DAY 27

We are all immersed in the atmosphere
of our own thinking. This decides
what shall take place in our lives.

Ernest Holmes


Thought is energy. The quality of your thoughts is reflected through your emotions, speech, and behavior. The thoughts that pass through your awareness translate themselves into your experiences. That which you think reality to be is your experience.

In the Bible we read, “Hear this, O people, who have eyes, but do not see, who have ears, but do not hear.” The metaphysical interpretation of this passage is that until you are fully awakened you cannot directly perceive reality. Instead, your understanding is processed through the limitations of your concept of reality, which then becomes your experience.

Through meditation and prayer determine to shake off the dust of delusion and free yourself from ignorance. As you commingle the self with the Self, your thoughts reveal the thinking of the Divine Mind that is within you. You move from thinking and analyzing to direct, intuitive perception of the truth. Prayer facilitates your awareness of the Self; meditation expands your consciousness to merge with the Self. As the little self recedes and you touch Reality, thought becomes requalified, purified, and aligned with the Original Thinker.

Today, begin to cultivate a hunger to live life at this level.


My whole consciousness is alive with the inspired thoughts of God. I am impregnated with divine ideas. I think directly from Spirit and let its intelligence have its way with me.