The Gnostic being’s actions in the world will be
enlightened by a sense of the Divine Reality.
This enables him to take all of life into himself
while still remaining the spiritual Self.
Sri Aurobindo
As I was driving on the freeway one day, my inner voice said, “You have access to the human dimension.” In a flash of intuition, I understood the beauty and subtlety of these words. It’s like this: You have access to your car, but you are not your car. You have access to your house, but you are not your house. You have access to a loving human relationship, but neither participant is the relationship. In other words, each one of us has access to the human dimension, but that does not mean we are merely human.
You are not merely a human being who has limited access to the spiritual dimension. No! You are a divine being who has been given access to the playing field of human experiences. This is the essence of Gnosticism, a body of spiritual knowledge imbedded in the truth teachings of the ages.
You have been born into the three-dimensional world to access the Reality hiding within a creation that seems so solid. You didn’t do anything to earn this experience; it is yours simply because you exist. As you seek to access the divine dimension present right where you are, you will manifest a high degree of freedom, which comes from realizing that you have access to the Promised Land of infinite possibilities.
This day, consciously access the divine. Go below the surface to the truth being offered to you in every experience. Your password is “I Am.”
I realize, feel, hear, and see the I Am presence in all forms of inner and outer life. I freely access and commune with it on the altar of my own being.