
This book wouldn’t have been possible without the incredibly incisive feedback of my wonderful editor, Deb Nemeth, and my amazing beta readers and critique partners, Flora, Sarah, and Lauren. I’m also deeply indebted to the brilliant Rachel McMillan who took time away from her own busy writing schedule to read the first draft of this novel. Rachel could give a masterclass in graciousness and generosity. I’m inspired by her example, and so grateful to call her my friend.

Special thanks also go to my cover designer, James Egan; to my dear friend Charlotte Robe-Hughes for French translations; to Anne Victory and Crystalle for oops detection; to Colleen Sheehan for formatting; and—as always—to my parents, whose assistance made it possible for me to finish this book, in spite of an emergency surgery and the arrival of a new kitten.

Lastly, I’d like to thank you, my readers, for sticking with me, and with this series. Your kind messages and reviews mean more to me than I can say.