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When Sady arrived at the Knight's the next morning she met Harry in the kitchen and asked how the dancing lessons went. Harry gave her a dirty look, and Sady laughed. "Was that before or after the booze?"
"During- at first she was combative, then after she'd had enough to mellow slightly- which was nearly the whole bottle- it was like dancing with a life-size rag doll... programmed for self-defense," Harry said. "You need to tell her that giving her partner a black eye in unacceptable behavior."
"Why didn't you tell her?" Sady asked.
"I tried, and she went for my throat- literally. CJ intervened, and we put her to bed. I wouldn't count on a happy training atmosphere today," he warned. "Oh, no! I hear her coming. I've got business at the office today. I think Amanda needs something. Tell Matt he's got the dancing lessons from now on." Harry ran out the side door. Seconds later Sady heard his SUV roar down the driveway. Poor Harry. If he was running toward Amanda, this situation must be worse than she imagined.
"Oh, did I miss Harry?" Daria asked. "I wanted to apologize. I was feeling a little aggressive yesterday, and he might have picked up on that during the dance lessons."
Sady bit back a grin. "I wouldn't worry about it. Harry's an understanding man."
"I remember I once danced with a guy who tried to strangle me with my necklace. I snapped his leg and used the necklace on him. Is there any coffee?"
Sady's eyes twitched. Apparently, Daria's escapades weren't a big deal to her. Strangling, leg breaking, and coffee. You want some toast with the violence and that hot beverage, ma'am? For here, or to go?
After Daria ate, she and Sady went to the basement for more training. Later, looking up from her back, Sady said, "I'm reconsidering my position on firearms. This is killing me!"
"Amen, sister!" Daria affirmed. "It's too bad Morrow couldn't mix us together in a blender and pour out two women. We both be completely trained agents." She shot a look at Sady and raised a brow. "Don't pull out those beauty tips just yet. I have an idea. I'll have someone bring me to your place after lunch." She reached down and helped Sady to her feet.
"I know you're not offended because I'm running," Sady yelled from halfway up the stairs.
Daria laughed and pulled out her phone while she thought, CIA Director John Morrow? Daria Bennett's calling with a stellar idea.
It was closer to two when Daria arrived at Sady's apartment. "I worried you weren't coming for your portion of misery," Sady told her. Daria gave her a big grin. "Uh, oh. You're not only smiling, you're happy about something, Should I be worried, or have you been practicing behind my back?" Sady asked.
"I called Morrow and set him straight," Daria replied. Sady coughed and Daria continued. "He is wasting valuable time making you learn what I know and making me learn what you know. So, I proposed we work as a team on the embassy job. He wasn't happy about it, but when I told him you almost ended up in ER because of your first training session he calmed down and quit screaming. Of course, when he finds out I lied he'll scream again, but by then the job will be finished."
"So, no more lessons?" Sady asked hopefully.
"Only the fun stuff," Daria assured her. She handed her a list and told her to round up the items. "Matt's waiting to take us back to the Knight's for the fun part."
Sady looked at the list. "I see why you need these things. I know CJ doesn't stock them." She packed a bag, and Matt drove them to the Knight's.
"You wanna join the fun?" Sady offered Matt, as took her bag to the basement.
He snorted. "Working with the two of you? That's not fun, ladies, that's survival of the fittest. You two have a good time." Sady grinned at Daria and shoved Matt up the stairs.
Less than an hour later he ran down the stairs, "What the hell was that sound? If you destroy CJ's house she's going to kill you."
Sady waved a pair of pantyhose and he raced up the stairs. She snickered and asked, "What else do we have?"
After another loud bang Matt yelled from the top of the stairs. "Are you okay down there?" He slammed the door before they answered.
The next time they saw Matt, he was being escorted down the stairs by CJ. Ignoring his complaints she marched him to the basement with a firm grip on his ear. "You left them all alone and unsupervised in my basement?" CJ asked him. "Take a look around, Meadows! Does this look like 'nothing' in your opinion?"
Matt gaped in awe at the mess before him. They contained it on a tarp and plastic sheeting, but it still looked like they had murdered someone. Then he turned suspiciously to the women. "Why are you wearing gloves and safety goggles? Just what did you have in that bag, Sady?"
"Beauty essentials." She looked at her list, "Hairspray, nail polish, pantyhose, acrylic nails, a multi-function nail clipper, an old towel, dental floss, a bottle of polish remover, cotton balls, and a hair scrunchie. We have experiments left. Would you like to volunteer?" Matt looked another peek the basement mess and rushed to the stairs before CJ could stop him.
CJ turned with a smile. "What are we making, ladies? I can get into this kind of cooking." They watched Daria turn the multi-function nail clipper into a lethal weapon and hand it to CJ for testing. CJ turned with a growl of exasperation when she heard footsteps on the stairs. Harry accompanied Matt.
"Redecorating?" Harry asked his wife with a raised brow.
"Not, yet. So far these two have been having all the fun!"
"What, in the name of all that is holy, have you been doing?" Matt asked.
"More lessons!" Sady said excitedly. "We've combined them. Self defense plus beauty products equals..." She waved her arms around at the basement.
"Do these lessons have a purpose? Other than creating a mess?" Harry asked.
"We're making improvised weapons," Daria informed him. "You two are just in time for the hair scrunchie castration. Would you like to watch?" The men winced, and the women chuckled.
Daria held up an acrylic nail. "Sady can use one like a knife now."
Sady held up each item and explained. The pantyhose? A snare. The hairspray? A flame thrower. The nail polish? A shrapnel grenade. The comb? A shiv. The frayed towel? It provided string for a garrote. Polish remover, with a cotton ball plug, and a dental floss wick? A Molotov cocktail. "Daria is showing an alternative use of the hair scrunchie next," Sady grinned.
"Call us when it's over," Harry suggested. "You women have gone wild... and Morrow expects me to explain how it happened!" He looked at Matt, "Do you know what went wrong?"
"Yeah, you put too many crazies in the same room," he said, ducking behind Harry for safety.
"Then you can talk to Morrow later," Harry told him. "Supper in a half hour, ladies."
As they ate Daria explained the new plan. "Morrow and his counterparts are convinced it would be better for the embassy job to be a special assignment team effort."
"Who's the team?" Matt asked cautiously. Sady waved her hand with a smile. He turned to Harry and CJ. "Is John serious? If something goes wrong, there's no way to go in after them. Once they get past the gate, they're on their own!" It was quiet. "Am I the only one who's bothered by this?"
"We all are, but I have a feeling John's been outvoted by the other agencies with a hand in this game," Harry replied calmly.
"So, is anyone else going in, or is it just Calamity Jane and Annie Oakley?" he asked.
"Which is which?" Sady interrupted to ask Matt. "Are you implying I'm Calamity Jane?"
"Do the math, Sady. I'm sure as hell not going to call Daria that... at least to her face. Besides, she can use a gun... accurately. I suppose you volunteered for this special assignment," he said in exasperation.
"It beats getting abused in the Knight's basement for the next couple days," Sady replied. "Besides, all I have to do is provide distraction at the embassy. Daria has the dangerous part. She's going after the flash drive."
"And you both have to make it out, with the flash drive," Matt reminded her. "That's the most important part, don't you think?"
"Oh, don't poop on the lawn! We'll have each other's backs," Sady said confidently. Matt shook his head in disbelief.
"Well, our lessons aren't completely over," Sady continued. "Tomorrow we're shopping- yes, Daria, we are- for the embassy event. Does anyone want to come with?" They all snorted, including Daria. "Your loss," Sady teased. "What time do you want me to pick you up tomorrow, Daria?"
"11:59 PM," she snarled. "I don't like shopping, so you get one minute."
"Do you want a dress where you can secure that flash drive, or not?" Sady asked.
"Fine," she gave in with a sniff. "Make sure you plan it for the slowest shopping time of the day or I won't be responsible for the consequences."
"Mid-morning," Sady replied. "Unless you plan on spending longer than two hours. If so, then it's best to go in the early afternoon."
"Did you say two hours?" Daria asked in horror. "That includes drive time, right?" Sady smiled and didn't respond.
Matt couldn't resist poking fun at Daria. "Shopping, and a road trip in Sady's Mustang? Morrow better have a backup plan because if you're not a man she'll make one out of you by the time you return from the drive. The episode in my truck was a stroller ride compared to Sady in her Mustang."
"I think one of the guys should come along. We need a man's opinion on the clothes," Sady suggested to Daria.
"Good luck with that," Matt scoffed. "Even if you promised to parade in the buff I'd be too sick from the drive to appreciate it. That Mustang should be a registered weapon when you're driving."
"Fine, we'll take your truck," Sady offered, looking innocent. He shook his head with a grin, and she shrugged with a smile.
Daria dragged her feet and complained, "How much longer? How many more stores do we have to walk through? Can we get something to eat? No one warned me a high energy breakfast was necessary for shopping!" Sady laughed at her, and Daria returned it with a grin. "I know I sound like a kid, but come on! Does this ever end? Are we lost and required to shop until we find an exit? Or, is this place like one of those Chinese finger trap puzzles? The more you try to get out, the tighter you're trapped?"
"How about if we put our bags in the car, then come back and eat at the food court? We can figure out what's left to buy while we eat lunch."
Daria gave Sady an incredulous look. "I never figured you beauty queens for stamina, but I won't be outdone by a baton twirling librarian. Let's go." She laughed at the look on Sady's face, and teased, "Where's that famous smile?"
"You're good with the surprise offensive," Sady replied. "In return, I will plan to attack you when you aren't expecting it, okay?" Looking surprised, Daria shook her head, then Sady grinned. "We're even."
They talked as they neared Sady's Mustang in the lot. After putting the bags in the car, they turned toward the shopping center. A van screeched to a stop beside them and three men hopped out. "Watch the blonde chick," one of the guys said. "She's the dangerous one."
Sady turned to Daria, "Ha, ha! Another good one. Okay, I'll show you what I've learned." She dropped her purse and attacked a guy. He went down yelling, "You said the brunette was a pushover."
Sady turned to Daria and watched her taking on two men. "That was nice of you to give me the easy one," she said, just before a bag went over her head. "Is this a joke?" she yelled, as she was shoved into the van. Someone grabbed her and bound her hands. A small item landed by her, which she assumed was her purse.
The big thump that landed on her other side was definitely Daria. Well, they didn't break her mouth, Sady thought. She heard a lot of cursing, and more thumps. "Hey, guys. Who put you up to this?" Sady asked, still thinking it was Daria's idea. "Daria, are you there? Did you plan this? I get the point, and it's not funny anymore."
"Someone shut her up," a gruff voice commanded.
Sady felt fingers at her throat and she whispered, "Sorry." The fingers eased off, and she gave a sigh of relief. Daria wasn't speaking, and Sady followed her lead. She now realized this wasn't a joke. None of their friends would take it this far. A foot nudged her gently and she let out her tense breath, grateful she wasn't in this mess all by herself.
The van drove long enough for Sady to lose track of the turns and passing time. When it stopped, she couldn't hear the hushed conversation taking place outside. The side door soon opened, and they pulled her out of the van. A man said, "The blonde's feet and hands stay bound at all times. One of you will carry her while another keeps a gun pointed at her friend." Sady felt a hand on her arm and a gun in her side as they led her.
The building they entered sounded abandoned. They walked a short distance, then turned to enter a room. They seated Sady on a chair, then they bound her hands to the chair, and her feet. She could tell the same thing was happening to Daria. Then, their captors zip tied the wooden chairs together, so Sady and Daria were back to back. The hoods were pulled, and they locked the door from the outside.
"Are you okay?" Daria whispered to Sady.
Sady nodded, then shook her head to clear it. "Yes. How about you?"
"I'll be better when I beat them into submission," she said in a low voice. "Sady, can you reach my hands?" Sady's hands were zipped to the sidebars on the back of her chair, and she had almost no movement. Daria tried reaching Sady's hands and found hers bound together to a center post on her chair. She had a few choice words to say about the situation.
"What just happened?" Sady asked.
"I'd slap your head if we weren't tied up," Daria replied.
"Well, pardon me! Kidnapping isn't in my usual routine. I thought you might know why we've been taken," Sady hissed.
"How should I know? Did you hear them say anything to me that you couldn't hear yourself?" Daria snapped.
"Only that you were the difficult one," Sady boiled.
"If you hadn't forced me into shopping hell, I wouldn't have been so distracted when we were attacked. It wouldn't hurt you to take a few more defense lessons. You weren't much help," Daria complained.
"Hey, I took a guy down, and you're the one who called a halt to the lessons- because you couldn't keep up with your end of things," Sady accused.
"These guys aren't the only ones in line for a butt kicking," Daria threatened. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she asked when Sady giggled.
"We're having a cat fight tied to chairs. Matt will never believe it," she snickered.
"Yeah, well, try to keep your voice down. I don't want them coming to check on us until I have a plan," Daria said in a lighter tone of voice. "Do you have your purse?" she asked.
"No, they kept it."
"Which means they have your cell phone, as well. I'm sure they've already shut them off." She swore again.
"Do you offer lessons in cursing?" Sady asked. "Because I'd sign up for those."
"Don't you ever shut up?"
"Now you sound like Matt," Sady said. "He always asks me that."
"I wonder why?" Daria muttered. "I need to think, so be quiet," she commanded. While Daria thought, Sady took stock of their room. It was approximately ten by twelve and there was a small window on the wall facing the door.
"What's the plan?" Sady asked when she could wait no longer.
"Escape," Daria said. "Through that window. Can you fit through it?"
"Can you reach it?" Sady asked in a testy voice. "Of course I can fit through it! So are we planning to bust the surrounding blocks with these sturdy wooden chairs as we leap, or are we busting them with our heads as we fly through the window?"
"Neither," Daria sighed. "One thing at a time. I listened the whole drive and didn't hear anything about a ransom or a deal, so I'd say we aren't up for negotiation. And we saw their faces even though it was brief. You know what that means, don't you?"
"Yeah- you're scaring me," Sady said. Daria was silent and Sady continued, "Yes, I understand what you're not saying, Daria."
"Then you know we have no idea of their timeline, and nothing to lose by trying to escape. I don't know how close the guards are, but let's see if we can hop our chairs closer to the window. We might formulate a solid plan if we can see what's outside."
"You sound like Matt again," Sady told her after they'd worked the chairs part way across the room, and one of the front legs snapped on Sady's chair. They landed sideways on the floor when it gave out, and Daria's language took a turn south.
"Use your loose leg to do something," Daria told her.
"Like what? My leg is still attached to the rest of the frame that broke loose. Would you like me to twirl it and see if I can get a nun chuck effect going? Maybe the guard won't notice us tipped over and me foot swinging a stick in his direction."
The door flew open, and the guard howled at their predicament. He called his buddy to come look, then he joined in the mirth. Sady didn't need to see Daria's face to know things wouldn't end well for these two if she got loose.
"A little help here," Sady asked. "The least you can do is sit us back upright, now that you've had your laugh."
"Okay, brown eyes, since you asked so nicely. I'll prop that broken leg up under your seat, but if you girls take another tumble, that's where you stay." The two guards righted the chairs and turned to leave.
"Hey," Sady yelled. "I have to pee, and I can't wait. Please?" She saw the hesitation in their eyes and pressed her advantage. "If I pee, and Daria gets wet, you'll hear her constant griping. Do you want that? Because I sure don't!"
"Okay, okay." The guard with frizzy hair freed Sady and escorted her to a filthy restroom. She made a face as she shut the door, then covered the seat with a shudder. A few seconds later she was interrupted by knocking on the door.
"Hey," she yelled. "This is personal! Now go get my bag because I need a tampon. And hurry!" She snickered to herself when she heard the scurry of feet. One thing guaranteed to bring the toughest of guys to their knees- the mention of a woman's period or anything connected to it. From what she could determine there were only two guards on site so that was good.
There was hesitant knocking on the door. "Uh, do want to come out and get it? Or, I can just, uh, like leave it on the floor outside the door?"
Sady snapped open the door and yanked the purse from her captor. "It's about time, Mo! Tell Stash he'd better get us some food and coffee, pronto! Or this day's gonna be worse than you imagined. I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm hungry!"
Sady's offensive attack took him by surprise and he jumped back from the door like she was contagious. She slammed it shut to dig through her purse. She wasn't sure what she had that could be used against these guys, but she had to find something. The bathroom had no window, so climbing out wasn't an option. Her cell phone and Tazer were missing. No surprise there. Nail file, manicure scissors, a small can of hair spray. She knew they'd search her when she left the bathroom, but she at least had to try. She slipped the nail file into her shoe.
Now, if she could keep from impaling her foot, she might get a chance to use it, although she couldn't imagine how. Maybe she and Daria could come up with a plan. The pounding on the door wasn't so hesitant this time. Sady pasted an irritated look on her face and whipped open the door. She shoved her bag into the guard's stomach with all her might.
"Oof!" he yelled as he grabbed his gut. "Let me guess- you've got concrete in there," he said sarcastically and she gave him a lethal glare. He didn't put her back in the room. Instead, Sady stood outside the locked room and waited while the guard watched her. When the second man, returned with food, Sady's guard Mo ordered him to give Sady a pat down. He set the food on a small table and peered at Sady reluctantly.
Sady turned in his direction with her hands up and her brows down. "Watch the crotch, Stash," she warned. "There might be some leakage because I didn't have a tampon. All I had was a panty liner."
Stash looked scared and lightly patted her outer arms and legs. Sady took advantage of her situation. She narrowed her eyes and made a faint hissing sound. With a wheeze of fright he bolted from the room. Who knew? She could have hid all the possible weapons in her clothes, but it was too late now.
She turned to the guard with wild hair. "Mo, I don't get regular PMS. I get PMDD- that's like PMS on steroids, in case you didn't know. And I have it through my whole cycle, so I'm not in the mood to be messed with! Guess what?" She narrowed her eyes angrily and hissed, "You boys are on the PMS express!"
"Like you even needed to tell us," he muttered under his breath. "This whole job is going about as well as my divorce." Sady ignored him as she sat at the table and chairs, outside the room where Daria was still a prisoner.
Stash returned and moved Daria from the small room, still bound to her chair. He dragged her chair next to Sady. "You feed her, or she doesn't eat. She stays tied at all times."
"What if I have to pee?" Daria asked with a scowl.
"You'd better pray for a bigger bladder," she was told.
One guy asked Sady, "What's with the Mo and Stash names?"
She turned wide eyes to them. "You know, like your looks? Mohawk hair and Mucho Huge-O mustache. Because I don't know your real names." She covered her titter while they exchanged a look of disbelief at her mood shift. It wouldn't hurt to keep them off balance with her comments and behavior. For now, Sady had coffee and a hamburger, so she focused on feeding herself and Daria. Harry once told her it was important to keep up her strength in any situation and she planned to do that.
While she ate, Sady pondered the situation. So the guards knew Daria was a dangerous woman. Now, how would they know that? Her name and picture weren't in the news. Daria's job and life depended on anonymity. But these guys knew her professional reputation, and that meant they were likely sent to keep her from doing her job. After a quick glance she knew Daria had already come to that conclusion. Sady knew she was no match for the two men and Daria could not help, still bound hand and foot to her chair. So a frontal attack was out of the question. That left two things Sady could rely on; her acting skills and their fear of a woman's personal issues. She could work with that.
She slid her finger across the edge of her hamburger and swiped some ketchup. With no qualms, she smeared it on her pants, glad they were light colored and the red showed clearly. While she prepared her scheme, she gave them her 'I just want to save the baby seals' face, and they ignored her. Then, after a few more ketchup wipes, she decided it was time to act.