No more words. Hear only the voice within.
The more you live your life from a deep connection with the Spirit the more you will experience and express your Soul-force.
When Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth,” he was laying out an efficient blue print for living and moving in the world. When you are meek, you are humble. When you are humble, you are in tune with your Soul-force and remain strong and secure in the Spirit. The need to pump up the false ego built by the surface mind simply falls away. You are freed from running your rackets of defense mechanisms, pretenses, and fears that convince the little ego that you will be annihilated if you don’t heed its voice, if you don’t cling to your carefully crafted personal history.
When with sincerity you say “yes” to the still small voice speaking within, your Soul-force takes over and you step into your authentic identity as an individualized expression of the living Spirit.
Today, ignite your Soul-force by accepting that you are just as significant as the greatest saint who ever lived and was loved by God. Hear these words gently echoing within your awareness: “You are my beloved in whom I am well pleased.”
I offer myself as an instrument of the Spirit. I allow my Soul-force to express in its fullest form, and all is well with my spirit and life circumstances.