Appendix II

Apparently Fraser’s family were a pretty bloody lot all round. He had a sister who, when he first went to sea, penned the lines below and presented them to him. This passion for verse probably indicates a bad blood line in the Frasers and no doubt the fact that his sister did this to him early in his career explains many of his later eccentricities.


Accept, dear James, from thy most anxious friend,

Some useful counsel by affection penn’d.

To my advice you’ve oft indifference paid,

Which bids me hope this last will be obeyed.

Then, my dear brother, kindly plead excuse

For every error in your sister’s muse.

First, my young sailor, let me recommend

In life’s fair spring to make your God your friend.

That Power which you in bloom of youth engage,

Will ne’er desert you in declining age.

Unto your mother every reverence pay,

’Tis God’s command her precepts to obey.

Be duteous, tender, open and sincere:

She then shall love thee, and thy name revere.

Be firm in friendshipscorn all mean disguise,

Nor suffer mean resentment to arise.

Beware of passion, it unmans the soul,

If once indulged, it never brooks control.

Temperance, dear James, I warmly recommend,

In fumes of wine too oft is lost a friend.

Trembling I charge thee, fatal gambling shun,

A desperate vice, which thousands have undone!

Oh! fly the frenzy with contempt and scorn;

Though made at night, reflection comes with morn.

Of wedlock’s state I can but little say,

For youthful hearts in general take their way:

I only raise to Hymen’s throne my voice,

That he may lead you to a happy choice.

Dear as you are—detested be your name,

If ere you bring the innocent to shame,

Or stain the honour of a virtuous race,

Or bring a hapless female to disgrace.

Scorn not their ruin—every aid pray lend,

For man was made their honour to defend.

When we’re apart—thou on some distant shore,

Think on the writer, and these lines read o’er.

They are her counsels, and with hope sincere,

She trusts James Fraser will to them adhere.

Then will his fame ever unclouded shine,

His age will brighten as his years decline.
