Timeline of Dickens’s life and major works

1812 Born in Portsmouth.
1815–22 Family moves to London, Chatham, and back to London.
1824 Sent to work in blacking warehouse; father imprisoned for debt in Marshalsea prison.
1825 Leaves blacking warehouse and goes back to school.
1827 Starts work as a solicitor’s clerk.
1829 Works at Doctors’ Commons as a shorthand reporter.
1830 Falls in love with Maria Beadnell.
1831 Reporter for The Mirror of Parliament.
1832 Parliamentary reporter on The True Sun.
1833 First story, ‘A Dinner at Poplar Walk’, published in Monthly Magazine.
1833–6 Sketches by Boz, published individually in magazines and newspapers, first collected 1836.
1834 Reporter for The Morning Chronicle; moves into own lodgings; meets Catherine Hogarth.
1836 Marries Catherine Hogarth; leaves The Morning Chronicle; meets John Forster.
1836–7 The Pickwick Papers, nineteen monthly numbers.*
1837 Editorship of monthly Bentley’s Miscellany; birth of first child, Charley; moves to 48 Doughty Street; sudden death of Mary Hogarth.
1837–9 Oliver Twist, twenty-four monthly instalments in Bentley’s Miscellany.
1838 Visits Yorkshire schools with Hablot K. Browne (Phiz); birth of second child, Mary (Mamie).
1838–9 Nicholas Nickleby, nineteen monthly numbers.*
1839 Resigns editorship of Bentley’s; birth of third child, Katey; moves to Devonshire Terrace, Regent’s Park.
1840 Editorship of weekly magazine, Master Humphrey’s Clock.
1840–1 The Old Curiosity Shop, forty weekly instalments in Master Humphrey’s Clock.
1841 Barnaby Rudge, forty-two weekly instalments in Master Humphrey’s Clock; Master Humphrey’s Clock concluded; birth of fourth child, Walter.
1842 Visits America with Catherine; American Notes, two volumes.
1843 A Christmas Carol, one volume (December).
1843–4 Martin Chuzzlewit, nineteen monthly numbers.*
1844 Birth of fifth child, Francis; takes family to Italy; The Chimes, one volume (December).
1845 Birth of sixth child, Alfred; The Cricket on the Hearth, one volume (December).
1846 Edits The Daily News, 21 January to 9 February; takes family to Switzerland, then Paris.
1846 Pictures from Italy, partially as ‘Travelling Letters’ in The Daily News, 1846, one volume; The Battle of Life, one volume (December).
1846–8 Dombey and Son, nineteen monthly numbers.*
1847 Birth of seventh child, Sydney; helps establish Urania Cottage in Shepherd’s Bush.
1848 The Haunted Man, one volume (December).
1849 Birth of eighth child, Henry (Harry).
1849–50 David Copperfield, nineteen monthly numbers.*
1850 Editorship of weekly journal Household Words; birth of ninth child, Dora.
1851 Dora dies, aged 8 months; moves to Tavistock House.
1851–3 A Child’s History of England, thirty-nine weekly instalments in Household Words.
1852 Birth of tenth child, Edward (Plorn).
1852–3 Bleak House, nineteen monthly numbers.*
1853 First public readings, A Christmas Carol and The Cricket on the Hearth in Birmingham.
1854 Hard Times, twenty weekly instalments in Household Words.
1855–7 Little Dorrit, nineteen monthly numbers.*
1856 Buys Gad’s Hill Place, Kent.
1857 Meets Ellen Ternan.
1858 Separates from Catherine; first provincial reading tours.
1859 Final number of Household Words; begins editing weekly journal All the Year Round.
1859 A Tale of Two Cities, thirty-one weekly instalments in All the Year Round.
1860–1 Great Expectations, thirty-six weekly instalments in All the Year Round.
1860–9 The Uncommercial Traveller, ‘Occasional Papers’ for All the Year Round, first series collected in one volume in 1860.
1863 Death of son Walter in India.
1864–5 Our Mutual Friend, nineteen monthly numbers.*
1865 Railway accident in Staplehurst, Kent.
1867 Reading tour of America.
1868 American tour cut short due to ill health; farewell reading tour of UK.
1870 The Mystery of Edwin Drood, six of twelve projected monthly numbers.
1870 Dies of cerebral haemorrhage at Gad’s Hill.

* Comprising twenty instalments, the last number incorporating two instalments.