See Introduction to 1 Timothy: Authorship.
As early Christian tradition suggests, Paul was probably released after two years of relatively light custody (Ac 28:30–31) but some time later rearrested. He was imprisoned under harsher conditions (as in this letter) and ultimately executed under Nero, probably c. AD 64 or shortly thereafter. The church now faces both serious persecution in Rome and, in Ephesus, increasing false teaching (cf. 2Ti 2:15–18). If Timothy is going to join Paul, he must do so quickly (4:9, 21); Timothy must also combat erroneous teaching by calling people back to the Scriptures (3:14–4:5).
Jewish people greatly valued the final instructions or legacy of a great figure. Like Jeremiah (Jer 43:6–7), Paul faced discouraging circumstances toward the end of his life; Jeremiah did not live to see his message fully vindicated in the next generation (2Ch 36:21; Ezr 1:1; Da 9:2). Nevertheless, Paul recognizes that his own destiny is secure and his own work complete (4:6–8, 18). The rest is in God’s hands. ◆
Quick Glance
The apostle Paul
Paul’s disciple Timothy, who was ministering in Ephesus
AD 64 or slightly later
Facing imminent death, Paul encourages Timothy to carry on the ministry and faithfully guard the gospel.