DAY 36

What truth do you know, and how
steadfast are you in its application?

Joel Goldsmith


There is that part of yourself that exists outside of the relativity of time and space, ever aware of your true identity. This reality is always presenting itself in your inner awareness. The question is, are you sensitive enough to recognize it? Compared to the outward expression of life experienced through the five senses, the Spirit’s movement within your consciousness is subtle, detectable through the inner quietude found in deep meditation. Once you have sufficiently tasted of this soul-nectar, the Spirit found in the inner stillness reveals itself in the activities of your outer life. This is how the mystics live. Whether they are engaged in inward or outward activity, they remain ever aware, ever awake at the feet of Omnipresence.

Your practice of meditation and affirmative prayer penetrates the subjective region of consciousness and strips away the mask of your acceptance of the illusions of lack, limitation, rationalization, and materialism. A revolution of values takes place within you and the masquerade is over! You no longer hide behind the ramparts of your insecurities and uncertainties. Instead, you stand victorious in your inner dominion because your spiritual practices have anchored you in your identity as a spiritual being.

You are the producer and the actor on the stage of your life. Keep your consciousness on the Spirit as the director and you will come into the awareness that all of the props you need to support your life have already been provided. If you imagine that something is missing, it is because you haven’t caught your cue to look deeply enough within and find there the core of your inner beauty, perfection, opulence, wisdom, and joy.

The supreme spiritual idea held in the mind of God about you as an individualized expression of itself means that you are a repository of its qualities of bliss, love, balance, affluence, peace, order, and ecstasy. Stand in ownership of this state of consciousness right now, powerfully claiming your divine inheritance. Today, walk in the world as if nothing is missing, because it isn’t.


I consecrate myself to the purpose of my being. I dedicate my thoughts, words, and actions to the Spirit and am a clear, pure channel of its expression.