Creating a website in Django is an involved and complex process, but we have seen that PyCharm offers great support features that streamline various tasks in this process. In this chapter, we have considered a high-level view of using Django in PyCharm by walking through the complex process of building a blog application.
Most notably, we have learned how to generate the basic skeleton for the project directory when a new Django project is to be created, which includes various code-completion features that ensure the consistency between models, views, and templates in a Django project. Furthermore, there are multiple tools in PyCharm, such as the panel or the Database panel, that allow for a hands-on and intuitive method of working with swap components of a web project.
Overall, we can see that the combination of Django and PyCharm makes implementing a website and achieving those specific web-oriented goals easy. Now, you are ready to leverage PyCharm to create the perfect Django application for your website.
This hands-on guide also concludes the web development section of our book. Moving forward, we will consider the second of the most common use cases in Python programming: data science projects. In particular, the next chapter will examine various interface options and navigation aspects when we turn on Scientific Mode in PyCharm.