Two hours later Cordy was pacing the living room. What the hell was wrong with him? This was the culmination of his master plan and he was getting butterflies waiting for her to turn up. Every time he thought about that lush body straining against her jumper and her too tight skirt which emphasised the curve of her thighs his cock twitched, but his heart leapt at the same time. His stomach was churning and his palms were sweaty and he couldn’t sit still. His attempts to talk to the boys or pull together anything resembling a plan for the next website had fallen apart as his concentration was shattered by thought after thought of the way her skin had felt under his fingertips, and the soft warmth of her lips where he’d kissed her.
Fuck it, he didn’t even know if she would turn up after he’d let himself lose control last night; and here he was waiting for the doorbell to ring like some kind of lovesick schoolgirl. What the fuck was wrong with him? It was then that the doorbell cut through the silence, and his stomach lurched with a mixture of excitement and nerves as he mentally shook himself to try and regain some composure. She’s just another girl, Cordy, he told himself. Just another girl to fuck and move on. It was all about the chase and this one was proving to be a very exciting chase. He knew he’d get her, he just had to work out which buttons to press.
Quentin had answered the door for him and the quiet knock at the internal door told him that she was here. “Come,” he said, raising his voice a little to sound more in control than he felt, and Quentin showed Indy into his inner sanctum. She looked nervous and his heart flipped as he looked at her. He wondered what she thought he had asked her here for.
Indy was trying to pull herself together. She’d just had a blazing row with Serenity and she was fuming inside. Serenity had questioned the motives of her visit and suggested that she was no longer capable of fulfilling her calling. It was a dangerous and volatile combination, the anger and the lust boiling inside her until she felt as though she might scream or just run away.
“India,” he said smiling at her.
“Hi Cordy,” she said looking around then sitting down on the soft leather sofa as though the weight of the world was on her shoulders. Which he supposed it was a bit. That was the best thing about being a demon, you didn’t have any responsibilities you just had to be yourself and annoy the hell out of Heaven. Indy looked as though she’d had enough.
“Drink, sweetheart?” he asked her, pouring a whiskey for himself.
“Yeah, that would be lovely. Have you got any wine?” she asked looking hopeful.
He grinned. “I got some diet coke in especially, and you surprise me with a request for wine! I have loads of wine — would you prefer red or white?”
“White please,” she said and pulled her feet up onto the sofa, taking the large glass of cold liquid that he handed her. She took a sip and closed her eyes. “Wow, I needed that,” she sighed, taking another sip straight away. “Thanks for the diet coke, though. That was really thoughtful of you.”
Cordy watched her for a minute, wondering if she was making fun of him. “You OK, baby?” he asked. “You seem really odd.”
She shook her head. “Not really, if I’m honest. I had another huge row with the rest of the girls and Serenity. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I don’t even know why I’m here.”
She flushed a pretty shade of pink as she spoke and Cordy smiled as he realised she couldn’t look him in the eye. He shivered in anticipation. If this was her reaction after just a kiss, imagine how adorably confused she’d be after he showed her exactly what he had in mind for tonight. He was starting to feel as though this was going to go the way he wanted it to. He could almost taste victory, and it was oh so very sweet.
“Well you know what I think, honey. You’re wasting your time trying to save the planet. We already got the monopoly on this place. You and the girls need to move on or give up.” He walked over and topped up her glass.
“Are you trying to get me drunk?” she giggled, her pretty face lighting up as she looked at him.
“Yes I am,” he admitted. “Although, with the speed you drank that last glass, I’m not going to have to try very hard, am I? There’s something I wanted to show you before you make your decision.”
He took her hand and pulled her over to the laptop. Pressing a couple of buttons he pulled up some news pages.
“Oh Cordy, please not this again. I know the world’s full of bad news, but that’s not everything there is. They just don’t put the nice stuff on the internet.”
Cordy decided that he needed to take it to the next level if he wanted to get her in his bed and under his influence. He needed her separated from that bitch Serenity once and for all, and while she was doing a pretty good job of alienating Indy herself, he had just the thing to finally sever all ties between the sisters and that do-gooding old bitch.
“Let me show you the world as I see it, baby, without your sugar coating. See it with my eyes and then tell me if you shouldn’t just let go.” He put her glass down and took her hands in his.
“Cordy, what are you...? Where are we going?” she squeaked before everything went black.
“It’s OK. I got you, Indy. I just want you to see what you’re up against. Then I want you to give in and tell me you want to spend the rest of eternity in my bed.”
“Cordy, I told you that’s never going to happen.”
“Really? Then why are you drinking wine with me tonight? Do you think I invited you over to play Scrabble?”
“No, I just... I suppose I didn’t think at all. I’m tired of thinking all the time.”
“So give in to what’s bubbling under the surface between us. Indy, the way you kissed me last night, I know you want me as much as I want you.”
The dark evaporated around them and Cordy was pleased to see that Indy looked pink and flustered as he held her close to him. He could smell the faint vanilla scent on her skin and he bent to kiss her. She didn’t move, just closed her eyes, letting his lips skim over hers. A soft moan escaped her lips and her arms tightened around him. His prick was immediately hard and he pressed it between her legs while she was off guard. Instead of pushing him away Indy ground her crotch against his and kissed him harder, her fingers sliding under the waistband of his jeans. Cordy was almost too surprised to take advantage, until her fingers stroked over his hip before diving between his legs, her hand cupping his balls then sliding over his straining cock.
The moan that hissed through his teeth brought Indy to her senses and she pulled away as she stuttered an apology.
“Don’t apologise for being hot,” he grinned. “I told you we had unfinished business. Let me burst your fluffy little bubble of joy and then we can go back to my apartment and I’ll show you how a prince of Hell can make you feel like you’re in Heaven.”
“I think I like the sound of that,” she said sighing. She hadn’t felt this free in years. Her mobile rang, but she ignored it and the nagging voices in her head. “What did you mean about bursting my fluffy bubble of joy? Is that some kind of weird sexual thing?”
Cordy laughed so hard there were tears in his eyes. “Not that I know of, baby. But maybe later we can make one up for it. No, I’m going to show you why this world is already mine — the things Serenity keeps from you. You Virtue’s don’t see what’s going on right under your noses.”
“Cordy, that’s not true. I see exactly what you get up to every day.”
“You see the stuff I want you to see, to distract you from the stuff I don’t!”
Indy crossed her arms across her chest and pouted. “I’m not stupid, Cordy! I know everything that you’re up to.”
Cordy’s eyes darkened. “You’re so cute when you’re mad, baby, but just watch and don’t say anything until we’re back. Promise me?”
With a flick of his wrist the darkness brightened and they were in a bar in Chelsea. Indy jumped but it became obvious that no-one could see them. She watched people drinking, dancing, disappearing into the toilets to fuck and throwing their money around, talking as though they didn’t have a care in the world. The crazy thing was she knew they didn’t. These people thought that partying hard was exhausting, they certainly didn’t want to do anything that involved working for a living. They were everything that Cordy needed. She tried to see some virtue somewhere within the bar but there was nothing but sin. India tried to be angry but she had to admit they looked like they were enjoying themselves and for a moment she wanted in on it.
Then the bar was replaced by a dirty, dingy pub. The people were angry and miserable looking. The clock on the wall over the grubby looking optics said 14:34 but the bar was packed with men, women and kids all shouting and swearing, drinking and disappearing outside for a cigarette and a quick fumble behind the bins. It was the opposite of the Chelsea scene but she could see the similarities. These people weren’t working either. They were drinking and fucking just like the rich ones. The only difference was who was funding it. The realisation hit her: Cordy had every base covered. From one end of the spectrum to the other, sloth had a vice like grip on everyone.
The scene changed again and they were in a television studio. A line of young people were queuing up for an audition. They were scantily clad and anxious to show off as much of themselves as possible. One by one they went in and made idiots of themselves, desperate to be the ones given the key to unlimited fame and wealth for doing the bare minimum.
Indy’s sighed. “It’s all pointless,” she whispered. “What about the ones in between, the ones who do work, aren’t they happy?”
Cordy laughed and they blackness shrouded them again. He took the opportunity to stroke his hands down her back pulling her in close to him so that he could nuzzle her hair. Indy wrapped her arms around him and nestled against his neck.
They emerged into a quiet suburban street. Newish cars gleamed in the driveways and children played in the street. Husbands were arriving home from work to smiling pretty wives.
“See,” she scolded Cordy, “Virtue does work sometimes.”
Cordy shook his head and they were inside the nearest house. Indy looked around. The kids were stuck in front of the Xbox while the wife secretly texted a lover in the bedroom. The husband had his head in his hands looking at their bank balance. A second house showed the couple arguing about money, piles of credit card statements on the kitchen table as the husband moaned about having to work every hour there was. In another the woman was hiding a stash of vodka in the airing cupboard while the husband mowed the lawn, muttering under his breath about needing to “get away for a break.”
As she realised that the world was broken and that Cordy and his brothers and sisters were in control of everything, Indy thought she might cry.
“Don’t feel bad, Indy. It’s really not your fault. Sin wins these days, you can’t fight it anymore. C’mon, look around you, at least life is more exciting than when you were winning.”
Indy looked up at him. “Well Cordy I think the saying is ‘if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em’. So take me home and show me how the other half lives. I want to do everything.”
“Everything?” he asked looking mildly surprised
“Oh yes,” she whispered against his ear. “I want you to teach me how to be like you. If this world is going to Hell, I aim to be on the winning side.”
Across the darkness, screams echoed as the other Virtues felt a knife to their hearts. The room came back into focus and Indy held Cordy tight, grateful for his strength as he held her close.
“I’m sorry to be so harsh, baby, but you needed to see.”
Indy pressed her finger to his lips. “Enough talking, Cordy. The world sucks and I don’t care about it anymore. I want you to take me to bed and do all the things you made me think about last night.”
His lips found hers and she responded the way he had always known she would. A tiny moan slipped from her lips as he pressed his smooth, cool mouth over hers. Her soul fluttered within her, her heart pounding against her ribcage as his fingers traced circles across her back, stroking and soothing her fear.
“Let’s take this into the bedroom,” he whispered, leading her towards the door, thinking about how many women had been there before her.
“I hope you changed the sheets,” Indy giggled. “I’m sure you brought girls back here last night after I got you all hot and bothered.”
Cordy raised his eyebrows at her. “Actually I came home alone and spent a sleepless night wishing you were with me. I might be a demon but I’m not all bad.”
She laughed at him, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear and snuggling into his big strong chest. “Do you want to reconsider that comment?” she asked. “I’m pretty sure it’s your bad boy persona that gets me so wet whenever I think about you.”
“I make you wet, do I?” he asked, grinning naughtily and she blushed.
“Cordy I don’t know what comes over me when I’m with you. I get the most filthy thoughts in my head.”
“I’m going to cum over you later, sweetheart,” he said. “And that’s a promise.”
“Take me to bed,” she whispered, “I want you to fuck me.”
He didn’t need asking twice, carrying her into his bedroom. It was warm and cosy, the bed made with crisp cotton sheets, draped with red velvet and black silk throws, sumptuous and sexy. He placed her gently in the centre of the bed and slowly peeled off his tight black t-shirt to reveal his incredible rock hard abs and smooth, flawless body. Indy bit her lip as the reality of the situation suddenly hit her. Cordy noticed her panic and stopped to watch her, frowning slightly.
“Indy, you’re not a virgin are you?” he asked.
She blushed and tried to meet his gaze, half shaking her head. “Not exactly, no,” she whispered. “Why? Does it matter? Please don’t be angry if I am.”
He sat down next to her. “How could I be angry with you? Tell me, are you a virgin?”
She nodded blushing furiously, her words tumbling out. “I know it’s ridiculous, but I spent so much time looking after Chastity that I never met anyone and then all this ‘saving the world’ stuff happened, I had to stop you and I just never got around to it. I know what to do though so you don’t need to worry.” She looked up at him, dying of embarrassment. Cordy’s eyes glinted mischievously as she spoke.
“Fuck, Indy,” he said at last. “You have no idea how hot that is.”
Indy tried to reply, but Cordy only murmured, “Shush,” as he kissed her. Indy forgot about anything but the feel of his cool lips on hers, and the heat of his body as he held her tightly against it. White hot pleasure shot through her from her tight, hard nipples straight to her already dripping pussy and she wanted every inch of him pressed against and into her. Her hands slid into his hair and she pulled his mouth onto hers. His tongue was insistent, her moan lost inside his as he kissed her hard.
Cordy slowly unbuttoned her tight black shirt, revealing her soft stomach and raising an eyebrow as he saw that her belly button was pierced. His cock was straining at his fly and that was enough to make it hurt. Talk about a dark horse, were the Virtues were allowed to do things like that? “Got any tattoos?” he asked sarcastically.
“Maybe,” she whispered, her lips parted and her voice breathless. “You’ll just have to see if you can find them.”
Cordy growled, leaning over her seductively. Indy felt deliciously trapped, the pure evil of this gorgeous demon making her weak. He wanted her and that made her feel wanton and sexy...and it felt good. She looked straight into his eyes and saw her own pure lust reflected back at her. His body was red hot between her legs and she stroked her hands over his naked back, feeling the muscles rippling across it as he shifted on the bed and an involuntary moan slipped between her lips.
“Indy, I’ve wanted to do this since we first met all those years ago,” he murmured dropping tiny kisses along the edge of her lip making her gasp and buck against him.
“I think I have too,” she said. “I just refused to let myself want it.” She had never been so turned on in her life. She wanted him to take her clothes off, to feel his fingers inside her and then she wanted him to fuck her with the huge cock she could feel pressed tightly against her crotch. She didn’t even care if he was just using her. She needed him and she would do whatever it took to get him.
Indy bit her lip as his fingers teased and stroked her until her nipples were almost painful. She had known that there was a streak of good in Cordy, no matter what Serenity had said. She had just needed to work on bringing it out, and fucking hell he wasn’t just good, he was incredible. She gasped as he unclipped her bra and then moaned as his lips brushed her swollen nipples. She could feel each stroke of his tongue mirrored on her clit, as though they were hotwired. If it felt that good now, she couldn’t wait until he buried his face between her legs.
He looked up at her as though he could read her mind, then with infuriating slowness he kissed down her stomach to the top of her jeans, ripping the buttons open. She could feel the raw power pulsing through him as he slid her jeans down her legs and tossed them across the bedroom. The softness of the velvet and the cool slipperiness of the silk caressed her naked body as she raised her arms above her head, allowing him to see every uninhibited inch of her.
Cordy wondered if she had any idea how gorgeous she looked, her pale skin contrasting with the black and red of his bed. He continued his quest with his tongue until he reached her tiny black knickers.
His breath was hot against her skin, warming the sodden material between her legs as he kissed down her inner thigh. Indy couldn’t help but let out a little squeal as his nose grazed her clit and her desperate pussy clenched in anticipation of his touch. Cordy felt a powerful surge of lust, the knowledge that he was making her so wet feeding his passion. He could smell the musky scent of her as he nuzzled against her soaking panties and slowly and gently slid a finger between her soft folds, pushing the fabric of her panties inside her.
Indy tensed but Cordy kissed her, tiny butterfly kisses lingering on her clit until she relaxed. He took hold of her panties and eased them down her legs, swallowing hard as he got his first glimpse of her swollen, glistening lips. He was so desperate to be inside her he didn’t think he would be able to hold himself back. He knew he had to make her so wet that it was the best experience of her life. But all he wanted to do now was push himself inside her and fuck her ragged. Most girls loved it when you wanted them so much you couldn’t hold back. But Indy was special. This was her first time, and he had to be gentle with her. He took a deep breath and, watching her flushed face, he slowly ran his tongue from her ass all the way up to her clit, curling it around the tiny bud until Indy screamed with pleasure, her cheeks burning red as she tried to sit up and pull herself away.
“It’s OK to like that,” he said. “It’s supposed to feel good.”
“Cordy, I’m so scared,” she whispered. “I feel like I’m betraying my whole world, like I’m turning my back on everything.”
“It’s OK,” he whispered, kissing all the way up her body until he was towering over her, a wall of gorgeous, sexy demon blocking all rational thought from her mind. “You and I were meant to be. Now let me show you how great this gets.”
With that, he sank down on top of her and kissed her until she thought she would faint. She could feel the head of his cock pressing against her cunt and she spread her legs wider to give him perfect access, wrapping her arms around his back, revelling in the strength of his upper body. He was hot and he was all hers.
Cordy pushed inside her, taking it so slowly he thought he would never last more than a few minutes. The pressure of her virgin walls was so intense he had to count backwards from fifty just to stay focussed.
Indy moaned and arched up towards him. He was being too careful with her — she wanted him to use her like she’d seen in his videos. Yes, she knew she wasn’t supposed to have watched them but bloody hell, a girl needed to know about what she was up against. And now she was right up against it and it was driving her crazy with desire. She wanted to scream at him, “Just fuck me! I won’t fuckin’ break!” Then he pushed a little deeper and it hurt. She bit his shoulder and tensed up, torn between wanting to feel him fully inside her and terrified that the pain would just get worse.
Cordy stopped. “Am I hurting you?” he whispered, his teeth nipping at her neck and her earlobe.
She nodded. “A little,’ll be fine.”
He frowned but she pushed up against him, biting him again as a moan hissed through her lips. “Please Cordy, just do it. I want you so much,” she whimpered and with that he thrust into her, unable to hold back anymore. She cried out, clutching at his back, her nails leaving marks that would last until the next day. They were together at last, fucking, their bodies exactly where they were meant to be. Indy had never felt so good; nothing bad could possibly feel this incredible.
Cordy bit his lip and tried to concentrate on anything other than the fact that he was buried inside the most beautiful woman in the universe and she wanted him as much as he wanted her. She wrapped herself around him and they thrust and fucked and writhed on the bed until, with a squeal of amazed pleasure, Indy came hard. The pressure of her tight pussy throbbing around him was all it took to push Cordy over the edge and with a guttural, animal moan he unloaded his cock inside her, his balls aching as he emptied himself.
They lay in each other’s arms, panting, neither one of them able to speak. Indy stroked his face, his jaw, tucking his hair behind his ear and kissing everywhere her fingers touched. “Thank you,” she whispered.
Cordy shook his head. “No, no,” he grinned. “Thank you. That was unbelievable. You were amazing.”
Indy blushed. “I’m glad it was OK,” she whispered again. “I’ve never felt so close to anyone, Cordy. It was incredible. I really hope it meant as much to you as it did to me because I don’t think I can be without you ever again.”
“Don’t worry, baby,” he said, kissing her again and again. “I think you and me just broke some huge unwritten rule. Somehow I don’t think this is something we can just forget about. I don’t think the families are going to leave this alone.”
Indy giggled. “I think I can feel the rage coming through the air.”
Cordy held her tight. “Well you’re with me now and we’re going to take over this joint.”
Indy giggled as they wrapped their arms around each other and, with lips still kissing, bodies pressed as close as they could be, they talked about Cordy’s plans for world domination.