DAY 23

Give away all that thou hast and follow me.
Jesus Christ


It was Saint Augustine who spoke about people who go to God only half way. He was describing individuals who are willing to give up some of their time for prayer and meditation, some of their negative thought patterns and habits. However, they don’t trust quite enough to go all the way with God. They keep one eye on God and one eye on the external world of effects as their source of fulfillment, accepting that which can be known with a false certitude by the five senses.

When you send out a real soul-call to God, omniscience responds. A vibration is sent from you into the universe that draws into your experience that which will support the fulfillment of your desire. Your humility in asking for divine assistance places you in a receptive position as you surrender your human understanding to divine wisdom.

When both eyes are placed on God, you have your transportation to transformation. You buy it with the spiritual coin of wisdom, humility, faith, surrender of the ego. Today, give up false mental attachments and beliefs! Free yourself from the delusion that anything external can fulfill the hunger of your soul for God-consciousness. Follow the Christ presence within and you will liberate your consciousness from all that is unlike your true Self. As you passionately devote yourself to knowing God, you will be able to override the demands of the little ego and faithfully surrender to the One who is the finisher of your faith.

Today’s practice is for you to let go and let God.


I joyfully release all vestiges of false belief and surrender my whole attention to the overshadowing presence of Truth within me. Conscious communion with Spirit is my way of life.