I am proud of my campaign for president and that, in the Democratic primary, taking on virtually the entire party establishment, we won 22 states and over 13 million votes. I am proud that we funded the campaign not through super PACs but through millions of small donations averaging $27, and that grassroots activists—not politicians—played a major role in our successes.

I am especially proud that, in virtually every state primary and caucus, we won the overwhelming majority of young people—black, white, Latino, Asian American, and Native American. In fact, my campaign received more votes from young people than Donald Trump’s and Hillary Clinton’s combined.

The young people of this country are, of course, the future of America. And that bodes well for us. It is my observation that the current generation of young people is the smartest, most idealistic, and least prejudiced generation in the modern history of the United States. This is a generation that is prepared to think big and move this country in a very different direction than we have been traveling for years. It is especially prepared to reject the value system espoused by Donald Trump and the right-wing reactionaries in Congress who support his ideas.

The basic thesis of this book is pretty simple. It is that, on major issue after major issue, the vast majority of Americans support a progressive agenda and widely reject the economic views of the Republican Party. Go into any community in this country—including in the most conservative states—and you’ll not find many people who think that it makes sense to give hundreds of billions in tax breaks to the top 1 percent while at the same time cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, and health care. You’ll not find many people who think climate change is a “hoax.” But those are the ideas that President Trump and most of the Republican leadership in Congress support.

On the other hand, most Americans believe it’s imperative that we raise the minimum wage to a living wage, that we guarantee pay equity for women, and that we join the rest of the world in guaranteeing paid family and medical leave. The American people understand that health care is a right for all and not a privilege, and that in a competitive global economy we must make public colleges and universities tuition-free. They want us to create millions of good-paying jobs by rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure and by investing in sustainable energy and affordable housing.

The American people know that in the midst of massive wealth and income inequality the very rich have got to start paying their fair share of taxes, and that we desperately need reforms to our broken immigration and criminal justice systems. They understand that women must have the right to control their own bodies, and that we must move aggressively to combat racism, sexism, and homophobia.

That’s not Bernie Sanders talking. That’s what poll after poll shows the American people want.

Well, you might ask, if that’s true, then why do Republicans now control the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives, and almost two-thirds of the governors’ offices throughout the country? Why are they completely in control—the governorship, the state house, and the state senate—in half of the states?

Great question, and that’s what this book is all about.

In my view, if we are to successfully address the enormous problems now facing our country and planet, we need to understand that democracy is not a spectator sport. We can no longer sit back and allow ourselves to have one of the lowest voter turnouts of any major country on earth. We can no longer allow the wealthy and their campaign contributions to determine the future of our government. We must move boldly forward to revitalize American democracy and bring millions of young people and working people into an unstoppable political movement that fights for a government that represents all of us, not just the billionaire class.

And that’s what I am now beginning to see in communities across the country. By the millions, people are taking to the streets in opposition to Trump’s reactionary agenda. They are standing up for health care, for women’s rights, for the environment, and to protect Social Security and retirement benefits. They are fighting to make college affordable, and for decent wages and working conditions for America’s workers.

They are also starting to run for political office. Sometimes it’s the local school board or city council or mayor’s office. Sometimes it’s the state house. Sometimes it’s for the U.S. House or Senate.

That momentum must continue, and it must expand. This is your country. Help us take it back. Join the Political Revolution.

