Aberdeen (Maryland)
ABL (Air Force Airborn Laser)
ABM treaty
and X-band radars
Colin Powell and
and Congress post-September 11th
Donald Rumsfeld and
and Heritage Foundation
John Bolton and
and laser weapons
and NMD
and political implications of George W. Bush administration behavior
and SBL program
and TMD programs
Abrams, Elliott
Abu Dhabi
Academic Strategic Alliances Program (ASAP)
Accelerated Strategic Computer Initiative (ASCI)
ACDA (Arms Control and Disarmament Agency)
Acid Canyon
administration behavior
Advanced hydrotest facility (AHF)
Aegis program
aerospace corporations
Aerospace Industries Association
Aerospace operations center (AOC)
Aerospace operations vehicle (AOV)
aging of nuclear weapons
Agriculture Department, U.S.
AHF (advanced hydrotest facility)
Aikin, Michael
AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missile
AIM-65 Maverick air-to-surface missile
AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range air-to-air missile
Air Force Airborn Laser (ABL)
Air Force One
Air Force, U.S.
Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)
see also type of airplane
Al Hillah hospital (Iraq)
al Qaeda see also bin Laden, Osama
Al-Tuwaitha nuclear complex (Iraq)
Albright, Madeleine
Alcolac International Inc.
Aldridge, Bob
Alenia Marconi Systems
Alexander, Lamar
Algarotti, Robert
Alliant Tech Systems
Allied Signal
Alpha High-Energy Laser
aluminum tubes
American Conservative Union
American Enterprise Institute
American Friends of the Czech Republic
American Gulf War Veterans
American Physical Society
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)
Americans for Democratic Action
Anderson, Edward
Annan, Kofi
Antiballistic Missile Treaty, see ABM treaty
antisatellite (ASAT) weapons
antisatellite warfare
antisatellite warfare philosophy
and cyberspace
hypersonic military space planes
international concerns about
and International Space Station
laser weapons
Mars and the asteroids
merging of civilian/military activities
nuclear devices in space
nuclear powered weapons in
recent developments in
threat to U.S. satellite systems
U.S. plans for
U.S. Space Force
weapons under development
AOC (aerospace operations center)
AOV (aerospace operations vehicle)
Apache helicopters
Appaloosa (subcritical test)
Aqaba, Jordan
Arabs/Arab nations
see also specific nation
armament industry
Armitage, Richard
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA)
Army Corps of Engineers
Army Space and Missile Defense Command
ASAP, see Academic Strategic Alliances Program
ASAT (antisatellite) weapons
ASCI, see Accelerated Strategic Computer Initiative
Ashkenazi, Gaby
Ashy, Joseph
Asia 2025 (Naval War College)
Aspin, Les
and BMDO
and corporate mergers
and nuclear posture review
and space warfare
Augustine, Norman
Autonomy Corporation
AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System)
AWE Aldermaston
Axsys Technologies

Baath Party
bacteriological cultures
Baghdad Nuclear Research Facility
Baghdad Pact
Balkan conflict, see Bosnian war; Kosovo war
Balkans, and economics of reconstruction
Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO)
Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS)
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
Barron’ s Online
Bassoon (subcritical test)
Battle Management/Command, Control, and Communications (BM/C3)
Baum, Dan
Beale Air Force Base (California)
Bellow, Walden
below-ground nuclear testing
Berry, Nicholas
Bhagavad Gita
bidding process
Biden, Joseph
Big Dig (Boston, Massachusetts)
bin Laden, Osama
bin Laden family
biological agents/weapons
BIOS (bomb impact optimization system)
Blackwill, Robert
Blair, Bruce
Blair, Tony
Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of the American Empire (Charmers Johnson)
Blue Mountain computer
Blue Pacific computer
BM/C3, see Battle Management/Command, Control, and Communications
BMDO, see Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
BMEWS (Ballistic Missile Early Warning System)
Boeing 747 (aircraft)
and AOV
as contractor for booster stack
as contractor for high energy laser weapons
as contractor for NTW
and economics of war
and foreign arms sales
laser weapons developed by
and Long Range Plan
merger with McDonnell Douglas
political clout of
and political implications of George W. Bush administration behavior
as second-highest defense contractor
think tanks funded by
Boeing Defense and Space Group
Bofors cannons
Bolton, John
bomb impact optimization system (BIOS)
boost phase systems
booster stack
Booz Allen Hamilton
Borowski, Stanley
Bosnian war
and cancer risks in troops
and economics of reconstruction
J-STARS tested in
police force in
uranium weapons used in
Boston, Massachusetts, Big Dig in
Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles
Bremmer, L. Paul
Britain. See United Kingdom
British Nuclear Fuels
British oil companies, and Iran
British Petroleum
Britism media
Brittle problem
Brown, Harold
Buckley Air Force Base (Colorado)
budget deficit
bunker busters
Burke, Edmund
Bush, George H.W.
see also Bush administration (1989-1993)
Bush, George W.
See also Bush administration (2001-)
Bush administration (1989-1993)
and end of cold war
and Iraqi nuclear program
and NATO
and Operation Desert Storm
and planning for Iraq war
Bush administration (2001-)
and ABM treaty
and Britain
and China
and computer control of BM/C3
and defense spending
destablizing plans of
and economics of reconstruction
and economics of war
and France
international concerns about
international ramifications of behavior of
and Korea
and national missile defense program
and NATO expansion
and nuclear alert codes
personnel of
political implications of behavior of
and Russia
and space militarization
and stockpile reductions
and the war Americans didn’t see
See also Operation Iraqi Freedom; specific person
Byrd, Robert

California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Cambone, Stephen
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Balkan War veterans rates of
and depleted uranium weapons
and environmental hazards
and Operation Desert Storm
Puerto Rico residents rates of
and uranium processing
Cape Cod Air Force Station (Massachusetts)
Card, Andrew
carpet bombing
Carroll, Eugene
Carroll, Philip J.
Carter, Ashton
Carter, Jimmy
Carter administration
Casey, William
Cassini Saturn probe
CAV (common aero vehicle)
CDMA cell-phone system
CEC (cooperative engagement capability)
Center for Defense Information
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Center for Policy Studies
Center for Security Policy (CSP)
Chafee, Lincoln
chemical facilities
chemical oxygen-iodine lasers (COILs)
chemical weapons
chemistry and metallurgy research (CMR)
Cheney, Lynne
Cheney, Richard “Dick”
corporate connections of
and economics of reconstruction
and economics of war
energy task force organized by
and Lockheed Martin
and planning for Iraq war
and PNAC
and political implications of George W. Bush administration behavior
and proposed Congressional investigation of George W. Bush administration claims
review of SIOP by
role in George W. Bush administration of
and selling of Iraq war to American people
Cheyenne Mountain (Colorado)
Bechtel in
in BM/C3 scenario
Bolton and
and George W. Bush administration
and Clinton administration
and economics of war
and IGT-6 program
and India
and international ramifications of U.S. behavior
and Iraqi oil
liquid-fueled weapons of
and new arms race
and NMD
nuclear facilities in
nuclear testing in
nuclear weapons of
and nuclear weapons treaties
and PNAC
and political implications of George W. Bush administration behavior
as potential threat
and Russia
and space disarmament
strategic weapons of
and Taiwan
and war against terrorism
Chirac, Jacques
Chowkar-Karez, Afghanistan
Christopher, Warren
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
Cirincione, Joseph
Citizen s Petition to Protect America Now (Heritage Foundation)
deaths of Afghanistani
and “near nuclear” weapons
as wounded/casualties
Clear (Alaska)
Clinton, Bill
see also Clinton administration
Clinton administration
and X-band radars
and China
and EKV testing
and exo-atmospheric missile defense
and foreign arms sales
and national missile defense program
and NATO expansion
and Outer Space Treaty
and Pentagon
presidential vacuum of
and space militarization
wasted opportunities of
cluster bombs
CMR (chemistry and metallurgy research)
coalition, for war against terrorism
Coalition for the Liberation of Iraq
Coalition to Protect Americans Now
Cochran, Thad
Coffman, Vance
Cohen, Nick
Cohen, Samuel
Cohen, William
and China
and cyberwar
and EKV tests
and European Union
and foreign arms sales
and national missile defense program
and North Korea
COILs (chemical oxygen-iodine lasers)
collateral damage
Collier, David
Collins, John
Collins, Michael
Commerce Department
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)
Committee for the Liberation of Iraq
Committee to Expand NATO
common aero vehicle (CAV)
compensation, government
Complete Test-Ban Treaty
Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)
computer simulations
in BM/C3
and satellite viruses
Concord (Massachusetts)
Contract with America (Newt Gingrich)
cooperative denuclearization
cooperative engagement capability (CEC)
Coors Beer
George W. Bush administration ties to
mergers and nuclear policy
and NATO expansion
and political donations
and political favor through employment
and post-September 11th Pentagon budget
and think tanks
see also specific corporation
Cosmos 954 satellite
of Afghanistan war
of AWACS program
of Block-4A missiles
of booster stack
of COILS program
of EKV
of J-STARS program
of MEAD program
of NTW project
of Patriot missiles
of SBIRS-High
of SBIRS-Low
of SBL program
of THAAD program
of THEL program
Council for a Livable World
Coyle, Phillip E.
craters, bomb
CSP, see Center for Security Policy
CTBT, see Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty
Cunningham, Randy Duke

DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG
“Daisy Cutters” (fuel air explosives)
Dammam (Saudi Arabia)
DARHT, see dual-axis radiographic hydrodynamic test facility
Davy Crocketts
defects in nuclear weapons
Defense Advanced Research Project
defense contractors
See also corporations; specific contractor
Defense Department, U.S, see Pentagon
Defense Export Loan Guarantee (DELG)
defense industry
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Defense Policy Advisory Committee on Trade
Defense Policy Board
Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee
Defense Policy Guidance
defense programs (DP) laboratories
Defense Science Board (DSB)
defense support program (DSP)
degradation of nuclear weapons
DeLay, Tom
DELG (Defense Export Loan Guarantee)
delivery platforms
Department of Energy (DOE)
and economics of reconstruction
and environmental hazards
and justification for SS &, M
and Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
and nuclear testing
and nuclear weapon upgrades
and Paducah plant contamination
and risks to uranium-processing workers
and Russian plutonium
and support for Iraq
depleted uranium (DU)
definition of
and Desert Storm
Desert Storm, see Operation Desert Storm
design of nuclear weapons
Congressional authorization for
new weapons
U.S. spending on
Deutch, John
development of nuclear weapons
development, weapons
Dicks, Norm
DiGregorio, Barry
Dingell, John D.
dirty bombs
dirty nuclear devices
DOE, see Department of Energy
Dole, Bob
Dow Chemical
DP Canyon
DP (defense programs) laboratories
DSB (Defense Science Board)
DSP (defense support program)
DTAG (Defense Trade Advisory Group)
DU, see depleted uranium
dual-axis radiographic hydrodynamic test (DARHT) facility
Duindrennan (Scotland)
“dumb” bombs

Eareckson Air Station
early-warning systems
Eastern Bloc countries
Eastman Kodak
Eberhart, Ralph E.
economic rationalism
economics of reconstruction
economics of war
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
EKV (exoatmospheric kill vehicle)
el-Adeli, Nazem
elections of 2000
electricity supply, and nuclear meltdowns
electromagnetic pulse (EMP)
Electronic Industries Association
An Elusive Consensus (Janne Nolan)
EMP (electromagnetic pulse)
Empower America
Endoatmospheric defense, see lower-tier defense
England, see United Kingdom
enriched uranium
environmental hazards
in Gulf conflict
with ICBM destruction
and ozone depletion
with SS, -M
and uranium clean-up
Eskmeals Cumbria (England)
EU (European Union)
see also specific nation
European Space Agency
European Union (EU)
Evans, Don
exoatmospheric defense, see upper-tier defense
exoatmospheric kill vehicle (EKV)
exotic effects
extensive missile defense

F/A-18E/F planes
facilities, nuclear
and economics of reconstruction
fusion experiments at
hydrodynamic and high-explosive test
meltdowns of
number of
R&D at
for testing
see also specific nation
Fahey, Dan
failure rate of nuclear weapons
fallout shelters
Federation of American Scientists
Feed Materials Production Center (Fernald, Ohio)
Feith, Douglas
Fetter, Steve
“fight and win” policy
firing ranges
first-strike capability
Fisk, Robert
flash floods
flight-test facilities
floods, flash
flub factor
Fluor Corporation
Fogleman, Ronald R.
food contamination
food parcels, dropping of
Foreign Affairs
foreign arms sales
loan-guarantee programs for
by Lockheed Martin
post-September 11th
to Latin American countries
to NATO countries
Foreign Military Studies Office (Fort Leavenworth, Kansas)
Foreign Responses to U.S. National Missile Defense Deployment
“Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts” document
Fort Bliss (Texas)
and cancer in Balkan War veterans
and economics of war
and George W. Bush administration
and Iraqi oil
as nuclear weapons nation
nuclear weapons tests in
and Operation Iraqi Freedom
proliferation of uranium weapons in
subcritical tests in
Franks, Tommy
Freddie Mac
Freedenberg, Paul
Friedman, Thomas
fuel air explosives (FAEs)
fusion, nuclear
experiments with
facilities for
in nuclear weapons
Fylingdales (England)

Gaffney, Frank
gamma rays
Gansler, Jacques
GAO, see General Accounting Office
Garner, Jay
gas gun
gastrointestinal symptoms
GATT, see General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Gattling guns
GBI (Ground-Based Interceptor)
General Accounting Office (GAO)
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
General Dynamics
General Electric
General Instrument
General Motors
Geneva Protocol
germ warfare
Getronics Government Solutions
Gingrich, Newt
Glaspie, April
Glenn,, John
Global Crossing Ltd.
global positioning system (GPS)
and BM/C3
civilian/military uses of
and Kosovo war
and “near nuclear” weapons
vulnerability of
“go-it-alone” attitude
Goering, Hermann
Gofman, John
Goldman Sachs
Golts, Alexander
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gore, Al
Government Accounting Office, see General Accounting Office
GPS, see global positioning system
Graham, Bob
Grand, Camille
Grand Forks (North Dakota)
Groopman, Jerome
Ground-Based Interceptor (GBI)
Guantanamo Bay
Gulf conflict
space force advanced by
and uranium clean-up
uranium weapons in
Gulf War syndrome
gun assembly mechanism
gun ships
Gusterson, Hugh
G.W. Searle

Haavisto, Pekka
Hadley, Stephen J.
Hainan (China)
Hall, Keith
Halliburton Oil
Hamburg (Germany)
Hanely, Charles
Hanford Nuclear Reservation
Hanford (Washington)
hard targets
Harshaw Chemical Company
Hartung, William
HAVE STARE (radar)
of Academic Strategic Alliances Program
environmental, see environmental hazards
and government compensation
of plutonium 238 production
of SS, -M
health concerns, see medical concerns
Hellfire missiles
Hellman, Christopher
Helms, Jesse
Heritage Foundation
Hertz Rent-A-Car
high energy laser weapons
High Orbit Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS-High)
high-explosive facilities
high-explosive test facilities
Holiday Inns
Holog (subcritical test)
Homeland Security Department, U.S.
Howitzer cannons
Hughes Aircraft
Hughes Space
Human Rights Watch
Huntsville (Alabama)
Hurlburt Field (Florida)
Hussein, Saddam. See Iraq
hydrodynamic measuring facilities
hydrogen bombs
hydrogen cyanide
hypersonic military space planes

IAEA, see International Atomic Energy Agency
ICBMs, see Intercontinental ballistic missiles
ICF (Inertial Confinement Fusion)
Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
ignition facility
IGT (integrated ground test)
IMF (International Monetary Fund)
Import-Export Bank
The Independent
and arms race
and China
and international ramifications of U.S. behavior
nuclear program in
and political implications of George W. Bush administration behavior
Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF)
infinity rooms
Inhofe, James
Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
integrated ground test (IGT)
Integrated System Test Capability-2 facility
Intel Corporation
intelligence agencies, U.S.
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)
intercontinental land-based hydrogen bombs
intercontinentl nuclear ballistic missiles
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
International Atomic Energy Commission
international community
and Academic Strategic Alliances Program
and Arms Race
and George W. Bush administration
and nuclear weapons treaties
and space warfare
and Star Wars
treaty concerns of
and uranium weapons
International Computer Systems
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International Resources Group
International Space Station (ISS)
internet, design for dirty nuclear devices on
iodine, radioactive
Iran hostage affair
Iran-Iraq war
and al Qaeda
Baath Party in
bombing of
and Britain
and cancer risks in civilians
children exposed to depleted uranium in
and China
and CIA
depleted uranium used in
and economics of reconstruction
and economics of war
and France
Halliburton sales to
Hussein takes control in
infrastructure of
and Iran-Iraq war
Kuwait invasion by
mass killings in
nuclear scientists in
nuclear sites in
nuclear weapons program in
oil in
and Operation Desert Storm
proliferation of uranium weapons in
public health system in
purchase of uranium from Niger by
radioactive contamination in
reconstruction of
as rogue state
Rumsfeld’s meetings with Hussein in
and Russia/Soviet Union
U.N. sanctions against
U.S. exports to
U.S. loans to
U.S. plans for overthrow of
and U.S. policy on Kuwait
U.S. sanctions on
U.S. support for
as U.S. target
weapons of mass destruction in
and World Trade Center
See also Operation Desert Storm; Operation Iraqi Freedom; specific person
Iraq Liberation Act
Iraq Survey Group
Iraqi defectors/exiles
Iraqi military
Iraqi National Congress (INC)
Iraqi National Guard
Iraqi Petroleum Company
Iraqi police force
as nuclear weapons nation
as potential target
Project for a New American Century support for
proliferation of uranium weapons in
as purchaser of U.S. weapons
Richard Perle and
and THEL program
and U.N. Arms Race resolution
uranium weapons use in
weapons tests in
ISS, see International Space Station
Issa, Darrell
Italian space agency
Ivanov, Igor

J-STARS (Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System)
Jackson, Bruce
Jalabad, Afghanistan, bombing of mosque in
Jane’s Defense Weekly
X-band radars in
and Aegis ships
and International Space Station
and Little Boy (Hiroshima bomb)
as military power
and North Korean threat
proliferation of uranium weapons in
JASPER (Joint Actinide Shock Physics Experimental Research)
Javelin missile command launch units
Jeremiah, David
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
Johnson, Charmers
Johnson, Lyndon
Joint Actinide Shock Physics Experimental Research (JASPER)
Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM)
Joint Strategic Planning Service
Joint Strike fighter
Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System (J-STARS)
joint warrior interoperability demonstration (JWID)
JP Morgan Chase
Just Cause (Colin Powell)
JWID (joint warrior interoperability demonstration)

Kansas City plant (KCP)
Karzai, Hamid
Kasich, John
Katyusha rockets
Kay, David
KBR (Kellogg, Brown and Root)
KCP (Kansas City plant)
Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR)
Kennedy, Paul
Kettle, Martin
Keyworth, George
Khomeini, Ayatollah
kidney disease
Kim Chong-il
Kim Dae Jung
Kirtland Air Force Base (New Mexico)
Kissinger, Henry
Klein, Naomi
Korea, see North Korea; South Korea
Kosovo war
and cancer risks in troops
uranium weapons used in
and U.S. space force
Kristol, William
Kucinich, Dennis
Kyl, John

Labaton, Stephen
Lake, Anthony
LaMontagne, Steve
Lancashire (England)
Lane, Neal
LANL, see Los Alamos National Laboratory
laser beams
laser guided bunker busters
laser weapons
laser-powered fusion
Lasswell, Harold
lateral proliferation
Latin America
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
ASCI Blue Pacific computer at
British cooperation with
defense program at
Iraq support by
Manhattan II project at
NIF at
nuclear facilities at
nuclear weapons lab at
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) (cont.)
personnel policies at
TeraOPS computer at
university alliances with
LEAP (lightweight exoatmospheric projectile)
Lee, Wen Ho
Leelworth (England)
Lehman Brothers
Lenard, Roger
Leprosy Letter
Lexington Institute
Libby, I. Lewis
Lieberman, Joseph
lightweight exoatmospheric projectile (LEAP)
limited missile defense
Lincoln, Abraham
Little Boy (Hiroshima bomb)
Litton Industries
LLNL, see Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Lockheed Martin
and AOV
Augustine and
George W. Bush and
Cheney and
as contractor at Paducah
as contractor for COILS program
as contractor for MEADS project
as contractor for NTW project
as contractor for Patriot project
as contractor for SBIRS-High
as contractor for SBL program
as contractor for SIAP
as contractor for THAAD project
and economics of war
and foreign arms sales
Gingrich and
government contracts of
Hadley and
Jackson and
laser weapons developed by
and Long Range Plan
merger of Martin Marietta with
“near nuclear” weapons developed by
and Nevada Test Site
and nuclear space systems
Operation Iraqui Freedom weapons supplied by
political clout of
and post-September 11th Pentagon budget
think tanks funded by
as war lobby
Logistics Civil Augmentation Program “Logcap,”
London Evening Standard
“The Long Range Plan” (LRP)
Loral Space Systems
Los Alamos Canyon
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
30-TeraOPS computer at
ASCI Blue Mountain computer at
British cooperation with
chemistry and metallurgy research at
defense program at
environmental hazards at
fires at
Iraq support by
Manhattan II project at
manufacturing facilities at
and Mars exploration
new pit manufacturing at
nuclear facilities at
and nuclear powered rockets
nuclear weapons lab at
radiation exposure at
subcritical tests at
university alliances with
uranium testing at
Lott, Trent
Louis Berger Group, Inc.
Low Orbit Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS-Low)
Lower Saxony (Germany)
lower-tier defense (endoatmospheric)
LRP, see The Long Range Plan
Luti, William

McCaffrey, Barry
McCain, John
McDonnell Douglas
McGeough, Paul
McGrory, Mary
Mackay, Leo
Mackinder, Halford J.
Madison (Indiana)
Madrick, Jeff
Mandate for Leadership Policy Management in a Conservative Administration (Heritage Foundation)
Manhattan II Project See also stockpile stewardship and management program
Manhattan Project
manufacturing facilities
mapping mission
Mark 5 missile
Marsh & McLennan
Marshall Plan
Marshall Space Flight Center (Huntsville, Alabama)
Martin Marietta
Mattarella, Sergio
Maverick missiles
Mayer, Gottfried J.
MEADS (Medium Extended Air Defense System)
medical concerns See also cancer
of ICBM destruction
about Mars exploration
Pentagon s prior knowledge of
about plutonium
of plutonium 238 production
about uranium processing
about uranium weapons
Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS)
Meet the Press (NBC)
MEIs (most exposed individuals)
Mello, Greg
Menwith Hill (England)
mergers, corporate
Merritt, Jack
MESA (microsystems and engineering sciences)
Metal of Dishonor
Meyers, Richard B.
MI6 (British secret intelligence service)
microsystems and engineering sciences (MESA)
Middle East
century of oil and war in
military corporations
Military Space Forces: The Next 50 Years (John Collins)
Military, U.S., see U.S. military
military-industrial complex
Miller, Frank “Mr. Nuke,”
MIRVs (multiple independent reentry vehicles)
missile defenses
missile-defense shield
See also type of missiles
MITRE Corporation
Mogadishu (Somalia)
Moore, Mike
morning-after pills
Mortandad Canyon
Mossadegh, Mohammed
most exposed individuals (MEIs)
Mubarak, Hosni
multinational corporations
multiple independent reentry vehicles (MIRVs)
Murdoch, Rupert
mustard gas
mutual assured safety

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
NAS, see National Academy of Sciences
NASA, see National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The Nation
National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
and global mapping mission
and Mars missions
and nuclear powered space probes
and space militarization
“The National Ignition Facility and the Issue of Nonproliferation,”
National Ignition Facility (NIF)
National Imagery and Mapping Agency
National Institutes for Health
National Intelligence Council
national missile defense (NMD) program
and George W. Bush
definition of
and Europe
and France
and Great Britain
and Greenland
infrastructure of
National Security Agency
National Security Council
Native Americans
NATO, see North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Natsios, Andrew
Naval Theater Wide (NTW) Missile Defense
Naval War College
Navigation Warfare (NavWar)
NAVSTAR global positioning system
NavWar (Navigation Warfare)
“near nuclear” weapons, examples of
neutron bombs
neutron generator facility (NGF)
Nevada Test Site (NTS)
“New Europe,”
New York City, medical description of Indian Point meltdown effecting
New York Times
New York Times Magazine
New Zealand
NGF (neutron generator facility)
NIF (National Ignition Facility)
1984 (George Orwell)
Nisbet, Paul
Nixon, Richard M.
NMD, see national missile defense program
Nolan, Janne
Nortel Networks
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
AWACS operated by
and cancer in Balkan War veterans
and cancer risks in troops
and Eastern Bloc countries
European dissatisfaction with
and Kosovo war
North Dakota
North Korea
in BM/C3 scenario
Bolton and
and economics of war
nuclear reactors in
as nuclear weapons target
in peace talks with South Korea
as potential threat
as rogue state
weapons supplied by
Northern Alliance
Northrop Grumman
Northwest Territories (Canada)
NPT (Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty)
NTR (nuclear thermal rockets)
NTS, see Nevada Test Site
NTW, see Naval Theater Wide Missile Defense
nuclear alert codes
nuclear arms race
nuclear devices in space
nuclear facilities, see facilities, nuclear
nuclear fusion, see fusion, nuclear
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT)
nuclear posture review
nuclear power plants
nuclear powered rockets
nuclear powered space probes
nuclear powered weapons
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Nuclear Rites (Hugh Gusterson)
Nuclear Stockpile Stewardship Management Program, see stockpile stewardship management program
nuclear thermal rockets (NTR)
nuclear threats, examples of
nuclear war
and disease
fallout from
medical consequences of
and nuclear power plants
and nuclear winter
nuclear waste
nuclear weapons
components of
increase in funding for
new weapons
test facilities for
testing of, see testing, nuclear weapons
treaties for
Nuclear Weapons in the Twenty-First Century (Stephen Younger)
nuclear winter
Nunn, Sam

O’Neill, Paul
Oak Ridge National Labs
environmental hazards at
manufacturing facilities at
and nuclear space systems development
Y-12 weapons plant at
Oboe (subcritical test)
Ocean Spray Cranberries
Office of Special Plans (OSP)
and century of war in Middle East
in Kuwait
and planning for Iraq war
privatization of
See also specific nation
Oil Nationalization Bill (Iran)
“Old Europe,”
Omega West reactor
O’Neil, Tip
100-TeraOPS computer
Operation Desert Storm
Operation Iraqi Freedom
and economics of war
financing of
justification for
overview about
planning for
selling of, to American people
and the war Americans didn’t see
Option White TeraOPS computer
Outer Space Treaty
Owens, William
ozone layer

PAC (political action committees) contributions
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (Kentucky)
Pahlavi, Shah Reza
and Afghanistan
and arms race
foreign arms sales to
and international ramifications of U.S. behavior
Muslim fundamentalists and military in
nuclear testing in
as nuclear weapons nation
and political implications of George W. Bush administration behavior
proliferation of uranium weapons in
U.S. relations with
Pakistani military
Paladin Capital Group
Pantex plant (Texas)
Parajito Canyon
Paris Air Show
Parsons Corp.
Patriot missiles
Patriot (PAC-3) Army System
Patriot (PAC-3) lower-tier system
PAVE PAWS (Perimeter Acquisition of Vehicle Entry Phased-Array Warning System)
Paveway II bomb
Peeler, Bob
and Afghanistan war
al Qaeda attack on
as America’s largest company
Augustine and
budget for
and changing terminology
and Clinton administration
and corporate mergers
and economics of reconstruction
and economics of war
and European dissatisfaction over NATO
“fight and win” policy of
and Iran-Iraq war
as Iraqi supporter
and Korean threat
and military spending
need for dismantling of
new space service in
pathological thinking of
and PNAC
and political implications of George W. Bush administration behavior
political role of
and post-September 11th spending
and prior knowledge of medical hazards
and rigged missile tests
SIOP planning by
and space shuttle
and weapons budget
Perimeter Acquisition of Vehicle Entry Phased-Array Warning System (PAVE PAWS)
Perle, Richard
permanent normal trading relations (PNTR) status
Perry, William
Philip Morris Companies
Pike, John
Pine Gap (Australia)
pit production facility
Pitt, William Rivers
See also type of plane
platforms, delivery
health consequences of
production of
in space
behavior of
and dirty nuclear devices
facilities working on
and fire hazards
hazards of
production of
and safeguarding of Russian nuclear materials
in sphere of nuclear weapons
in underground testing
and U.S. support for Iraq
plutonium pits
environmental hazards of
Los Alamos manufacture of
and weapons designs and modifications
PNAC. See Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
PNTR (permanent normal trading relations) status
poison gas
political action committees (PAC) contributions
Pollack, Jonathon
polluted uranium
Postol, Ted
potassium iodide
Powell, Colin
and China
and coalition to fight terrorism
corporate ties of
and economics of reconstruction
and planning for Iraq war
and political implications of George W. Bush administration behavior
SIOP review by
precision-guided missiles
preemptive strike
Preston (England)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (United Nations)
Price-Anderson Act
probes, nuclear powered space
Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
proton radiography
psychological operations (psyops)
Pueblo Canyon
Puerifoy, Bob
pulse-powered facilities
purified uranium
Putin, Vladimir

Qasim, Abd al-Karim

R&D facilities (research and development facilities)
radiation poisoning
radioactive contamination
radioactive iodine
radioactive materials
radioactive uranium
radioactive water
radiography, proton
RAND Corporation
and Afghanistan war weapons
as contractor of Block-4A project
as contractor for EKV
as contractor for NTW project
as contractor for Patriot project
as contractor for SIAP
as contractor for THAAD project
as contractor for TMD-GBR
and economics of war
and foreign arms sales
and Hughes Aircraft buyout
and Long Range Plan
as manufacturer of BMEWS
as manufacturer of PAVE PAWS
Operation Iraqi Freedom weapons supplied by
political clout of
and post-September 11th Pentagon budget
think tanks funded by
as third-highest defense contractor
as war lobby
Readers Digest
Reagan administration
defense buildup during
and foreign arms sales
and Iran-Iraq war
nuclear weapons buildup during
and SBL program
and Star Wars
Reagan, Ronald
Rebound (subcritical test)
“Rebuilding America’s Defenses” (PNAC)
reclaimed uranium
reconstruction, economics of
Red Terascale computer
Repacholi, Mike
research and development (R&D) facilities
Reykjavik (Iceland)
Rice, Condoleezza
Richard, Alain
Richter, Burton
Rio Grande River
Robb, Charles
rocket propellants
rockets, nuclear powered
Rockwell International
Rocky Flats plant
rogue states
ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps)
Roving Sands 2000
Rummel, John
Rumsfeld, Donald
and Afghanistan war
corporate ties of
and Defense Policy Board
and defense strategy
and economics of reconstruction
and economics of war
Hussein’s meeting with
Iraqi visits of
and national missile defense report
Perle as advisor to
and PNAC
and political implications of George W. Bush administration behavior
and September 11 as justification for policies
and spy planes over China
and think tanks
Rumsfeld report
and Afghanistan
and George W. Bush administration
and cancer in Balkan War veterans
and China
early-warning systems in
enriched uranium in
false attack on
and international ramifications of U.S. behavior
and International Space Station
and Iraqi oil
loss of nuclear weapons in
missile targets of
and NATO expansion
and new arms race
nuclear alert codes of
nuclear arsenal of
and nuclear devices in space
nuclear testing in
and nuclear thermal rockets
nuclear weapons facilities in
and nuclear weapons treaties
plutonium supply of
as potential threat
and proliferation
proliferation of uranium weapons in
safeguarding of nuclear materials in
and START II Treaty
strategic weapons of
subcritical tests in
and treaties
and war against terrorism
Ryan, Michael

Sabri, Naji
Saido Arabia. proliferation of uranium weapons in
Sánchez, Arias
Sanders, Bernie
Sandia Livermore Lab (California)
Sandia National Laboratory (SNL)
ASCI Red Terascale computer at
defense program at
Iraq support by
Manhattan II project at
manufacturing facilities at
microsystems and engineering sciences at
nuclear facilities at
nuclear weapons lab at
university alliances with
uranium 238 contamination at
Sandia Nuclear Weapons Lab (New Mexico)
“Satan” missile
Saud family
Saudi Arabia
depleted uranium used in
oil in
as purchaser of U.S. weapons
Savannah River Nuclear Facility (Georgia)
Savannah River plant (SRP)
SBIRS, see Space-Based Infrared System
SBIRS-High (High Orbit Space-Based Infrared System)
SBIRS-Low (Low Orbit Space-Based Infrared System)
SBL (Space Based Laser)
SBSS (science-based stockpile stewardship)
Scardaville, Michael
Schakowsky, Janice
Scheunemann, Randy
Schlesinger, James
Schneider, William
Schrobenhausen (Bavaria)
Schultz, George
Schwartz, Bernard
Schwartz, Nina
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
science-based stockpile stewardship (SBSS)
Scud missiles
SDI, see Strategic Defense Initiative
Seaborg, Glenn
Searle Pharmacies
Second Amendment
September 11, 2001
and ABM treaty
and economics of reconstruction
and enemies of U.S.
as justification for George W. Bush administration
and nuclear meltdowns
and Pakistan-U.S. relations
and Pentagon budget
and planning for Iraq war
and political implications of George W. Bush administration behavior
and U.S. Russian relations
Sha Zukang
Shapir, Yiftah
Shea & Gardner
Sheehan, Jack
Shell Oil
Shelton, Henry
Shemya Island (Alaska)
Shulsky, Abram
SIAP (Single Integrated Air Picture)
Silicon Graphics Corporation
silicon-based microelectronics devices
simulations, computer
Single Integrated Air Picture (SIAP)
single integrated operational plan (SIOP)
small-arms exports
“smart” bombs
Smith, Bob
SMV (space maneuverable vehicle)
Snake River
SNL, see Sandia National Laboratory
“soft kill” weapons
solar space cells
solid fuel, and ozone depletion
Solway Firth (Britain)
Son of Star Wars (Bob Aldridge)
South Korea
Southern Co.
Soviet Union See also Russia
space, nuclear devices in
Space Based Laser (SBL)
Space Daily
space probes, nuclear powered
space samples
space shuttle
space warfare
space-based defense
Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS)
space-based infrared system-high
Space-Based Integrated Flight Experiment
Space-Based Laser Demonstrator
Sparta Corp.
Spectrum Astro
Spenser, Jack
SRP, see Savannah River plant
SS & M, see stockpile stewardship and management program
SS-18 missile (Russian)
Stanford University
Star Wars
Congressional advocates of
Edward Teller s advocation of
evaluation of BM/C3
ICBM destruction mechanisms
international opinion of
legislation for
and think tanks
unilateral reductions proposal as ploy to divert attention from
weapon systems in
Starmet plant (Concord, Massachusetts)
stereoscopic images
Stevedoring Services of America
Stevens, Ted
Stiglitz, Joseph
stimulus plan (George W. Bush)
stockpile stewardship and management program (SS & M)
agenda of
building new nuclear weapons and
environmental hazards of
facilities of
and fusion experiments
and government compensation
hazards of
infrastructure of
justification for
and nuclear weapons testing
and plutonium
and weapons development
stockpiled weapons
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, see START
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
Strengthening Transatlantic Security (Pentagon)
subcritical tests
subsidies, for armament industry
sunlight reduction
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Sydney Morning Herald

TA-2 plutonium facility (Los Alamos)
TA-18 plutonium facility (Los Alamos)
TA-41 plutonium facility (Los Alamos)
TA-55 plutonium facility (Los Alamos)
Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL)
Taepo-Dong missile
Taylor, Ted
TEF (tritium extraction facility)
Teller, Edward
temperatures, subfreezing
TeraOPS computer
terminal phase systems
aggressive militarization as defense against
low-tech threat of
and nuclear power plants
as U.S. enemies
testing, nuclear weapons
Texas Instruments
THAAD (theater high altitude area defense project)
Thatcher, Thomas D.
theater high altitude area defense project (THAAD)
in national missile defense
and political donations
theater missile defense ground-based radar (TMD-GBR)
theater missile defense program (THD)
definition of
and NMD
theater missile defense program (TMD)
THEL, see Tactical High Energy Laser
think tanks
and military-industrial complex
and propaganda
role of
30-TeraOPS computer
Thompson, Loren
Thomson, Allen
Thorp, Frank
Thule (Greenland)
Tisdall, Simon
TMD, see theater missile defense program
TMD-GBR, see theater missile defense ground-based radar
Tom Brown Inc. Oil company
Tomahawk missiles
Tora Bora
Total Information Awareness project
Toupadakis, Andreas
TOW missiles
Toynbee, Polly
Transit 5BN-3 satellite
transit phase systems
ABM, see ABM treaty
nuclear weapons
“tree tops” propaganda
Tribune Company
Trident D5 submarine ballistic missiles
Trireme Partners
environmental hazards of
in sphere of nuclear weapons
tritium extraction facility (TEF)
as contractor for ABL
as contractor for SBL
and corporate mergers
falsification charges against
laser weapons developed by
and Long Range Plan
political clout of
think tanks funded by
two-stage gas gun
The 2001 Quadrennial Defense Review (Pentagon)

ultraviolet light
Umm Qasr, Iraq
U.N., see United Nations
UN International Atomic Energy Agency
underground nuclear testing
Union Carbide
Union of Concerned Scientists
United Arab Emirates
United Defense
United Kingdom
and George W. Bush administration
cancer incidence in
and century of oil and war in Middle East
and Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty
and International Space Station
and Iraq
and NMD concerns
nuclear weapons tests in
proliferation of uranium weapons in
and recent international weapons development
servicemen with Gulf War Syndrome
Solway Firth
and uranium weapons effects
uranium weapons testing in
United Nations (U.N.)
United States
enemies of
global imperialism of
and Iran-Iraq war
Kuwait/Iraq policies of
nuclear power plants in
and nuclear satellite crash
and nuclear weapons treaties
number of nuclear weapons in
resumption of nuclear weapons testing by
and satellite systems threats
and space disarmament
space warfare plans of
and U.N. Arms Race resolution
United States Tobacco Company
United Technologies
University of Chicago
University of Florida
University of Illinois
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
university research
University of Utah
unmanned drones
upgrading facilities
upper-tier defense (exo-atmospheric)
in B61-11
characteristics of
clean-up of
enrichment facility for
handling of
medical risks of processing
in mini-nukes
in R&D facilities
in secondary mechanism of nuclear weapons
in sphere of nuclear weapons
uranium ammunition
uranium weapons
in Bosnia and Kosovo
components of
in Gulf conflict
history of
and international concerns
medical implications of
proliferation of
uranium weapons testing in Puerto Rico
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
U.S. Air Force
bases in Guam and Wake Island
and ICBM weapons
laser weapons developed by
and lower-tier defense
and theater missile defense
U.S. Army
and CEC
and economics of reconstruction
and economics of war
environmental policies of
and lower-tier defense
and theater missile defense
and upper-tier defense
U.S. Congress
and Afghanistan war
anthrax letters to members of
and corporations
design of new weapons authorized by
and economics of reconstruction
and economics of war
and foreign arms sales
and march to Operation Iraqi Freedom
and military spending
and military-industrial complex
and national missile defense program
and PNAC
and political implications of George W. Bush administration behavior
and selling of Iraq war to American people
and space warfare
and worker compensation
U.S. Freedom of Information Act
U.S. military
budget for/spending by
buildup of
interservice rivalry of
morning-after pills for
and PNAC
privatizing by
and theater missile defense program
see also specific branch
U.S. Navy
and CEC
and lower-tier defense
presence in Pacific
and theater missile defense
and upper-tier defense
U.S. Secret Service
U.S. Space Force
U.S. State Department
U.S. Trade Department
USS Abraham Lincoln , Bush speech from

Vandenberg Air Force Base (California)
Vardo (Norway)
Vardo radar
Vedrine, Hubert
vertical proliferation
Vieques (Puerto Rico)
Vietnam War, carpet bombing in
Virginia class submarine
virtual shock tube
viruses, computer
Vision for 2020 (U.S. space command)
Vista Technologies
Voice of the New Iraq

W-76 replacement warhead
W-88 pits
Wake Island
Walpole, Robert
war, economics of
war against terrorism, coalition for
Warburg Pincus LLC
warfare, space
Washington Group International
The Washington Post
waste, nuclear
water supply, and nuclear meltdowns
Waxman, Henry A.
development of
foreign sales of, see foreign arms sales
nuclear powered
reduction of
See also type of weapon
weapons of mass destruction
weapons systems
The Weekly Standard
Weinberger, Casper
Weiss, Steve
Welch, Larry
Weldon, Kurt
West Nile Virus
West Valley, NY, nuclear reprocessing plant in
White House, and PNAC
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
White Rock (New Mexico)
White Sands Missile Range (New Mexico)
WHO (World Health Organization)
Wolfowitz, Paul
Woods, Peter
Woolsey, R. James
World Bank
World Health Organization (WHO)
World Trade Center
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Wright, David
Wright, Eric
WTO (World Trade Organization)
Wurmser, David

X-1 machines
X-I machines
X-band radars

Y-12 plant (Oak Ridge)
Y2K computer problems
Yeltsin, Boris
Yorkshire (England)
Young, Hugo
Younger, Stephen
Yucca Mountain (Nevada)
Yuma (Arizona)

Zakheim, Dov
Zhu Bangzoa
Ziehm, M. V.
Zoellick, Robert