DAY 11

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
For knowledge is limited, whereas
imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating
progress, giving birth to evolution.

Albert Einstein


As you begin to hone and refine your imagining and visioning skills, you will increase your ability to see beyond the outer appearances of life’s circumstances.

How do you do this? By treating yourself as you wish others to treat you. Respond to yourself as you desire the universe to respond to you! Examine your thoughts and feelings, looking honestly at their contents, for this is what you invite to enter your awareness, your consciousness. What is your inner dialogue with yourself about yourself? Throughout the day, keep a mental diary of your inner conversations. Then, at night, enter them into your journal. Gradually, you will see a pattern emerge which will guide you in making any necessary changes.

Establish a firm intention within yourself. Declare to yourself with absolute assurance that your faith is in One Power, One Presence, One Life. Say this with passion, intensity, and confidence. Allow your thoughts, words, and actions to revolve around this conviction. As you deliberately focus on your oneness with Spirit, inviting it to be the truth in which your consciousness is rooted, your imagining and visioning skills will be positively impacted, expanding your self-acquaintanceship and interactions with your world.

Today, begin to live a life filled with the eternal verities of the Spirit, expressing beyond what you can now imagine. You will discover that your imagination is a stepping-stone to waking up to what always has been true about you.


My imagination is Spirit’s vehicle, and it creates mightily through and as me now.