DAY 28

At the height of laughter, the Universe is flung
into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.

Jean Houston


As you mature spiritually, your natural gifts of the soul rise to the surface and express through personality, which is your divine individuality. This allows you to appreciate your divinity, including the quirks that are uniquely your own way of moving in the world. You develop the ability to not take yourself so seriously, to laugh at yourself. Then energy is freed up, the endorphins rush and the life force harmoniously flows through you. The ego loses its tight grip on your concerns about how others see you, how the world is totaling up its evaluation of you.

Your readiness and willingness to release your tight hold on the ego, to drop your all-caught-upness and laugh at yourself creates a gap through which you may see your-self more clearly. The reactive mind slows down, clarity arises. More of life, love, and joy can then move through you, emit from you.

I love the image of the laughing Buddha. Looking at or visualizing it causes a welling up of joy in my mind. Buddha-mind sees clearly through the appearance of humanity’s hypnotic ignorance to the clear light of being. It sees what sociologist Peter L. Berger described when saying, “The final illusion is power, while laughter is the final truth.”

Today, know with me that humor is a gateway to wisdom. Walk through it and you will master a spiritual skill that will create space between you and the fictional character you call yourself. It will put the smile of Buddha that is in your soul upon your face.


The cosmic laughter of Spirit bathes my soul in joy. I see with clear seeing, and all that I do is from the pure joy of being.