The subliminal mind receives and remembers all
those touches that delight the soul. Our soul takes joy
in this right touching by the Essence of all experience.

Sri Aurobindo


When you move into your spiritual practice, into those moments of private time with the Spirit, this is when you contact the presence within you. Oftentimes you think that you are going to God to change some condition in your life, to fulfill a material desire or need, but what you are really going to God for is to capture a sense of spiritual fulfillment. When you truly tabernacle with the Spirit, the desire for anything less falls away.

Even when your intention is to manifest something material, if you touch the sacred presence in direct communion, you forget any external desire that first drew you into meditation or prayer. This is what is meant by “right touching.” As you reach within to touch consciousness, the Ineffable reciprocates by corresponding, by touching you with the breath of grace.

This makes it obvious why you would want to add to your spiritual practice moments of agendaless meditation and prayer. In other words, there are times when you sit and just love God and all that God means to you. Having no other purpose than to be consumed by the divine energy of your practice, you touch Spirit’s vulnerability and experience the truth in scripture which says, “While they are yet praying I have already answered.”

Agendaless spiritual practice transcends the surface tension of separation and lets you become aware that it is God’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. You have now placed yourself in a position of receptivity; you have become gracious enough to accept the gift. Today, set aside time that belongs only to you and God. Experiment with agendaless prayer and meditation in the laboratory of your consciousness, and discover Spirit’s love for you, which is so great that it has personalized itself as your very life.


I appreciate my divine nature and use it to manifest my soul’s desire to realize my oneness with the Infinite. My heart opens to the transforming touch of the Spirit.