“I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth.”
JOHN 14:16–17
As beautiful as they are, the mountains can be treacherous terrain. When people rely too much on apps and technology, it can lead to mishaps that range from humorously inconvenient to downright tragic. Drivers who are overconfident in their four-wheel-drive SUVs may slide off icy roads into the ditch while more careful drivers with less impressive vehicles trundle safely on their way. Hikers using online information have been known to lose the trail or get stranded in winter storms. Driving apps have taken people miles out of the way on bad roads. Visitors from out of town following GPS directions get stuck in heavy snow on roads no local resident would have taken at that time of year. There’s no substitute for local, on-the-ground knowledge. Even the wisest people can get caught by a freak storm or car trouble, but often it’s our own pride that gets in the way of asking for directions . . . or help or advice.
For just about every endeavor, there are apps, podcasts, Pinterest boards, and YouTube videos. In our high-tech, media-saturated society, it’s easy to think, I got this.
So . . . how often do we stop to pray?
Jesus promised us the most fantastic resource imaginable—the Holy Spirit. He is our Counselor, Comforter, Helper, Guide, and Advocate. He is the Spirit of truth. He is here to remind us what Jesus taught. He transforms us and He loves us. We can turn to Him anytime because He is with us and in us.
Does that mean we shouldn’t make careful preparation to the best of our ability? Of course not! But how amazing it is that at every step along the way, even when we’re digging out from under a deep snowdrift of unexpected problems, the Holy Spirit is here with God’s power to guide us, teach us, supply us, comfort us, and love us.
No app is going to give you all that.