There’s only one name on the cover of this book, but so many people have helped me make it. My huge thanks and gratitude go to the amazing Walker Books Australia crew, especially my editor, Jess Owen, for her understanding and patience in dealing with an author with an extreme case of baby brain for most of the editing process. Thanks also to Sue Whiting and Nicola Robinson, for their eagle eyes; Gayna Murphy, for the gorgeous design; and Sarah Foster, for giving me the opportunity to take Freia’s journey further, and to Superagent Sophie Hamley, for her always-excellent advice.

I am grateful to the many organisations that make excellent, accessible information about breast cancer and its treatment available, especially Breast Cancer Network Australia, Cancer Australia and the National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre. Any errors or omissions in interpreting this information are, of course, my own.

As usual, I owe deepest thanks to David, who encouraged me through the bad patches, convinced me to keep going when it looked like I’d (literally) lost the plot and made endless cups of tea for me to cry into. I am so, so lucky.