DAY 29

The goal of life is God! The source of life is
God! God is the goal of man’s life, the end of
all his seeking, the meaning of all his striving.

Howard Thurman


Throughout this day be courageous enough to not turn on your television or to participate in any outer distractions until you make contact with your spirit. Be willing to say, “I’m not moving from this place until contact is made.” When Buddha sat under the bodhi tree, he refused to move until ultimate Reality was revealed to him.

The Christian mystic Meister Eckhart said,“The eyes with which I see God are the eyes through which God sees me.” When you set your intention to be serious about your God-Self, your God-Self will be serious about you. Mystical secrets will reveal themselves to you. What are those secrets? That you are now, always have been and ever shall be one with God. That from the beginning of time you have been an enlightened being. Awaken now to that realization!

Brother Lawrence, a humble monk, lived in the world as if only he and God existed. He performed every activity in conscious awareness of Spirit. There was no separation between his prayer time, meditation time, and time of performing his daily assignments. It was all one worshipful action of divine love. What an exquisite and spiritually successful way to live.

You see, when you make time for your soul to be enthralled with the Presence, you are raised up to divine heights of oneness with the Spirit. But this doesn’t come simply by saying or affirming it is so. No! You must be willing to give Spirit more than a small percentage of your time.

Today, determine to practice spiritual discipline, which means deliberately setting aside time to cultivate your relationship with Spirit in meditation and prayer. Once you form this habit, I guarantee you won’t want to miss your divine appointment with the Infinite.


God is first in my life. The beginning, middle, and end is God. I live, move, and have my being in the light of this recognition.