The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the LORD are firm, and all of them are righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.
PSALM 19:9–10
Gold has always been considered precious, and the desire for it has been a powerful motivator. Some of the most colorful and familiar examples are the North American gold rushes during the nineteenth century. “There’s gold in them thar hills!” was the cry popularized during that time. Tens of thousands of prospectors streamed to the gold fields in California and the Yukon. Gold was also discovered in North Carolina, Georgia, Nevada, and South Dakota. Although some people did strike it rich panning or mining for gold, many more found the work to be dirty, strenuous, and dangerous but not profitable. Some of those who prospered most were the merchants who supplied the miners.
The Bible makes startling statements about gold—namely, that God’s decrees are more precious. Do decrees sound like dry, boring laws? They are so much more. Proverbs shows that God’s Word is the source of wisdom, the path to understanding. (See Proverbs 2.) It’s not just about acquiring knowledge, but about discovering who God is. What is He like? What does He value? How has He made the world to function? How has He designed us to function, to flourish?
It all comes back to knowing God. His decrees reveal His character. That’s why wisdom is priceless: it leads us to Him.
O Lord, I long to know You more than I long for anything on this earth. Please draw me close to You. Let me grow to know You and love You better and better.