Chapter Four


India bypassed the queue outside Boujis and gave her name to the sour faced woman on the door. After some discussion with an equally grumpy looking man with a head like a basketball, the woman managed to locate Indy on the guest list, right at the top. The fact that Indy was Cordy’s plus one made her face wrinkle up into an even less attractive arrangement as she flicked open the rope with a look of utter disdain. Indy smiled sweetly at her before sweeping through and descending the stairs. She checked her coat and looked around the club in disgust. She hadn’t been for a few weeks, trying to keep as far away from Cordy as she could; and in the meantime he had turned this place into a den of iniquity. She felt dirty just being there.

“Hey beautiful,” Cordy’s sexy voice filled her ear making her jump. She frowned at him as he snaked an arm around her waist, letting his fingers linger across the naked flesh exposed at the curve where her back met her ass. “This dress is incredible. Do you have any idea how good this would look on my bedroom floor?” He winked at her, as she shook her head in disgust at him.

“Thanks for inviting me, Cordy. This place is appalling, but I suppose it’s nice that you work well with your siblings. I mean this has got Greed and Lust written all over it. How are the twins anyway?”

“Ava and Luxie are over by the bar, plying their trade of course. But don’t expect me to believe you came here without backup. I’m fairly sure I saw Chastity lurking by the dance floor. I do hope she manages to keep everything in tact here tonight, if you know what I mean. Some of my boys can smell a virgin at fifty paces.” He raised his eyebrows seductively at her. “It would be such a shame if someone were to seduce her. Although, wow, what a movie that would make!”

Indy was furious. “Don’t ever threaten my sister,” she fumed.

“You know Indy you’re beyond sexy when you’re mad,” he said moving closer to her until she could feel his breath on her face. “Maybe you and me should make our own little movie in the bathroom? What do you think?”

Indy’s mouth dropped open for a second. Then she slapped him hard across the cheek.

“So feisty,” he murmured stepping back and rubbing his face. “You’re a bad girl, India. I didn’t think that violence was allowed on your side of the fence?”

“You drive me insane Cordy and you do it on purpose. There’s only so far you can push me before I snap! Do you have any idea how much trouble you get me into with the boss?”

He licked his lips. “I can only imagine, and believe me I am going to think long and hard about it later.” He grinned wolfishly at her, his dark eyes dancing as his perfect pink lips curled up at the edges.

“Urgh you’re infuriating!” she snapped. She turned on her heel and stomped off to where Chastity was looking horrified as one of Cordy’s guys propositioned her.

Cordy grinned. He’d let her cool down a little then he’d go and get her. He watched her giving the guy at the bar an earful and felt his cock stir at the thought of her tirade. She was a fiery little thing — just what he needed to make things exciting again. He tore his gaze away from her and went to make sure the guys were keeping the website topped up. He had to schmooze several pretty blondes, making his excuses, on the way over. Everyone wanted a piece of him, but tonight he was all India’s. Well, that was the plan, and once Cordy decided he was going to have something, nothing got in his way.

Hugo was keeping things running like a true professional. Of course he didn’t feel like he was actually working for Cordy and why should he? He spent every evening hanging out in the best clubs, drinking the best champagne and fucking the most beautiful women in London. Cordy reckoned it wouldn’t be long before he could move on to another city and leave these boys in charge. Man, he loved his life.

A short while later, he scanned the room again and saw Indy standing at the edge of the dance floor by herself. This was his cue to strike, she looked confused and lost and in need of a familiar face.

Indy jumped as Cordy materialised beside her, although she felt oddly relieved when she realised it was him. The club was busy tonight and the crowd inside seemed even more ready to get drunk and cause more mayhem than usual. She felt so useless now that she was here. She’d thought that she could try and talk to some of the girls at least, but no-one was interested and she’d given up. She’d never felt so redundant in all of the centuries she’d been fixing the problems that Hell sent their way. Was she losing her touch? Was Hell actually winning after all these years?

Cordy slid his arm around her shoulders and without thinking India snuggled against him, his warm strength making her feel safe. “Sit with me,” he said, his lips so close to her ear that his breath sent a shiver down her spine. She knew he was only trying to make himself heard, but the nearness of his body was distracting. She wished he’d kiss her, but she shook herself out of her ridiculous daydream and followed him to the sofas. As they sank into the plush seating she realised his arm was still around her. She also realised she was tired of fighting her feelings for him. Tonight she was just going to talk to him, enjoy herself and maybe have a little drink. She could hear Serenity in her head admonishing her for her lax ways and she switched her off, blocking her thoughts with a technique the Virtues were not supposed to use. Indy was past caring, her earlier reprimand still smarting. She knew exactly what she was doing and she was sick of Serenity not trusting her judgement.

Cordy’s arm felt nice across her shoulders and he smelt gorgeous. She leaned into his neck and sniffed, her lips brushing the soft skin by his ear. She paused as a wave of emotion flowed over her and she let her hand slide up his thigh. His jeans were rough under her palm. Suddenly he pushed her back against the arm of the sofa, his beautiful body pinning her down. Indy sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck. His face was so close to hers and she closed her eyes, waiting for his lips to meet hers as she pulled him closer to her.

“Wow, Indy,” Cordy murmured against her lips. “I mean I always knew we’d get together but I didn’t realise it would be so quick. I thought you’d put up much more of a fight than this, baby.”

“I’m tired of fighting, Cordy,” she murmured and reached up to him, her lips parted her moist pink tongue just visible between them. Cordy moaned and finally their lips met in a whirl of soft flesh and hard, insistent tongue. Indy’s arms wrapped around him, never wanting him to stop and Cordy ground his hips down as his cock slotted perfectly between her thighs.

He was just considering whether or not Indy would allow him to slide his fingers beneath her dress when a force slammed between, wrenching their mouths apart. Indy felt it like an empty ache that almost made her cry. She watched Cordy writhing in pain as Serenity gripped his mind, her invisible fingers squeezing inside his head. “Stop it,” she shouted unable to bear it, and then screamed as Serenity turned on her. She got up and ran from the club, desperate to get away from her boss and the raging emotions within her.

She zapped herself home not caring who saw her, leaving the aftermath to be cleaned up by her sisters. Back home, she curled up on her bed, sobbing as the hollow devastation hit her. She had ostracised herself from her sisters and now Cordy would never want to see her again either. Not to mention she was probably sacked. She’d never felt so alone. She’d nearly cried herself out, her eyes heavy and swollen, when her phone bleeped the arrival of a test message:

Wow, baby, that was intense! I need to see you again. Come over tomorrow evening, we need to talk...amongst other things ;)

Her heart leapt and the ache disappeared. She curled around her phone and let herself relax, drifting off to sleep as her mind filled with images of Cordy half-naked, and how his lips had felt on hers. He wanted her as much as she wanted him and that was all that mattered.