Session 2
Beginning to recognize and express affection
Review of Session 1
Last time we explored some interesting topics: activities and experiences that you like; people who you like; and how we express affection. Let’s do a quick quiz to see how much you can remember.
Name one person who you like. How much do you like them (1–50)?
Name one person who you love. How much do you love them (50–100)?
How does that person express their love for you?
How does that make you feel?
What else did you learn from the last session?
1. A Social Story™ about how liking or loving someone can affect your feelings, thoughts and abilities
Include the Social Story™ you have been given here.
2. Using the like and love thermometer to explore pictures of liking and loving
Now you will need the envelope with all the pictures of affection that you collected over the past week.
On the wall there is a ‘thermometer’ marked from 0 to 100.
1–10 represents ‘I like the person a little bit.’
Under 50 shows ‘I like the person.’
Over 50 shows ‘I love the person.’
90–100 represents ‘I love the person a lot.’
For each of the pictures that you have collected think about how much loving or liking is being expressed in the picture. Place the picture on the thermometer where you think it should go.
3. What can you say and do to show that you like someone?
Your parent or the person who is helping you will write down all things you can say and do to show that you like someone. Use the scale from 1 to 50 to say how much liking is expressed by each action or statement.
Things to say and do to show that you like the person | How much liking does this show? (1–50) |
4. What can you say and do to show that you love someone?
Your parent or the person who is helping you will write down all the things you can say and do to show that you love someone. Use the scale from 50 to 100 to say how is expressed by each action or statement.
Things to say and do to show that you love the person | How much loving does this show? (50–100) |
5. Project: Use the ideas at home to express liking or loving a member of the family
Sometimes you might find it difficult to express your feelings of love towards your family.
Last week your family thought of (and wrote down) a situation where they would expect you to express that you like them or love them, but that you find difficult.
What was that situation?
Your project is to use some of the ideas from today’s session to express liking or loving to a member of your family this week.
When will you express affection?
What type of affection will you express?