2 “Pentagon Recommends the use of Nuclear Weapons,”
Japan Today (September 19, 2001)
4 Dana Milbank, “U.S. Pressed on Nuclear Response, A Policy of Less Ambiguity, More Pointed Threat Is Urged,”
The Washington Post (October 5, 2001)
5 Wes Vernon, “Father of Neutron Bomb: Use it on Osama,” (September 25, 2001)
6 James Carroll, “Bombing with Blindfolds On”
The Boston Globe (November 11, 2001)
8 Andrew Maykuth and Jonathan S. Landay, “US Intensfies Attacks with BLU-82s,” Knight Ridder Newspapers (November 6, 2001)
10 Tim Weiner, “U.S. Bombs Strike 3 Villages and Reportedly Kill Scores,”
The New York Times (December 1, 2001)
11 “Protocol 1, Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts, Article 51”
14 Amy Waldman, “Food Drops Go Awry, Damaging Houses,”
The New York Times (November 21, 2001)
15 “Unexploded Cluster Bombs Pose Threat to Civilians”
17 “International Action Center Factsheet: The Truth About the U.S. War in Afghanistan,” []
Toronto Globe and Mail (November 3, 2001)
18 Michael R. Gordon, “U.S. Hope to Break the Taliban with Pounding From the Air,”
The New York Times (October 17, 2001)
19 Thom Shanker and Stephen Lee Myers, “U.S. Sends in Special Plane with Heavy Guns,”
The New York Times (October 16, 2001)
20 “Bunker Busters Brought Into Use,”
The Daily Camera, Camera Wire Services; and Raymond Whitaker, “Attack on Afghanistan: Washington’s Fearsome Arsenal,”
The Independent (November 4, 2001)
21 Dr. Helen Caldicott,
Missile Envy (New York: William Morrow, 1984)
22 “Afghan War Will Shape Future U.S. Military Structure,” (November 23, 2001)
25 Bill Nichols and Peter Eisler, “The Threat of Nuclear Terror Is Slim But Real,”
USA Today (November 28, 2001)
27 Louis Charbonneau, “Experts Warn of Low Grade Nuclear Terror Attack,”
Reuters (November 2, 2001)
28 Matthew Wald, “Reactors and Their Fuel are Among the Flanks U.S. Needs to Shore Up,”
The New York Times (November 4, 2001)
29 Dr Helen Caldicott,
Nuclear Madness (New York: W.W. Norton, 1994)
30 Michael Grunwald and Peter Behr, “Are Nuclear Plants Secure?”
The Washington Post (November 3, 2001)
31 Matthew Wald, “Agency Weighs Buying Drug to Protect Against Radiation-Induced Ailments,”
The New York Times (November 29, 2001)
32 Efward Luttwak, “New Fears, New Alliance,”
The New York Times (October 2, 2001)
33 Barbara Slavin, “Pentagon Builds Case to Bomb Iraq,”
USA Today (November 11, 2001)
34 “Iraq Says to Consider Return of Weapons Monitoring,”
Reuters (November 21, 2001)
35 Elaine Scolino and Alison Mitchell, “Calls for New Push into Iraq Gain Power in Washington,”
The New York Times (December 3, 2001)
36 Anton La Guardia, “Iraq ‘Not Linked to September 11,’ ”
The Telegraph (November 11, 2001)
37 Barbara Slavin, “Pentagon Builds Case to Bomb Iraq,”
USA Today (November 19, 2001)
38 Jason Vest, “Beyond Osama: The Pentagon’s Battle with Powell Heats Up,”
The Village Voice (November 20, 2001)
39 Sandra Sobieraj, “U.S. to Pursue Missile Test Plans,” The Associated Press (November 16, 2001)
40 Jim Wurst, “U.S. Supports Weapons Cut While Opposing International Agreements,”
News World Communications Inc. (November 14, 2001)
42 Jim Wurst, “A Call to Arms Control,”
The Washington Times (November 12, 2001)
43 “Action on Threat Reduction,” (November 9, 2001)
45 William D. Hartung, “Bush’s War on Terrorism: Who Will Pay and Who Will Benefit?” (September 27, 2001)
47 John Pilger, “The Truths They Never Tell Us,”
The New Statesman (November 26, 2001)
48 James Dao, “U.S. is Expecting to Spend $1 Billion a Month on War,”
The New York Times (November 12, 2001)
49 Frida Berrigan, “The War Profiteers: How Are Weapons Manufacturers Faring in the War,” World Policy Institute (December 17, 2001)
50 “The Military Budget Up, Up, and Away,” Arms Trade Resource (December 20, 2001)
51 Michael R. Gordon, “U.S. Arsenal: Treaties vs. Nontreaties,”
The New York Times (November 14, 2001)
52 Simon Tisdall, “How the Future was Shanghaied,”
The Guardian (October 21, 2001)
Introduction to the 2004 Edition
1 Michael Dobbs, “For Wolfowitz, a Vision May be Realized,”
New York Times (April 7, 2003)
2 Joseph Cirincione, “Origins of Regime Change in Iraq,” Proliferation brief, Volume 6, Number 5, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (March 19, 2003)
3 Sam Tanenhaus, “Bush’s Brain Trust,”
Vanity Fair, July 2003; and Bernard Weiner, “A PNAC Primer: How We Got into This Mess,” (June 2, 2003)
4 Cirincione, “Origins of Regime Change in Iraq”
5 William Rivers Pitt, “Blood Money,” (February 28, 2003)
6 PNAC also strongly recommends the use of nuclear weapons on non-nuclear nations (, a recommendation implemented by the U.S. Strategic Air Command in 1997 [see “The Weird Men Behind George Bush’s War,” which, in keeping with PNAC’s recommendations, now maintains a nuclear target list not just for Russia, China, and North Korea, but also for Iran, Libya, Syria, Sudan, and Algeria according to Bruce Blair, President of the Center for Defense Information; see also “U.S. Nukes Can be Adapted for Use Against Enemy: Bush,”
Pakistan Tribune (May 26, 2003)]
7 “The Weird Men Behind George Bush’s War”
9 “The Weird Men Behind George Bush’s War”
11 “Advisers of influence: Nine Members of the Defense Policy Board Have Ties to Defense Contractors,” Andre Verloy and Daniel Politi, Center for Public Integrity, (April 23, 2003)
15 Spencer Ackerman and John B Judis, “The First Casualty,”
The New Republic (June 30, 2003)
16 Seymour Hersh, “Selective Intelligence,”
The New Yorker (May 12, 2003)
17 In the months leading up to the invasion, PNAC also established a Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, staffed entirely by PNAC members, while it catalyzed the channeling of millions of taxpayer dollars to the Iraqi National Congress, a self-proclaimed Iraqi government-in-exile, and to Ahmed Chalabi, the Iraqi exile who was a colleague of Wolfowitz’s at the University of Chicago in the late 1960s and who had been selected by PNAC to replace Hussein (despite Chalabi’s having been sentenced to twenty-two years in jail by a Jordanian court on thirty-one counts of bank fraud [Pitt, “Blood Money”]). See “My Alma mater is a moral cesspool,” by Francis Boyle, Professor of Law, University of Illinois School of Law (August 2, 2003)
20 “Sam Tanenhaus,” Bush’s Brain Trust,
Vanity Fair (July 2003)
24 Jim Vallette, Steve Kretzmann, Daphne Wysham, “Crude Vision: How Oil Interests Obscured U.S. Government Focus on Chemical Weapons Use by Saddam Hussein,” Institute for Policy Studies (2003)
28 Patrick Tyler, “In First Step, New Iraqi Council Abolishes Hussein’s Holidays,”
New York Times (July 14, 2003)
29 Richard Sale, UPI intelligence correspondent, “Exclusive: Saddam Key in Early CIA Plot,” United Press International (April 10, 2003)
30 Eric Schmitt, “Rumsfeld Says that Iraq May Need a Larger Force,”
The New York Times (July 14, 2003)
31 “The Secret History of the Aqaba Pipeline”
32 Ahmad Faruqui, “The CIA in Iran: The Oil Business of Regime Change,”
Counter-punch (March 28, 2003)
34 Bob Herbert, “Ultimate Insiders,”
The New York Times (April 14, 2003)
35 Laton McCartney,
Friends in High Places, the Bechtel Story: The most secret corporation and how it engineered the world (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988)
36 “The Secret History of the Aqaba Pipeline”
37 Jim Crogan, “Made in the U.S.A.: A Guide to Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction,”
LA Weekly (March 21-27, 2003)
44 “The Secret History of the Aqaba Pipeline”
45 The invasion of Kuwait came six days after U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie assured Iraq that the U.S. had no opinion on Arab-Arab conflicts. Some of the medical consequences of this episode are described in Chapter 8: Nuclear War in the Gulf and Kosovo.
46 Fred Kaplan, “The Iraqi War Wasn’t as Modern as it Looked,”
MSN Slate (May 27, 2003)
48 Thalif Deen, “There’s No Business Like War Business,”
Common Dreams News Center (April 8, 2003)
49 Edward Wong, “Paris Air Show: Where are the Americans?”
International Herald Tribune (June 17, 2003)
50 Eric Schmitt, “Rumsfeld Says Iraq May Need a Larger Force”
51 Dan Morgan and Walter Pincus, “High Cost of Defense Plan Gets Little Discussion,” The Washington Post, May 26, 2003
52 The Iraqi Time Bomb, Jeff Madrick, (April 6, 2003)
New York Times 53 “Military Waste Under Fire: $1 Trillion Missing-Bush Plans to Target Pentagon Spending,” (May 18, 2003)
60 Andre Verloy, Daniel Politi, and Aron Pilhofer, “Advisors of Influence: Nine members of the defense advisory board have ties to defense contractors,” Center for Public Integrity (March 29, 2003)
66 Interestingly, Donald Rumsfeld is a member of the CFIUS.
67 Interestingly Perle, along with Jean Kirkpatrick and Newt Gingrich is also a resident fellow of the influential right-wing think tank called the American Enterprise Institute.
68 Frida Berrigan, “Richard Perle: It Pays to be the Prince of Darkness,”
In These Times (March 21, 2003)
69 David Corn, “Capital Games,”
The Nation (April 4, 2003)
72 Jim Lobe, “Woolsey’s role crucial to impact of occupation,” Foreign Policy in Focus, (April 8, 2003)
73 Verloy, Politi, and Pilhofer. Other influential members of the Defense Policy Review Board include:
Thomas S. Foley, Speaker of the House of Representatives from 1989 to 1994, Japanese Ambassador from 1997 to 2001, and a registered lobbyist. He has no military clients.
Kenneth Adelman, the Reagan Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from 1983 to 1987, who opposed nuclear arms control.
Richard Allen, who worked for Nixon and Reagan, and is a senior fellow at the conservative Hoover Institute and a member of the National Security Advisory Group, which advises the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House.
Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999. He is CEO of the consulting firm The Gingrich Group, a senior fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institute, and an analyst on the Fox news channel.
Henry Kissinger, Secretary of state under Nixon from 1973 to 1977. Chairman of Kissinger Associates, an international consulting firm, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973.
Dan Quayle, vice president of the United States from 1989 to 1993, a consultant, public speaker and author.
Attempts by weapons manufacturers to influence policy do not stop with the Defense Policy Board. Many of the leading arms companies place former government officials on their own staffs and boards, contribute cash to political candidates, and pay well-placed lobbyists to steer business their way. Since 1996, for instance, Raytheon has contributed more than 3.3 million dollars in soft money and Political Action Committee donations. At Boeing, John M. Shalikashvili, retired chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, sits on the board, and former Deputy Secretary of Defense Rudy de Leon runs the Boeing Washington office. Boeing also assiduously cultivates ties to members of Congress and the Pentagon using well-placed political contributions and sophisticated lobbyists. It provides financial contributions, for example, to Frank Gaffney’s right-wing think tank, the Center for Security Policy—the de facto nerve center of the Washington lobby for Star Wars—and Andrew Ellis, Vice President for Government Relations at Boeing, sits on the Center’s board (not coincidentally, Boeing is the country’s second largest contractor for Star Wars) [Frida Berrigan, “RAYTHEON: We own the kill chain,” Arms Trade Resource Center (March 24, 2003)].
74 Elizabeth Becker, “Two Democrats Call for Scrutiny of Bidding to Reconstruct Iraq,”
The New York Times (April 9, 2003)
75 Simon English, “Cheney Had Iraq in Sight Two Years Ago,”
The Telegraph On-line Edition (UK) (July 22, 2003)
76 Naomi Klein, “Privatization in Disguise,”
The Nation (April 18, 2003)
81 Elizabether Becker, “Companies from All Over Seek a Piece of the Action Rebuilding Iraq,”
The New York Times (May 21 2003); and Diana B. Henriques, “Which companies will put Iraq back together?”
The New York Times (March 23, 2003)
85 Elizabeth Becker, “Two Democrats Call for Scrutiny of Bidding to Reconstruct Iraq,”
The New York Times (April 9, 2003)
87 “Congress Must Investigate War Profiteering by Halliburton, Other Bush Connected Companies,” Duran SC, August 20, 2003, rania@southern 88 Becker, “Companies from All Over Seek a Piece of the Action Rebuilding Iraq”
89 Jane Mayer, “The Contractors,”
The New Yorker (May 5, 2003)
90 “Bechtel: Profiting from Destruction,” CorpWatch, Global Exchange, Public Citizen, (June 2003)
91 Chana R. Schoenberger, “Gambling on Iraq’s Reconstruction,” (April 4, 2003)
93 Mark Fineman, “More Flak on the Halliburton Deal,”
Los Angeles Times (April 11, 2003)
95 Dan Baum, “Nation Builder for Hire,”
The New York Times Magazine (June 22, 2003)
97 P. W. Singer, “Have Guns, Will Travel,”
The New York Times (July 21, 2003)
100 Cheney decided not to receive the amount in a lump sum but have it paid over a period of five years. See Baum; and Pratap Chatterjee, “Halliburton makes a killing on Iraq war,” (March 20, 2003)
103 Maureen Dowd, “Who’s Losing Iraq,”
The New York Times (September 1, 2003)
105 Pratap Chatterjee, “Dyncorp Rent-a-Cops May Head to Post-Saddam Iraq,” (April 9, 2003)
106 Antony Barnett, “Scandal-hit firm Wins Key Contracts,”
The Observer (London) (April 13, 2003)
109 Neela Banerjee, “Candidate for Production Job is a Retired Shell Executive,”
The New York Times (April 2, 2003)
110 Mark Fineman, “Oil Overseer Says He’ll Keep it Honest,”
The Sydney Morning Herald (May 17-18)
111 Survey Group Head’s Link to Arms Industry, Glen Rangwala,
The Independent (London) (October 5, 2003)
112 David E. Sanger, “Bush Declares ‘One Victory in a War on Terror’ ”
The New York Times (May 2, 2003)
113 Robert Fisk, “Children Killed and Maimed in Bomb Attack on Town,”
The Independent (London) (April 2, 2003)
114 Paul McGeough, “In the Ruins, All that’s Left is Death and Fear,”
Sydney Morning Herald (April, 4, 2003)
116 Charles Hanley, “Hospitals Buckle as Casualties Escalate,”
Sydney Morning Herald (April 7, 2003)
117 Paul McGeough, “Descent into a Charnel House Hospital Hell,”
Sydney Morning Herald (April 10, 2003)
118 Bob Graham, “U.S. Troops Shoot Civilians,”
Evening Standard (London) (June 19, 2003)
119 Erik Baard, “New Science Raises the Specter of a World Without Regret,”
The Village Voice (January 22-28, 2003)
122 John M Broder, “Iraqi Army Toll is a Mystery Because No Count is Kept,”
International Herald Tribune (April 2, 2003)
123 Peter Ford, “Surveys Point to High Civilian Death Toll in Iraq: Preliminary suveys suggest casualties well above the Gulf War,”
Christian Science Monitor (May 22, 2003)
124 “Counting the Bodies,” James Ridgway,
The Village Voice (September 3-9, 2003). This would correspond only to the period since war was officially declared; beginning in June, 2002, nine months before the official invasion, the U.S. began attacking the fiber-optic cable system used to transmit Iraqi military communications as well as key command centers, radars, and other significant military assets. From June 2002 to the beginning of the invasion, America and England flew 21,736 sorties over Iraq and attacked (usually without warning) 349 targets. The number of civilians killed in the pre-war war is not part of any calculation
125 John M Broder, “No Neat Categories for the Casualties of War,”
The New York Times (April 9, 2003)
127 “Millions of People in Iraq at Risk as Water and Sewage Systems Crumble,” (May 21, 2003)
129 Patrick E Tyler, “Barrels Looted at Nuclear Site Raise Fears for Iraqi Villagers,” (June 8, 2003); John Hendren. “Dangerous Loot South of Baghdad,”
Los Angeles Times (May 22, 2003); Anna Badkhen, “Many Have Symptoms Tied to Material Looted from Nearby Facility,”
The San Francisco Chronicle (May 26, 2003); and Mehru Jaffer, “IAEA to Send Inspectors to Nuclear Plant,” Inter Press Service (May 28, 2003)
Chapter One: The Tragedy of Wasted Opportunities
1 Robert S. Norris and William M. Arkin, “Global Nuclear Stockpiles, 1945-2000”
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (March/April 2000)
2 William D. Hartung, “Quick on the Trigger,”
The Progressive Report (November 2000)
3 Janne E. Nolan,
An Elusive Consensus: Nuclear Weapons and American Security After the Cold War (Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution Press, 1999)
4 Robert S. Norris and William M. Arkin, “U.S. Nuclear Forces, 2000,”
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (May/June 2000)
5 Robert S. Norris and William M. Arkin, “Russian Nuclear Forces, 2000,”
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (July/August, 2000)
6 Personal communication with Admiral Eugene Carroll, Center for Defense Information, Washington, D.C.
7 Peace Action: People for Nuclear Disarmament, Australia (August/September 2000)
8 Bruce Blair, “U.S. Expanding Nuclear Targets,”
The Guardian (June 16, 2000)
10 Andrew Lichterman and Jacqueline Cabasso,
Faustian Bargain 2000—why “stockpile stewardship” is fundamentally incompatible with the process of nuclear disarmament, Western States Legal Foundation (5108395387)
11 Jacqueline Cabasso, “The Role of National Legislations and International Legal Instruments,”
Proceedings of the International Symposium, Science, Ethique & Society, Federation Mondiale Des Travailleurs Scientifiques (Case 404-93514 Montreuil, Cedex)
13 William D. Hartung, “Stop Throwing Money at the Arms Trade Resource Center,” (October 12, 2000)
Chapter Two: The Reality of Nuclear War
1 “1MT Surface Blast: Pressure Damage,”
The American Experience, WGBH/PBS Online
2 Dr. Helen Caldicott,
Missile Envy, Revised Edition (New York: Bantam Books, 1986)
3 Stephen A. Fetter and Kosta Tsipis, “Catastrophic Releases of Radioactivity,”
Scientific American, vol. 244, no. 4 (April 1981)
5 R. P. Turco, A. B. Toon, T. P. Ackerman, J.B. Pollack, C. Sagan, “The Climatic Effects of Nuclear War,”
Scientific American (August 1984)
8 Bruce G. Blair, Harold A. Feiveson, and Frank N. von Hippel, “Taking Nuclear Weapons off Hair Trigger Alert,”
Scientific American (November 1999)
11 James Risen, “Computer Ills Meant U.S. Couldn’t Read Its Spy Photos,”
The New York Times (April 12, 2000)
Chapter Three: It’s a Mad, Mad World: Nuclear Scientists and the Pentagon Play with Deadly Gadgets
1 David Pasztor, “Building a Better Bomb,”
San Francisco Weekly (May 27, 1998)
2 Normon Solomon, “Los Alamos Spin,”
San Francisco Bay Guardian (June 28, 2000)
4 R. P. Turco, A. B. Toon, T. P. Ackerman, J. B. Pollack, C. Sagan, “The Climatic Effects of Nuclear War,”
Scientific American (August 1984)
5 David Beers, “The Bomb Tribe,”
Mother Jones (March/April 1995)
6 Dr. Andreas Toupadakis, “Personal Responsibility for World Peace,” University of Notre Dame Conference on Averting Nuclear Anarchy: The Current Crisis in Arms Control (March 31, 2000)
7 Raphael Aron,
Cults Too Good to Be True (New York: HarperCollins, 1999)
10 Hugh Gusterson,
Nuclear Rites: A Weapons Laboratory at the End of the Cold War (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1996)
17 William M. Arkin, “The Last Word,”
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (September /October 2000)
21 Much of the material for this section was obtained from a study conducted by Janne E. Nolan in the book
An Elusive Consensus: Nuclear Weapons and American Security After the Cold War (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 1999)
Chapter Four: Corporate Madness and the Death Merchants
1 Dr. Helen Caldicott,
If You Love This Planet (New York: W.W. Norton, 1992)
4 William Greider, “Waking Up the Global Elite,”
The Nation (October 2, 2000)
5 The Heritage Foundation 1999 Annual Report, 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Washington, DC, 20002
7 William D. Hartung, World Policy Institute, “The Military-Industrial Complex Revisited: How Weapons Makers Are Shaping U.S. Foreign and Military Policies,”
The Progressive Response, Vol. 3, No. 23 (July 2, 1999)
8 The CATO Institute 1998 Annual Report, 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, 20001
9 Leslie Wayne, “After High-Pressure Years, Contractors Tone Down Missile Defense Lobbying,”
The New York Times (June 13, 2000)
15 Steven Lee Meyers, “Pentagon Says North Korea Is Still a Dangerous Military Threat,”
The New York Times (September 22, 2000)
16 Bill Mesler, “Why the Pentagon Hates Peace in Korea,”
The Progressive Response (September 2000)
18 Howard French, “Seoul Fears U.S. Is Chilly About Détente with North,”
The New York Times (March 23, 2001)
21 Frida Berrigan, Michelle Ciarrocca, and William Hartung, “Lockheed Martin: All-Purpose Merchant of Death,”
ATRC Update, Part III, Arms Trade and Resource Center, (212) 229-5808, ext. 106, (June 26, 2000)
22 “Smart Shopping by the Pentagon,”
The New York Times (October 31, 2001)
23 William D. Hartung, “Saint Augustine’s Rules—Norman Augustine and the Future of the American Defense Industry,”
World Policy, Volume XIII, Number 2, (Summer 1996)
29 Norman Kempster, “New Anti-terror Cabinet Agency Urged; Defense; The Plan Calls for an Overhaul of the Government’s Approach to Security and Predicts an Attack on American Soil Within 25 Years,”
Los Angeles Times (February 1, 2001)
35 Hartung, “The Military-Industrial Complex Revisited”
37 William D. Hartung and Frida Berrigan, “Lott and Lockheed: Partners in Influence Peddling,” (July 31, 2000); Alice Slater, “The Big Guns Behind the Global War Machine,”
The WTO and the Global War System, International Network on Disarmament and Globalization (November 28, 1999)
39 William D. Hartung, “Lawmakers, Guns and Money,” World Policy Institute (September 23, 2000)
40 Dana Milbank, “On the Outside Looking In as Tom DeLay Whips Up Some Fundraisers,”
The Washington Post (August 2, 2000)
41 Charles Lewis, “ ‘Reformer With Results’? Don’t Count on It,” an investigative report for the Center for Public Integrity (August 8, 2000)
42 Hartung and Berrigan, “Lott and Lockheed: Partners in Influence Peddling”
45 William D. Hartung, “Moderate or Militant: Will the Real Dick Cheney Please Stand Up?” World Policy Institute and Arms Trade Resource Center,
46 Personal communication with Admiral Eugene Carroll, Center for Defense Information
47 Lowell Bergman, Diana B. Henriques, Richard A. Oppel, Jr., and Michael Moss, “Mixed Reviews for Cheney in Chief Executive Role at Halliburton,”
The New York Times (August 24, 2000)
48 Gretchen Morgenson, “The Stock Option and the Stump, Cheney’s Retirement Package, Some Uncharted Territory,”
The New York Times (August 18, 2000)
49 William D. Hartung, “Blue Dogs, Pork and ‘Morality’: The Arms Industry’s Buyout of the Democratic Party,” Arms Trade Resource Center, (August 11, 2000)
50 John Isaacs “Senator Lieberman: On the Right of the Democratic Party on National Security Issues,” Council for a Livable World, (August 7, 2000)
51 Hartung, “Blue Dogs, Pork and ‘Morality’ ”
52 “Lockheed Martin: All-Purpose Merchant of Death,” World Policy Institute Issue Brief (July 2000)
55 Aaron Rothenburger, “Arms Makers’ Cozy Relationship with the Government” in “Action Atlas on U.S. Arms,”
Mother Jones, (1999)
56 Geov Parrish, “General Electric, U.S. Arms Exporters,”
Mother Jones, Mojowire
59 Pamina Firchow and Tamar Gabelnick, “Uncle Sam: Arms Merchant to the World,”
San Francisco Examiner (September 8, 2000)
61 Geov Parrish, “Lockheed Martin, U.S. Arms Exporters,”
Mother Jones, Mojowire
Chapter Five: Manhattan II
1 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 1995
2 “Stockpile Stewardship and Management Program,” Department of Energy, Defense Programs (February 29, 1996)
4 Dr. Robert Civiak, “Managing the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Stockpile,” Tri-Valley CAREs (July 2000)
5 David Pasztor, “Building a Better Bomb,”
San Francisco Weekly (May 27, 1998)
10 Senior Airman Adam Stump, 354th Fighter Wing Public Affairs, “B-2 Successfully Drops Improved Bunker Buster Bomb,”
Air Force News Service (March 26, 1998)
11 Andrew Lichterman and Jacqueline Cabasso, “Faustian Bargain 2000: Why ‘Stockpile Stewardship’ Is Fundamentally Incompatible with the Process of Nuclear Disarmament,” Western States Legal Foundation, 1440 Broadway, Suite 500, Oakland, CA 94612 (May 2000)
15 Steve Goldstein, “Bill Would Give Push to ‘Mini-Nuke,’ ”
The Philadelphia Inquirer (October 16, 2000)
16 Dana Milbank, “U.S. Pressed on Nuclear Response,”
The Washington Post (October 5, 2001)
18 Wes Vernon, “Father of Neutron Bomb: Use It on Osama,” (September 25, 2001)
20 Lichterman and Cabasso
21 Christopher E. Paine and Dr. Matthew McKinzie, “When Peer Review Fails: The Roots of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) Debate,” Natural Resources and Defense Council (
22 James Glanz, “Laser Project Is Delayed and Over Budget,”
The New York Times (August 19, 2000)
23 “National Ignition Facility Amendment,” (June 24, 2000)
24 Richard Boone, “ ‘Stockpile Stewardship’ of Nuclear Weapons: the Deal to Subsidize Nuclear Weaponeers,”
Facing Reality, Project for Participatory Democracy (March 1998)
25 Greg Mello, “Subcritical Tests,” Western States Legal Foundation (February 10, 2000)
27 Walter Pincus, “Virtual Nuclear Arms Tests,”
The Washington Post (July 22, 2000)
29 M. G. McKinzie, T. B. Cochran, C. E. Paine, “Explosive Alliances: Nuclear Weapons Simulation Research at American Universities,” NRDC Nuclear Program (January 1998)
30 William Broad, “Los Alamos Scientist’s Book Creates a New Controversy,”
The New York Times (August 5, 2001)
31 McKinzie, et al., “Explosive Alliances”
38 Matthew L. Wald, “Nuclear Sites May Be Toxic in Perpetuity, Report Finds,”
The New York Times (August 8, 2000)
39 H. Joseph Hebert, “Nuke Sites May Not Be Rid of Contaminants,” AP (August 8, 2000)
41 “Study: Levels of Waste Unknown,” AP (October 27, 2000)
42 Matthew L. Wald, “U.S. Raises Estimate of Plutonium Spilled Making Arms,”
The New York Times (October 21, 2000)
44 Mary Manning, “Nuclear Tests Released More Harmful Elements Than Admitted Before,”
Las Vegas Sun (October 23, 2000)
45 Robert Alveraz, “Nuclear Wildfires,”
The Nation (September 18/25, 2001, Vol. 271, No. 8, p 30, 2000)
46 Personal communication with Robert Alveraz
47 Judith Graham, “U.S. Hot to Fireproof Nuclear Sites, Western Fires Spark Fear of Catastrophe,”
Chicago Tribune (October 25, 2000)
51 Judith Graham, “U.S. Hot to Fireproof Nuclear Sites, Western Fires Spark Fear of Catastrophe,”
Chicago Tribune (October 25, 2000)
Chapter Six: Star Wars: The Story of National Missile Defense Systems
1 “National Missile Defense,” Union of Concerned Scientists Fact Sheet, “The Safeguard Experience” (February 1999)
2 Francis Fitzgerald,
Way Out There in the Blue (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2000)
7 Robert Aldridge, “Son of Star Wars: A Background Paper on National Missile Defense,” Pacific Life Research Center (August 15, 2000)
10 Theodore Postol, “The Target Is Russia,”
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (March/April 2000)
12 Andrew Marshall, “U.S. Spies Inflate Risk from ‘Rogue’ States,”
Independent Digital (UK) LTD (June 11, 2000)
16 John Isaacs, “A Political Decision,”
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (March/ April 2000)
17 Steven Lee Myers, “U.S. Missile Plan Could Reportedly Provoke China,”
The New York Times (August 10, 2000)
18 President Bush’s speech on missile defense, (May 1, 2001)
19 Jack Spencer and Michael Scardaville, “In Defense of Development of Missiles,”
The Miami Herald (October 17, 2000)
20 Steve LaMontagne, “Missile Defense Encourages Proliferation,”
Washington Times (October 22, 2000)
21 John Isaac, “A Political Decision,”
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (March/ April, 2000)
22 AFP, “Senate Overwhelmingly Passes U.S. Defense Authorization Bill” (October 2, 2001)
23 Karl Grossman,
Weapons in Space (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2001)
24 Karl Grossman, “Master of Space,”
The Progressive Report (January 2000)
25 Burton Richter, “It Doesn’t Take Rocket Science,”
The Washington Post (July 23, 2000)
26 Dr. Helen Caldicott,
Missile Envy (New York: Bantam, 1986)
27 Bruce Gagnon, “New Names for Star Wars Systems,” (August 16, 2001)
28 Much of this section is derived from the excellent work by Bob Aldridge, who became one of my mentors in the early 1980s after I read his book
Counterforce Syndrome. 29 “Theater Missile Defense,” Union of Concerned Scientists, Appendix 2, from the UCS Fact Sheet
30 Charles Pena, “From the Sea: National Missile Defense Is Neither Cheap Nor Easy,” CATO Institute (September 6, 2000)
31 Rodney Jones, “Taking National Missile Defense to Sea: A Critique of Sea-based and Boost Phase Proposals,” Council for a Livable World (October 2000)
34 Mary McGrory, “Star Wars: Calling a Bomb a Bomb,”
The Washington Post (July 13, 2000)
35 William Broad, “Ex-Employee Says Contractor Faked Results of Missile Tests,”
The New York Times (March 7, 2000)
37 Jim Wolf, “FBI Probing TRW for Missile Defense Related Fraud,” Reuters (September 11, 2000)
38 David Abel, “Tiff Between White House, MIT Professor Gets Personal,”
The Boston Globe (September 8, 2000)
39 David Wright and Theodore Postol, “Missile Defense System Won’t Work,”
The Boston Globe (May 11, 2000)
40 “BMDO Plans Next NMD Integrated Ground Test in Early 2001,”
Inside Missile Defense (September 20, 2000)
41 Stan Crock, “The Dodgy Science of Missile Defense,”
Business Week (August 17, 2000)
42 David Wood, “Missile Defense Would Take President—and Maybe Humans—Out of the Loop,”
The Seattle Times (July 19, 2000)
45 David Morgan, “Ballistic Missile Defense: A Submission to the Standing Committee on National Defense and Veterans Affairs,” House of Commons, Ottawa, Canada (April 5, 2000)
46 Nick Cohen, “Protection Racket. It Matters Not Whether It’s Bush or Gore. We’ll Still Have Son of Star Wars Foisted on U.S.,”
The Observer (November 12, 2000)
47 Robert Alveraz, “Nuclear Wildfires,”
The Nation (September 18 / 25, 2001)
48 “Warhead Elimination,” Union of Concerned Scientists Briefing (July 11, 2000)
49 Michael R. Gordon, “U.S. Arsenal: Treaties vs. Nontreaties,”
The New York Times (November 14, 2001)
50 David E. Sanger, “Before and After Bush and Putin’s Banter: No Agreement on Missile Defense,”
The New York Times (November 16, 2001)
52 “ABM Talking Points,”
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (January 20, 2000)
53 “China Warns Future U.S. President Over Missile Shield,” AFP (November 2, 2000)
54 John Isaacs, “A Political Decision,”
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (March/ April, 2000)
55 Nigel Chamberlain, “CND’s Response to Paul Brown”
The Guardian (April 5, 2000)
56 Richard Norton-Taylor, “Son of Star Wars British Ministers Are Going Along Meekly with Washington’s Grandiose and Dangerous Plans,”
The Guardian (April 15, 2000)
57 Christopher Lockwood, “Westminster Backlash Over ‘Son of Star Wars,’ ”
Telegraph (August 3, 2000)
58 Hugo Young, “The Planned American Missile Shield May Not Even Work Properly,”
The Guardian (February 1, 2000)
59 Theodore Postol, “The Target Is Russia,”
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (March/April, 2000)
61 Robert Suro, “Key Missile Defense Radar Planned for Remote Island,”
The Washington Post (May 7, 2000)
62 Srdja Trifkovic, “The Coming National Missile Defense Scandal,” The Rockford Institute (June 21, 2000)
Chapter Seven: Space: The Next American Empire
1 William B. Scott, “USSC Prepares for Future Combat Missions in Space,”
Aviation Week & Space Technology (August 5, 1996)
2 “Implementing Our Vision for Space Control,” Speech by General Richard B. Meyers, United States Space Foundation, Colorado Springs (April 7, 1999)
3 Keith Hall, speech to National Space Club (September 15, 1997)
4 Halford J. Mackinder, “The Geographical Pivot of History,”
Geographical Journal (1904)
5 Karl Grossman,
Weapons in Space (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2001)
6 “Vision for 2020,” U.S. Space Command, Director of Plans (February 1997)
10 “Space Force Is an Idea Whose Time May Have Come,” editorial,
Florida Today (March 14, 2000)
11 “The Investment in Space,”
Air Force Association Organization Magazine (February 2000)
12 Paul Hoversten, “The Best Defense May Be a Better Map,”
The Washington Post (February 19, 2000)
13 “The Warfighters Edge: First Hyperspectral Images from Space,”
Spacewar, Kirtland Air Force Base (September 8, 2000)
15 “White House Supports Air Force Vision on Spacelift Partnership,” Air Force press release (February 9, 2000)
16 Bruce Gagnon, “Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space”
18 Army Captain Deanna Bague, “Joint Services Conduct Modern Day War Games,”
Air Force News (June 21, 2000)
19 “Megawatt Laser Test Brings Space Based Lasers One Step Closer,”
Space Daily (April 26, 2000)
21 U.S. Air Force Advisory Board, “New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century,”
Space Technology Volume (1996)
22 Mike Moore, “Unintended Consequences,”
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (January /February 2000)
23 Bill Sweetman, “Securing Space for the Military,”
Jane’s Defense Weekly 24 Ellen Messmer, “US Army Kick-Starts Cyberwar Machine,”
CNN-Technology (November 22, 2000)
25 Richard J. Newman, “The New Space Race,”
US News and World Report (November 8, 1999)
26 James Oberg, “NASA Knew Mars Polar Lander Doomed,” UPI (March 21, 2000)
27 John Noble Wilford, “NASA Sending 2 Rovers to Mars in Twin Trips Landing in 2004,”
The New York Times (August 11, 2000)
28 John Noble Wilford, “Shaken NASA Offers New Plan for Mars Exploration Missions,”
The New York Times (October 27, 2000)
29 Jerome Groopman, “Medicine on Mars: How Sick Can You Get During Three Years in Deep Space?”
The New Yorker (February 14, 2000)
30 Barry E. DiGregorio, “Rethinking Mars Sample Return,”
Space News (1997)
31 Leonard David, “NASA Urged to Create Facility for Mars Samples,”
Space News (March 31-April 6, 1997)
32 Brian Berger, “NASA Considers Building Mars-Sample Quarantine Facility,”
Space News (April 12, 1999)
33 Keay Davidson, “NASA, Slightly Humbled, Dreams On,”
San Francisco Examiner (January 23, 2000)
34 Leonard David, “Business Sees Cash Among the Constellations,” (January 9, 2000)
35 Jackie Alan Giuliano,
Healing Our World: Weekly Comment, “The Migration Begins: The International Space Station,”, 2000 Lycos, Inc., registered trademark of Carnegie Mellon University (September 2000)
36 “International Space Station: Missions Accomplished and Continued Assembly, and Background,” (November 7, 2000)
37 George Musser and Mark Alpert, “How to go to Mars,”
Scientific American (March 2000)
38 Karl Grossman, “U.S. Plans to Wage War in Space,” presentation in Toronto, Canada (October 2000)
39 Paul Hoversten, “Nuclear-powered Probes in the Plans for Mars,” 40 “DRAFT Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Accomplishing Expanded Civilian Nuclear Energy Research and Development and Isotope Production Missions in the United States, Including the Role of the Fast Flux Test Facility,” Summary, United States Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology, Washington DC (July 2000)
41 AP, “Lab Contamination rises,”
The Denver Post (July 30, 1996); Reuters, “Workers exposed to plutonium at U.S. Lab” (March 17, 2000)
43 Dave Dooling, “Nuclear Power: The Future of Space Flight,” (July 22, 2000)
44 “U.S. Launch Vehicles Claimed Harmful to Ozone Layer,”
Moscow Aviatsiya Rosmonavtika (December 6, 1989)
45 William J. Broad, “NASA Moves to End Longtime Reliance on Big Spacecraft,”
The New York Times (September 16, 1991)
46 Sharon Ebner, “Solid Fuel Critics Say Ozone Is in Danger,” Mississippi
Sun Herald (March 17, 1990)
47 Karl Grossman, “The Pentagon Prepares to ‘Master Space,’ ”
Network (July/ August 2000)
Chapter Eight: Nuclear War in the Gulf and Kosovo
1 Nicholas Arons, “A Few Vignettes from Iraq,”
The Guardian, Iraq Notebook (Volume 7, 2000)
2 John Pilger, “War Against the Children,”
The Guardian, Iraq Notebook (Volume 7, 2000)
3 Joby Warrick, “Maps Reveal Scattering of Ky. Plutonium,”
The Washington Post (October 1, 2000)
4 Dr. Helen Caldicott,
Nuclear Madness (New York: W. W. Norton, 1994)
5 Dr. Asaf Durakovic, “Medical Consequences of Internal Contamination with Depleted Uranium,”
Metal of Dishonor, International Action Center, NY (1999)
7 Dolores Lymburner, “Another Human Experiment,”
Metal of Dishonor, International Action Center, NY (1999)
9 “Former Head of Pentagon’s Depleted Uranium Project Condemns Environmental Contamination of Vieques, Puerto Rico, an Island Close to 10,000 U.S. Citizens,” (June 14, 2000)
10 Rob Edwards, “Dangerous Work,”
New Scientist (July 8, 2000)
11 Thomas Williams, “Depleted Uranium in NATO Bases Raises Health Issues,”
Hartford Courant (May 20, 1999)
12 Matthew L. Wald, “Nuclear Sites May Be Toxic in Perpetuity,”
The New York Times (August 8, 2000)
13 Personal communication with Dr. Hari Sharma
14 Federally Sponsored Research on Persian Gulf Veterans’ Illnesses, Annual Report to the Congress of the Research Working Group of the Persian Gulf Veterans Coordinating Board (April 1997)
15 Dr. Melissa McDiarmid, Transcript of March 25, 1998 VA.DoD teleconference on the D.U. Program
16 Cat Euler, “The Consequences of Depleted Uranium Ammunitions,” Campaign for Depleted Uranium (July 6, 2000)
17 Sara Flounders, “The Struggle for an Independent Inquiry,”
Metal of Dishonor, International Action Center, NY (1999)
18 Siegwart-Horst Gunther, “How Depleted Uranium Shell Residues Poison Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia,”
Metal of Dishonor, International Action Center, NY (1999)
19 Dan Fahey, “Depleted Uranium Weapons: Lessons from the 1991 Gulf War, A Postwar Disaster for Environment and Health,” Laka Foundation (May 1999)
24 Environmental News Service, “Children Most at Risk from Depleted Uranium” (April 26, 2001)
25 Cherry Norton, “Health Danger that Divides Medical Opinion,”
Independent News (October 4, 1999)
29 Cat Euler, “Depleted Uranium Exposures to Civilians and Military Personnel,” Paper presented at the 14th Low Level Radiation and Health Conference in Reading (July 14, 2000)
30 Lilliam Irizarry, “Puerto Rico Wants Uranium Probe,” AP (January 11, 2001)
31 Max Sinclair and Jared Israel, “DU Used—in Somalia and Germany,”
Der Spiegel (January 23, 2001)
32 John Catalinotto and Sarah Flounders, “Is the Israeli Military Using Depleted-Uranium Weapons Against the Palestinians?” International Action Center, NY (November 27, 2000)
33 “Depleted Uranium Weapons,” Issue Brief, Physicians for Social Responsibility (July 1999)
34 “European Countries Announce Balkans Syndrome Tests for Military Personnel,” SGT (January 10, 2001)
35 “Radiation Fears Widen in Balkan Peace Force,”
London Telegraph (December 31, 2000)
36 Marlise Simons, “Radiation from Bombing Alarms Europe,”
The New York Times (January 7, 2001)
37 Burt Herman, “Uranium Use in Kosovo War Suspected as Veterans Fall Ill,”
The Sydney Morning Herald (January 9, 2001)
38 Kim Sengupta, “MoD ‘Monitoring’ Health Checks on Kosovo Soldiers,” (December 28, 2000)
39 Patricia Reaney, “Scientists Doubt Uranium Weapons Cancer Link,”
The New York Times (January 9, 2001)
40 BBC News, “Depleted Uranium Threatens Balkan Cancer Epidemic” (July 30, 1999)
41 The Committee for National Solidarity, UNEP, Geneva (January 16, 2001)
Chapter Nine: The Lockheed Martin Presidency and the Star Wars Administration
1 M. W. Gruzy, “Viewpoints: Fighting Fictional Foes,”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch (January 17, 2001)
2 Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman, “Corporate Conservative, Corporate President,”
Focus on the Corporation (January 11-18, 2001)
3 Diedre Griswold, “As Economic Storm Gathers, CEOs & Bush Meet in Secret,”
Workers World Newspaper (January 18, 2000)
4 Jerry White and Paul Scherrer, “Washington Inaugural Celebrations: Corporate America Welcomes Bush,”
WSWS: News and Analysis: North America: U.S. Politics (January 20, 2001)
5 William D. Hartung and Michelle Ciarrocca, “Reviving Star Wars,”
The Baltimore Sun (January 21, 2001)
6 United States Department of Defense press advisory (January 24, 2001)
7 Sean Gonsalves, “Star Wars: The Sequel,”
The Cape Cod Times (December 26, 2000)
8 Martin Kettle, “Bush Team Is Back with a Vengeance,”
The Guardian Weekly (January 4-10, 2001)
10 Jean-Michel Stoullig, “Rumsfeld Commission Warns against ‘Space Pearl Harbor, ’ ” AFP (January 11, 2001)
11 Tabassum Zakaria, “Helms Says U.S. not Bound by ABM Treaty” (January 11, 2000)
12 “Rumsfeld in Cold War Time Warp, Says Angry Moscow,” Reuters (March 20, 2001)
13 Elaine Sciolino and Eric Schmitt, “In Defense Post, Infighter Known for Working the Means to his End,”
The New York Times (January 8, 2001)
14 Karl Grossman,
15 David Corn, “Questions for Powell,”
The Nation (January 8, 2001)
16 Jane Perlez, “A Soldier Statesman Who Has Advocated a Blend of Strength and Caution,”
The New York Times (December 17, 2000)
17 Robert Parry, “From Vietnem to Florida’s Disenfranchisement of Black Voters: Un-heroic Moments in Secretary of State Nominee Colin Powell’s Career,”
Between the Lines (December 25, 2000)
18 Ian Brodie, “Powell Insists Defense Rests on ‘Star Wars,’ ”
London Times (December 18, 2000)
19 Barry Schweid, “Powell Pushes for Missile Defense,” AP (January 17, 2001)
20 David Storey, “Powell Endorses U.S. Missile Defense,” Reuters (January 17, 2001)
24 Daryl Kimball, “N-Testing Update,” (December 19, 2000)
25 Karl Grossman, “Aerospace Executives on Bush Star Wars Team,” (December 24, 2000)
28 “The Armageddon Nominee,”
The Boston Globe (April 2, 2001)
29 Nick Cohen, “Protection Racket,”
The Observer (November 12, 2000)
30 Polly Toynbee, “Special Report: The U.S. Elections,”
The Guardian (August 22, 2000)
31 Mikhail Gorbachev, “Mr. Bush, the World Doesn’t Want to Be American,”
International Herald Tribune (December 30, 2000)
32 Simon Saradzhyan, “Russian Strategic Missile Force Stripped of Oversight for Two Space Forces,”
Space News (January 25, 2001)
33 Vladimir Isachenkov, “Putin Proposes Deeper Nuclear Cuts,” AP (November 13, 2000)
34 “U.S., Russia Sign Missile Agreement,” AP (December 16, 2000)
35 Space Wire, “Former Military Commanders Oppose U.S.-Russian Launch Notification Agreement,” AFP (December 12, 2000)
36 AFP, “Putin Warns U.S. Against Missile Defense Buildup, Enlarging NATO” (January 26, 2001)
37 “Russia Threatens to Take Arms Race to Space,”
London Times (January 25, 2001)
38 Michael Wines “In Letter to Bush, Putin Urges Wider U.S.-Russian Cooperation,”
The New York Times (January 25, 2001)
39 Ian Traynor, “Russia Halts Military Cuts as Hawks Take over in U.S.,”
The Guardian (January 18, 2001)
40 Erik Eckholm, “Power of U.S. Draws China and Russia to Amity Pact”
The New York Times (January 14, 2001)
41 John Pomfret, “Beijing and Moscow to Sign Pact, Stronger Ties Sought to Check U.S. Influence”
The Washington Post (January 13, 2001)
42 John Pomfret, “U.S. Now a ‘Threat’ in China’s Eyes,”
The Washington Post (November 15, 2000)
43 Bruce Gagnon,
44 Achin Vanaik, “How Much of a Reprieve?”
The Hindu (September 27, 2000)
45 “Missile Sale to Taiwan Has Unusual Clause,” AP (September 30, 2000)
46 Robert Burns, “U.S. Military Chiefs Recommend Plan to Resume Surveillance Flights,” AP (April 17, 2001)
47 Michael O’Hanlon, “A Need for Ambiguity”
The New York Times (April 27, 2001)
48 Gay Alcorn, “Bush Backpedals on Taiwan”
The Sydney Morning Herald (April 27, 2001)
49 William Foreman, “U.S. Weapons Would Be Little Help if China Gets Serious,”
The Sydney Morning Herald (April 27, 2001)
50 Walden Bello, “Asia 2025: The Pentagon Prepares for Asian Wars,” (October 17, 2000)
52 Dr. Nicholas Berry, “Is China an Aggressive Power?”
The Defense Monitor (2000)
53 AFP, “China Warns U.S. to Keep Taiwan out of Any Missile Defense Plans” (January 18, 2001)
54 Bruce Gagnon,
55 “U.S. Secretly Monitors Asian Navies from Australia,” AP (January 27, 2001)
56 Paul Monk, “Dragon’s Tail,”
The Australian’s Review of Books (November 2000)
57 Ellen Hale, “Radar Picks up ‘Star Wars;’ Rumor in England, Uneasiness at Key Site,”
USA Today (January 24, 2001)
58 Andy Beckett “Special Report: George Bush’s America,”
The Guardian (April 20, 2001)
59 Julie Hyland, “Bush Commitment to U.S. National Defense Causes International Protests,” (January 24, 2001)
60 “Allies Ponder Response to Bush on Missile Defense,” Reuters (January 25, 2001)
61 Hugo Young, “A Special Relationship Under Fire from Missile Defense,”
The Guardian (December 21)
62 “Bush Upsets Danish Opposition Over Missile Defense Station,” AFP (January 24, 2001)
63 “Leader,”
The Guardian (January 4, 2001)
64 Michael Gordon, “EU to Go It Alone with New Army,”
The New York Times and
The Sydney Morning Herald (November 22, 2001)
65 Ian Blach, “U.S. Warns Europe Against Building Own Defense Force,”
The Guardian and
The Sydney Morning Herald (December 6, 2001)
66 Steven Lee Myers, “A Call to Put the Budget Surplus to Use for the Military,”
The New York Times (September 28, 2000)
67 Simon Tisdall, “Bush Plan for Fortress America Hawks Say Threats Justify Defense Boost,”
The Guardian (January 13, 2001)
69 William D. Hartung, “Bush’s War on Terrorism: Who Will Pay and Who Will Benefit?” (September 27, 2001)
71 Gustav Niebuhr, “A Mission to Redirect Money Used for Defense,”
The New York Times (October 3, 2000)
72 “What the World Wants,” The World Game Institute,
73 “Bush’s Defense Advisors Faced by 68 Conflicts Worldwide: Report,” AFP (January 2, 2001)
Appendix A: Major U.S. Nuclear-Weapons Makers