The Divine Plan is one of Freedom. The inherent
nature of man is ever seeking to express itself in
terms of freedom, because freedom is the
birthright of every living soul.
Ernest Holmes
There is a wise Zen saying that says you cannot stop birds from flying around your head, but you can prevent them from making nests in your hair. As you begin to mature spiritually, you discover that although you cannot stop the world’s chatter about lack and limitation from whirling around you, you can prevent it from lodging in your consciousness. How? Through meditation and affirmative prayer the compass of your awareness develops the habit of continuously turning in the direction of the Spirit for intuitive guidance, wisdom, joy, peace, and love.
Now I’m not suggesting that you should deny that the noisy birds of limitation sometimes fly around in your experience begging you to throw them some crumbs of your attention. What I am saying is that by staying your attention on the changeless reality of your Authentic Self you will experience an inner freedom from things that distract you from your awakened nature.
There is a tendency in human nature to look to the external world for fulfillment that can only be found within. That which is merely external is powerless to satisfy the inner spirit. By reversing the searchlight of your senses and focusing your attention on that which is Real, you will undergo a permanent shift in consciousness that will requalify your entire experience.
This day set your intention to silently converse with the Spirit in the language of your heart. If it is peace that you seek, look first to its source residing on the altar within. If it is joy for which you long, commune with its source in meditation. If it is a sense of safety and inner security you want, practice affirmative prayer about your true nature of immortality and wholeness. Then, at the end of the day, you will see how you have met the needs of each moment with God in your consciousness. You will be free from the intrusive clamor of mediocrity going on around you and at last taste the freedom for which you yearn.
I renounce any sense of being bound by habit, personal history, experience, or circumstance. I am free as Spirit is free.