
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below


Abel Ferrara: The Moral Vision (Stevens)


Abuba, Ernesto: as King Tito


actionism. See Viennese Actionists actor’s role

actor trilogy. See also The Blackout; Dangerous Game; and New Rose Hotel

Addiction, The (1995); devouring in; fury in; and history; knowledge in; morality and revolution in; and philosophy; protagonist’s trajectory in; and the question of evil


Adorno, Theodor W.

After Hours (Scorsese)




Aldrich, Robert

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Carroll)



Alvarez, Santiago

American cinema

“American Condition, The” (“La Condition américaine”)

American economy

American ideology

American imaginary

American imperialism

American “No Wave”

American Way of Life

Amino, Yoshitaka: as Hiroshi



anamorphosis. See also Ferrara’s films: anamorphic structure of

Andy Warhol’s Exploding Plastic Inevitable (Nameth)



Ann Uyen

Antigone (Straub/Huillet)

Anwar, Gabrielle, as Marti


Argento, Asia: as Sandii

Argento, Dario

Argo, Victor: as Cop Bishop

art dealers

artistic torment. See torment

artist trilogy



Auschwitz. See also Nazism: Nazi or death camps


B., Scott and Beth

Bad Lieutenant (1992); death in; dreams and visions in; forgiveness; formal invention in; the protagonist’s trajectory; rage in; about redemption in; structure of the film

Baldwin, James


Bataille, Georges

Baudelaire, Charles

Bazelli, Bojan

Bazin, André

Becker, Jacques

Ben Folds Five

Benjamin, Walter

Berenger, Tom: as Matt

Bergman, Ingrid

Bertolucci, Bernardo

Bickford, Charles: as Oliver Niles

Binoche, Juliette: as Marie Palesi/Mary Magdalene

Binswanger, Ludwig

Black Liberation, (Black America; Silent Revolution) (Laurot, Edouard de)

Blackout, The (1997); allegory in; creating images; critics on; death in; drinking in (see also alcoholism); epilogue of; facing the crime; facing violence; figurative elements in; figure of the serial killer in; forms of disruptive perception; Matty and Mickey; the protagonist of; purpose of delirium; reception of; representing psychic images; structure of

Black Panthers

Blake, William

Blanchot, Maurice

Blank, Les

Blasetti, Alessandro

bloody balls

body exploitation. See sexual abuse

Body Snatchers (1993); alienation and the double in; allegory in; and evil; family questions in; and history; the individual in; influences on; metamorphosis in; as a remake; serial killer figure in; status of the feminine

Body Snatchers, The (Jack Finney)

Boetticher, Budd

Bogdanovich, Peter

Boltanski, Christian

Brakhage, Stan

Brancato, Lillo: as The Man

Brando, Marlon

Bringing Out the Dead (Scorsese)

Bronx, the. See also New York Brooks, Louise

Brus, Günther

Bulteau, Michel

Bulgakov, Mikhaïl

Burden of Dreams (Blank)

Burroughs, William S.

Burrows, Robin: as Ariane

Cabral, Amílcar

Cage, Nicolas

“California” (1996)

capitalism; as catastrophe; figures of

Carlito’s Way (De Palma)

Carpenter, John

Carroll, Lewis

Carruthers, Ben

Caruso, David: as Mercury

Casino (Scorsese)

Cassavetes, John

Cat Chaser (1989)

Cat People (Tourneur)

Cavalcanti, Alberto

Chang, Sari: as Tye

Chaplin, Charles

characters: ethical existence of; projects of

Chin, Joey: as Larry Wong; as Tsu

China Girl (1987)

Christian imagery




cinema: and contemporary evil (see also evil); as delirious apparatus; and history (see also history); as psychic apparatus

Cinema Engagé (Engaged Cinema) group

Cinémathèque Française

Cinéthique group

Clerget, Sébastien

Closed on Account of Rabies: Poems and Tales of Edgar Allan Poe

Clouzot, Henri-Georges



conscience trilogy




Cooper, Gary


Coup d’Etat


crime, criminal logics, order

Crime Story (1986)

criminal figures. See also serial killer

cruel, cruelty

Cruz, Joseph Micheal: as Paulo

Cukor, George

cultural consumption. See culture industry

culture industry

Dafoe, Willem: as X

Dalle, Béatrice; as Annie 1

Dangerous Game (Snake Eyes, 1993); artist trilogy; avidity in; death in; delirium in; destruction in; devouring; double in; film within the film; identity; status of the actor; script

Darty Report, The (Godard)

Davies, Ossie

Day, Baybi: as Pamela

Dead Combo

Dead Man (Jarmusch)

death; and creation (see creation); and its archaic resonances. See also murder; suicide DeCegli, Nicholas: as a dealer

DeCurtis, Frank

Deer Hunter, The (Cimino)

Dee Williams, Billy: as Detective Wheeler

Delia, Joe

delirium; clinical forms; films; local; opposed to normal perception; total

Del Sarto, Andrea


democratic capitalism: American


De Niro, Robert

De Palma, Brian



Dick, Vivienne



documentary image. See image Don Quixote (Welles)

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor


Driller Killer, The (1979); artistic torment in; delirium in; formal structures of; fury in; murder in; music in; parties in; tramps of

drugs, addictions, booze, junkies:. See also alcoholism; delirium

Duras, Marguerite

Durkheim, Emile

“Dutch Oven, The” (episode 27). See Miami Vice

Dylan, Bob

Dziga Vertov group

economic alienation. See capitalism


editing. See also montage

8 and a Half (Fellini)


Ermey, R. Lee: as General Platt

Escape from L.A. (Carpenter)

Esposito. See also Ferrara, Abel

Esposito, Giancarlo

ethical stakes in Ferrara’s œuvre; depiction of death; figurative deontology or ethic of forms; from one film to another

Europa 51 (Rossellini)

Eustache, Jean

evil; attributes of; collective; facing evil; history of; modern evil; origin of all; the question of evil; reflection and evil; as spatial and mental invasion; transformation of






Factory, Warholian. See also Warhol

Falco, Edie: as Jean

“Fall of the House of Usher, The” (Poe)

family issues

Fanon, Frantz

Far from Vietnam. See Ray, Michèle

Far from Vietnam (Marker)

Farina, Denis: as Michael Torello

Farmer, Frances

Farmer, Mylène. See also “California”

Fassbinder, Rainer Werner

Fear City (1984); delirium in; figure of the double in; fury and serial killing in; violence in

Fellini, Federico

femme fatale

Ferrara, Abel: birth and early years of; early films of; on film and video; as the first rapist; on God; his conception of history (see also history); on his films; his projects; his relation to music and cinema; and other filmmakers; on other filmmakers; on politics (see also politics); public image; as Reno; self-portrait as a corpse; team of collaborators; as tragedian; videos (see also “California”)

Ferrara, Nancy; as Madlyn

Ferrara’s cinema: aesthetic limitations; and American audiences; American studios; anthropological horizons of; within cultural industry; dynamics of; ethical stakes in (see ethical stakes); figurative work in; and genre cinema; importance of the image (see also image); between industry and avant-garde; international recognition of; polemical enterprise of; prototypes in (see also specific film titles); remakes; social issues in

Ferrara’s films: anamorphic structure of; the “artist” and “consciousness” trilogies; beauty in; delirium (see also delirium); dynamics among; narrative structures in; retrospective of. See also specific film titles

film and music

Film Culture

film within the film. See also mise en abyme

Finney, Jack

Fishburne, Larry: as Jimmy Jump

Fitzcarraldo (Herzog)

Fleming, Victor

Ford, John


Foster, John: as Pazzo

“490”. See also Lund

Fox and His Friends (Fassbinder)

Frankfurt School


Free University of New York

French underground

Freud, Sigmund

Fukasaku, Kinji

Funeral, The (1996); characters in; death and sacrifice in; ending of; a family fable; fury in; the narrator in; politics in


Gallo, Vincent: as Johnny

Gangs of New York (Scorsese)

Garel, Alain

Garland, Judy; as Vicky Lester

Gazzara, Ben


genre cinema

Gentry, Minnie: as the old woman

Germany Year Zero (Rossellini)

Getino, Octavio

Giuliani, Rudolph

Gladiator, The (1986)

Godard, Jean-Luc

Goldman, Emma

Gospel According to Matthew, The (Pasolini)


Gramsci, Antonio

Grandeur and Decadence of a Small-Time Filmmaker (Godard)

Grand International Revolutionary Style

Griffith, D. W.

Griffith, Melanie: as Loretta

Guérif, François

Guevara, Ernesto “Che”

guilt; collective historical

Gulf War. See also war

Gutaï Independent Group. See Japanese performers

Hail Mary (Godard)


Hamill, Pete: as a journalist

Hanson, Marla

Hark, Tsui

HBO. See Love on the A Train

Hegel, Georg W. F.

Hellman, Monte

Henry, Patrick, vii


Hershey, Barbara

Herzog, Werner


Hipp, Paul: as Ghouly


historical abomination. See also AIDS, evil, Nazism, war

historical guilt. See also guilt

historic evil. See also evil

history: reflections on

Hitchcock, Alfred

Hobbes, Thomas

Ho Chi Minh

Hold Up, The (1972)

Hollywood; within


Holocaust (Chomsky)

“Home Invaders, The” (episode 20). See Miami Vice

Hopper, Dennis; as filmmaker; as Mickey

Horkheimer, Max

Hot Ticket (Lund). See also Lund

Howard, Freddy: as Emilio Zapa

How Can We Bear It? (Boltanski)

hubris. See also fury, rage

Huillet, Danièle

human; future of; psyche

Husserl, Edmund



Ice-T: as the cop

iconography of crime. See also specific film titles




image: depicting the world; documentary image (see also The Addiction); importance of; making images (see also creation); mental or psychic (see also delirium; perception; psychic event; and specific titles of films); the missing image (see also The Blackout; New Rose Hotel); of the mother (see mother imagery); power of the; relation between metal and concrete image; status of the; as trauma



industrial pollution






Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Kaufman)

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Siegel)

Iraq War

Jack the Ripper

Jankowski, Celene

Japanese fascism

Japanese performers

Jarmusch, Jim

Jesus. See also Christian imagery

Johnson, Don: as Sonny Crockett

Jones, Kent

Julian, Janet: as Jennifer

Julien, Jay: as Abraham

Juliet of the Spirits (Fellini)

Kane, Mary

Kant, Emmanuel

Karina, Anna

Kaufman, Philip

Keitel, Harvey; as Eddie; as L. T.

Kelsch, Ken

Kennedy, John F.: presidential campaign

Keres, goddesses of punishment

Killing of a Chinese Bookie, The (Cassavetes)

Kim Phuc. See also The Addiction

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

King of New York (1990); Abel Ferrara on; crime in; death in; drug economy; ending of; Frank’s project; the individual in; mafia in; passion in; revolt; violence in

Kinney, Terry: as Steve

Kitano, Takeshi



Lacombe, Georges

Lancaster, Burt

Lang, Fritz

La Revue du cinéma

Lassez, Sarah: as Annie

Last Movie, The (Hopper)

Last Temptation of Christ, The (Scorsese)

Laurot, Edouard de


Léaud, Jean-Pierre

Lee, Bruce

Leguizamo, John

Lenin, Vladimir Ilych

Letter to Freddy Buache (Godard)

Levi, Primo

Lili Marleen (Fassbinder)

Listen America (de Laurot)

Locarno Film Festival

Loner, The (1988)


Losey, Joseph


Lost Highway (Lynch)

Love Meetings (Pasolini)

Love on the A Train (1997)

Lucky to be a Woman (Blasetti)


Lund, Zoë; as co-scriptwriter; as director (see Hot Ticket); as Thana; as writer; as Zoë

Lynch, David


Madonna; as Sarah/Claire

mafia; and capitalism; Chinese Triad; Italian Mafia; mafia logic

Main Line (Bulteau)

Malcolm X

Mao Tse Tung

Manhattan. See also New York Marker, Chris

Martin, Adrian

Marx, Karl


Mary (2005); script

Mary Magdalene

Marz, Carolyn: as Carol

Mason, James; as Norman Maine

massacres; My Lai; Serbian massacre. See also The Addiction

Massina, Giulietta

Master and Margarita, The (Bulgakov)

maternal: depiction of the. See also mother imagery

Matteo, Drea de: as the wife

McGillis, Kelly: as Mary

McGlone, Mike: as John T.

McIntyre, John Paul

Mean Streets (Scorsese)

Medea (Pasolini)

Medusa: myth of

Meins, Holger

Mekas, Adolfas

Mekas, Jonas


Menschen am Sonntag (Siodmak)

mental image. See image


Miami Vice, (1985); “The Dutch Oven” (episode 27); “The Home Invaders” (episode 20)

Milian, Tomas: as Andres De Boya

Milton, John

Minima Moralia (Adorno)

Mirage, The (Weiss)

mise en abyme. See also film within the film mise en scène

Modine, Matthew; as Matty; as Tony Childress

Mol, Gretchen: as the pregnant wife; as singer


Monroe, Marilyn


Montreal, Rhodney (Douglas Metrov): as Tony Coca-Cola

morality (see also ethical stakes); unbearable as hypermorality (see also hypermorality; negativity)

Morrison, Mrs. Norman. See also Far from Vietnam

Moss, Lambert: as Veronica

mother imagery

Mother of Mirrors. See also Dangerous Game

Ms .45 (Angel of Vengeance, 1981); delirium; evil in; fury; revenge; serial killer in; sexual abuse; solitude of the protagonist; structure of the film

Munk, Andrzej

murder; by snatching

Murnau, F. W.

Murphy, Reilly: as Andy; as Tommy

music video


Nameth, Ronald

Nazism; moral catastrophe provoked by; Nazi or death camps

negation; and evil


negativity; as moral source; as a speculative asset

New Rose Hotel (1998); confusion in; evil in; forms of lack in; the human in; image of the capitalist system in; plot of; simulation; status of the feminine; structure of; the universal killer in

Newsreel group in America

New York

Nietzsche, Friedrich


9 Lives of a Wet Pussy (1976)

Nitsch, Hermann

Nosferatu (Murnau)

Novak, Kim

œuvre. See also Ferrara’s cinema; works of art

Oliverio, Nicodemo. See St. John

Oskar Langenfeld (Meins)

Paisà (Rossellini)



Pandora: the myth of

Panebianco, Richard: as Tony

Paradise Lost (Milton)


party, parties. See also bloody balls

Pasolini, Pier Paolo


Penn, Chris; as Chez

perception: deregulation of the fundamental principles of

Perez, Rosie: as “the girl”



Philonenko, Alexis

Phoids, The

Photos d’Alix (Eustache)

Poe, Edgar Allan

Polanski, Roman

polemical enterprise. See Ferrara’s cinema

Polish underground

political critique: forms of. See also capitalism; revolution

political questioning. See also ethical stakes

political radicalism. See also Laurot; revolt; revolution

politics: in Ferrara’s films

popular culture


Prison Notebooks (Gramsci)

“Prolepsis” (Laurot)

“Promethea” (Laurot)


Proust, Marcel


psychic event; image, state, process or complex (see also image); investigation

punk films


rape. See sexual abuse Rauger, Jean-François

Ray, Michèle

Ray, Nicholas


reality. See also perception


Redman, Anthony



Reinhardt, Ad


reminiscence. See also memories

Rendez-vous de Juillet (Becker)



Repulsion (Polanski)

Reservoir Dogs (Tarantino)

Resnais, Alain


revenge. See also vengeance




Rien que les heures (Cavalcanti)

Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond, The (Boetticher)

Rome Open City (Rossellini)

Rosenbaum, Jonathan

Rossellini, Roberto

Rotterdam Film Festival

Ruggiero, Anthony: as Lite

Ruperto, Maria: as Luci

Russo, James: as Frank Burns/Russell

‘R Xmas (2001)


Santiago, Saundra: as Gina

Santo Domingo. See Cat Chaser

Sartre, Jean-Paul

Scénario du film Passion (Godard)

Scenes from Rotterdam (ass. De Jong). See Hot Ticket

Schelling, Friedrich

Schiffer, Claudia; as Susan

Schindler’s List (Spielberg)

Schneemann, Carolee

Schoolly D

Schultz, Harry: as Briggs

Schygulla, Hannah

Sciorra, Annabella; as Casanova; as Jean; as Madame Rosa

Scorsese, Martin

SCUM Manifesto (Solanas, V.)

Second Front

self: annihilation; consciousness; destruction; liquidation; revelation

Selznick, David O.

serial killer

79 Springs (Alvarez)

sexual abuse, sexual harassment, body exploitation, violence, rape

Shadows (Cassavetes)

Siegel, Don

Siodmak, Robert

Smith, Gavin



Snow, Michael

Solanas, Fernando

Solanas, Valerie




Spelling, Aaron

standard imagery. See also culture industry

Stanislavski/Strasberg Method of Acting

Star Is Born, A (Cukor)

Starship Troopers, (Verhoeven)

Les Statues meurent aussi (Marker/Resnais)

status of the image

Stembera, Peter

Stendhal Syndrome, The (Argento, D.)

Sternberg, Josef von

Stevens, Brad

St. John, Nicholas

“strange cinema”

Straub, Jean-Marie

Strawberry, Darryl

stroboscope: use of

Stroheim, Erich von

Stromboli (Rossellini)

Strummer, Joe

Stuto, Darlene: as Laurie


Subway Stories: Tales from the Underground (1997). See also Love on the A Train


Sylvie and Bruno (Carroll)

Tarantino, Quentin

Taxi Driver (Scorsese)

Taylor, Lili; as Kathy

Terry, John: as Michael Shane

Theorem (Pasolini)

Theory of Religion (Bataille)

They Live (John Carpenter)

Thing Called Love, The (Bogdanovich)

Thorn, Frankie: as the raped nun

Through the Looking Glass (Carroll)

Tilly, Meg: as Carol

Titans: the myth of the


torment; artistic or creative torment; tormented characters

Tourneur, Jacques

tract: film-tract; visual



translation: visual, formal


Triad, The. See mafia

Truck, The (Duras)

Trump, Donald


Un altro Festival (de Laurot, Munk)



United States. See also American cinema industry, Ferrara


unlimited: forms of the

vampire, vampirism


Velez, Fernando: as Julio


Venice Film Festival

Vera Cruz (Aldrich)

Verhoeven, Paul

Vertigo (Hitchcock)

Vertov, Dziga

Viennese Actionists

Viet-Flakes (Schneemann)

Vietnam War; images of

video. See also The Blackout; “California”; music video

Vidor, King

Vigo, Jean

Village of the Damned (Carpenter)

violence. See also massacres; murder; sexual abuse

Violent Cop (Kitano)


visions. See also hallucination

Wager, The

Wages of Fear (Clouzot)

Wahl, Ken: as Rick Benton

Walken, Christopher; as Fox; as Frank White; as Peina; as Ray

war. See also Gulf War, Iraq War, Vietnam War

Warhol, Andy

Warner Brothers

Weiss, Peter

Weller, Peter: as George Moran

Welles, Orson

West, Mae

Western civilization

Western conception

Western economic world

Western imaginary

Western philosophy

Western subjectivity

Whitaker, Forest: as Major Collins; as Ted Younger

Wiseman, Frederick

Wizard of Oz, The (Fleming)

Woman under the Influence, A (Cassavetes)

Wong, Russell: as Yung

works of art

Wynroth, Alan: as the landlord

Yomini Independent Group

Zois, Christ; as the psychoanalyst

Zone, La (Lacombe)