Asian-Style Short Ribs: polenta, pilaf
Bean and Corn Stew: coleslaw
Beef Stew with Onions: pilaf, noodles, farrotto, risotto
Borlotti Beans: polenta, pilaf, farrotto
Bouillabaisse: pilaf, farrotto
Braised “Barbeque” Brisket: polenta, mashers, coleslaw
Braised Escarole: pilaf, farrotto, risotto
Braised Stuffed Cabbage: mashers
Butter-Braised Lettuce: pilaf, farrotto
Carnitas: pilaf, coleslaw
Cauliflower and Potato Curry: pilaf
Chicken Bouillabaisse: farrotto
Chicken Cacciatore: polenta, pilaf, noodles, farrotto, risotto, mashers
Chicken with Escarole, Lemon, and Olives: pilaf, noodles, farrotto, risotto
Chili Colorado: pilaf, coleslaw
Cipollini in Honey and Balsamic: farrotto
Clam and Sausage Stew: pilaf
Classic Pot Roast: pilaf, noodles, risotto, mashers
Coconut-Chicken Curry: pilaf
Coq au Vin: pilaf, noodles, farrotto, mashers
Game Hens in a Pot: pilaf, farrotto
Ginger-Braised Spareribs: pilaf
Greek Lamb Meatballs: pilaf, noodles, farrotto
Greek Shrimp: pilaf, farotto
Green Beans with Dill: pilaf, farrotto
Greens with Ham: (recipe incorporates a grain)
Harvest Pork Stew: couscous, polenta, pilaf
Lamb Shanks: polenta
Lamb Stew with Artichokes: pilaf, noodles, farrotto, risotto
Lamb Tagine: couscous
Monday Night Chili: polenta, pilaf, coleslaw
Osso Buco: polenta, farrotto, risotto
Pan-Braised Endive: pilaf, farrotto
Pappardelle with Ragù: noodles
Persian Chicken: couscous, pilaf
Pork Stew with Tomatillos: pilaf
Pub Short Ribs: polenta, noodles, mashers, coleslaw
Red-Braised Shrimp and Tofu: pilaf
Rich Red Cowboy Stew: polenta, mashers, coleslaw
Romano Beans: farrotto, risotto, mashers
Salmon Ragout: pilaf, noodles
Sausages with Lentils: pilaf
Sicilian Swordfish: pilaf, noodles, farotto
Spanish Scallops: pilaf, farotto
Spring Stew (La Vignarola): farrotto
Stracotto: polenta, noodles, farrotto, risotto
Summer Stew: pilaf
Swiss Chard with Cannellini: polenta, farrotto
Thai Fish Curry: pilaf
True Chili Verde: pilaf
Turkey Posole: coleslaw
Turkey Pot Pie: coleslaw
Tuscan Chicken Stew: noodles, farrotto, risotto
Veal Braised in Milk: pilaf, farrotto, risotto
Veal Paprikas: pilaf, noodles, farrotto
Veal with Mushrooms: pilaf, noodles, farrotto, risotto
Vegetable Couscous: (recipe incorporates a grain)
Winter Market Chicken: couscous, pilaf