
Chapter 1

1E.g. If a date asks me how many sexual partners I’ve had, I say 8. However, in the unspoken footnote they haven’t read, I say sexual partners are like age—once you hit a certain number you stop counting. See, aren’t footnotes fun?

2Evidence of hearth fires in Wonderwerk Cave in South Africa from ONE MILLION years ago.

Chapter 2

1Fish genitalia are varied and unique. Some have long appendages, others do not.


3Joule: a unit of energy equal to the work done by a force of one newton acting through one meter. (This is sexier than it sounds.)

Chapter 3

1Five-sigma: probability of 3×10-7, or about a 1 in 3.5 million chance. If it’s five-sigma, it’s the real deal.

2Salubrious: promoting well-being. Used in a sentence? The salubrious effects of sex while paragliding are manifold.

Chapter 7

1Or anyone else. My rule? One and done. Always. Dating is a distraction.

Chapter 10

1I don’t know if it’s the red tie. It could be. It might be. I’ll never know.

Chapter 12

1The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid. It’s the world’s largest computing grid, with 170 computing facilities across 42 countries. Don’t forget, CERN is the reason we have an internet.

Chapter 15

1What the $*%@! is going on?

2We are Klingons!

3Happy Birthday.

Chapter 17

1If a micro black hole were created by the LHC it would disintegrate in about 10-27 seconds and then decay into the standard model or supersymmetric particles. No need to worry. No need to fear micro spaghettification here.

Chapter 19


Chapter 27

1In my defense, Spock dies. Tragically. I dare you to watch it and not cry.

Chapter 42

1After all, physicists love a paradox.