DAY 16

…Enter into his court with praise.
Holy Bible


When you develop favorite praise-phrases of your own, you catch the realization that there is power in praise. When you become wedded to a phrase of absolute spiritual truth that reverberates in the heart, mind, and soul of you, the vibration of that phrase has the power to transform your life. You begin to see the world through the eyes of this praise-phrase.

Why is that? Because the only malady you suffer from is the illusion of separation, of being separate from the Spirit. All problems have their genesis in that great misunderstanding, that great delusion. When repeated with sincerity, devotion, and explicit faith, your praise-phrase drowns out anything unlike itself. It drowns out the cry of the world of appearances that tells you that what you see with the five senses alone is real.

What most people call thinking is for the most part recycled opinion! It’s really not thinking at all! Rather, it is repeated statements of density and grossness lodged in the collective thinking, the popular opinion of the day.

All of your experiences are the result of your own self-contemplation. So when you talk to your Self and not to the world, when you listen to your Self and not to the voice of the world, you will hear the still, small voice leading, guiding, and comforting you. You will receive its feedback from every speck of space if you are receptive. Consistent use of your praise-phrase causes you to expand your awareness and see the way God sees the world and your place in it.

Today, look at your life experiences and invite a potent praise-phrase to speak itself within you. Write it down, say it to yourself, and say it out loud until it sets your heart on fire.


I perceive the face of Spirit throughout my environment and I give praise to That which reveals to me my own divinity.