The Letters



Although a pseudepigrapher would want to clarify which Jude he was (i.e., Jesus’ brother) or write in the name of someone more prominent, this author does not specify which Jude he is, making it improbable that the letter was pseudepigraphic. At the same time, his lack of clarification as to which Jude he is and the fact that he seems to be already known to his audience (vv. 3, 5) suggest that he is the most prominent Jude, brother of the most prominent James (v. 1)—the younger brother of Jesus (Mk 6:3). This would also help to explain the letter’s preservation, despite its brevity and overlap with 2 Peter. Early church tradition varied on which Jude wrote the letter, but this is the only Jude specifically known to us whose brother was called James. His Greek is sophisticated, but the thought world he shares with his readers is that of popular Judaism; for a Galilean Jew’s knowledge of Greek, see Introduction to James: Author.


The letter clearly opposes false teachers whose sexual lifestyles are immoral and who are teaching arrogantly. The thought world of Jude and his readers is popular Judaism; the views of those he opposes may be rooted in the same Jewish-Christian tradition that Jude is, but they have also sought to assimilate many values of immoral pagan culture. Given Jude’s heavy use of 1 Enoch, that book may represent a tradition cited by his opponents, who apparently appeal to their own mystical visions as divine revelations, similar to Enoch’s (Jude 8). The teachings of 1 Enoch would challenge the immorality practiced by these teachers (cf. Jude 4–7). 

Quick Glance


Most likely Jude, the brother of Jesus


Christians who are being threatened by false teachers


Between AD 65 and 80


Jude writes to warn Christians about false teachers who are trying to convince them that being saved by grace gives them license to sin.