Morgan sat at her computer and tapped her fingers on the table. From what she could tell, things had cooled off between Sarah and Bruce. All week they’d danced around each other, not even talking. But Bruce still shot heated looks at her behind her back. Time to get the ballet whore the hell out of town.
Sarah had gone out with her sister last night in some disguise, giving Morgan the perfect opportunity to dig around in the suite. And it had paid off. She’d found a letter from Sarah’s mother with a return address that was about to come in handy. Also, Sarah’s real license, with the last name, Cooper. Figures, after Morgan had just paid Pete for that information. No matter, she had what she needed. Morgan’s mouth curved into a wicked smile as she typed.
Dear Hugh and Jennifer,
I’ve found your daughter, Sarah. It’s impossible for her to hide from me. See how easily I’ve located you? I’ll use whatever means I need to get my ballerina back. Parents, siblings…Don’t worry. Soon it will all be over.
Morgan slipped on gloves, printed out the letter, and tucked the license inside as proof she’d been in the suite. Sarah would freak out. That and the postmark from the town should be enough to send her packing.
Of course, Morgan could send the note directly to Sarah, but that was no fun. Let her fear for the safety of her sappy parents and crank up the tension.
Morgan opened her phone calendar. Saturday, less than two weeks away, she and Bruce would be taking a trip to North Carolina to see a horse. That would require an overnight stay. If she timed it right, the letter would arrive while they were gone, and Sarah would leave when Bruce wasn’t around to stop her. Morgan had plenty in mind to keep him busy on their trip. He’d never be able to resist her. No man ever had. When they returned, she could at last reap her ultimate revenge with the ballerina bitch out of the picture.
She ran her tongue over her lips.
Time to go shopping for the trip.