Another long, long day, with the team operating in their bubble, executing their race plan, ticking off the days. On an average day riders get a wake-up call three hours before the start, unless a longer transfer from hotel to start town necessitates an earlier departure. The timeframe allows an hour to wake, shower, check in with the doctor and eat breakfast. Most conversations revolve around how everyone is feeling. ‘Every morning, even though it’s chatty and informal, it’s all about recovery, feeling fresh, a good night or bad,’ says press officer Dario Cioni.

Breakfast and bus travel are the only times all the riders are together, so it is an opportunity for both banter and jokes as well as making plans and exchanging ideas for the day ahead. With bags packed and sent on ahead to the next hotel, the riders and sports directors board the bus. Each rider has his own designated seat, helmet hook, pocket for sunglasses, different weight jerseys, shoes, wi-fi connections. ‘My spot is at the very back on the right-hand side. If I don’t get it, I don’t feel right!’ says Boasson Hagen, while Porte adds, ‘The bus is our refuge. It’s like a second home, a place to chill out. Step outside and you’re in the circus.’

The bus is also a workplace where team meetings are held. Precise information about each stage comes courtesy of the race book, an on-screen presentation, videos of previous finishes and Google Earth. Very often race coach Rod Ellingworth has gone a day ahead of the team, got up at dawn and filmed the finish so the riders can see how the barriers are set up in the road, how wide the road is, how tight the turn. According to Cioni, ‘The pre-race information we give to the riders is on a level above everyone else. It’s part of the Sky philosophy of looking to make tiny gains in every area.’

The riders then have half an hour free to change into their race jerseys, check their clothes kit for the day (lightweight or normal, rainbag for extra clothing), stock up on food and energy gels and opt for sunscreen or, if it’s cold, apply oil and warming cream to legs. They try to go together to sign on, with their bikes and an escort, wading through the melee of fans, spectators, photographers and autograph hunters. At kilometre zero, outside the stage gathering point, the race gets underway with a rolling start.

At the finish, the riders are greeted by carers handing out bottles of pineapple juice mixed with water, who also give directions to where the team bus is parked, or inform a rider if he’s been randomly selected to go to doping control. ‘When Brad was in yellow, he had to attend the presentation ceremony so I’d meet him with a carer and take him to the ASO podium area where he could clean up and change into fresh team kit,’ says Cioni. ‘After his press conferences, I would drive him back to the hotel in my car which had supplies of food and drink for him.’

On the bus, the riders first have their specially formulated recovery drink, then water, water, water. Half an hour before the estimated finish time, the bus driver switches on a rice cooker. The riders are encouraged to eat rice with tuna, olive oil and honey. ‘Those first moments after the race are important, the body is greedy for carbs and this mixture helps prop up glycogen stores for the next day,’ explains Cioni. Unless the hotel is close by, the riders shower and change before the bus attempts to leave the car park. Four members of the team will have travelled straight from hotel to hotel to unpack bags, get room lists ready, deliver suitcases to rooms, fit beds to bespoke mattress packs (individually made for each rider to ensure a good night’s sleep). Apart from Wiggins, who rooms alone, the riders chose to pair up: Cavendish with Eisel, Froome with Porte, Knees with Boasson Hagen, Rogers with Siutsou.

Then it’s dinner, massage, physio, bed and a call home. ‘Mostly Cav and I don’t talk at all,’ says Eisel. ‘I’m on Skype, he’s on Skype. There are four people in the room!’

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‘The pre-race information we give to the riders is on a level above everyone else,’ says press officer Dario Cioni. ‘It’s part of the Sky philosophy of looking to make tiny gains in every area.’
