No one who launches a book into the turbulent skies of the publishing world is a solo pilot. This debut novel would never have left the hangar without the encouragement and prayers of exceptional supporters behind the scenes.
Dale, my dear husband, you are the hero in every novel I will ever write. I forgive you for boisterous cheering at award ceremonies, and my best-kept secret is that I enjoy it. A little. Your steady, constant encouragement and advice has kept me airborne.
Jana and Chris, my daughter and son-in-love, thank you for the best writer’s retreat ever inhabited by an author. The opportunity to live near you and your family 24/7 brings joy that speeds my journey.
Thank you to all my family members who refueled me with gallons of love, sympathy, and patient listening. Sophia, dear niece-in-love, when my tanks of inspiration and motivation were nearly empty, your support was high-octane.
Linda Glaz, I could never ask for a better agent/navigator than you. Thank you for keeping me on course and believing in me when I didn’t believe in myself.
Rick L. Brunner, Esq., thank you for helping me pilot my aircraft out of a pop-up legal thunderstorm.
Gregg Bridgeman, thank you for prodding me to go full throttle. I’m not stalling anymore.
Thank you to all my friends at Serious Writer, Inc. You gave me pilot’s wings in 2019, and I’d never have had the confidence to get in the cockpit except for you.
My critique partners at the KCW Mentoring Group all deserve thanks for putting wrenches and screwdrivers to my manuscript. Your oily coveralls prove you’re the best maintenance crew ever. Tracy Crump, you are an outstanding chief engineer. From the earliest moments I dreamed of taking this flight, you have been my stalwart friend and advisor. I’m deeply grateful.
DiAnn Mills, Deborah Maxey, Candy Arrington, PeggySue Wells, Chris Manion, and Marva Southall, when I think of all the high-tech writing gadgets you installed in my cockpit, I can only say, “WOW.” I fly higher and farther because of you.
To the team flying with me—the professionals at Barbour Publishing—thank you for creating the flight plan. Rebecca Germany, thank you for understanding that some writer-pilots cry over their characters. JoAnne Simmons, thank you for operating the editing levers and flaps that give this book a smoother flight.
Thank you to the typesetting team at Barbour Publishing that made my aircraft look so shiny and sleek.
Mom and Dad, writers are supposed to avoid clichés, but I think I’ll be forgiven for breaking the rules in the acknowledgments. You may be witnessing this flight from heaven, but you and Jesus are the wind beneath my wings, and you always will be.
Jesus, You are the true pilot. Thank You for allowing me to be Your copilot. I’ll fly anywhere with You.