So I am deeply grateful for everyone who helped me reach the finish line:
My agent, Tracey Adams. I still can’t quite believe I’m fortunate enough to be represented by such a rock star.
My editor, Alix Reid. Her unfailing patience and key insights helped me unravel some of the story’s most tangled knots.
The entire team of people who take an author’s words, turn them into a book, and then get that book onto bookshelves: designer Emily Harris, art director Danielle Carnito, production editor Erica Johnson, marketing manager Livy Traczyk, and marketing associate Libby Stille. Thanks also to copy editor Julie Harman (who I hope has forgiven my inability to distinguish between further and farther) and Junyi Wu for the amazing cover art.
All the teachers and librarians and bloggers who champion both books and their readers.
The women who helped me with the details of nettle-craft: Krista Rahm of Forrest Green Farm, who spent part of an afternoon teaching me about stinging nettles and sent me home with the nettles I harvested. Ann Vonnegut, who taught me how to use a drop spindle. (And Michelle, who introduced us.) Any mistakes are mine, not theirs.
The hen-whisperers, who helped me with Owain-the-hen: Maya, Lisa, Laura, Katy, and Martha.
Julie Dillard, who asked why nettles were so important and wouldn’t accept “Because they were good enough for the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson” as an answer. I wrote one of my favorite chapters after that conversation.
The Slushbusters, my critique group that still gives spot-on feedback.
My LYLP girls who read key portions and listened to the ups and downs of writing and selling books.
The amazing SCBWI community that has encouraged, taught, critiqued, and befriended me. What a joy it is to write with such talented, warm-hearted people!
Everyone at the 2015 Hood River Breakout Novel Intensive who helped me tackle this tale: Don, Lorin, Brenda, and Jason.
My family and friends. I am so, so grateful for you and wish I had another page to list all the ways that you are awesome.
Fred, who understands deadlines and celebrates hitting send, even though he wishes I wrote more explosions. I’m glad you asked me out for smoothies.