Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Acapulco, Mexico, 264
Advanced Research Projects Agency, 246
“Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven” (Yeats), 93–94
Air Force, U.S., 90
Albuquerque, N.Mex., 82–83, 86, 215
Aleut Indians, 366
Alliluyeva, Svetlana, 325, 345–46
Alps mountain range, 4, 121
Alston, Wallace, 375
Amarillo, Tex., 85
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 379
American Federation of Labor, 299
American Journal of Physics, 348
American Physical Society, 63, 134, 155, 201, 232, 276
Amsterdam, 38, 194
Analytical Engine, The (Bernstein), 311
Andersen, Hans, 221
Anderson, Maxwell, 72
Ann Arbor, Mich., 82, 90–94, 99, 120, 138, 153, 164–65, 174
see also Michigan, University of
Apollo mission, 293, 346
Arizona, 220
Arkansas, 298
Arlington Cemetery, 285
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA), 283–84, 287–91, 294–97, 319, 340
Armstrong, Robert, 375
Army, U.S., 98, 340–41
Arnold, Matthew, 221
Asano, Taro and Sachiko, 351–55
Asilomar conference, 168, 373
Aspen, Colo., 223–26
Astronomical Advisory Committee, 292–93, 306, 319
Athens, Greece, 344
Atkey, Eleanor (grandmother), 321
Atkin, Oliver, 20
Atlantic Monthly, 139
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 59, 161, 186, 208, 211–14, 309
Australia, 32, 324
Austria, 217, 226
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 226, 313
Bahar, Jacub, 6
Banbury, England, 40
Bangor, Wales, 7
Basel, Switzerland, 157–58, 162
Basel, University of, 162
Bates, Jim, 367, 371–72
Bay of Pigs, Cuba, 280
BBC Studios, 7, 15–16, 187
Belgium, 297
Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 278–79
Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, 42
Berkeley, Calif., see California, University of, at Berkeley
Berlin, Germany, 36, 45, 79, 225, 231, 350, 363
Bernstein, Jeremy, 311
Besicovitch, Abram Samoilovich, 2–14, 17–19, 22–25
Bethe, Hans, 56–60, 63–71, 74, 82, 92, 103–5, 117–18, 122, 132, 135, 148, 154, 163, 166, 177–79, 193, 208, 325, 329
Bethe, Rose, 63, 148, 329
Bevan, Aneurin, 284
Bevin, Ernest, 284, 299
Biddle, Martin, 344
Biden, Joe, 316
Bigelow, Julian, 186
Bing, Rudolf, 32
Birmingham, England, 36, 105–6, 167
Birmingham, University of, 60, 63, 135–73, 179
“Birthday Poem for Thomas Hardy” (Day Lewis), 160
Blake, William, 336
Bletchley Park, 149
Bohr, Aage, 154
Bohr, Niels, 130–31, 147, 154, 169, 266–67
Bole, Hazel, xv–xvi
Bomber Command, see Royal Air Force (RAF)
Bonham-Carter, Marcus, 54
Born, Max, 310
Boston, Mass., 113–19, 166, 252, 261, 306, 328, 379
Boston College, 152, 190
Boulder, Colo., 339
Bowra, Maurice, 182
Brahms, Johannes, 38, 233
Brave New World (Huxley), 9
Brazil, 142–43, 146
Bristol, University of, 69, 105, 132–35, 141–43
Britain, see United Kingdom
British Atomic Energy Establishment, 163–64
British Columbia, Canada, 371
British Columbia, University of, 366
Brno, Czechoslovakia, 18
Brookhaven National Laboratory, 174–76, 228–29, 233–34, 281
Brower, Kenneth, 340–41, 364–65, 370–71
Bruckner, Anton, 44
Budapest, Hungary, 145
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 71
Burnell, Jocelyn, 240
Bush, George H. W., 340
Caen, France, 115
California, 63, 66, 69, 82, 94–95, 119, 132, 147, 159, 177, 202, 208, 312
California, University of:
at Berkeley, 63–64, 67–69, 95–98, 102, 105, 117, 132, 137, 141–43, 154, 159, 177, 185, 201, 233, 248, 332–34
at San Diego, 312
at Santa Barbara, 334–37
California Institute of Technology (Caltech), 137, 163
Calvin, Melvin, 66, 95–98
Cambridge, England, xii, 2, 11, 23, 34, 37–38, 42, 56, 75, 147, 150, 298
Cambridge, Mass., 66, 329–30
Cambridge University, xv, 3, 5, 9, 18, 39–41, 69, 73, 78–79, 100, 105, 135, 152, 166, 196, 217, 223, 282, 293, 309, 320
Camp David Accords, 305
Canada, 174, 202, 210, 281
Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 149
Canberra, Australia, 323–24
Caras, Roger, 320–21
Carnegie Corporation, 317
Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, 172, 313
Carter, Jimmy, 378
Castro, Fidel, 279
Catholic Theological College, 43
Caxton, William, 357–58
Chadwick, John, 191
Chalk River Laboratories, 281
Chapman, Sydney, 182
Charney, Jule, 186
Charpak, Georges, 121, 194
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 173
Chiasso, Switzerland, 168
Chicago, Ill., 54, 88–90, 94, 98–99, 141–47, 151, 166, 179–81, 338
Chicago Metallurgical Laboratory, 145
Childhood’s End (Clarke), 312
Chile, 362
Chillicothe, Mo., 234–35
China, 336–37
Churchill, Winston, xv, 21, 267–68
Citizen Kane (film), 33
Civil Rights Act, 289
Clark, Ronald, 347
Clarke, Arthur, 311–12
Cleveland, Ohio, 83, 100
Close, Frank, 202
Cockcroft, John, 164–65
Colorado, 159
Columbia College, 78–79
see also King’s College
Columbia University, 66, 103, 116–21, 124, 135, 138, 154, 157, 179, 189, 206, 222, 225, 232–34, 286, 290
Commonwealth Foundation, 54–56, 82, 117, 163–64
Communist Party, 22, 76, 92, 130, 201
Como, Italy, 157–58
Congress, U.S., 196, 218, 284, 289, 302
Copenhagen, Denmark, 116, 147, 266
Cornell University, 56–58, 64, 69–70, 73, 82–83, 99–100, 103–4, 127, 132, 138, 163–69, 174, 177–81, 184, 200–201, 208, 218, 229, 248–49
Cornwall, England, 26
Council for a Liveable World, 316
Courant, Ernst, 174–75
Crete, Greece, 191
Creutz, Ed, 233
Crick, Francis, xiii
Cuba, 278–79
Cunliffe, Marcus, 54–55
Curve of Binding Energy, The (McPhee), 359
Dachau concentration camp, 31–32
Dallas, Tex., 303
Damascus, Syria, 194
Danube River, 22
Darwin, Charles, 241
Day Lewis, Cecil, 159–60, 314
Day Lewis, Daniel, 160
“Death of a Project” (Dyson), 314
“Deciphering of the Mycenean Script, The” (Wace), 190
Defense Department, U.S., 246
de Hoffmann, Freddy, 210–11, 249, 267
Delaware, 316
Democratic Party, 90–91, 116
Denver, Colo., 88
Der hochrote Hahn (The Flaming Red Rooster) (Rumpf), 51
Descartes, René, 12
Dewey, Robert, 116, 118
de Witt, Bryce, 124
DeWitt-Morette, Cécile, 114–17, 121, 124–26, 159, 194
Dirac, Paul Maurice Adrien, xii, 2–6, 16–17, 22, 101, 129–31, 243
Disney, Walt, 221
Dixiecrats, 91, 116
Doll’s House, A (Ibsen), 228, 230
Doors of Perception, The (Huxley), 189
Dortmund, Germany, 52
Double Helix, The (Watson), xiii
Downe House school, 39
Drake, Frank, 271
Dresden, Germany, 42–43
Dr. Strangelove (film), 320–21
Dublin, Ireland, 116, 127
Dublin Institute for Advanced Study, 116, 124
Dukas, Helen, 275–76, 290, 315, 325, 345, 347, 349–51
Düsseldorf, Germany, 21
Dyson, Alice (sister), xv–xvi, 172, 222, 226, 289, 361
Dyson, Dorothy (daughter), 268, 272–73, 294, 316, 326–27
Dyson, Emily (daughter), 294, 308, 327, 345, 364–65, 368–70
Dyson, Esther (daughter), 168, 180, 192–95, 227, 230, 233–40, 245, 253–55, 259, 264–65, 269, 275, 316, 327–29, 332, 336, 341
Dyson, George (father), xv–xvi, 2–5, 32, 42–43, 96, 168, 213, 313, 329
Dyson, George, Jr. (son), xvi, 183, 193, 227, 230, 233–42, 245–48, 253–55, 259, 264, 269, 275, 294, 308, 313, 327–32, 336–41, 364–71, 376–78
Dyson, Imme Jung (2nd wife), 223–26, 229–38, 244, 247–48, 253–61, 264, 268, 272, 275–76, 289, 308, 311–12, 321–24, 329–32, 338, 344–45, 349, 352–53, 362, 377–79, 382
Dyson, Katrin, see Halm, Katrin Haefeli (step-daughter)
Dyson, Mia (daughter), 289–90, 316, 321, 326–27, 380–82
Dyson, Mildred (mother), xv–xvi, 168, 172, 221, 263, 321, 326–29, 361
Dyson, Rebecca (daughter), 326
Dyson, Verena Huber (1st wife), 151–53, 156–62, 165–69, 174–78, 192–94, 198, 222, 226–29, 232, 235–36, 253–54, 257, 260–62
East Germany, 50
Eastman Kodak Company, 133, 143
Eckmann, Beno, 165
Eddington, Arthur, 27
Egypt, 216–17, 304–5
Ehrenburg, Ilya, 207
Einstein, Albert, 27, 42, 64, 80, 100–104, 107, 124, 147, 150, 186, 266, 275–76, 342, 347–51
Einstein, Margot, 276, 290
Einstein: The Life and Times (Clark), 347
Einstein on Peace (Nathan & Norden), 275
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 196, 216, 276
Eliot, T. S., 71, 109–10, 125–26
Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 311, 358
England, xi, xiii, 5, 12, 18, 21–22, 25, 28, 31–33, 49, 52, 55–62, 66, 70, 74–78, 93, 98, 101, 105–6, 117, 144, 163–65, 172, 202–4, 216, 230–31, 236, 272, 289–91, 314, 357, 372
Epps, Emma, 374–75
Erdos, Paul, 283
Essen, Germany, 52
Etzioni, Amitai, 286
Euclid, 2
Eureka, 20
Europe, xv, 6, 22, 37–38, 62, 65, 70, 74, 79–81, 105, 117, 123–25, 137, 142, 145–47, 158, 164, 182, 194–96, 201, 217, 258, 264, 296, 332, 362, 372
European Southern Observatory, 362
Evers, Medgar, 302
Explorer satellite, 253
Eyges, Leonard, 57, 63
Eyges, Trudy, 63, 71
Face to Face (Mehta), 311
Faraday, Michael, 79, 378
Farmer, James, 300
Federal Institute of Technology, 167
Federation of American Scientists (FAS), 274–76, 281–84, 287, 290–91, 296–98, 317
Federation of British Industries, 41
Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS), 171–72, 311
Fermi, Enrico, 123, 179–80, 201, 302
Feynman, Richard, 56, 59–62, 71–73, 82–86, 98–99, 104, 110–17, 122, 131, 135, 138–41, 148, 154, 163–64, 167, 196, 200, 208, 316–17
Fierz, Markus, 162
Flexner, Abraham, 322
Florida, 319
Ford Company, 285
Foreign Affairs, 269–71
“Forsaken Merman, The” (Arnold), 221, 226
Foster, William, 295
France, xv, 2, 5, 36, 50, 115, 121, 124, 146, 210, 216–17, 281
Franco, Francisco, 36
Frankfurt, Germany, 58
Freiburg, Germany, 44
French Revolution, 52
From Immigrant to Inventor (Pupin), 79
Fulbright, William, 298
Geisel, Theodor Seuss, 210
Gell-Mann, Murray, 134
Gelsenkirchen, 51
General Atomic, 204, 210–14, 222, 233, 241–42, 245–50, 267, 274, 312
Geneva, Switzerland, 362
Geneva Convention, 153, 210, 286
Genoa, Italy, 168
Georgievitch, Freeman, 208
Germany, 21–22, 25, 29–31, 37, 48, 51–54, 57, 60, 65, 70, 74, 81, 92, 153, 163, 216–17, 226, 255, 259, 272, 301, 314, 322, 361
Ghost Train, The (film), 33
Gibbons, Mila, 227–28
Gibbs, Willard, 280
Glasgow, Scotland, 38
Goddard Spacecraft Center, 293
Gödel, Kurt, 34, 106–8, 127, 223
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 68, 251, 333
Gold, Tommy, 217–18
Goldman, Hetty, 343
Gorbachev, Mikhail, xii
Gordonstoun school, 29–30, 301
Göttingen, Germany, 71, 243, 310
Greenbaum, Edward, 325
“Green Grow the Rushes, O” (song), 48
Green Revolution, 70
Groves, Leslie, 325
Haefeli, Hans Georg, 152, 165, 168, 190, 194, 222, 261
Haefeli, Verena, see Dyson, Verena Huber
Hahn, Kurt, 29–30, 36, 301
Hahn, Lola Warburg, 39–40
Hahn, Oskar, 29–30, 35–41, 301
Hahn, Otto, 59
Half-Life (Close), 202
Halm, Jason (son-in-law), 341, 377
Halm, Katrin Haefeli (step-daughter), 151–52, 156–59, 167, 174, 180, 183, 187–88, 205, 226–28, 232, 238–39, 244, 252–56, 261–62, 341, 364, 376–77
Hamburg, Germany, 40, 45
Hamm, Germany, 52
Hanson Island, 364–67, 370
Hard Way to Peace, The (Etzioni), 286
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, vii, xi, 1–6, 10, 17–19, 22–24, 27
Hardy, Thomas, 160
Harkness Foundation, 56, 117
Harriman, Averell, 295
Harvard University, 67, 74, 184, 188–90, 334–36, 379
Harwell Laboratory, 163–65, 201, 281
Haverford College, 293
Hawking, Stephen, 341–42
Haydn, Franz Joseph, 229, 313
Heartbreak House (Shaw), 33
Hegel, Georg, 12
Heisenberg, Werner, 59, 112–13, 129, 243
Helyg Farm, 7–9
Herbert, George, xiv
Hill, Yelizaveta (Elizabeth) Fyodorovna, 2, 9, 12–13, 16–17
Himalaya mountain range, 6, 281
Hiroshima, Japan, 140, 182
History of the Conquest of Mexico, The (Prescott), 263
History of the Conquest of Peru, The (Prescott), 263
Hitchcock, Alfred, 120
Hitler, Adolf, xi, xv, 3–5, 18, 21, 31, 42, 57, 60, 129, 216–17
Hoffmann, Banesh, 347–48
Holland, 110, 165
Holton, Gerald, 348
Homage to Catalonia (Orwell), 36
Homer, 78, 192
Houston, Tex., 292–93
Hu, Ning, 127, 131, 148, 200
Huber, Charles, 153
Huls, Germany, 50
Hungary, 44, 78, 216–17, 297
Huxley, Aldous, 9, 188–89
Ibsen, Henrik, 228–30
Iliad (Homer), 78
Illinois, 83, 94
Immigration Service, 198–99
Incorporated Society of Musicians, 32
India, 146, 153, 189, 281, 325
Indiana, 83, 99, 323
Indiana, University of, 319
Indian Ocean, 32
Infeld, Leopold, 150
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS), 121
Institute for Advanced Study, 64, 77, 102, 124, 150, 153, 163, 186, 223, 241, 343
Institute Housing Project, 111, 151–52, 160
Institute of Physics, 309
International Congress of Mathematicians, 166, 194
International Physics Conference, 157, 162
Iowa, 94, 98
Iraq War, 274
Ireland, 127, 162
Israel, 304–5, 325–26
Italy, 54
Ithaca, N.Y., 56, 72–73, 114–15, 148, 168–73, 180, 217, 329
see also Cornell University
Ivy Mike test, 178–79
Jacobs, Hilde, 75, 92–94, 148, 162
Japan, 9, 36–37, 68, 80–81, 102, 123, 158, 163–64
JASON group, 274–76, 360
Jeffreys, Harold, 27, 32–33
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 253, 293
Johnson, Lyndon B., 275, 289, 302–3
Joliot, Frédéric, 62
Jordan, 304
Journal of the American Optical Society, 360
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 34
Jung family (in-laws), 255, 313, 318, 322–23, 326, 352, 362–63
see also Dyson, Imme Jung (2nd wife)
Jupiter, 241, 248, 378
Käferbock, Richard, 53, 158
Kai-shek, Chiang, 34
Källén, Gunnar, 200
Kanazawa, Japan, 352
Kansas, 83, 88
Kant, Immanuel, 12
Kapitsa, Pyotr, 197
Kaufman, Bruria, 124
Kaufner, Margot, 254–57, 262
Kaysen, Carl, 318–25, 329–30, 349–50
Keats, John, 265
Kennan, George, xiv, 76, 217, 222, 278–79, 325
Kennedy, Edward, 337
Kennedy, John F., 275, 278–80, 284, 289–95, 301–3, 308, 319, 332, 337
Kennedy, Robert F., 302
Kennedy Performing Arts Center, 381
Keynes, John Maynard, 23, 30
Key West, Fla., 276
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 216
Khrushchev, Nikita, 207, 269, 280, 285, 299
King, Martin Luther, 300, 332
King’s College, 23, 78–79
Kinoshita, Toichiro, 181
Kip, Arthur, 185, 201
Kipling, Rudyard, xvi
Kittel, Charles, 185, 201
Kitt Peak National Observatory, 220
Kolmogorov, Andrey, 197
Kraft durch Freude (Strength through Joy) movement, 31
Kreisel, Georg, 12, 31, 37, 152, 223, 226, 236, 253–54, 259, 262
Kreiseliana (Dyson), 152
Kroll, Norman, 120–21
Kubrick, Stanley, 320–21
Kyoto, Japan, 102
La Jolla, Calif., 204, 210–15, 222–23, 233, 241, 245–69, 315–16, 357–59, 364
Lakewood, N.J., 156
Landau, Edmund, 35
Landau, Lev, 197
Landau, Matthias, 35–36
Lapland, Norway, 14
Lattes, Eugenio, 69, 141–43
Lawrence, David H., 327
Lawrence, Ernest, 69
Lee, Tsung Dao, 179, 225, 232–34, 239–40, 243
Leeds, England, 105
Lehmann, Harry, 243–44
Leibnitz, Gottfried, 12
Lenard, Andrew, 319–20
Leningrad, see St. Petersburg, Russia
Lennox, Ed, 57, 82, 91–92
Lennox, Helen, 91–92, 165
Les Houches summer school, 121, 194
Lie, Trygve, 55
Lieb, Elliott, 320
Life, 151
Lighthill, James, 27, 291–92
Lilienthal, David, 161
Lincoln, Abraham, 140, 299–300
Lincoln College, 357–58
Lithuania, 65
“Little Mermaid, The” (Andersen), 221
Littlewood, John Edensor, 1, 2, 9, 17, 26–28, 35, 320
Livingstone, Stanley, 174–75
“Loch Lomond” (song), 48
Lodge, Oliver, 98
London, England, xv–xvi, 5, 9–11, 16, 25, 32, 37–42, 162, 172, 187, 191, 251, 311, 361, 378
Long, Frank, 284, 287, 295
Long Island, N.Y., 174–76, 228–29, 233–34, 281, 315
Lörrach, Germany, 162
Los Alamos, N.Mex., 56–57, 62–63, 72, 86, 163, 177, 196, 210–15, 222–23, 245–50, 274, 282–83, 298, 325
Los Angeles, Calif., 83, 254, 315
Lublin, Poland, 21
Lucerne, Switzerland, 261–62
Lviv, Ukraine, 282
Lysenko, Trofim, 129–30
Macafee, Walter, 57, 70
Macmillan, Harold, 291
Magic Mountain, The (Mann), 34
Malloff, Will, 365–67, 372
Malory, Thomas, 357–59
Manchester, England, 24
Manchuria, 34
Manhattan Project, 325
Mann, Thomas, 34
Manned Spacecraft Center, 292–93
March on Washington (1963), 296, 299–301
Mars, 241, 265, 306–7, 339, 345, 378
Marshak, Robert, 62
Marshall, George, 76
Marx, Karl, 26, 130
Maryland, 293
Massachusetts, 152, 194
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 57, 74, 132, 154
Mauritius concentration camp, 31–32
Max, Claire, 360
Max Planck Institute for Physics and Astrophysics, 361
Maxwell, James Clerk, 78–79, 115, 280
McGovern, George, 341
McMillan, Edwin, 132
McPhee, John, 359
Meany, George, 299
Mehra, Jagdish, 347–51
Mehta, Madan Lal, 280–81
Mehta, Ved, 311–12
Meitner, Lise, 240
Mendel, Gregor, 129
“Merchant Was There with a Forked Beard, A” (song), 173
Mercury, 345
Meselson, Matthew, 340
Metropolitan Opera, 32
Mexico, 68, 213, 215, 255, 259, 263
Mexico City, Mexico, 261–64
Michigan, 90, 165
Michigan, University of, 82, 124, 138, 153
Middle East, 28, 53, 305, 309, 325
Mihailovich, General, 16
Milner, Yuri, 342
Minkowski, Hermann, 42
Mississippi, 302, 317
Missouri, 83, 188
Moonchildren (Weller), 379–80
“Moon River” (song), 345
Moore, George, 12
Mordell, Louis, 166
Morette, Cécile, see DeWitt-Morette, Cécile
Morrison, Philip, 56, 59, 62–64, 68, 71, 77
Moscow, Russia, 11, 25, 195–204, 207–10, 279, 286, 294–95, 319
Moseley, Henry, 24
Moslem University, 146
Motchane, Léon, 121
Mott, Nevill, 62, 105
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 47
Mugabe, Robert, 375
Müller, Edith, 174
Münich, Germany, 361–63
Münster, University of, 42, 75, 92
Münster Municipal Orchestra, 44
Münster Opera Company, 47
Murder in the Cathedral (Eliot), 109
Nagasaki, Japan, 60, 123, 182
Nambu, Yoichiro, 181
Napoleon, Bonaparte, xii, 66
Nassau, Bahamas, 291
Nasser, Gamal, 216
Nathan, Otto, 275, 347–48, 351
National Academy of Sciences, 310–11
National Fire Service, 35–37
National Gallery, 109
National Science Foundation, 196
Nature, 206, 209
Navajo Indians, 87
Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes (NAAFI), 44–46
Navy, U.S., 276
Nebraska, 94
Ne’eman, Yuval, 304–5
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 98, 189
Nevada, 86, 94
New Jersey, 156, 254, 328
New Mexico, 72, 85–86, 114
“New Symmetry of Partitions, A” (Dyson), 333
Newton, Isaac, 30
New York, N.Y., 32, 55, 72, 78, 105, 109, 117–18, 134, 138, 157–58, 164, 168, 179, 187, 216, 226–28, 234, 252, 272, 276–77, 290–92, 310–11, 342, 379
see also Columbia University
New Yorker, 151, 359
New York Herald Tribune, 313
New York State, 83, 315
see also Ithaca, N.Y.; Rochester, N.Y.; Syracuse, N.Y.
New York Times, 200, 379
Niebuhr, Reinhold, xiv, 109–10
Niels Bohr Institute, 116
Nixon, Richard, 275, 340
Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 98
Nobel Prize for Literature, 125
Nobel Prize for Physics, 102, 116, 118, 121, 154, 179, 239–40, 316–17, 329
No First Use policy, 278–79, 297–98
Northern Isles, 365–66
Notre Dame University, 282–83
Oakeshott, Walter, 357–59
Obolensky, Prince Dimitri, 2, 9–11, 16
Ohio, 70, 83, 99, 144
Okinawa, Japan, 37
Oklahoma, 83–85
Oldstone Conference, 153
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 303
“Open Mind, The” (Oppenheimer), 139
Oppenheimer, Kitty, xiv, 226–27, 230–31, 303, 310, 320–24
Oppenheimer, Robert, xiv, 63–64, 67–71, 80, 99–103, 108–12, 117–22, 125–26, 130–31, 134–41, 145, 150, 153–56, 161–62, 167, 176–77, 186–87, 193–95, 206, 212, 219, 226, 230–31, 245–46, 252, 266, 271, 302–3, 310, 315, 318, 321–25
Orbiting Astronomical Observatories (OAO), 292
Orgel, Leslie, 312
Orion project, 242, 267, 270, 283, 295–96, 314
Orwell, George, 36
Ostflüchtlingen, 53
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 302
Oxford, England, 357–58
Oxford University, 2, 100, 131, 182
Padfield, Henry, 13, 16
Pais, Abraham, 110, 120
Pakistan, 309
Panofsky, Dora and Erwin, 374–75
Panofsky, Wolfgang, 336, 375
Paris, France, 115, 121, 201
Park, Clara, 90–92
Pasadena, Calif., 71, 137, 196, 253, 293
Patton, George, 363
Pauli, Wolfgang, 112, 162, 167–68, 206
Pavlichenko, Vladimir, 298, 316
Pearl Harbor, 9
Pedoe, Daniel, 166
Peierls, Genia, 162–63, 167, 265
Peierls, Rudolf, 56–57, 60–61, 63, 135, 137, 147, 162–63, 179, 208
Pennsylvania, 100
Penzias, Arno, xiii
People’s Republic of China, 36, 127, 179, 200, 298
Perm, Russia, 10, 15
Peru, 263
Peters, Wesley, 346
Philadelphia, Pa., 90, 99, 194, 229
Physical Review, 111, 123, 169, 184–85, 209
Physikalische Blätter (German magazine), 348
Pittsburgh, Pa., 99, 206–8
Planck, Max, 361
Pocono Mountains, 153
Poland, 53, 65, 282–83, 314
Pontecorvo, Bruno, 201
Portugal, 36
Powell, Cecil, 61, 69, 105, 132–35, 141–43
Power, Sheila, 124, 127, 131
Princeton, N.J., 33–34, 41, 63–64, 77, 100–102, 131, 147, 151–68, 187, 194–96, 216, 253–54, 262, 266, 275–78, 289–91, 301, 320, 345–46, 349–51, 355–56, 371–73, 377–83
Princeton University, 63, 69, 98–101, 114–16, 127, 138, 141, 152–54, 160, 163–64, 176–84, 195, 202–8, 223, 229, 233, 242–49, 252, 269–73, 279–81, 293, 309–10, 316, 325, 331, 343, 364, 371–73
see also Institute Housing Project
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 168
Profiles of the Future (Clarke), 311
Progress in Theoretical Physics (journal), 102
Progressive Party, 65, 90, 116
Project Orion (Dyson), 242
Pueblo Indians, 87
Pugwash meetings, 298
Pupin, Michael, 78–79
Pylos, Greece, 191–92
Pyrenees mountain range, 4
Quantum Mechanics (Dirac), 129
Queen Elizabeth, RMS, 54–55
Queen Mary, RMS, 167
Quest (Infeld), 150
Rabi, Isidor Isaac, 116–21, 154, 157–58
Radcliffe College, 328–29
Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 105–6
Ramanujan, Srinivasa, xi–xii, 19
Random Matrices (Mehta), 281
Reading, England, xv, 262
Red Army, 217
Red Cross, 152–53
Rede, John, 358–59
Remington Rand company, 229
Reno, Nev., 253, 255
Reuther, Walter, 284
Reviews of Modern Physics, 310
Rhodesia, 375
Rochester, N.Y., 59, 62, 208–9
Rochester, University of, 57–59
Rocky Mountains, 338
Rolland, Romain, 52
Roman Catholic Church, 44, 48, 118
Romania, 18
Rome, Italy, 194, 201
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 21, 65, 267–68, 315
Rope (film), 120
Rose and the Ring, The (Thackeray), 15
Rosenbluth, Marshall, 324
Rotblat, Joseph, 298
Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE), 291
Royal Air Force (RAF), 23, 37–38, 48, 51–52, 60, 90, 211, 291, 318, 334
Royal College of Music, xv–xvi, 5, 313
Rumpf, Hans, 51
Rusk, Dean, 297
Russell, Bertrand, 12, 251
Russia, xii, xv, 2–3, 10–11, 14, 17–18, 22, 28, 45, 49, 74–77, 145, 196–98, 202, 205–8, 217, 267–68, 278, 285, 346
see also Soviet Union
Rutherford, Ernest, 24
Sagan, Carl, 378
St. Louis, Mo., 83, 88–89
St. Petersburg, Russia, 2, 11, 204
Salam, Abdus, 196–99, 309–10
Salem school, 29–30, 301
Salk Institute for Biological Studies, 242, 312, 357–58
Salpeter, Ed, 179
Salt Lake City, Utah, 94
San Diego, Calif., 210, 242, 259–61, 267
San Diego Glider Club, 242, 314
San Francisco, Calif., 88, 94–95, 159, 164, 259, 330, 341
Sangre de Cristo Mountains, 86
San Jose State College, 262
Santa Fe, N.Mex., 83–88
Santa Rota, Rome, 261
São Paulo, Brazil, 142, 146
Saturn, 241, 248
Schein, Marcel, 143, 144
Schlesinger, Arthur, 279
Schwarzschild, Martin, 266, 292
Schwinger, Julian, 66–67, 73–74, 80–82, 98–99, 103–4, 117–20, 131, 144, 150, 154, 158, 163–64, 316–17
Scientific American, 209
Scotland, 30, 41
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 210
“Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infra-Red Radiation” (Dyson), 272
Seattle, Wash., 364
Serber, Robert, 154
Sharp, Dover, 335
Shaw, George Bernard, 33
Shelter Island Conference, 153
Shklovsky, Iosip, 265
Sierpinski, Waclaw, 6–7
Sierra Club, 339–40
Simnad, Massoud, 216
Sinding, Arlene, 380
Singapore, xv
Singer, Daniel, 275, 284, 317
Singer, Maxine, 317
Sir George Dyson, His Life and Music (Spicer), 313
Slayton, Deke, 293
Smith, Ian, 375
Smuts, Jan, 268
Snow, Charles Percy, 23, 28–29
Snowdon Mountains, 4
Sociobiology (Wilson), 379
Socrates, 12
Solvay Conferences at Brussels, 101
Solvay Report, 112
Sons and Lovers (Lawrence), 327
Southeast Asia, 81
Southwest Center for Advanced Studies, 303
Soviet Academy of Sciences, 195
Soviet-American Relations (Kennan), 222
Soviet Union, xii, xv, 3, 50, 53–55, 65, 76, 130, 138, 210, 287, 298, 325, 340
see also Russia
Space Agency, 292–93, 306, 319
Spain, xii, 36, 76, 231
Spencer-Jones, Harold, 218
Spicer, Paul, 313
Spitzer, Lyman, 202
Spong, Paul, 366–70
Sputnik satellites, 243, 244, 249
Stalin, Joseph, xi, 3, 118, 207, 210, 325
Stanford University, 159, 254, 262
Starship and the Canoe, The (Brower), 341, 371
Statue of Liberty, 187
Stevenson, Adlai, 216
Strauss, Lewis, Jr., 213–14
Strauss, Lewis, Sr., 213–14
Strauss, Richard, 42–43
Strömgren, Bengt, 219–20
Stuttgart, Germany, 53, 158
Swanson Island, 365, 370–71
Swinnerton-Dyer, Peter, 20
Switzerland, 92–94, 133, 149, 167, 194, 206, 230, 261–62, 325
Syracuse, N.Y., 169
Syracuse, University of, 170
Syria, 304
Szilard, Leo, 145, 315–16, 320
Szilard, Trude, 315, 320
Tamm, Igor, 197, 200
Tarsus, Turkey, 343
Tatra mountain range, 6
Taylor, Caro, 248, 251
Taylor, Geoffrey, 56, 69–70
Taylor, Ted, 248–50, 253, 295, 359
Teller, Edward, 144–45, 154, 165, 177, 211–15, 245–46, 283, 296–98
Test Ban Treaty, 246, 270, 280, 294, 297, 319
Texas, 70, 85, 233, 302
Thackeray, William M., 15
Thaw, The (Ehrenburg), 207
Thirring, Walter, 320
Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 71
Thompson, Homer, 343–44
Thompson, J. J., 79
Thousand Days, A (Schlesinger), 279
Thurmond, Strom, 116
Tibet, China, 281
Time, 139, 151
Tinian island, 77
Tito, Marshal, 16
Tokyo, Japan, 80, 351–55
Tolstoy, Lev, xii, 25–26, 54
Tomonaga, Shin’itiro, 80, 163–64, 316–17
Toronto, University of, 149–50
Toynbee, Arnold, 95
Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (film), 68
Trenton, N.J., 240, 306–8, 331–32, 380
Trevelyan, George, 37
TRIGA reactor, 267
Trinity College, 1–4, 9, 23, 27, 32, 37, 42, 78, 188
Trondheim, Norway, 82
Trotsky, Leon, 222
Truman, Harry S., 65, 90–91, 116–18, 158, 165
Tukey, John, 152
Turing, Alan, 149
Turkey, 24
Tutte, Bill, 149
Uhlenbeck, George and Else, 153, 165
Ulam, Stanislav, 177, 282–83
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), see Soviet Union
Unitarian Universalist Church, 380
United Automobile Workers (UAW), 284
United Kingdom, xv, 9, 21, 32, 50, 172, 210, 240, 287, 298
United Nations, 55, 138, 287, 309–10
United States, xiii, 2–3, 9, 16, 22, 34, 50, 54–55, 60–61, 74–82, 87, 92, 98, 117, 123, 138, 142, 145, 149–50, 153, 158, 163–65, 168, 172–74, 179–81, 187, 190, 199, 205–7, 210–13, 216–17, 226, 237, 273–75, 280, 289–91, 297–98, 301, 333, 337, 346, 351, 357, 372
Ursell, Fritz, 21, 22
U.S. Highway 66, 83–85
Utah, 94–95
Vancouver, Canada, 341, 364–65, 371, 376–78
Van Gogh, Vincent, 52
Veksler, Vladimir, 197
Ventris, Michael, 191
Venus, 269–70, 345
Versailles Treaty, 217
Vienna, Austria, 12, 179
Vietnam War, 275, 289, 295–96, 334, 341
Virginia, 31
Volga River, 11
Volksmuseum, 52
von Arnim, Elizabeth, 251
von Helmholtz, Hermann, 79
von Liebig, Justus, 81
von Neumann, John, 22, 100–101, 106–8, 145, 154, 180
von Richthofen, Inge, 165
Voting Rights Act, 289
Vyshinsky, Andrey, 55
Wace, Alan, 190, 194
Wadman, Al, 295
Walking the Indian Streets (Mehta), 312
Wallace, Henry, 65, 90, 116
War and Peace (Tolstoy), xii, 25–26, 54
Warburg Institutes, 40
War of 1967, 304–5
Washington, DC, 63, 155, 186, 193, 198–99, 214–15, 232, 246, 270, 275, 279, 282–91, 294–96, 316, 340, 378–80
Washington, George, 372, 382
Waterman, Susanna, 374–75
Watson, James, xiii, 329
Weapons and Hope (Dyson), 287
Weil, André, 134, 166
Weimar Republic, 30
Weisskopf, Viki, 57, 73–74
Wells, H. G., 251
Welsh National Radio, 7
Wergeland, Harald, 82, 91
Wertheim, Germany, 255
Westerhausen, Germany, 362–63
West Germany, 50, 76, 231–32
West Virginia, 271
Weyl, Hermann, 100, 206, 209
What Do You Care What Other People Think? (Feynman), 72
Whitehead, Alfred, 12
Wigner, Eugene, 123, 145, 154, 280
Williams, Frederic, 106
Wilson, Charles, 95–96
Wilson, Edward, 378–79
Wilson, Robert, xiii, 56–57, 132
Wilson, Woodrow, 79
Winchester, England, xv–xvi, 27, 313, 343–44, 358, 361
Winchester College, 5, 10, 13, 16, 34–35, 166, 291, 357–59
Winterset (Anderson), 72
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 12
Wool Industries Research Lab, 105
Woolley, Richard, 218
Wordsworth, William, 285–87
World War I, 24, 33, 42, 80, 213, 328–29
World War II, xv, 1, 9, 21, 25, 33, 36, 37, 42, 153
Wu, Chien Shiung, 225, 234, 240
Wuppertal, University of, 162
Wyoming, 94
Xuong, Nguyen Huu, 312
Yang, Chen Ning, 179
Yang, Frank, 225, 232, 239–40, 243, 294, 315, 323
Yeats, William B., 93–94
YMCA, 89, 149, 286
Young, Brigham, 94
Ypsilanti, Mich., 89
Yugoslavia, 15–16, 80, 279
Yukawa, Hideki, 69, 102–3, 158, 243
Zeldovich, Yakov, 197
Zürich, Switzerland, 105, 143, 152, 168–69, 206, 350
Zürich, University of, 152, 162, 174
Zimbabwe, 375