‘To me as a parent, this book is a godsend – clear, logical, easy to read and above all useful!

It addresses a fundamental problem which is of concern to many parents: How can we, in practical terms, help our children learn to express and communicate their emotions, especially when they reach their teenage years and beyond?

Grounded on a solid base of expertise, experience and compassionate understanding, the authors offer a clear, insightful, structured solution. The sessions described in the book are easy to understand and equally easy to implement. They will go a long way to help our young people with Asperger’s syndrome (autism spectrum disorder) understand the “rules of the game” and thereby achieve a more level playing field.’

– Brenda Boyd, author of Parenting a Child with Asperger
Syndrome, Parenting a Teen or Young Adult with
Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and
Appreciating Asperger Syndrome

‘A million thanks to Attwood and Garnett for writing this illuminating and user-friendly book that will surely help caregivers teach adolescents with Asperger’s syndrome how to recognize and share emotions and affection in positive, nourishing and healthy ways.’

Liane Holliday Willey, EdD, author of Safety Skills for
Asperger Women: How to Save a Perfectly Good Female
Life, Pretending to be Normal: Living with Asperger’s
Syndrome, Asperger Syndrome in Adolescence: Living
with the Ups, the Downs and Things in Between and
Asperger Syndrome in the Family: Redefining Normal