1 E.g. If a date asks me how many sexual partners I’ve had, I say 8. However, in the unspoken footnote they haven’t read, I say sexual partners are like age—once you hit a certain number you stop counting. See, aren’t footnotes fun?
2 Evidence of hearth fires in Wonderwerk Cave in South Africa from ONE MILLION years ago.
1 Or anyone else. My rule? One and done. Always. Dating is a distraction.
1 I don’t know if it’s the red tie. It could be. It might be. I’ll never know.
1 The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid. It’s the world’s largest computing grid, with 170 computing facilities across 42 countries. Don’t forget, CERN is the reason we have an internet.
1 If a micro black hole were created by the LHC it would disintegrate in about 10-27 seconds and then decay into the standard model or supersymmetric particles. No need to worry. No need to fear micro spaghettification here.
1 Twenty-three.
1 In my defense, Spock dies. Tragically. I dare you to watch it and not cry.
1 After all, physicists love a paradox.