
We thank the following people for their criticisms and comments: Whitney Bagnall, Jodi Beder, Michael Bordo, Marcelle Chauvet, John Cochrane, PaulDavid, George Essig, José García de Paso, Avner Greif, Philip Hoffman, Kenneth Kasa, Guido Menzio, Joel Mokyr, Beatrix Paal, Angela Redish, William Roberds, Martin Schneider, George Selgin, Bruce Smith, Richard Sutch, Richard Sylla, Aaron Tornell, Gabriel Verd SJ, Juerg Weber, and Warren Weber. We thank our editor, Peter Dougherty, who has encouraged us and offered wise suggestions, and Carolyn Sargent for advice in artistic matters. We also thank seminar participants at the California Institute of Technology, the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of Chicago, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Ohio State University, Rutgers University, Stanford University, and the Stockholm School of Economics. Although we are both affiliated with Federal Reserve Banks, the views expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Banks or the Federal Reserve System.

Thomas Sargent
François Velde

I thank the National Science Foundation for supporting my research on this book through a grant to the National Bureau of Economic Research. I also thank the Hoover Institution for supplying wonderful research support. Part of my work was completed when I was a Moore Distinguished Scholar at the California Institute of Technology.

Thomas Sargent