You have a silent partnership with the Infinite. Rest in this
divine assurance and divine security. This is more than a sentiment.
Know that the Spirit flows in transcendent loveliness
into your world of thought and form, that It flows through
your whole being, spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.
Ernest Holmes
I want you to be aware that at whatever level of consciousness you live, you use a particular type of mental fuel to propel yourself into emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual activity.
The kind of fuel you burn goes out from you as a vibration impacting your individual world and the collective consciousness of our planet. The ecological, governmental, sociological, and cultural structures of the world are reflections of the collective consciousness, the collective agreement about what reality is.
When you are pulled into an awareness of who and what you really are, you melt away any seeming boundaries between you and your true nature as an individualized expression of God. Your fuel changes, and you begin to live on the pure energy of Spirit. You no longer pollute your consciousness with negativity, with thoughts of lack, limitation, greed, envy, and so on. Fill up your consciousness with the highest octane available, and energize your inner and outer world with your realization of wholeness, oneness.
Spiritual seers, fueled by divine love and attunement with the laws of the universe, remain aligned to the will of God. Now by “will of God” I mean the unique pattern of unfoldment suited to each individual soul. You know the feeling when you are introduced to a particular teaching and you just know at your core that you have discovered the dharma that will fuel your spirit’s evolution.
Today, watch how through an inner loyalty to the spiritual practice to which you have been led you become highly charged with divine love, enthusiasm, and deeper commitment to serve others. Everywhere you go, exude the fragrance of this love, filling your words and deeds with compassion and loving kindness.
My every motive, thought, and action is fueled by the energy of my commitment and love for my spiritual journey. I wed myself to divine love and bestow its essence on everyone and everything with which I come in contact.