BOOKS ARE SURPRISINGLY LIKE SPACESHIPS—YOU NEED AN entire crew to navigate the storytelling universe, to go from an idea in the writer’s mind to a physical object in a reader’s hand. And just like Jeth would say, my crew is the best.

As always, thanks to God and his Son for all the good things.

A huge, galaxy-sized thank-you to my editor, Jordan Brown, for his enthusiasm, support, and especially his uncanny ability to see what I meant even when I didn’t. Your insight and guidance are divine.

Thanks also to my rock-star agent, Suzie Townsend, for first giving this wacky story about spaceship thieves your blessing for me to write and then for helping me to make it better. You are my rock in this biz, a solid foundation in a crazy, up-and-down world.

To the entire Balzer + Bray team for giving my book a home and for making it readerworthy: Alessandra Balzer, Donna Bray, Alison Donalty, Ray Shappell, Renée Cafiero, Rebecca Springer, Caroline Sun, and Emilie Polster.

To the team at New Leaf Literary & Media—Joanna Volpe, Kathleen Ortiz, Pouya Shahbazian, Jaida Temperly, and Danielle Barthel—for giving me such a wonderful and cozy literary home.

To my amazing critique partners and beta readers: Lori M. Lee, Cat York, Sarah Goldberg, Kathy Bradey, Farrah Penn, and Mallory Hayes. I am forever grateful for your support, insight, and friendship.

To my ultrasmart, sci-fi–loving brother-in-law, Jay Sharritt. Thanks for the long talks about deep things. Also for introducing me to Halo.

Much love and thanks to my parents, Betty and Phil Garybush—you make my life possible in more ways than you could know. Also love and thanks to my sci-fi loving dad, Jim Gaver, who took me to my first Star Trek movie and who never said no when I wanted to watch Star Wars for the tenth time in a single weekend.

To my husband, Adam, and my kids, Inara and Tanner—you are my Avalon.

To my sister, Amanda Sharritt. This book would not exist without you. Thank you for first wanting me to write a story like this one, and then for believing in it afterward.

And as always, thanks to you, dear reader. It would take all of time and space for me to express how much you matter.