304, Table 2.

23 Villone 1983; Delille 1985, esp. 107, 129–39, 186, 328–9; Coniglio 1978, 127–9.

24 Woolf 1979, 45–6.

25 Masi 1957; cf. Nicolini, 1934, 309; Pepe, 1952, 215; Gentilcore 1992, 25–6, 49–51 for partial support, from a different perspective. On Jesuits, Masella, 1979 esp. 38–40.

26 Louise Bross, University of Chicago, paper given at the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Toronto October 1994, ‘Architectural projects in the lands of Santo Spirito in Sassia’, and in an interesting subsequent discussion.

27 Marino 1988, 138, 179, 220. On San Pietro: Black 1984, 447–8; Montanari 1966, 129–60; Guerrieri 1967; Chiacchella 1974, 136–46; Archivio di S.Pietro, Perugia, Diverse 38, ‘Libro di Ricordi da 1527 al 1616’; Mazzo xxxvi.

28 Chiacchella 1974, 134.

29 Malanima 1977, 76–85, 1979, esp. Tables IV–VI for figures.

30 Astarita 1999, 88–110.

31 Bush 1988, 161–2; Black 1981, esp. 529–30, 537–8; Fasano Guarini 1978, esp. her ‘Intro-duzione’; Ferraro 1993; Polverini Fosi 1985; Wright, 1980; Muir 1993, 1998; Pullan 1999a.

32 Black 1981; Coffin 1988; Ginori 1977; Logan 1972; Muraro and Marton 1986; Sereni 1997.

33 Romby and Tarassi 1992, exhibition catalogue with many illustrations of rural society, living and working conditions; AA.VV. 1972– Storia d’Italia , vol. 6, Atlante 1976, photos of different kinds of peasant housing, supporting Lucio Gambi, ‘La casa contadina’, 479–505; see also Sereni 1961, 1997, with some useful b. and w. illustrations from paintings. Bonelli Conenna 1980, 225–37, including reproductions of contemporary drawings of buildings; Gambi 1964; Balestracci 1999, 29–32, 110–14.

34 Belli, 1983, 346.


1 Cowan 1998, 4–12 with Table 1.1.

2 Hughes 1975; Burke 1997, ch. 7; Concina 1998, 192–3.

3 Gianighian and Pavanini 1984 and Trincanato 1995 on Venice; D’Amico 1994 on Milan.

4 De Re Aedificatoria VII: 1, cited Miller 1989, 105.

5 D’Amico 1994; Giusberti 1986; Calabi 1993; McCray 1999 notably on Murano glass-making.

6 Thornton 1991, 11.

7 Goldthwaite 1980, 89.

8 D’Amico 1994, esp. 34, 40–41.

9 Thornton 1991; Davanzo Poli 1997, for clothing, shoes, wall coverings; Pazzi 1996a and 1996b for gold, silver, jewellery; Dorigato 1986 and McCray 1999 for glass; Malanima 1990.

10 Waddy 1990.

11 Thornton 1997, splendidly illustrated: Fig. 21 reproduces the Vision of St Ursula, Fig. 24 has Lorenzo Lotto’s delightfully informal drawing of An Ecclesiast in his [well-lived in!] Study- Bedroom, [British Museum]; Santore 1988.

12 Cipolla 1992a, 23, and 1981, 15–17; Black 1989, 156–7.

13 Key works: Adams and Nussdorfer 1994; Argan 1969; Braunfels 1990; Calabi 1993; For Bologna: Miller 1989; Florence: Fei and others 1995; Naples: Hersey 1969; De Seta 1994; Rome: Burroughs 1990; Delumeau 1957–59; Krautheimer 1985; Partner 1976; Turin: Pollak 1991; Venice: Bellavitis and Romanelli 1989; Calabi and Morachiello 1987; Concina 1994 and 1998; Crouzet-Pavan 1992; Goy 1989; Howard 1980 and 1990; Huse and Wolters 1990; Maretto 1992; Trincanato 1995; Zucconi 1995.

14 Mack 1987; Ackerman and Rosenfeld 1989, with plans.

15 Metzger Habel 1990; Krautheimer 1985; Morton 1966; Vertova 1995.

16 Goy 1989, Part 1; Crouzet-Pavan 1992; Concina 1998, 104–6 on Ca’ Foscari.

17 Miller 1989; Montaigne 1955, 81, 1983, 62 for Bologna [it is misleading to translate as colonnades] and 61, 66, 169.

18 Cipolla 1992, 52–3.

19 Vanzan Marchini 1995a, 1995b.

20 Cipolla 1973, 1976, 1977, 1981, 1992a; Wills 1997; Calvi 1989; Vanzan Marchini 1995a, esp. 13–38, 65–102; Pastore 1991; Palmer 1982, 1999.

21 Farr 1997; Mackenney 1987; Gross 1990, esp 91; Guenzi and others 1998, esp. Fanfani largely exonerating guilds; D’Amico 2000.

22 Primum {-quartum} volumen statutorum Perusie, Perugia 1523–8.

23 ASP, Iura Diversa, vol. 190, folder dated 14 gennaio 1535, Ars Capellarum: cases 1535–7; Giudiziari, 1522 volume for taverners and mainly notaries; cf. Briganti 1910, esp. 167–95, 210–14.

24 On welfare aspects: Spicciani 1984; Mackenney 1987; various contributions in Guenzi and others 1998, Part III. There is overlap in this area between guilds and confraternities. See below 159.

25 Fanfani 1959, 176–7, 206–7; Delumeau 1957–59, 369–70. ASR, Camerale II. Arti e Mestieri, Buste 6, 19, 25, 33, for eighteenth-century sub-divisions, and competition between guilds.

26 Rapp 1976, 171–5.

27 On Milan Moioli 1998; on Brescia Belfanti 1998.

28 Fanfani 1959, 176–7, 179.

29 Chambers and Pullan 1992, 287–9.

30 De Roover 1966.

31 Cavazzini 1997, with extracts in Italian from incest trials; Garrard 1989, whose Appendix gives a translated transcript of the 1612 rape trial.

32 Fanfani 1959, 213–15; Marshall 1999, 7–9.

33 Black 1967b; Rapp 1976, 22–5.

34 ASB Tribunale della Plebe Mazzo I; ASR Arti e Mestieri, Buste 6, 19, 25, 33; Cerutti 1991; Poni 1989, 1991; Guenzi and others 1998, esp. articles by Travaglini on Rome, Guenzi on Bologna hatmakers.

35 Concina 1988, with many illustrations; Davis 1991, 1993, 1997; Lane 1987, 1992; Rapp 1976; Tucci 1980.

36 Davis 1991, Table 1.1.

37 Davis 1997.

38 Notes kindly provided by Allerston from ASV Sant’Uffizio, b.94, proc. Marietta Battaglia Rubini, 21 April, 18 Nov. 1639.

39 Trincanato 1995, 56 for drawing; Lane 1992, ch. VI on private shipyards.

40 Pagano de Divitiis 1997; Cipolla 1992b, ch. 2; analysis and illustrations in the catalogue Livorno: progetto e storia di una città tra il 1500 e il 1600 Pisa, 1980.

41 Pagano de Divitiis 1997, 120–1.

42 Black 1984, 451–2.

43 Battara 1937; Mackenney 1987, 15, 92, Table 3:1; Giusberti 1986.

44 Ginori 1977, Fig. 1.

45 Allerston 1999, 53, where she also uses a c.1650 print to illustrate a mercer’s shop with bolts of cloth; and a two-storey shop-house in the background.

46 Illustrated in Davanzo Poli 1997, 116, no. 180.

47 Coloured illustrations from his work in Museo Correr, Venice reproduced in Marangoni 1974.

48 Allerston 1996, 179–81; Fanfani 1959, 108–9; Fontaine 1991, 1996; Vianello 1993, 95–105; Zompini 1980. Pignatti 1969, for Pietro Longhi’s paintings, pls. 88 Woman Selling Doughnuts, Ca’ Rezzonico, 89 Man Selling Salad, Longleat, England, 164 The Perfume-seller, Ca’ Rezzonico; see two drawings reproduced in Calabi and Morachiello 1987, pls. 11 and 12.

49 Allerston 1996, 179–81, 185–96.

50 Allerston 1996, pp 234–52; see also Majarelli and Nicolini 1962; ASP Monti di Pietà, Debitori e Creditori, vol. 1.

51 Thornton 1997, 24–6.

52 Martin 1993, 170–1.

53 Martin 1993, 171; Wilton and Bignamini 1996, 118, no. 75.

54 Allerston 1996.

55 Walker 1998a, ch. 7, 235, and 1999a, 33.

56 Martin 1993, 170; cf. Martin 1996b.

57 Maczak 1995, 63.

58 Wilton and Bignamini 1996, 107, no. 59 An Inn at Barletta 1778 with quotation in Lamers’ catalogue entry.

59 Marangoni 1974; ASR Camerale II. Arti e Mestieri, Busta 6, Caffetieri; Giusberti 1986; Wilton and Bignamini 1996 no. 72, David Allan 1744–96, A Roman Coffee House, c. 1775; no. 71, Allan’s The Arrival of a Young Traveller and his Suite during the Carnival in the Piazza di Spagna, Rome, c. 1775. Pignatti 1969, pls. 452 The Coffee-House attributed to De Gobbis rather than Longhi, 490, print of The Coffee-House by P. Wagner, from lost Longhi painting.

60 Walker 1998a, ch. 7, and 1999. The quotation is from ASV Esecutori contra la Bestemmia, Busta 54, 31 Dec. 1598; courtesy of J. Walker. He uses Antonino Collurafi, L’idea del gentil’huomo di republica nel governo politico, ethico, ed economico (Venice, 1633); the work of a noted tutor to patrician families.


1 Martin 1996a; Garzoni 1617 originally consulted, but also subsequently the 1996 edition; the length of the work, over 800 pages in the 1617 edition, is largely explained by the prolixity of classical and later historical references; Gnavi 1990.

2 Grubb 1996, esp. 175, 107–32.

3 Parker 1996. See also Lowry 1979; Masetti Zannini 1980.

4 For the general European context, with varying detail on Italy, Davis and Farge 1993; Hannawalt 1986; King 1991; Wiesner 1987, 1993; in Italian: De Maio 1987. Some key studies: Brown 1986a, Brown and Goodman 1980, Herlihy 1990, Herlihy and Klapisch-Zuber 1985, Klapisch-Zuber 1985; Burke 1987 esp. 35–39 on the problems of recording women; Brown and Davis 1998, esp. Cohn on the fifteenth century. In Italian: Barbagli 1988.

5 Herlihy 1990, Table 7.1; Herlihy and Klapisch-Zuber 1985, 124, 300 and Table 10.3.

6 Fabretti 1885; Primum (-quartum) volumen statutorum Perusie Perugia, 1523–8, vol. IV Rubric 109.

7 Mackenney 1987, 23.

8 Cavallo 1991, 173–5.

9 Cohn 1998; Park 1985.

10 See e.g. Burke 1987, 35–9; Davis 1991; Mackenney 1987; Rapp 1976.

11 ASB Tribunale della Plebe, Querele, Mazzo I 1573–88.

12 Chambers and Pullan 1992, 283, trans. R. Mackenney.

13 Dooley 1989.

14 Ferraro 1993, 63–5, 96–8.

15 Gentilcore 1994b, 1995a, 1995b, 1997, 1998; Ghisalberti 1985; Park 1985; Pomata 1994, esp. ch 3; Troncarelli 1985.

16 ArchVicR, Libri Parocchiali. 14: S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini, vol. 2 Battesimi II 1571–90, fols. 65r–93r, passim. Filippini 1993.

17 Astarita 1999, 155–6, 190–7.

18 Abbondanza 1973; Musgrave 1992, 16 notes both the roles of court notaries, and how little we know of their extended powers and duties. Astarita 1999 now notably highlights the roles of scribes in a remote feudal enclave in Calabria, esp. xxi–xxiii.

19 Balestracci 1999, xiv (introduction by Muir).

20 Gentilcore 1995b, 123–4.

21 Lane 1987, 343.

22 Gentilcore, seminar paper ‘The Organisation of Medical Practice in Malpighi’s Italy’, kindly sent to me. Benadusi 1996, ch. 5 on Poppi and Tuscany more broadly.

23 Lane 1987, 180; D’Amico 1994, 89–93; Grubb 1996, 123–9; Partner 1990, esp. 6, 22, 60; Nussdorfer 1992, esp. 67–71, 89, 189; 1994.

24 Marshall 1999, xv, 8–9, 72, 102–3, 116.

25 Tuscany: Angiolini 1992; Benadusi 1996; Brown 1982; Fasano Guarini 1973; Litchfield 1986.

26 Zannini 1992 and 1993; AA.VV. 1992–7, IV, Zannini, ‘L’impiego pubblico’, 415–63, esp. 423–6 for two individuals cited.

27 Chambers and Dean 1997.

28 Gigli 1994 is a good modern annotated edition; Nussdorfer 1994, 109–14 on his life, passim for much use of Gigli’s diary for 1608–70.

29 Angiolini 1992.

30 Romano 1996, 101–3; Lotto 1969.

31 M. Barbagli 1988, esp. Tables IV – 5, 6, 29–31 for figures here and most to follow.

32 Romano 1996, 109, Table 3.3.

33 Klapisch-Zuber 1986; Gross 1990, esp. Table 18; Arru 1990.

34 Gavitt 1990; Black 1989, 200–6; Klapisch-Zuber 1985, esp.132–64.

35 Cohn 1996b, esp. 14, 159–60.

36 Walker 1998a, ch. 6, 1998b; Garzoni 1996, 1263–8, esp. 1267.

37 Walker 1998b, 87.

38 Rapp 1976, 24–7. See also: D’Amico 1994, Goldthwaite 1980; Lee 1982; Pullan 1968; Scavizzi 1968.

39 Gross 1990, 99.

40 Garzoni 1996, 1459–64; Hughes 1988, 100, quoting Rainaldo.

41 Chambers and Dean 1997.

42 Hughes 1988; Wright 1980; Zorzi 1994.

43 Pullan 1978, 1026.

44 Calvi 1989, 147–54.

45 Brackett 1992, esp. ch. 3 on Florence; Zorzi 1994, esp. 48–51; Chambers and Dean 1997 passim on those serving magistrates sent out from Ferrara and Mantua. On Venice and Veneto, Povolo 1980 and other articles in Cozzi 1980–5; Nussdorfer 1992, 224–5; Mackenney 1987.

46 Brackett 1993; Davidson 1994; Trexler 1981; Delumeau 1957–9, I, 416–29; Menetto and Zennaro 1987.

47 AS Perugia Editti e Bandi, vol. 2 fols. 27v–8r, 35v, 56r–v, and Riformanze 1492 fol.109v.

48 D’Amico 1994, 140–3.

49 ASB, Ufficio delle Bullette, 1598: Campsonus Meretricum volume.

50 Masson 1975; Rosenthal 1992.

51 Santore 1988.

52 Martin 1989, 130.

53 Ruggiero 1993, 31.

54 Cohen and Cohen 1993, esp. 189–99 quote from 195.

55 Black 1989, 181.

56 Pullan 1994, no. IV, untranslated ‘Poveri, mendicanti e vagabondi, ’ reprinted from AA.VV. Storia d’Italia Einaudi Annali 1 1978; Woolf 1986; Zardin 1995, esp. D’Amico 273– 90; Black 1989, esp. ch. 8. See also Cowan 1998, esp. ch.7, for European context, by a Venetian specialist.

57 Pullan 1978, 994–5.

58 Cipolla 1981, 16.

59 Black 1989, 158 quotes and precis two stanzas. For a modern edition of his poetry, Rouch 1982.


1 M. Barbagli 1988, 1991; Hajnal 1965, 1983; Herlihy and Klapisch-Zuber 1985; Kertzer and Brettell 1987; Laslett 1983; Tamassia 1910/1971.

2 Cited Gottlieb 1993, 252, 244.

3 Romano 1996, Part III, esp.209.

4 Notably undermined by Herlihy and Klapisch-Zuber 1985, using the 1427 Tuscan catasto records, and by Barbagli’s work on the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Barbagli 1988, 1991.

5 Barbagli 1991, 255.

6 Herlihy and Klapisch-Zuber 1985. See especially Table 10.1 for types of household.

7 Herlihy and Klapisch-Zuber 1985, esp. 282–6.

8 Douglass 1991, esp. 290, Table 15.2 for details.

9 Douglass 1991; cf. Douglass 1980; Delille 1985, esp. 188–97, with Tables 34–8.

10 Chojnacki 1974, esp. 179 n. 10.

11 Pilliod 1992.

12 Delille 1985, 30–1.

13 Klapisch-Zuber 1985, ch. 10, at 214. See generally Hughes 1985.

14 Molho 1994.

15 Kuehn 1991, 212–37.

16 Klapisch-Zuber 1985, ch. 9, esp. 192–3.

17 Kuehn 1991, 200; see Alberti 1969, 114–16.

18 Astarita 1992, esp. ch. 5; Delille 1983 and 1985, esp. Part III; Visceglia 1983; Merzario 1981; Kertzer and Brettell 1987, 90–1, 104.

19 Garrard 1989 has a translation of the surviving trial record in an Appendix; Cavazzini 1997; Bissell 1999, ch. 1 and Appendices.

20 E. S. Cohen 1991.

21 Ariès 1962; Stone, 1977; See also Gottlieb 1993; Chojnacki 1992 on adolescence; Ross 1974, Haas 1998 on Italian childhood; Heers 1977. On Florence particularly: Brucker 1986; Goldthwaite 1968; Kent 1977; Phillips 1987. AA.VV. 1966; Tamassia 1910/1971; Novi Chavarria 1988 on preaching about the family.

22 Giovanni Maria Cecchi, The Horned Owl 1981; Girolamo Bargagli, The Female Pilgrim 1988. Both plays have interesting and varied sets of characters, and are valuable for reflecting diverse attitudes and prejudices.

23 Especially De Maio 1987. In English: Constance 1990 has some valuable studies of Italian writings; Brown and Davis 1998.

24 Pitkin, 1984, esp. 25, 109–10, 120–1, using her translations, and ch. 6 ‘Fortune’. For the connection between Machiavelli’s sexual attitudes and sexual politics see Freccero 1993, esp. 163.

25 See Moss 1993, 137–53, esp.142; I have used Il Novellino 1975 reprint edn, S. S. Nigro, of 1940 Bari edn, A. Mauro, citing phrases from 180, 201, and quote from 10.

26 Kuehn 1991, 1998.

27 Jordan 1990, 167–71.

28 Francesco Barbaro ‘De re uxoria liber’, cited by Herlihy 1985, 117. Part of this treatise is translated as ‘On Wifely Duties’ in Kohl and Witt 1978, 189–228.

29 W. Thomas 1963, 16, 82–3, 108.

30 See esp. Cantarella, 1991, 229–44. The Latin versions of the unusual names have not been translated here; Moss 1993, 140–41.

31 See the letters of Alessandra Macinghi Strozzi, Gregory 1997; discussed by e.g. Phillips 1989, ch. 3 and passim; Molho 1994, 222–32; Goldthwaite 1968, chs. 2 and 3. [The roles of the Baglioni women are suggested by various letters in ASP, Carteggio Alfani, and Archivio Comunale, Todi, Lettere Diverse vol. 3 (3); Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Lettere di Principi, vol. 7 fol. 138, Monaldesca Baglioni to Pope Clement VII 3 July 1532.]

32 Astarita 1992, ch. 5.

33 Chojnacki 1974, 1985, 1991, 1992.

34 Chojnacki 1974, 198 n. 73, 1991, 149; Cohn 1998.

35 Davidson 1994, esp. 77–8, 87; Heers 1977, 61. Cf. McLaren, 1990 esp. ch. 5 ; Bell 1999; Haas 1998; Cohn 1996b, esp. ch. 6, ‘Sex and violence on the periphery’.

36 Black 1989, 200–205; Trexler 1973; Gavitt 1990; Kertzer 1992, 1993; Cohn 1996b.

37 Cowan 1991, 136–7, and 1999.

38 Zanetti 1972, 1977; Johansson 1987, 361.

39 Haas 1998.

40 Trexler 1991, esp. 159–86, with extensive quotations from Morelli’s Ricordi; Ross 1974.

41 King 1994, quoting from 16–17 and 32; the codex of consoling writings is in the Hunter Collection in Glasgow University Library.

42 Davidson 1994; R. C. Davis 1994; Heywood 1904. On youth confraternities Black 1989, 47–9; Weissman 1982, esp. 116, 189–90, 213–14, 230; Trexler 1991, 367–99; Grendi 1992; Eisenbichler 1998.

43 Ragionamento del Sig. Annibal Guasco ad Lavinia sua figliuola della maniera del governarsi elle in corte; andando per Donna (Turin, 1586), unpaginated. Dedicated to the Infanta Caterina, Duchess of Savoy. Cf. Bell 1999, 192.

44 Ago 1990, 62.

45 Calvi 1994; 1999.

46 Calvi 1992 and 1994, 37–64; Ago, 1992; Klapisch-Zuber 1985, ch. 6.

47 Brucker 1967. Generally see Goody 1972; Heers 1977; Laslett 1983; Wall and others 1983. Specific studies: Clarke 1991, ch. 5; Delille 1985, part 3; Grendi 1987, ch. II; F. W. Kent 1977.

48 Cited by F. W. Kent 1977, 154. Perosa 1960.

49 Kent 1977, quotes from 14, 96.

50 Black 1970 esp; and see Banker 1997; Black 1967a, 1981; Blanshei 1979. Burckhardt 1955, 16–21 omitted the heart-eating episode recorded by the chronicler Francesco Matarazzo 1905, 116.

51 Scalvanti 1903, 306–7. The word zeie is printed and, unless a misreading, would suggest aunts not uncles.

52 Black 1970, 263–4; Luchs 1983.


1 Scott 1995, I Introduction by Scott and Storrs, ch. 7 by Donati; Astarita 1992, 1999; Bush 1983, 1988; Davis 1962; Stumpo 1984; Tagliaferri 1984; Visceglia 1983, 1988a, 1988b; Visceglia 1992.

2 For a critical and balanced discussion of interpreting mentalities or, better, the French mentalités, Vovelle 1990.

3 Scott 1995, I, esp. ch. 7; Donati 1988; Berengo 1965, 254–63; Walker 1998a.

4 Donati, 1995, 239.

5 Cowan 1986, 51–2, n. 181.

6 Zanetti 1972, 21.

7 Donati 1988, 126–8, 147. Cf. Grubb 1988, esp. 86–93 on ‘patriciate into nobility’ in Vicenza.

8 Muto 1984, 287–303, esp. 295. Tutini 1644, Dell’origine e fundation de seggi di Napoli, Naples.

9 Cited by Borelli 1984, 13.

10 Politi, Aristocrazione e potere politico nella Cremona di Filippo II Milan, 1976, cited by Vigo 1984, 248. The comments on Perugia are derived from impressions gained years ago when reading the council records, the Riformanze in the ASP from the mid fifteenth to mid sixteenth centuries, and a few later volumes; the ten Priori are listed at the start of each session (of two or three months). The stress on status and title becomes notable by the 1530s.

11 Vigo 1984, 248; Berner, 1972, 9–10.

12 Borelli 1984, 17–18; Vigo 1984, 218; Zanoli 1973, esp. 293–4.

13 Borelli 1984, 16–17 lists some of the major works on agriculture.

14 Burke 1995; Black 1993; Donati 1988; Elias 1983, esp. ch. IV.

15 Hanlon 1998.

16 Hanlon 1998, 342–3; Walker 1998a.

17 Astarita 1992, 221.

18 Astarita 1992, 17, 220, Table 6.1; Donati 1995; Muto 1989.

19 Stumpo 1984, 163–4, 168.

20 Cowan 1986.

21 Stumpo 1984, 154.

22 Bush 1983; Grubb 1988; Astarita 1992, 1999.

23 Stumpo 1984.

24 Litchfield 1986, 33.

25 Zenobi 1992 provides a useful analysis of elites in the different parts of the Papal State; see also Black 1967a, 1970, 1981, 1984; Blanshei 1979; Chiacchella 1974; Polverini Fosi 1985, 1992.

26 Ago 1990; Hortubise 1985; Reinhard 1991. Wider context: Caravale and Carraciolo 1978; Gross 1990; Nussdorfer 1992.

27 Litchfield 1986, 37, n. 38 (quote, my translation).

28 Burke 1994, ch. 4.

29 Berner 1972; Litchfield 1986.

30 Diaz 1983; Cochrane 1973.

31 Hortubise 1985; Berengo 1965.

32 Donati 1995; Zanetti 1972.

33 Zanetti 1972.

34 Borelli 1974 for the 29 families; Berengo 1975, has some criticisms of the selection and adds other families to the elite.

35 Cowan 1986, 1999, and cf. Burke 1994; Pullan 1999c. Generally: Lane 1987; AA.VV. 1992–7, VI, Part II/I ‘La società veneziana’.

36 Cozzi, Knapton, and Scarabello 1992, 169.

37 Finlay 1980; Queller 1986.

38 Bellavitis 1995; Cowan 1986; Chambers and Pullan 1992, Part VI.4; Zannini 1992, 1993; Pullan 1999c.

39 Zannini 1992.

40 Lewis 1981, 362 and Pl. 14.6; Allerston 1998; Chambers and Pullan 1992, 263–6 for documents.

41 Grubb 1988.

42 Colapietra 1961, reviewed by E. Gencarelli, ASI 120 1962, 238–42.

43 Visceglia 1992, her Introduction and contributions esp. by A. Spagnoletti on Bari and A. Musi on Salerno.

44 Berner 1972.


1 Key conceptual works, backed largely by research on Florence include: Trexler 1991, with a stress on the importance of ritual, drawn from e.g. Geertz 1973/1993; Kent and Kent 1982; Eckstein 1995; Weissman 1982, 1985, 1987.

2 F. W. Kent 1987, 80. Thomas 1995 now provides a major study of Neri di Bicci’s workshops based on his Ricordanze.

3 Black 1967a, 1970, 1981; Heywood 1904, 1910.

4 Falassi 1975; Hook 1979; Silverman 1984.

5 Quotes from Kent and Kent 1982, 14 and 15, with my modification of the last one; Landucci 1969, 87, cf. 61, 64, 73.

6 Notably Kent and Kent 1982 and Eckstein 1995; see also Cohn 1980a, Trexler 1991.

7 Polizzotto 1994.

8 Zago 1982.

9 Gianighian and Pavanini 1984, 166 no. 32 for the Fondamenta Tron housing; cf. Maretto 1992, 416–17.

10 R. C. Davis 1993, 1994, 1997.

11 R. C. Davis 1994, 1999.

12 Ferraro 1993; Burke 1997, ch. 7.

13 A. Dunning’s work for his Courtauld Institute thesis, including the 1644 celebrations, generates these comments.

14 Allerston 1996; Brandes 1996; Calabi and Lanaro 1998, essays by Calabi and S. Zaggia; Calimani 1987; Concina and others 1991; Goy 1997, 231–34; Cozzi 1987; Pullan 1971 Part III, 1977, 1983, 1988b; Ravid 1999; Toaff 1996. AA.VV. 1972–; Annali 11: Gli Ebrei in Italia, Vivanti 2 vols., 1996–7, esp. R.Segre on ‘La Controriforma’ 709–78, and ‘La formazione di una communità marrana: I Portoghesi a Ferrara’ 779–841, S. Siegmund, ‘La vita nei ghetti’ 845–92, Molho, ‘Ebrei a marrani fra Italia e Levante ottomano’ 1011–43, J-P. Filippini, ‘La nazione ebrea di Livorno’ 1046–66.

15 Ioly Zorattini 1987.

16 Hsia 1992.

17 Pullan 1977; Black 1989, 268–9, and 1999b; Molho (cited above, note 14).

18 ASVen SU Busta 59; Martin 1989, 168; Ruggiero 1993, 118–19, 249; Pullan 1983, 161.

19 Black 1989, esp. 38–41 on guild/confraternity inter-connections, and 2000; Fanfani 1959; Grimagna and others 1981; Guenzi and others 1998; Mackenney 1987, 1997, 1998; Manno 1997; Rosser 1997 for European-wide background; Spicciani 1984.

20 Black 1967a, 1970, 1981 and sources.

21 Mackenney 1998.

22 ASR Camerale II. Arti e Mestieri, Busta 19, folder dated 1786.

23 Black 1989 and 1992 for major overview, 1996 for quick guide, while 1999b surveys the literature over the last 30 years. Terpstra 1999b, and Donnelly and Maher 1999, are the latest contributions with varied approaches. See also: Eisenbichler 1997, 1998; Henderson 1994; Mackenney 1994, 1997, 1998; Pullan 1994, esp. nos IX and XII updating his views from his pioneering 1972 study of the Venetian Scuole Grandi; Paglia 1990; Terpstra 1995.

24 Chambers and Pullan 1992, 287–8.

25 Arrizabalaga and others 1997.

26 Mackenney 1998; Olson 1998 supplementing Black 1989.

27 Châtellier 1989; O’Malley 1993, 1994.

28 Fanucci 1601.

29 Black 1989, ch. 2; Gentilcore 1992; Paglia 1990, esp. 96 for Benevento; Bertoldi Lenoci 1988–90.

30 Black 1989, 34.

31 Black 1999b; Casagrande 1999; King 1998, 202–6.

32 Biblioteca Comunale, Bologna [L’Archiginnasio], Fondo Ospedale, vol. 14. On inner and outer groups: Black 1999b; Terpstra 1995.

33 Weissman 1982, 98, 102.

34 Black 1989, ch. 5; Wisch 1990, 1992.

35 ASP Sodalizio di San Martino, vol 1.

36 Black 2000 updates my 1989 discussion; Dandelet 1997; Seidel 1994; Calabi and Lanaro 1998, with broader discussions of foreigners settling in cities.

37 ArchVicR: S.Cecilia in Trastevere I – Matrimoni 1 1572–1610; S.Ivo dei Bretani I – Matrimoni 1 1566–1602; S.Lorenzo in Lucina, Matrimoni I 1564–80; S. Maria in Aquiro I – Battesimi 1 1562–9 (but also including marriages 1563–93).


1 Hay 1977b, for fifteenth century church, with ch. 2 on parochial situation. Black 1999a deals with evolution of the parochial system, with bibliography. Counter-Reformation and the Council of Trent: Jedin and Dolan 1980; Bossy 1970, 1985; Cochrane 1988a, 1988b. Davidson 1987; Delumeau 1977; Jedin, 1964; Wright 1975a, 1975b, 1982; Hsia 1998 and Mullett 1999 latest on European-wide scene. In Italian: Allegra 1981 is a wide-ranging study of the parish priest; De Rosa and Gregory 1994.

2 Cohn 1999b.

3 Gentilcore 1992, esp. 37–8; Gentilcore 1994a esp. 282–3; Carroll 1992, 96–104; see also Salimbeni 1977; Lopez, 1983, esp. 234–5.

4 Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent 1951, 200–02; G.Alberigo 1973, 767–8. Black 1984 for problems of implementation of Trent, with case study of Perugia.

5 Sbrana and others 1977; Ebner 1973, 1974; Jedin 1943, 323–36; Volpe 1973.

6 I looked for example at: (a) ArchVicR., vols. concerning S.Cecilia in Trastevere; S.Giovanni dei Fiorentini; S.Ivo dei Bretani; S.Lorenzo in Lucina; S. Maria in Aquiro; (b) ASR: Stato Civile – Appendice: Libri Parrocchiale, Reg. III: no. 1 S.Sebastiano; no. 2 S.Vicolo di Funari; no. 3 S. Maria in Aquiro; no. 5 S.Susanna; no. 6. S.Susanna e S.Sebastiano a Termini; no.8 S. Maria in Aquiro.

7 McArdle 1978, 182–8.

8 Alberigo 1973, 753–9 (decrees). On marriage and Trent: New Catholic Encyclopedia IX, ‘Marriage’, XIII: ‘Tametsi’, New York and London; Brundage 1987, 1995; Brandileone 1896; Jedin 1964; Jemolo 1948; von Pastor 1898–1953, XV, 355–6, 376; Tamassia 1971.

9 Nubola 1993, esp. chs 5–7; Preto 1970; Rosa 1976, 167–8, 178–9; Prodi 1960, 353 on Cardinal Paleotti’s worries.

10 Davidson 1984; Chambers and Pullan 1992, 183–8, 193–5; Muir 1989. On Pisa: Greco 1984, esp. 25–37, 43–4, 58–61, 64–5.

11 Rosa 1976, 167–8; Donvito and Pellegrino 1973, 8, 11.

12 Toscani 1986, quoting 586.

13 Mezzadri 1969, 39; Cohn 1988, 219–22.

14 Alberigo 1958, 251; Monticone 1953, 237–8; Davidson 1984, 25; Wright 1975b, 454; Greco 1984, 70; Lopez 1965, 34–5; Preto 1970, 800–01; Scarano 1958, esp. 290.

15 Black 1984, 441–2, with refs; Deutscher 1981, 1989; Guasco 1986; Pelliccia 1946. Borromeo provided model legislation in his Constitutiones et Decreta Condita in Provinciale Synodo Mediolanensi (Brescia, 1567), 47–50 ‘De Seminario Clericorum’; on his seminaries, Rimoldi 1965; Nubola 1993.

16 Burke 1978, 271; Alberigo 1958, 288; Rimoldi 1965, 452.

17 Masi 1957, 93 quote. Papers and supporting documents from several conferences published in Ravennatensia (see Bibliography) are of considerable value on legislation, and the evidence of investigations, Visitations, etc.

18 Pelliccia 1946; Deutscher 1984 on Novara. On the concorso: Masetti Zannini 1976; Greco 1984, esp. 42–3.

19 Black 1984.

20 Fanti 1979–80, 1981.

21 ASB Tribunale del Torrone vol. 5743 1628–30, ff. 126r–204v, passim; Niccoli 1995.

22 ASB Arcivescovile Liber Criminalium 1624, fols. 49v–51r.

23 APVen Curia Patriarcale – Archivio ‘Segreto’: Criminalia S.Inquisitionis 1586–99, fols. 85–102.

24 Di Simplicio 1994a.

25 Davidson 1984.

26 Ciammitti 1990, 151 (quote).

27 Franchi 1980, esp. 16–23, 56–7, cc. 64r, 70r–v, 78r.

28 Bossy 1970, 1985, esp. ch. 4; N. Z. Davis 1974. Corrain and Zampini 1970, 1971, survey, rather uncritically, much episcopal legislation, and relate condemned popular practices with later ethnographic studies of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

29 Bossy 1998.

30 Bossy 1984, 1985; Carroll 1992, 107–11, 114; Klapisch-Zuber 1985, 89–93, 287; Trexler 1971, 66–7; Ebner 1973, 1974; Volpe 1977, esp. 234–47.

31 Scalvanti 1903, 272–3.

32 Brucker 1967, 114, 123, 134. Klapisch-Zuber 1985, esp. chs 9 and 11 focusing on Altieri’s dialogue. Brucker 1998, 29–37; Brucker 1986, esp. 82–4; F. W. Kent 1977, 91–4, 134, 218, 242–3; Molho 1994, esp. 182–92; Trexler 1971, 124–6, includes quote from 1517 synod; Vaussard 1962, ch. ix; Tamassia 1971, esp. 181–95; Herlihy 1995, ch. 5, 96–109 for prohibited degrees of consanguinity and affinity.

33 Stevenson, 1983, for world-wide comparisons and 91–3, 169–73 for Italy and Trent; Dean and Lowe 1998; Rasi, 1941, I, 235–81, esp. for Veneto area.

34 Gabriele Paleotti, Del Sacramento del matrimonio. Avvertimenti alli reverendi curati Bologna, 1577; rev. edn Venice, 1607 used; cf. Prodi 1959–67, II, 126–8. Cf. Carlo Borromeo, Le piu belle pagine delle omelie, Gorla, Milan, 1926, 119–20.

35 Brandileone 1896; Manzoni 1959, ch. 8, 95–6 and 1960, 128–9.

36 Bossy, 1975, 21–38; Hay 1977a, 79–80; Black 1989, esp. 14, 95–7 for Cacciaguerra; Trexler 1971, 62–5, 70, 205–7, 286–7, on confession as the pre-eminent activity of a priest; Fumo, Summa 1554, Venice edn, 95v–103r ‘Confessio Sacramentalis’, ‘Confessor’; J. Martin 1993, 185–7, indicating the pressure of confessors on Venetians to confess possible heresies. On confessionals: Headley and Tomaro 1988, 179, 202–3.

37 E.g. on trying to ensure Mass was better said, and worshippers behaved better: Statuti et Constitutiones Synodi Perugia, 1564, ‘De Honestate’ Const.I; Samaritani 1971; Lopez 1965, 14–15; Corrain and Zampini 1970; Scaduto 1960, 380–1; Nubola 1993, 139–40, 381–3.

38 Bossy 1983; Black 1989, esp. 29–30, 45, 89–100, 272; Black 1998b; Weissman 1982, 229– 34, quoting an account of a Quarantore celebration; Voelker 1988 on altars and equipment.

39 Bossy 1985, 42–5 on Carnival; Burke 1987, ch. 13; Black 1989, ch. 5; Andrieux 1968, 124– 32; Gentilcore 1992, 57–9; Trexler 1991, esp. 191–2, 215–78, 399–418, 414–18 (fifteenth-century changes in Carnival); Vaussard 1962, 133–151; Wisch 1990, 1992; Reato 1988, with illustrations of Venetian Carnival activity.

40 Burke 1978, 340; Gentilcore 1992, 59–61; Corrain and Zampini 1970; Lanternari 1955.

41 Bossy 1970, 61; Imberciadori 1959, esp. 437–41; Prodi 1959–67, II, 385; Olivieri 1972, esp. 635–8.

42 Ariès 1981; Bossy 1985, 26–34; N. Z. Davis 1974, 335 and 1977, 92–6; Black 1989; Strocchia 1992; Cohn 1988, esp. 179–84, 217–19, 225–30, and 1992 for earlier period; Vaussard 1962, ch. ix on eighteenth century.

43 Grendler 1989, esp. chs 12 and 13; Black 1989, 1992, ch. 10.3.

44 Mullett 1987, esp. ch. 4; Delumeau 1990, esp. 357–72 on ‘Sermons and Hymns’; Camporesi 1990; O’Malley 1993, esp. ch. 3; Ridolfi 1959, pays much attention to Savonarola’s sermons; Weinstein 1970; Meneghin 1974; Novi Chavarria 1982, 159–85; Imberciadori 1959, 446.

45 Alberigo 1973, 667–70; Carlo Borromeo, Instructiones praedicationes Verbi Dei (Milan, 1581, and later edns); Wright 1975a, 454; Altieri 1969; Sposato 1965, 25. There is an interesting diary of a Milanese layman who became an enthusiast for Christian Doctrine teaching: Marcora 1965, part translated in Cochrane and Kirshner 1986, 409–26.

46 ArchVicR Arciconfraternita della Dottrina Cristiana, palchetto 168, vol. 417 Congrega-tioni 1599–1608; Black 1989, 223–8, 1992, 287–93, 430–1; Franza 1958, esp. 25–58, 95–6, 219–32; Pelliccia 1980.

47 Grendler 1989, esp. ch. 2.

48 Lopez 1965, 101–4; Del Re 1968, 143.

49 Bossy 1975; Burke 1978, 223–34, esp. 224–5; Stone 1977, 139–42; Wright 1975b; Fragnito 1997.

50 Black 1999a.


1 Cellini 1995; Dean and Lowe 1994; Muir and Ruggiero 1994; Martines 1972; Muir 1993; Villari 1993.

2 von Greyerz 1984; N. Z. Davis 1974; Black 1989, esp. 8, 133–7, 150, 275–7.

3 Muir 1993; Bossy 1998.

4 Larner 1972 usefully exemplifies these interlocking factors.

5 See the works of E. Cohen and T. Cohen in the Bibliography; Rossi 1994; Burke 1987; Burke’s starting quotation, the vulgar sexual libel against Ferdinando Fredini and his wife, posted on their door in 1620, is translated by P. Cohen 1991–2, 874 n. 30.

6 ASR, Tribunale del Governatore, Processi, Busta 298.

7 P. Laven 1994; Brackett 1993, esp. ch. 4 for Tuscany; Villari 1993, esp. 33–55 for Kingdom of Naples. Ortalli 1986, with papers in English by N. S. Davidson, E. J. Hobsbawm, J. S. Grubb; Polverini Fosi 1985, 1993 on Papal State; Caravale and Caracciolo 1978, 343–6; Villari 1983, ch. 4 on Naples; Povolo 1980; Delumeau 1957–9, II, 541–66, bandits in the Papal State.

8 Villari 1993, 49–50; Polverini Fosi 1985; Hobsbawm 1971, esp. 13–28.

9 Davidson 1986, 421.

10 Raggio 1986.

11 Starn 1982, 148–54 on the turning-point of Montalcino.

12 Pastore and Sorcinelli 1990, 51–75.

13 Galasso 1982, II, 278–80.

14 Cohn 1999a.

15 Muir 1993, 1998; Bianco 1994.

16 Coniglio 1978, 149; Larner 1972, 59; Pullan 1964.

17 Coniglio 1978, esp. ch. 4.

18 Burke, 1987, ch. 14; R.Villari 1993, ‘Afterword One’; Merriman, 1938, 17–27, 127–35, provided the old narrative account; Elliott 1970, context for the Naples and Palermo revolts. Fiorentino 1984, II, 43–9 highlights the visual impact of Masaniello and his myth.

19 Galasso 1967, 403–4, 1977, 188–93, and 1982, esp. I, 254–62. Cf. on Francesco d’Andrea; Comparato 1974, 49, 92, 124–30, 417.

20 Calisse 1969, esp. 165–80; Stern 1994; Brackett 1992; Cozzi, 1973; Ruggiero 1980 Part One; Cozzi 1980–85; Cohen and Cohen 1993 have translated transcripts from the Roman Governor’s court; Nussdorfer 1992, ch. 4; Gross 1990 ch. 9; Fornili 1991.

21 Rossi, 1969; Mallett and Hale 1984, 218–20, 328–9.

22 A. di S. Bologna, Torrone vols. 5742 1630, 5743 1628–30; Arcivescovile 1624: Liber Criminalium 1624 [formerly Torrone, 5360/2]; cf. Niccoli 1995; Pastore 1991; Crouzet- Pavan 1997.

23 A di S. Bologna, Assunteria del Governo, Lettere di Varie Comunità vol. 7 Bolognese 1644–76, esp. letters of 17 Jan., 2 July 1662, 9 May 1663, 26 April 1665, 15 July 1668, 3 Sept. 1670, 16 Nov. 1672.

24 Brackett 1992, with Figures 2 and 3; Franzoi 1997, with illustrations.

25 Davidson 1994; Burke 1987, ch. 8.

26 E. Cohen 1991a; see above Chapter 7.

27 Rocke 1996; Pavan 1980; Labalme 1984; Ruggiero 1985; Saslow 1986; Scarabello 1980.

28 Mirollo, 1963, 12; Cellini, 1995; Martini 1988, esp. 104–11, and n. 73.

29 T. Cohen 1992; T. Cohen and E. Cohen 1993.

30 Grendler 1977 esp. ch. 2; Martin 1989; Pullan 1983; Tedeschi 1991; Di Simplicio 1994b; Del Col 1996, 1998; Prosperi 1996. Archival research in Venice, Florence and Bologna on Inquisitions and ecclesiastical courts (see Bibliography), for my forthcoming book on the Counter-Reformation in Italy.

31 ASVen SU Busta 33; APVen. ‘Criminalia S.Inquisitionis 1586–99’, fols 12–17.

32 See cases of Anzola Civrana, June 1646, and Giulia meretrice, December 1652: ASVen SU Buste 103 and 106.

33 ASVen SU Busta 103, Contra Iom. Paulum Sorratinun 10 April 1646; accused of swearing by the puttana [whore] di Dio, puttana di Signore, Sangue [blood] di Dio, potta [cunt] di Dio. Busta 106, ‘Contra Franciscum Matthei [2 Dec. 1653].

34 AAF S.Uffizio Filze 2–3, fols 55–7; ASVen Busta 103, ‘Joannis Jons. Q. Jois. De Sazonia, 24 March 1639’, ‘Fugarola Lodovico’ 10 July 1646. Cf. Monter and Tedeschi 1986, 141.

35 Ginzburg 1983; Harner, 1973; Riddle 1994.

36 Hoak, 1985, 499.

37 Black 1989, esp. 137–50; subsequently useful works in English have appeared: Geremek 1994; Jütte 1994; Grell, Cunningham, Arrizabalaga 1999.

38 Black 1989, 159 quotes Cardinal Odoardo Farnese’s reactions.

39 Black 1989, esp. 214–16, and sources; Cavallo 1991, 1995; Terpstra 1995.

40 Black 1989, 1992, chs. 6–9, 1998a; Albini 1993; Cavallo 1995; Fanti 1997; Henderson 1994, Mackenney 1994, Pullan 1971, 1988, 1994; Ricci 1996; Terpstra 1994, 1995, 1999a, Zardin 1995. While revising this section I received, thanks to Alessandra Bonzi, copies of the provisional papers prepared for discussion at the Bologna conference Forme di povertà e innovazioni istituzionali in Italia dal Medioevo ad oggi, May 1999. Ahead of official publication of revised versions, I would note that contributions by G. Albini, S. Cavallo, M. Fanti, J. Henderson, B. S. Pullan, G. Ricci and N. Terpstra have influenced this section. Grell, Cunningham, Arrizabalaga 1999, with key articles by B. C. Pullan (general), J. Henderson (Tuscany), R. Palmer (Veneto), S. De Renzi (Rome) and D. Gentilcore (Naples).

41 San Bernardino da Siena 1950–65, III, 64.

42 Alessandro Sperelli, Della pretiosita della limosina (Venice, 1666), 239, 243; de Angelis, Della limosina overo opere che si assicurano nel giorno del final giuditio (Rome, 1615 edn), 59; cf. Black 1989, 17, 138, 145–6.

43 San Bernardino da Siena 1950–65, VIII, 86–8; see Black 1989, 139; Spicciani 1982, 829.

44 Black 1998a.

45 Gazzini 1997.

46 Pullan 1999a.

47 ASVen Scuole Piccole e Suffragi, SS.Trinita, scuola vicino alla Salute. Busta 706, Libro 3 ‘Notariato della Scola della S. ma Trinita’, 1649–1710; Black 1989, 186–7; Pullan 1994, no. X.

48 R. Mackenney’s translation of parts of Caravia’s Il Sogno di Caravia 1541 in Chambers and Pullan 1992, 213–16. Full Italian text reproduced in Venezia Cinquecento. Studi di storia dell’arte e della cultura 1/1, 1991.


1 Venturi 1969–90, V, part 2, ch. 2 deals with the famine years; quotes from 245, 265.

2 Venturi 1969–90, I, II and V, parts 1 and 2, and essays in English, 1972; cf. for recent assessment and context, Robertson 1992, 1997; Verga 1998. Carpanetto and Ricuperato 1987; Chorley 1965; Woolf 1979.

3 Venturi 1972, 52–62; Bellamy 1995, best annotated translation of Beccaria’s short book, 7 (quote).

4 Eisenbichler 1998, 297.

5 Venturi 1969–90, II; Chadwick 1981, esp. ch. 5.

6 Bettinelli 1786 edn, xli–ii; Venturi 1969–90, V/1, 622–9.

7 Chittolini 1995.

8 Chard 1999, 92.